I edited this first chapter, since the first first original one sucked ass cuz there wasn't any--good detail and stuff like that to me. It's so weird, I post something, and then, I look through it after a month and I discover all these mistakes with lack of detail and "where is this going?" and stuff like that. So here it is...

It was in the forest where Pein found the little baby.

The self-proclaimed leader of the Rain village, he had one day decided to take a walk in the nearby forest. As a god, he was in no danger to be alone in an environment such as this. Man or beast, he would kill it swiftly for disturbing him in his peaceful state.

Pein let the rain lightly sprinkle through the boughs of the trees that stretched across the grayish sky, letting in little light to the underbrush; yet everything was green and full of life.

A presence of strong, blazing chakra washed over him, putting Pein on the guard in an instant. He closed his eyes and focused on the source.


The Rain village kage drew a kunai from his dark cloak, and backed himself to the nearest damp tree. Odd, why wasn't the intruder moving? If it knew he was here, shouldn't it be attacking, or at least changing its position?

And then he heard it:

A small, feeble whimpering cry for help from the mouth of a wounded, helpless human being. Well, he'd put it out of its misery soon enough.

Pein jumped out from where he was hiding, holding the kunai above his head in a threatening manner. But what he saw before him almost made him drop the weapon:

Lying down in the mud among the mossy tree roots was a baby girl. But not just any other baby girl, it was an angel.

A baby angel.

The poor thing was swaddled in a ratty cloth, crying its eyes out. On the pale forehead of the infant was a wound, half crusted over with blood. Pein stared silently as the red liquid dripped down the bridge of her tiny nose, past her squinted teary eyes, running down the sides of her chubby face. The small wisps of visible hair on her head were the color of snow.

As Pein watched, the angel slowly began to be soaked from the cold, sprinkling rain, making its cries much louder than before. Pein took his grey, ringed eyes off her for the moment and stared into the trees, which were surrounding them both on all sides.

"Hello?" he called out, "Is anyone here?"


He spoke louder.

"This is the Amekage speaking. I command you to show yourselves, whoever you are."

More silence still.

Pein turned his attention on the infant once more, who had now began thrashing against the cloth surrounding her, desperate to escape the tiny prison.

He hesitated for a second, but then stooped low and reached down to touch the child. He drew back instantly as a slight burning sensation seeped into his fingertips the second he touched her pale cheek.

The baby girl stopped crying immediately, staring up at him with pink eyes. Wait, pink?

A double-check—just to make sure—confirmed that indeed, she had pink eyes, bordering on a sort of magenta hue to them.

Then she began crying again—or more accurately, screaming—as the rain began to pour down harder down on both of them. Pein closed his eyes and focused again, this time on the weather.

Slowly, the raining let up until it stopped altogether. The baby angel's crying stopped again, too, once it had realized it was no longer being rained upon. Sunlight streamed in through the thick branches, completely bathing the angel and god in its shaft of golden warmth.

Pein stared at the half hidden sky above. This must be a sign; he had to take the baby, that's why the two had met in the first place. It was fate for them to meet.

The Rain kage then scooped the little bundle into his arms, this time thankfully not receiving the burning feeling like before.

The angel began sniffling and moaning in distress, shutting her eyes in protest, but he quieted her down with a few gentle wipes of blood from her face with his long black cloak sleeve and soothing words intended to keep her calm.

"Such a sweet little girl," Pein murmured as he rocked her slowly, "such a sweet little angel."

She grabbed his index finger tightly in her tiny white fist. A few blinks, and her small red eyes opened again.

She stared into his grey, ringed eyes, and her other tiny hand reached out to touch his face; Pein leaned in slowly, meeting her halfway.

Every inch of his skin that touched hers felt instantly dry, as if he had been in the sun all this time, and not standing in the rain for over ten minutes.

Then the angel opened her tiny mouth and laughed. The quiet forest was filled with a delightfully musical sound, a sound not made by anything else on earth.

Pein's mind had come to a decision right then and there. She was coming with him: he had to know more about this child, and all of her abilities.

"Let us go, little angel." He whispered to the baby. The ninja began walking, child in his arms, mindful of the mud, wet stones, and hazardous roots. He slipped his finger out of the baby's grasp, and began thinking.

"Angel," he murmured, staring straight ahead, "yes, that's it. From now on your name shall be "Angel". What do you think of that?" He asked, glancing down at the girl.

Angel didn't answer, she was already fast asleep.