
Before you all hunt me down like the sad child I am I want to say…I LOVE D. GRAY-MAN so I've been having these story ideas for it!! But…BUT before I get murdered it's a yaoi pairing so ladies and gentle men who hate yaoi please do not read my fanfic. Because I do not want any burning comments just because it's yaoi! Also I am waiting for inspirations for my Naruhina fanfic's so bare with me.

So for those who want to read my fanfic this is a Laven pairing which is (Lavi x Allen but in my fanfic Allen is a girl)

Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-man

Please enjoy

My name is Allen Walker; I am a 15-year-old girl attending Black Order High School student year 1. Yes I am a girl though my name is Allen, I really don't know who named me since my parents either died or left me behind…but besides that I was adopted by Mana, he was a great father. He accepted the scar on my left eye and weird left arm, he always gave me this warm cheerful smile. But until that one fateful day…the day he died my whole world went black. The only person who had cared for me died I was always known as the 'witch' or 'freak'. So my new foster father who I call Master…he is known for his debts, drinking and womanizing though he never pulled any weird perverted stuff on me. He said he rather turn gay then touch a bug like me…my dear guardian leaves me all of his…debts. So I mastered Poker and occasionally cheated BUT only if my opponent was cheating which was the majority of them. I normally dress tomboyish you know hoodie, baggy pants and such. Even for school I wear the boys uniform…I've never been very comfortable wearing a skirt. It only gives guys an excuse to stare, though I doubt that anyone would want to stare at me… I looked at the clock, "7:45" I shouted putting on my shoes and rushing out the door. When a gold tail slapped me in the face. "Timcanpy what are you doing here crap I don't have time for this!!" I shouted taking my bike and pedaling as fast as I could. When I almost crashed into some of my senpai's. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!" I heard one of them shout at me.

"GOMEN," I shouted back when I reached the school with a minute to spare. I rushed to the inside of the building when apparently fate had something against me when I crashed with the toughest senior…Kanda Yuu. "Sorry," I said rubbing my nose getting a glare from the Japanese boy. Though from far it's hard to tell that he is a boy with all of that long hair.

"Ch'e watch where your going moyashi," he said so stern. ….

"MY NAME IS NOT MOYASHI IT'S ALLEN!!" I shouted and that bastard just turned around and walked away. I swear idiots like him are ugh, The bell rung so I had to rush to Biology. I was the second smartest kid in the school, one of my senpai's I think Lavi Bookman was his name…well he was the smartest of us all. I wonder what kind of person he is. Class went by pretty fast when the bell rang my best friend Lenalee got me in a bear hug. "Morning Allen," she is the sanest person I've met so far.

"Hey Lenalee what's up?" basically that's how my mornings work. When I saw Timcanpy sneak out of my book bag, "Darn it Tim I told you to stay inside,"

"Your brought Tim with you he is so cute," I watched my little golden pet sit on top of Lenalee's head. We had art next so we always walked together.

"Hey Allen I have a question,"

"Okay what's your question?"

"Why don't you wear the girls uniform?" and from the look she was giving me I can tell she didn't want to switch the conversation.

"Well…I don't know really I guess the whole skirt thing doesn't match me," I sighed. I can tell her it's because of my left arm…that would mean more questions and painful memories. I guess from the expression I was making she stopped asking me questions; there was this heavy awkward silence that I hated so much. "Ano Lenalee?"

"Yeah," she replied, "Oh by the way Allen guess who I hooked up with a job," she grinned.

"Who?" I replied and in return she gave me that are-you-serious look.

"You! Sheesh Allen you can be a little slow for the second smartest person in school!"

"I don't know if I should take that as a complement or an insult," I smiled weakly, "So what's the job?"

"It's a secret," she grinned, "Now come on before we are late for class!" she grabbed my right arm and dragged me to art. When we enter the late bell had just rung. "Phew just in time," she said as we took our seat near the window. Today we were drawing our latest dream. Irony has its way of playing with my life, since everyday I only had one dream more like a nightmare really. It was like a recording of my past just replaying in my dreams. "Allen are you feeling okay?" I heard Lenalee whisper to me, "Your paler then usual,"

"No it's okay I'm just a little tired,"


"Okay class let's begin!" said our art sensei. The monitors handed out the canvas, paint, and paintbrushes. I honestly wasn't sure about this project…I felt my hand tremble when I replayed those dreams…those memories.

"Ano sensei?" I asked when she came around, "we don't have to necessarily draw our dreams?" I practically begged. She gave me a questionable look.

"I'm sorry but no exceptions," she said plainly moving on. Well here goes nothing I sketched out my father…Mana. His face was still painted in my memories almost as if he could just come out and give me that warm smile he always gave me. When I was done I can felt so many stares.

"My-my Allen I didn't know you were this good!" said sensei giving me a thumps up. Lenalee also gave me an assuring hug, "Yeah Allen your really good,"

"Thanks," I said I felt my face heat up. When this class was done I grabbed Lenalee's hand and ran escaping to lunch. After getting our bentos out we headed outside and sat under and oak tree. Someone threw an empty juice carton at me. "HEY WHO THREW THAT?!" shouted my Chinese friend.

"Sorry," I could've sworn that I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw the culprit. His playful red hair and emerald green eyes, though I wondered why he had an eye-patch yet again everyone has their own secrets. "Oh hey Lenalee,"

"Lavi you jerk apologize to Allen," I felt his gaze.

"Oh sorry about that Allen I've never seen you around are you Lenalee's boyfriend?" He thought I was a boy….well who would blame him I wasn't exactly girly but still

"I AM NOT HER BOYFRIEND I AM A GIRL!!!" I found myself shouting. I shut my mouth as soon as I realized my little out burst.

"Oh sorry I couldn't tell you're the first girl that I've seen in the guys uniform," he smiled, "You know you remind me of a moyashi," he smirked at my reaction.

"MY NAME IS NOT MOYASHI IT'S ALLEN jeez is every guy today calling me a bean sprout," I turned around when I heard a gasp. I knew exactly at what the gasp was about. He saw my weird scar it started as a star and then it ran down my face. When I looked him in the eye it looked like he wanted to ask me something but he didn't want to offend me.

"Lenalee I have to go it was nice talking to you Allen-chan," he smirked at me?!! While he took his leave. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. When I faced Lenalee she had this grin that made me blush darker. "W-what?" I stuttered out.

"Nothing~" she sang when we were done with our meal. The day went by pretty slow. But finally 3 o'clock meaning its time for my new job. But before we left Lenalee had made me changed she said the wearing my school uniform won't help me set a good impression. So I she gave me a skirt… and a long sleeve shirt. She said I looked cute while my expression said otherwise. I prayed that no one from school goes to this mysterious job of mine. When we arrived to our location it was a little café. The fresh smell of baked goods was roaming all over this place. I felt like I was in heaven. I noticed Lenalee walk up to the manger a young woman around her 20's I'm guessing. She had very long brown curly hair and bright green eyes. She glanced at me and gave me an approval smile. "Welcome," she said walking towards me. I can tell that a lot of men were attracted to her, since I saw a group of guys blushing as she walked past them.

"I'm the manger it's a pleasure to meet you miss…?"

"Allen Walker," I said polity. After she checked out my profile she gave me my uniform to try it on. It was a maid's outfit, with a gothic Lolita touch, with the whole furls and designs. I am so happy that she gave me a long sleeved uniform. When I came out of the changing room I noticed that this uniform was a light blue maid uniform. Lenalee came out as well. "So cute," squealed Lenalee twirling.

"If you keep smiling like that we'll have soo many new customers!" said the manger hugging her new employees.

"Ano can I call my guardian?" I asked shyly. She nodded, "thank you," when I saw my golden pet flying towards me. Thank goodness that the manger didn't see Timcanpy as I grabbed the flying creature and hid it. "Tim your going to have to stay hidden okay?" the little creature gave me a look that said fine fine. When that was taken care of I headed towards the office and dialed my home phone number. Hopefully master was there. When I heard a grumpy voice at the other end, "Hello master? I just wanted to tell you that I found a job,"

"Whatever good for you now let me sleep," he replied, I guess he just woke up, "Just make sure to bring some cake or your ass isn't coming home,"

"All right…" I answered unsure when he hung up. How did he know that I was working in a place where they make cake? "Hey Allen are you okay?" I heard Lenalee.

"Yeah I'm fine so let's begin shall we," I smiled at her.

"Good just keep smiling like that and we will got tons of customers," I smiled weakly. When I took a note pad and pen I headed towards the entrance when I notice a group of people I believe they are the Noah's. The most richest and powerful family in all of Europe…I wonder what they are doing in this side of town?

"Welcome master," I smiled sweetly at the eldest, he gave me this smirk that me made feel uncomfortable, his eyes looks so lustful.

"My dear little maid I would like a table for 3," he said cupping my chin. I politely moved my head trying to keep the smile on.

"This way masters," I said taking them towards a table. I think Lenalee saw me feel uncomfortable around this group.

"Good evening masters I'll be attending you this evening," she smiled sweetly. I whispered a thank you and made my way to a new group.

"Welcome masters," I said when I looked up and saw the same green eye from earlier today.

"Allen? So this is how you look as a girl," he chuckled. OHH If I wasn't working right now I would punch the living daylights out of him.

"Shall I bring you to a table," I tried to calm myself down as I led him and his girlfriend? To a table, "How may I help you?" I asked.

"I would like a vanilla milkshake," said the girl flipping her blonde hair I could have sworn that I saw her glaring at me.

"And I'll take a slice of chocolate cake," he smirked at me.

"Okay anything else?" I asked when I got a no from both of them I headed towards the kitchen and gave the list to the baker. I went back outside to find new customers. When the man from earlier called me over. "Is something the matter?"

"I was wondering miss if we could get some more napkins?" he was very polite…too polite he is still giving me that stare from earlier!

"I will be right back," I said heading back into the storage room and got a box of napkins, I took out a few and went back to the table, "here you go master," I smiled and taking my leave to get Lavi and his date's food.

"Took you long enough," I heard the blonde girl murmur. Damn prick, she seems to be those types of people who think lowly of others, I hate people like that.

"Thanks Allen-chan," that damn grin of his. I tried to hold back a blush, is that how a crush feels? Wait CRUSH!! NO I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!!!!

"Is there anything else?" I asked hoping there wasn't.

"No," they said. I took my leave.

~A few hours later~

"You girls did great and I happy to say that the Noah family was delighted with the service," she squealed. When we said our good byes it was time for my second job. I walked with Lenalee to her house and left immediately to the bar. Of course before I even entered that alcohol stinking store I had to man myself up. As in take a hoodie, beard, and some raggy clothing to make myself look like a bum. As soon as I entered my opponents all ready came to me dragging me to a table.

"Royal Flush," I grinned as I won for the 15th time this night. I have to say that with this money I'll be able to pay off most of Masters debts.

"How do you that?!" I heard one of the men shout.

"Sorry gents but it's getting late so see ya same time same place," I grinned bagging all of my winnings. I felt bad for them but no one told them to cheat, so it's an eye for an eye. They cheat then I cheat too, it was only fair. When something stroked me…I forgot the damn cake. I just hope that with all of these winnings I would be able to get off with a warning. When I opened the front door and took off my shoes I noticed Master sleeping on the couch, I took a blanket and I wrapped it around him. He had that strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes; I wonder why was Master like this? I tippy-toed upstairs to my room and I shut the door behind me. There was so much to reflect on that it wasn't even funny. But what confused me the most was my stupid feelings towards Lavi, it's not like I wanted to fall for him it just happened.

"Good night Timcanpy,"

~End of Chapter 1~

Hey so this is chapter 1, it's not exactly a Yaoi since I made Allen a girl. But again if anyone who read this didn't like it just because it was a Laven fanfic then please don't comment. But if you want to critique then go on ahead, just please don't flame there's a difference between flaming and critiquing. So thanks for reading, until the next chapter.
: )