It's funny. Laying here in the back seat of his care under an unnecessary about of blankets. I'm… peaceful. Ugh. And there he goes texting me again. Maybe I shouldn't answer. Nah, then he would just try and sneak out to see if I was ok. I don't know why he's worrying so much. His car is locked. And his windows are everything proof since his WAY too over protective psycho mother bought the car for him. There's no possible way anyone could break in. Though I must admit. Its kinda nice having some one really worry for once, at least since Carly decided to go to that out of state college. I really miss her.

This car… it reminds me of all of the lowest points In my life, yet… its just that, that makes me feel so… at peace.

When I was dating that guy and he… Tried to… go farther then I wanted to… he almost… of course he ended up with a broken leg but it was in this car that Freddie pick me up when Carly didn't answer her phone.

When my Prom date stood me up, It was Freddie who pulled up at my door to make sure that the 'rare opportunity to see Samantha Puckett in a dress' wasn't passed up.

When I thought I was going to fail English and not graduate with the rest of my class, it was in this very backseat that Freddie sat helping me study for our final.

When my mom didn't want to come to the graduation ceremony early it was Freddie who drove me there.

And when she forgot to come entirely it was he who drove me home. But not before stopping at All-You-Can-Meat for a celebration dinner, his treat.

When I flunked out of college he came and picked me up. He drove me to his dorm when my mom refused to take me in and even though he could of gotten in A LOT of trouble. He let me stay there with him. At least until now when his perverted room mate had to go and tell on us. I kinda want to tell Freddie that it was him who told, That he did it because he got mad that I wouldn't sleep with him… but, I don't know. I just don't want to say that out loud. I'm not sure why. Doesn't matter I'll get back at him tomorrow. Perhaps I'll pull a classic and run his underwear up the flag pull. But I think I'll add a twist… like perhaps he should still be wearing them. Hahahah, Oh yah that's what I'll do. Whats that? Is Freddie…

"Look I know you can protect yourself, probably a lot better than I could protect you but still… I would just feel better if I stayed out here with you, I can just curl up in the front seat."

"Well its better than you texting me every five minutes."

"Sorry… Sorry about… everything… this whole thing… I'll figure out something tomorrow I promise. You'll have a bed to sleep in tomorrow. I'll make sure of it."

"I really don't mind you know."

"Mind what?"

"Sleeping here… if I had too for a while. I wouldn't mind. It's… peaceful."