Hey guys! Look! Chapter 19! Yippee! And it's extra long! Now don't kill me, but this is my last chapter for this fic.. either you're sad or jumping for joy o_O. Anyway I'll shut up now.

Thanks To: Star(Thank you! ^_^ Oh but Star and Kaleb *are* real.. bwahah) electricbluecat(Yes we're mean.. roar. *blushes* Thank you ^_^) Brittany(Ron and Hermione are hardly in this fic because they're too busy snogging ^_~) Prongs, ClarKeRaVen(Here's your weekly nuttiness ^_^ te-he Hospitalized for 2 weeks? Tempting but.. I hope this is ok ^_~ DON'T BE DEAD!! :) Aliea(Oh god yes you again!!) RainShadow(Thanks for getting me past the writer's block ^_~ I love you to pieces! *huggles* oh I'm sure Crystal does too ;) whitebearwrites(Here's more Joe! ^_~)

This chapter is dedicated to RS (RainShadow) for *making* me write this chapter. (and writing some of it too.. can't say what yet though, it'll ruin the surprise ^_~) Anyway thank you so much RS! We love you! (And we dedicate .0009% of this chapter to Lichan who's bugging the hell out of me, whispering in my ear 'AND ME' So here's to you Annoying Brat)

"Wha.. the.. hell?"

Warm sunlight danced on Kaleb's face; the sun's rays winking at her, encouraging her to start a new day. She glared at it, cursing the light for rudely waking her and she rolled over only to find two pairs of excited eyes looking on intently.


"Notice how our specimen looks at 6 in the morning. Pay attention to the fizzy hair and unfocused eyes-"

"Horrible looking thing isn't she?"

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, wanting so desperately to knock her two 'friends' out so they wouldn't be able to use their arms for today's match.

She sat up quickly. *The match!* Groaning loudly at having forgotten about the horrible day that lie ahead. Potions class was damn hard enough, never mind having to really compete against the one person who made her go weak in the knees. Of course she would never tell *her* that.

She swatted Fred and George's hands away as they started to point out things like her wretched morning breath and un-plucked eyebrows.

"Tune in next time to Gred and Forge's 'The Ugliest Beast Safari'. Next Week: Kaleb brushing her teeth."

She reached over for her wand on the nightstand and muttered 'Sheariso Feminiso!'; pointing it at Fred and George before pointing it at herself.

"Waaahh!!" Fred pointed at George's eyebrows in disgust as the other did the same. "YOU PLUCK?" they yelled at each other with horrified stares.

"No I hex," Kaleb answered coolly, giving them both a groggy smile. "'Ugliest Beast Safari' ay?" she continued, looking at them with a bemused expression.

They both shook their heads, beaming proudly in spite of their eyebrow problem.

"What else have you documented me doing?" she purred in a seductive voice, creating their cheeks to flush a color that matched their hair.

Around the same time, 3 floors down and 3 corridors to the left Harry was disentangling himself from his Slytherin wonder. It was a much harder challenge then he originally thought.

Carefully he pulled his arm away from Draco waist, causing the other boy to mumble and latch onto him tighter. Harry rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile. Such a simple action meant so much. Although Harry knew he would never admit to it, Draco needed him. It was a feeling beyond love and want; it was desperate wanting *need* that made Draco continue to see him regardless of the fact that he could be slaughtered into a million pieces by his father if word got out.

A small smile crept onto Harry's face and he leaned forward and gave Draco a warm, tender kiss. He looked so peaceful and innocent just lying there. Harry didn't even attempt to hold himself back as his tongue swept across Draco's bottom lip. And to his surprise, he felt Draco lips move against his own. He was kissing him back. Wait a second..

Harry opened his eyes to see Draco's closed. The little bugger was still asleep! Harry giggled against his lips. "This is weird," he thought. "But so fun. So, so, so fun. Oooh I didn't know tongues could do that!" And Harry moaned despite the fact that initially he didn't want to wake Draco up. Too late.

"Harry as much as I like waking up to you ravishing my mouth, I need sleep and air."

Harry felt more then heard Draco and he pulled away sheepishly against his will. "I believe *you* were kissing me back."

Draco chuckled and yawned, stretching out his arms. "Too true. So what made you stop?" And he cupped Harry's face in his hands and pulled him back down, lips meeting lips in another searing kiss.

Moment later Harry pulled away, preventing anything else that would occupy him from the quidditch match that was a few hours away. "We should go," he murmured as Draco sat up, his arms linked behind Draco's neck.

"Get off me then," Draco poked at Harry's leg.

Harry reluctantly got up and mumbled a "I didn't know how fast you wanted to get rid of me" as he straightened out his robes and Draco put his on.

"Oh but Harry, you've got to be kidding. Get rid of you? I could never." And Draco watched as Harry blushed slightly.

Draco threw him a wink as he opened the door and stepped out. "Good luck Harry," he said quietly, sincerity flashing briefly in his eyes before he walked out of sight.

Harry smiled, his lips still tingling from their latest kiss and he whispered, "Good luck."


"Wizard? What the hell."


"Arg." *grumble* *sheets getting moved around as someone rolls over*


"All right! All right I'm up!" Star brushed her hair back, sitting on the edge of her bed and glared at her black cat. "Jeez Wiz, what's so special about today?" And rubbing her eyes she remembered that today was the infamous Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match.

"So is that it? You wanted me to get up early so I can brood on the fact that I have to fucking play quidditch against Kaleb, is that it? Is that why? Is it because I get to see Harry and Draco act all lovey dovey off the field before and after the game? Is it because you want *me* to act lovey dovey with some freakin Gryffindor I couldn't care less about? Huh is that it!?"

Wizard trotted over to his empty food dish and nudged it toward her with his nose.

"Oh I, uh, see what you mean," she stated lamely, getting up to fetch him some breakfast.

At eleven o' clock all quidditch players from opposing teams found themselves in the team changing rooms, getting showered, changed and warmed up for the match ahead.

Kaleb threw Harry a disgruntled look from her spot on a bench as she pulled on her leather quidditch gloves and he walked into the room.

"Oy Potter!"

He swiveled toward the voice and smiled at Kaleb. "Hey"

"C'mere let's. chat" She patted the space of bench next as a friendly gesture.

He raised an eyebrow and walked over while pulling his scarlet quidditch robes on. "Last time you said that you wanted me to drug Draco so he couldn't play."

"Yeah heh heh about that," she scratched her head and looked at him; unsure of the question she wanted to ask. So she was silent for a few moments.

"What do you want Kale? No offense but we are playing in," he checked his watch, "half an hour so I really do need to pump the team up. They look half dead."

"Are you going to go easy on Draco because of your relationship with him? I mean," she continued seeing his stunned face, "It's understandable, really. But it can't happen Harry. You still are a Gryffindor and we still need to win the House Cup, relationship or not."

After a few moments he smiled and looked at her with honest green eyes. "We worked it out. The moment we step onto the field, we are no longer Harry and Draco the couple. We are simply opposing housemates playing an important game of quidditch. Second the snitch is caught, the game is over and so is the deal."

She smiled widely and hugged him, letting out a few laughs of relief. "Oh boy, you think of everything don't you? You had me worried for a little while. As much as I like Draco we need to crush him like a bug."

His smile wavered slightly at these words. "Same goes for you Kaleb" he spoke quietly into her ear, his words paced and even.

And he let go of her, sending her a reassuring smile over his shoulder as he took a few steps into the middle of the room and scanned the area.

"All right team. Listen up. This is it. *The* match. Take no mercy; give no mercy. This is a game that does not let you forget your mistakes."

"Is this where you take on Wood's old speech of 'Catch the snitch or die trying'?" Fred piped in, looking amused at his captain.

"Or we all miss the match because you talk us to death." George countered just as amused as his mirror image.

"Ohh Oliver Wood," Kaleb chimed in with an awe-struck expression, speaking for all the girls when she said, "I'd ride his-"

"Guys!" Harry interrupted, looking pointedly at the three of them, who were now looking at him with identical expressions of 'Who? Me!?'.

And so he continued to ramble on for a good 15 minutes without any more interruptions about strategy, quidditch, and most of all winning.

Madam Hooch's whistle cut his speech short, and he stopped and looked at them with a grim expression. "It's time."

And soon both teams found themselves walking onto the pitch. Kaleb, Fred and George were screaming and yelling all the while attempting to pump the team up and shatter the foreboding silence. Star watched them at Draco's side and looked away with disgust. This was supposed to be serious damnit!

And then the captains were shaking hands (and if one were watching carefully it was a short, gentle handshake) and Madam Hooch had signaled them onto their brooms. One whistle. They were off.

"And chaser Julia Heckler from Slytherin takes the quaffle down the center and- oh! Nice bludger work from Fred, George, hell who knows. Kaleb Okun takes the quaffle, passes it to teammate Jane Bosveld who tears up the side, passes it back to Kaleb and-"

Kaleb's quidditch mind was in full gear. She put all thoughts of 'You're going to show Star up! Woo!' aside for now. A quick fake to the right, left, right again and score. Kaleb flew in a tight circle in front of Star, punching the air and causing the other girl to scowl.

"Scooorreee!! Gryffindor up 10-0," Lee Jordan's gleeful voice boomed through the air. Harry gave Kaleb a thumbs up and continued to watch for the snitch and Draco.

And the crowd watched as Slytherin scored 40 more points while Gryffindor scored 90; Kaleb scoring 70 out of that 90 and Star blocking 5 of her other shots.

Kaleb was now scowling while Star had something like the ghost of a smile flittering on her face. Karen, her other fellow chaser, passed her the quaffle and Kaleb tore after the posts. She flattened herself on her broom to dodge a bludger sailing her way. She was in the keeper box now. She faked to the right, spun around and threw the quaffle at the last hoop on the left and- it was blocked! Star sent her a triumphant look, hanging onto her broom with only one hand and one foot to make the save.

Kaleb cursed inwardly and milled around near the box, not daring to go to the center of the field. Fred and George seemed to be having a lot of fun hitting the other team with the bludgers.

And then everything went in slow motion. Kaleb watched as Karen and Jane passed to each other and made it up to where she was. They passed it to her, she passed it to Jane and Star's eyes were focused on the quaffle all the while. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a bludger hurtling in her direction. *Their* direction since Star was virtually behind her.

Move: let Star get hit. Stay: be hit and certainly be out of the match. Move. Stay. Move. Stay. Move. The bludger was moving closer with every thought, one second away. She had to make a decision, an easy one at that.

*Crack* With a sickening sound of bone being crushed and a short cry of pain Kaleb was clutching her broom with one arm, her other one hanging limply by her side. She hadn't moved away.

She heard Harry fly over to her and ask her questions but he sounded so far away. She barely heard the crowd screaming at her. Everything started spinning and soon she was seeing black then color, then black again. During one of the colored moments she looked directly at Star, who looked paralyzed, sitting rigidly on her broom with her mouth as wide as her eyes. Then everything went black.

Star watched as Harry caught Kaleb before she let go of consciousness and flew her down to the ground. She watched as her form was being taken on a stretcher and was strapped down. She watched as Madam Pomfrey magicked it to the Gryffindor changing rooms.

Then she realized she wasn't breathing. She'd been holding her breath all the while and with a large gulp of air she felt slightly better. There was only one thing in her mind now: Why?

After the confusion died down somewhat, the game resumed as a 2nd year alternate chaser was put in. It was almost pointless to play; no one had the heart anymore. Even Lee and Seamus had lost their flair for this match.

"With Gryffindor up by a mere 20 point it will all depend on who catches the snitch. Oh and there goes-"

"Lee look!" Seamus tugged on his arm and pointed at two people diving for a glittering of wings.

"Oh it looks like Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, both captains and arch enemies (This caused Star to chuckle), are neck in neck. C'mon Harry! Leave the git behind! Have him choke on your dust! Wipe the floor with his aaaaa- "

Seamus swiftly stole the mic from him and continued. "And now Harry is in the lead, no Draco, no that's Harry.. They're getting really close to the ground now. Ah. Who's got it?"

The entire crowd watched with bated breath as Draco and Harry pulled up inches before hitting the ground. Then Harry waved his fist around like mad, the miniscule wings glinting in the light and hitting against his palm.

"AND HARRY WINS!! I mean," Seamus coughed, "GRYFFINDOR WINS! With the score 260-150 Gryffindor wins! Haha take that you slimy batch of Slytherins!"

"Seamus," McGonagall's warning voice came on to the speaker. Lee instead looked at him brightly.

"Looks like my successor will do just fine."

Meanwhile, on the field:

Draco hopped off his broom, looking at Harry solemnly. "Nice catch."

Harry returned the look and nodded curtly his thanks. Then the rest of the team and the audience engulfed him, lifting him up on their shoulders. He wasn't the only one.


She grinned and waved at him with her un-bandaged arm. "I've been watching the whole time, on the sidelines. Pomfrey wouldn't let me play." At this, she pouted, but she started grinning again as she looked around. "Nice job Harry! Really! It looked really close."

And they took the next half hour basking in the glory of winning.

An hour later Kaleb could be found in the locker rooms, sitting on a bench, leaning against the wall behind it and humming. She was stretching her now mended arm out. After insisting that she was fine, Madam Pomfrey gave her a soothing potion, told her to stay there and stretch because the common room would be too crowded and Kaleb didn't want to go to the infirmary, and left. That lady did work miracles on broken bones. She mildly wondered if she did the same for broken hearts.

"Nice game."

Kaleb looked up immediately and narrowed her eyes slightly and forced herself to look at the ground. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be celebrating my injury or something?"

Star took a hesitant step forward. "Why'd you do that?" Her voice was so quiet and so remarkably refreshing because it was coming from Star. Kaleb couldn't help but smile a little.

"Why do you think?" She raised her eyes to the other girl's. The look was all Star needed; it was a good enough answer.

"Is it ok?"

Completely thrown, Kaleb looked at her. "Is what ok?"

Star sat down next to her and gingerly touched her once broken arm.

"Oh that. It's fine," came her nonchalance response.

"Good." And the Slytherin surprised her again as she felt Star *straddle* her lap, legs sliding smooth and soft over hers. Kaleb's back was pressed against the cold wall as Star kissed her with such passion, desire and *need* it made Kaleb's head spin. She regained her composure, however, and responded heatedly to the kiss.

The forcefulness of the kiss didn't subside, in fact it grew more heated, and Kaleb felt Star's fingers at the nape of her neck, massaging gently. Star pulled away and began to trail kisses along Kaleb's jawline, as the Gryffindor gasped for breath. Almost unconsciously, she tilted her head back to give Star access to the sensitive flesh of her throat. Kaleb let out a moan, and Star kissed her feverishly again.

Kaleb's arms went around the slim girl's waist and pulled her immeasurably closer. Unfortunately, her arm was a little sore. She tore her mouth away from Star's and let out a startled curse.

"I'm sorry," the Slytherin whispered into her ear, an uplifting revelation to them both. They pulled apart moments before when the need to breathe became too great.

"I read once that love means never having to say you're sorry."

Star frowned at this. "So this isn't love?"

"No stupid, it means you shouldn't say you're sorry!" Star rolled her eyes as Kaleb leaned in for a soft, tender kiss, not nearly as savage as before. It was a nice gesture giving Star a much-needed realization.

"Why me? Of all people. I just don't get it." Star shook her head and held on tighter.

"Because Star, you're special." She grinned and pushed the soft hair that was hiding her left eye and tucked it behind her ear. "You're everything I want.. the *only* thing I want. Trust me with that." Kaleb tilted her head back; a usual grin dancing its way onto her lips as her eyes locked with Star's. "Besides.. it was about time for a Slytherin victory."

RS fixed up my kissing scene. te-he I'm hopeless with snogs o_O Review review review!! And Happy New Year!!