I've had this in my head for a while now…

I was going to wait to write it,

But I just couldn't resist.

Please R&R!

It's unlikely this could ever happen.

And they might be out of character for some parts.

Oh, and Alex is still in the lab as you will see later.

Disclaimer: I (tear, tear) do not own this.

It was written purely for pleasure, not for profit.

It belongs to CBS.


"Hey, here is the casing you asked for. I hope that you can get a match from this print, because I've got nothing," Calleigh said when Eric walked into her ballistics lab.

"Thanks, Natalia never got any DNA, so our only lead is this print," Eric said, because he could think of nothing else to say. Calleigh made his mind blur. She was just so amazing…

"Hey, Eric?" Calleigh asked.


"Thanks for saying what you said to Stetler earlier. When he asked me if we were sleeping together, I just was so shocked that I couldn't respond…"

"Ha, no problem." Eric though about how hard it was for him to say that they were not sleeping together and never would. It's true that they weren't now, but he sure wishes that they were. He loved Calleigh… but he knew that she didn't love him.

He was about to turn around and walk out of the door when alarms started to sound, and the lights went out. Eric tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Wha-" Eric was about to ask when both he and Calleigh's phone vibrated.

"Eric is your message the same as mine?" Calliegh asked.

"I think so. Did it say something about like: Wiring mistake…. Caused lockdown…Will last for a few hours…blah, blah blah," Eric said aloud.

"Well, I guess your stuck with me for a few hours," Calleigh said. Being stuck with Eric actually sounded great to her. But she would never admit that, not even on her deathbed.

"I' just going to hate that," Eric replied sarcastically. It was the best he could come up with.

"Aren't you sweet," the southern belle said

"So what do you want to do?" Eric said. He didn't want to spend the next however many hours doing nothing but staring into space with Calleigh Duquesne with him.

"Target practice!" Calleigh said halfway joking, and halfway serious.

"With me as your target?" Eric decided to play along.

"No, that was a joke," Calleigh said, she didn't think that shooting guns in the dark, with a lockdown happening (even though it was accidental), was a good idea.

"I know,"

"Anything you wan to do. Working with evidence now could be scrutinized in court so that is not an option…" Calleigh said. She wasn't sure of anything else they could do.

"I wasn't going to suggest that," Eric said, with a playful look in his eyes.

"What were you going to suggest?" Calleigh asked. She was very curious about why his eyes looked the way they did.

"We should play a game," he said. He didn't really care what game, but it would be better than having to diver all of his attention to not jumping on Calleigh, and kissing her, and then….

"Like what?"

" I don't know, some game that little kids play at sleepovers. The kind that past time," Eric said with a shrug.

"The only thing I did at sleepovers as a kid was truth or dare," Calleigh stated. But she did smile a little bit when she said it.

"Ok, then let's do that." Eric said. He was actually excited, he could find out some of Calleigh's secrets. But he hoped Calleigh couldn't read that on his face. But he was going to play Truth or Dare with Calleigh! He had hit the jackpot!

"Eric…" Calleigh said. She really didn't want to do that. She had never liked to tell her secrets, or do dares. But this was Eric, it couldn't be that bad.

"Come on Cal, it will be fun. It's a lot more interesting that playing "What do you want to do?"" He said with a laugh, to cover up how badly he wanted to play it.

"Ok, you're right, you start though," Calleigh said giving in. But it might actually be fun, after all, its not like somebody will be watching them…

"Ok. Truth or Dare?"

"Hmmm. Truth," Calleigh said. She didn't want to think of what Eric would make her do on a dare, so even though she didn't like to tell secrets she thought that this would be the safer answer.

"Ok…. Let me see… When is the last time you got laid?" Eric said. But he wasn't sure if he really wanted to hear the answer….

"Eric!" Calleigh screamed. She couldn't believe that he actually just asked her that!

"Ok, ok that was just a joke…. Did you read my file?" He knew the answer, but he still wanted to hear her say it….

"Yes," Calleigh whispered looking down. There is no point in lying she thought. He probably already knew because he didn't get his files…

"And what did you think?" Eric asked. He silently prayed that she would answer, in a way that he would like, that is.

"My turn to ask, wait your turn," Calleigh snapped, quickly changing the subject.

"Ok, yeah, I guess. So…?"

"Truth or dare?" she asked. She had no idea, which one Eric would choose.

"Hmm… truth,"

"What do you want most in life?" Calleigh asked. She knew it wasn't exactly a normal Truth or Dare question, but she was still curious.

"Calleigh, the questions are suppose to be fun, not serious!" Eric complained. She was going to make the game so boring….

"Evasive are we?" Calleigh said. Now she really wanted to know the answer.

Eric knew the truth, so he phrased it carefully, "To…settle down with …the right woman. My turn now, truth or dare?" He thought that Calleigh realized what he meant, but he couldn't be sure so he decided to quickly change the subject.

"Dare," Calleigh said. She didn't want to answer his earlier question, so she had to go with dare…Oh well, he wouldn't do anything to bad, she hoped. After all, they were at work.

" I dare you… to tell me what you thought about my file!" Eric said triumphantly. He really wanted to know- the answer did affect his life!

"Eric unfair!"

"It's a dare. Just a twisted one. So answer," Eric said with a sly smile to cover the anxiety he felt.

"Eric, the questions are suppose to be fun, not serious…" She used his own words against him.

"Calleigh just tell me. I need to know," Eric said as he made her face him, and held her hands in his.

"Eric… Now's not the best time…"

"It never is, Calleigh we can't ignore it forever. Now answer… it is a dare, you can't not do a dare!" He joked, once again to cover his anxiety and attempt to lighten the mood, so that she might actually answer.

"Eric. I feel for you, and we both know that. But we are colleagues, and friends…" Calleigh whispered slowly. She knew they needed to talk about it, but it was so awkward, and they were at work. He had always been interested in her, but she always hid her feelings, it was better this way she thought.

"Calleigh are you really going to let the IAB boss you around," Eric asked, knowing that she doesn't like to feel weak.

"No, Eric. I just don't want to ruin what we have and get hurt," She said, letting down some of her walls. As soon as the words escaped from her mouth she regretted saying them though.

"Calleigh. We won't ruin it. And I would never hurt you. You know that, right?" He asked, slightly offended. He would rather die before he hurt Calleigh.

"I know, but still…."

"But still what…?"Eric asked. Love was worth fighting for…. Right? He thought so at least.

"It will be so complicated," Calleigh said, but she was beginning to open up to the idea a little. Eric had always been there for her, and he meant the world to her. If they had felt this way towards eachother for the past seven years it must be true love….

"We can make it work, if you give it a shot that is," Eric said picking up on her consideration of the idea.

"Ok, but first we need to get out of here," Calleigh said. He words were serious, but her tone was light in an attempt to lighten the mood. Then she leaned in towards Eric and pressed her lips onto his.

Eric was shocked at her move, but he was not going to object. He pulled her closer to him, and held her tightly against him. Calleigh began to rub his back, and pull him down, closer to her height. But each of them was running out of breath, and so they pulled back to breathe.

"More truth or dare?" Eric suggested once he had gotten his breath back.. He tried to keep the mood light just like Calleigh had. But on the inside he was doing back-flips! I can't believe she said yes, he thought to himself! He even pinched himself to make sure that this wasn't a dream! It defiantly wasn't!

"Sure. It's my turn to ask though," Calleigh stated as she leaned against the table that Eric stood near, and then winked at him. The kiss had felt soooo good. She had no regrets, surprisingly, about opening up to Eric, or agreeing to give a relationship a try with him. Damn, he was good! Her knees were weak, and her lips still tingled!

"Ask away,"

"Truth or dare," Calleigh said. She had good ideas for each, so it didn't matter to her how he answered.

"I don't care, you chose," Eric said. This was good. It gave her a chance to ask him whatever she wanted, or make him do whatever she wanted.

"Ok, your truth is…. What turn's you on?"

"Hmmm, you took the fun idea to a new level. Specifics or general?"

"Both," She asked with a mischievous grin.

"Being stuck in a ballistics lab with a girl that loves guns," he said with a wink.

"Oh, I see. Anything else?"

"Everything about you, especially your ass though." Eric said with a smile as he rubbed her thigh and got closer and closer to her flat ass…

"Good to know," Calleigh said with a laugh. Then she sat down on a table, and Eric sat next to her. She leaned in and might have enjoyed the contact a little more than she would with another "colleagues." Oh well….

"What turns you on?" Eric asked, completely forgetting to ask truth or dare.

"I was going to say truth anyway so I'm not going to get made at you for forgetting to ask that. You know me too well…" Calleigh said. But she wouldn't have minded a dare that much either.

"Oh, right, sorry. Will you answer?" Eric asked slightly impatient

"A certain Cuban diver, and Cubano coffee…" Calleigh admitted, as she kissed Eric's neck.

"Good to know," Eric said, purposely repeating what Calleigh had said earlier. This caused her to laugh, and her laughter made Eric smile. He loved the normal Calleigh, but this outgoing, loose side of her he could definitely adjust to. "Hey Cal, we can stop this if you want. I'm not sure what else we'll do though…"Eric said.

"Sure, we can stop. But we did play another game at sleepovers. It's called 'Would You Rather.' But now we tend to up it a notch, by actually doing what we would rather do…"

"That sounds VERY entertaining… after all we have plenty of time…." Eric said with a devious smile.

"Would you rather…" Eric began to ask.

I hope you like this!

Sorry for the Cliffy…

The next chapter is going to be funny,

And the third will involve the team…

Please Review,

The reviews keep me writing!

~ Katherine ~