Lord Jashin Follower: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or Harry Potter.

15 year old Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, walked down the train station, people pushed and bumped into him as they passed in a hurry. His long blond hair was pulled back in a tight braid, the long red jacket followed behind at his heals.

Wide golden eyes filled with wisdom not made for the age of fifteen looked down at the ticket he held in his hand and then walked over to where the platform for the train he was to get on.

Platform 9, platform 10? Where's the platform I'm supposed to get on? Edward looked around for the platform but could not find it. He sighed and walked over to a police officer,

"Excuse me but do you know where I can find platform 9 ¾?"

"Platform 9 ¾? There isn't a platform 9 ¾. Although some kids have asked about that...I'm starting to wonder..." the man replied, curiosity was clearly on his face.

"No, platform 9 ¾? Are you sure? I have the ticket right here." Ed said.

He showed the man his ticket, the man took the ticket and looked at with wonder.

"sorry but I've never seen a platform 9 ¾ and I've worked here for 6 years." the man handed Ed back his ticket. The young alchemist sighed,

"well thanks" Thanks for nothing.

Edward walked over to a bench and sat down. This was all colonel bastard's fault!! He had sent Edward on this stupid mission to protect some kid at this 'magic' school... uh... hogwarts was it?

Ed had only agreed to go because there was information on the philosophers stone, and Mustang hadn't told him that Al couldn't come. Apparently Al being a huge suit of armor would draw a lot of attention. Ed felt a hint of sadness as he thought of his younger brother.

Al had seemed so happy when Ed told him he found a new lead on the philosophers stone but became sad when he was told that he couldn't come. It crushed Edward's heart when he had told Al how long he was gong to be gone.

An entire year! Good thing there were breaks when Ed and Al could see each other. He remembered the last conversation he had with his younger brother before Hughes drove him to the train station.


"Promise to write often, Nii-san?" Al questioned his older brother.

The stood outside Central, Hughes stood by with the car, watching the world's closest brothers say the goodbyes for a while. Sunlight glinted off of the metal that was Al

"I promise Al... I'm really going to miss you."

If armor could cry, Al would be close to tears.

"I'm going to miss you to, Nii-san." Ed nodded, he turned his head to a girl who seemed to be the same age.

"See ya later Whinry, you and Al stay out of trouble"

The girl, Whinry, nodded he head in understanding. The youngest state alchemist ever turned to the car and was about to step in when he stopped and turned around. Ed looked up at his younger brother, at the armor.

It was his fault his soul was trapped inside an unfeeling body. Ed had made a promise that he would not brake.

"Al, just because I have to go on this mission doesn't mean that it will slow me down in returning your body back to normal."

"Nii-san, you will be the one we fix first. Automail is bad for your body." Al said, concern etched in his voice.

"See you soon little brother" Ed said as he climbed into the car, Hughes standing by.

The car started up and drove down the road. Whinry walked up next to Al, she was here to take him back home where he would stay until Edward came back. As the car that held his older brother disappeared in the distance Al whispered

"See you soon Nii-san"

Ed watched as Al, Whinry, and Central disappeared as the car rounded a corner.

"You're going to keep trying to get his body back while your at this school" Hughes stated, it wasn't really a question.

"I can't just stop when Al is like that." his left hand grabbed the automail that was his right

"I swear on the blood I spilled and this arm and leg I'll return him back to his body."

Hughes looked back at Edward through the mirror, he saw what almost no one ever saw. A single tear slid down Ed's skin, leaving a wet trail of salty water on his cheeks.


Al has always been the one that put others before himself. A lot of people said that Ed was like that too, but he couldn't see that. The young Major looked around and then pulled out his pocket watch. The military symbol sat on the front. Ed flipped it open and caught sight of something sketched inside.

Don't Forget 3. Oct. 11.

Ed sighed as he looked at the time. The time... the train left in half an hour! How was he supposed to get on a train that wasn't even real?!

"Yes, have you seen someone by the name of Major Edward Elric?"

Ed's neck snapped as he quickly turned his head at the familiar name. Edward looked over and saw a tall women. Her hair was held up in a bun, brown outlined with gray from age. She looked old but she didn't seem to act it. Her eyebrows were raised to a point on her serious face.

She probable has all those wrinkles because she keeps her face like that. The young alchemist snickered to himself.

"Is there something the matter young man?" the old lady turned on him.

"N-no ma'am, I just heard you say my name and all..." the lady raised her eyebrows even higher.

"Your Major Edward Elric?"

"Yeah, uh... is there something wrong?"

"No, I just thought you would have been... well... older..."


"W-wha?" the lady was taken back by Ed's outburst.

Some people stopped to stare while some people just glanced up then went back to their own business. Ed quickly realized his mistake.

" Ah! Gomen-kudasai" (1) the lady's face was now scrunched up in confusion.

"S-sorry, I speak Japanese... sorry for the outburst, I'm not happy about my height..." she nodded understanding.

"Well, I'm professor McGonigal, I teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly. Headmaster Dumbldor would have been here himself to get you to the train but he is a very busy man as you can imagine." the lady, Professor McGonigal, said.

"Yes, ma'am" Ed replied, truly understanding.

Ed sighed again, he knew this train ride was going to be long. He looked around the almost empty compartment, only a blond haired girl, who had introduced her self as Luna Lovegood, was here. The lady McGonigal had got him through the passageway and then onto the train. The thought of the brick wall made Ed stop. How was it possible to run through a solid wall.

It was probably being held open by alchemy. She said she was not going to ride the train and that she would meet him at the stop at Hogwarts.

"May we sit here?"

Edward and Luna looked up. Standing in the half open sliding door stood five people. Three boys and two girls. One boy and a girl both had fire red hair and freckles. They were obviously related.

They boy standing between them was medium hight with black hair. He had glasses on, the a scar on his forehead stuck out against his pale skin. A brown bushy haired girl stood next to the red hair boy. Her brown eyes seemed to quickly scan him, taking in all the information she saw.

Edward could tell right away, that she was very brilliant. Standing behind them all was a short dark brown hair boy. In his hand that didn't hold one of his bags, was a toad.

"Sure, there's plenty of room." Luna answered, Edward nodded with her. They all smiled and piled in.

The red headed girl sat next to Edward. The guy with the scar sat next to bushy hair, and next to him was the red head. Sitting next to the red haired girl was the boy with the toad. Across from him was Luna

"My names Ron Weasley, and this is my little sister Ginny." Ron said, pointing to the other red head. He lifted his right hand for Edward to shake in greeting. Edward smiled.

"My name is Edward Elric" he said, shaking Ron's hand.

"I'm Hermione Granger" the bushy haired girl said.

"Nevil" said the toad boy.

"And as my brother already said, I'm Ginny."

"It's nice to meet you all."

Ginny and Luna smiled before going off into a conversation about something or another. Edward paused, noticing the boy with the scar had not said his name.

"What's your name?" Ed asked him. The boy looked up startled

"You mean you don't know his name?!" Ron particle yelled

"How am I supposed to, he never said his name" Everyone stare at him.

"What?" Edward asked, generally confused.

"You don't know who Harry Potter is?!" Ed shook his head no.

"The Harry Potter, destroyer of You-Know-Who" Suddenly Edward remembered

"Oh, you mean the one who survived the killing curse from Voldemort."

Ron gasped, Nevil looked scared, Ginny and Luna paled.

"Y-You said his name?!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with his name. It's just a name."

"Most people are to afraid to say his name" Harry had spoken up at last.

"You know, I don't remember seeing you at Hogwarts before. What house are you in."

Edward quickly scanned the document Mustang had given him in his mind.

"I'm a transfer student from Japan. I don't know what house I'm in yet." Ron looked confused

"You mean your school didn't have houses?"

"Nope, we all were one big house I guess." Edward answered.

"Strange" Nevil said.

"Not really" Ed said, thinking back to everyone and the military.

"So what year are you in?" Hermione asked politely.

"Fifth Year." Edward stated. They all looked strangle at him.


"Well, I thought you would have been in third year, mate." Ron stated.

Hermione's hands shot up to cover his mouth, but the damage had already been done.


Edward had jumped to his feet, anger clearly shone on his face. There was a pregnant silence. Remembering what Mustang told him about outbursting Edward quickly bowed his head.

"Gomen-kudasai, I did not mean to outburst like that" Hermione seemed to be the first to recover.

"No, it's okay. Ron shouldn't had said that. Right Ron." Hermione jabbed Ron in the ribs, hard. Ron grunted, grabbing his side and glaring at Hermione.

"Yeah, sorry mate." Edward smiled. Gray clouds loomed out side in the country. It was weird how it was sunny and then cloudy.

"Guess what I got for my birthday?" Nevil said excitedly

"Another Remembrall?" Harry asked

"No, look at this."

Nevil dug into his bag with his free hand. His toad croaked in his other hand. He pulled out a small gray cactus in a pot.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia," he said proudly. "It's really rare!"

Everyone stared at it. Suddenly, the plant spat out a putrid liquid that hit Harry straight in the face.

"D-don't worry, Harry, it's not poisonous."

Nevil said nervously. Harry spat a glob onto the floor. The door opened to their compartment they all looked over. Their stood a girl with black hair.

"Oh...hello, Harry." She said "bad time?"

"Oh... hi Cho"



Edward and McGonigal started walking. They walked past the lake. Their standing was a carriage. Two strange horse like creatures were strapped to the front. Edward eyed them before he climbed into the carriage along with his professor.

"Can you see them?" she asked, pointing to the horse things. Edward looked at McGonigal

"Yes, can't everyone?"

"No, only people who has seen someone die can see them."


They were silent as the carriage rolled forward slowly.

"Can you see them?" Edward asked before even thinking. Eyes wide, Ed stuttered to apologize.

"No no, it's okay. I saw my old professor die. She died of old age."

"Oh... I'm sorry." They sat their, waiting to get to the castle that loomed far ahead.

"Who did you see die." she asked quietly. Edward paused.

"I saw my mother die. She had an illness. I was 10."

"I'm very sorry. That must have been very hard."

"It was, and still is. After that, I had to take care of my younger brother. We were the best of friends and closest of brothers, but then their was..."

Edward's voice started to crack

"there was an accident. The accident was all my fault. He was injured and we had to leave. My dad had left years before so I had no one to turn to for help. So... I joined the military. Before we left, we burned down our house so that we could never come back. We only ever go back to visit an old childhood friend."

McGonigal looked away, but Edward caught the glimpse of tears on her cheeks. Edward looked the other way. Suddenly a coughing fit took hold of Edward. He coughed into his gloved hand. Professor McGonigal turned and looked at him worried.

"Are you alright?" Edward looked over at her.

"Yeah, I'm alright" Edward said, quickly wiping away the blood from him glove.

(1) Gomen-kudasai is a way to say sorry or ask for forgiveness.