Author's Notes

And so we have finally made it through the second part of Forbidden Love! I hope you all have enjoyed the read and will come back around for the final installment.

I've really appreciated all the reviews and the favorites. I'm so happy I have a few people out there who are really enjoying the story. I'm sure Link and Kafei like it too - they need more loving, don't you think?

Now the thing about Part III is that it's still in work, unlike Part II, which I had already completed. I'm still desperately trying to finish it up but I'm afraid I'm still a little ways away from the big finale. It's longer than Part II, that much I know, and I'm thinking of making the chapters longer. What do you guys think? Should I keep them at the same size or lengthen them up? I've always felt that they're very short…I don't think it's fair to you. You wait and wait and wait and then I pop out this tiny little 2500 word chapter. But it's up to you guys.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that because I'm still writing, the wait for the chapters may be a little bit longer. I'll do my best to get them to you as fast as I can but I'm also working on my own book and I need to give equal time to both.

I hope you continue to read this story until its end.

Love you guys!