I don't own anything Naruto

I really like Vampire stories, so I decided to try and write one of my own. Thanks to eroloco. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

"I can't believe I was so careless. What was I thinking?" thought Kakashi. "I can't move What am I going to do. That idiot thought he killed me and left, fortunately for me he didn't but with the stick in me, I am unable to move."

Hearing someone walking closer to him, Kakashi closed his eyes and kept quiet, which really wasn't a problem since he couldn't move. "He's almost here, I hope I'm far enough away that he doesn't see me." thought Kakashi

Hearing the footsteps stop, Kakashi knew that he had been seen. The footsteps turned toward him and stopped just by his head.

Iruka bent down to check to see if the pale man was still alive. He looked at the stick in the man's chest and went to check on the injury. "Doesn't look like he's still alive. I should take him to the hospital and have them check him out." Iruka said not really expecting an answer.

"Don't" Kakashi said, making Iruka jump in the air. "I thought this guy was dead. How is this possible?" Iruka thought.

"But you need to go to the hospital. They can take care of you." replied Iruka

"Can't go to hospital" Kakashi stumbled out

Iruka not for sure what to do, decided to take him to his house and help him. "Alright, I'll take you to my house then. You've got to get that stick out of your chest and get the injury cleaned before you get an infection." replied Iruka

Smirking to himself, Kakashi thought "this is perfect." "OK" said Kakashi going along with it.

"Do you think you can walk?" asked Iruka

"No, I don't think so." replied Kakashi

"Alright I'll have to carry you." said Iruka lifting him up and started off towards his house. "He's heavier that it looks" Iruka thought to himself

"OK" Kakashi said laying his head on Iruka's shoulder. "Hm, he smells nice. He's going to be so nice in helping with my healing indeed." Kakashi thought laughing to himself. "I bet he tastes so sweet. I just have to get him to trust me first. That should be easy."

"Alright, we're here. I'm going to have to sit you down a minute so I can open the door." said Iruka bending down to lean Kakashi against the wall.

"Nnn" said Kakashi as Iruka let go.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" asked Iruka

"Yes, I'm fine." replied Kakashi. "Dang it, I don't know how long I will be able to hold out once he takes that stick out of my chest. So much for getting him to trust me. I need blood and his smell is driving me crazy" Kakashi thought to himself

Iruka got up to unlock the door and opened it, bending down to pick the pale man back up, walking in and back to his bedroom to lay him down.

"Alright, I'll be right back. I need to get some things before I take that out." said Iruka

"OK" replied Kakashi

Walking back into his room with the supplies in hand, Iruka went over to the bed and sat the things down on his nightstand. "Aright, I need to take your shirt off so I can see it better. I'll have to cut it off around the injury." said Iruka.

"OK" replied Kakashi again

Going about his task, Iruka started to unbutton the shirt, he grabbed the scissors and cut it open around the wound, pulling the shirt back. Grimacing when he saw the wound. "Your lucky that wasn't a couple more inches to the left." said Iruka

"Hm" said Kakashi. "His touches are driving me crazy. I'm not going to be able to hold back after he takes that out. Not just because of the need for blood, but it's been to long and his touches are sending sparks throughout my body." he thought to himself. "I'll just take as much blood as I need and that's it. Then I will leave before I do anything else."

Iruka not aware of what was going through the other man's head, said "Ok, here we go." He started to pull out the stick and reached over to get a towel once the stick was out, when a hand grabbed him, stopping him in his tracks. Startled from the grip on his wrist, Iruka looked back at the man on the bed. "What's going on. His eyes are black." he thought to himself. The next thing Iruka knew he was on his back on his bed with the other man looming overtop of him.

"You know you should really find out who your helping before you let someone into your house." said Kakashi

"Wh- What do you mean?" asked Iruka, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

"Do you believe in vampires?" asked Kakashi

"N- No, that's just a folklore." replied Iruka

"Hm, I bet I can change your mind." said Kakashi

"You mean, you're a…a..." said Iruka

"A vampire, yes" replied Kakashi "and the one that attacked me was a vampire hunter. It's a shame that he didn't complete his task, isn't it?"

"But I don't understand. What do you want with me?" asked Iruka

"Hm, well you did say you would help to heal me." said Kakashi "I need your blood."

"WHAT!, that's crazy" replied Iruka trying to get out from underneath the other man.

"Now, now. Let's not fight this. It won't hurt, to much." said Kakashi smirking

"What have I gotten myself into" Iruka thought to himself. "Please don't" said Iruka

"Hn" said Kakashi burying his nose into the others neck. "It won't hurt." looking up at the tanned face, but stopping when he saw the look in the other mans eye.

"Are you going to kill me?" asked Iruka, voice shaky

"No" was his simple reply.

Reaching up with his hand, cupping the other man's cheek, looking directly into those chocolate eyes. "What is this that I'm feeling. I've never felt like this before. I don't want to hurt him, but if I don't get at least some blood, I won't survive. And I'm to weak to go hunting. I'll just take what I need and then leave." Kakashi bending down to give the other man a deep kiss to distract him from what was going to happen next. Releasing the kiss, Kakashi moved down the others neck, making the tanned man whimper.

"Please, don……" but before Iruka could get out anymore, Kakashi bit down on his neck. The tanned man letting out a scream.

Thanks for reading!

Please let me know what you think.
