Story Summary:

After her mother's sudden death, Bella finds herself living with her father in lonely old Forks, Washington. Depressed and confused, Bella enters a new world with her first steps into Forks High. She finds a new friend in Alice, and a mystery in her older brother Edward. What is it that intrigues her so much, what is it about Edward Cullen that makes him so different from the rest of the student body? Could it be his heightened sense of maturity? Or his dreamy green eyes? But when Bella discovers his secret, is she to quick to judge…this is the story of Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and his son Andy.


I pulled up to the large white house, symbolic in its sheer massiveness, with a nervous smile on my face. Alice seemed nice enough, and she was very helpful with the whole job situation. Babysitting for the Cullens couldn't be that bad, and if it was a way to win some sort of trust with Edward, I was all for it. I parked my truck, hopping out and hearing the familiar 'click' as I locked the cabin doors.

I walked timidly up to the front door rapping on it quietly and ringing the doorbell once. I heard muffled voices and movement, before Alice appeared a huge smile tugging at the edges of her cheeks. I returned the gesture as she pulled me into an astonishingly tight hug.

"Bella!" She greeted happily after removing her iron grip from around my neck. She slung an arm around my shoulders grabbing my bag and setting it the nearest closet.

She led me past the foyer into a beautifully brilliant white and glass room. It seemed as if the entire north facing wall didn't even exist, there was so much of a spectacular view.

"Wow." I gasped taking a step forward as I attempted to gather my thoughts. The mere sight of this house caused me to lose all ability to form complete sentences.

"Mi casa es su casa!" She proclaimed gesturing to the expanse that was her home.

"Its amazing Alice." I complimented. She smiled with a slight nod. At least she knew how lucky she was. I think their hall closet was bigger then my bedroom…

"Bella I am so excited you decided to come over! It means a lot to the family." She grinned.

"No problem, you have been such a great friend. I am glad I can return the favor." She giggled, plopping down on the couch and patting the seat next to her.

"Esme, I am leaving for work be back around nine!" I heard rushed footfalls ascending the stairs, and turned to face the only person who could ever make a sound so beautiful.

"See ya soon big bro!" Alice called flipping through a fashion magazine. Edward gave me a confused glance as he came toward me, but smiled anyway.

"Hey Bella." He greeted with a small wave before he grabbed his jacket and keys from the end table beside me and vanished out the front door.

"Andy's upstairs, he just woke up about ten minutes ago. He should be down soon." Alice said, I nodded.

Alice flipped through the channels one by one at lightening speed until she finally settled on a local news network. I heard what I assumed to be Esme's voice, before seeing a lovely woman appear from the top of the stairs. Her long caramel hair fell in soft waves around her cheeks and past her shoulders, and she held little Andy close to her as she took the stairs two by two.

She seemed to dance over toward us, she had such grace, before setting her grandson down on the floor in front of Alice.

"Alli!" Andy exclaimed happily reaching up his hands above his head. She smiled tossing the remote control onto the couch and grabbing him to set in her lap.

That's when I got a good look at this beautiful child. He had bronze hair just like his father, that unusually thick shade of deep red that befuddled even my mind, and the brightest green colored irises I had ever seen, nothing like Edward's more pronounced dark green, but a light almost lime green…he was so captivating.

"Andy, this is Bella. Can you say hi?" Esme cooed. I smiled waving an arm. He gurgled in response grabbing at my fingers.

"Hi, Andy!" I played with his tiny hands while Alice continued to bounce him in his lap.

"Be-ll-da" He pronounced, and I giggled at his name for me tousling his thick head of hair.

"I think he likes you." Alice whispered as we watched the little boy interact with me for the first time. I sighed. Finally something to smile about.


A/N: Heylo All! My name is Lauren, and this is my first all human fanfic. I hope you like the concept so far, I have the first three chapters completed and will update as soon as possible. Send me a review and tell me how much you like it!!!!