Introduction to Drabbles.

Drabble: Definition A drabble is an extremely short story told in precisely 100 words.

The drabble is a specific art form, one which teaches the aspiring writer --- as well as the well-traveled author --- the perspicacity of brevity. Stories are winnowed down to their essences, no room spared for flowery prose or crutch phrases. The proper words must be chosen because no other words can be spared, and when applied correctly, true elegance is achieved. Economy of language is key.

Shorter: you learn to do more with less.

Taken from Dribbles and Drabbles by Merlin Missy

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Ok, I'm going to write 101 Drabbles in total so i'll need lots of ideas (I am hoping to do one for each character in the series, starting with Hiro.)

You are welcome to make requests, but they must be reasonable requests. I will not do yaoi or lemons or any such stuff... this is purely for humor.

They are intended to explore each character in the depth of 100 words, which is what every writer should narrow their descriptions down to when creating or writing about a character. Short, simple, to the point.

And thus I bring you .... 101 Mindless Drabbles