Author's Note:well now, another new fanfic! Didn't I just add one? Yea, but it seems that lately I've had tons of ideas for stories and I've been writing them down as fast as I can. Anyway, this new one is pretty different from the rest, but then I always try for variety because no one wants to read the same thing, just written a bit differently. This is a Romance/Supernatural thriller. It took me some research and some careful planning to finally get this fanfic on its way. I based the legend behind this fanfic on many different one's I've read in books about ghost stories and folklore, but this story is all mine(except the characters of course!). I hope you enjoy the first chapter and can find it interesting enough to come back for more. Read on!

Heart of the Sun

Chapter 1.....

Legends are what we make them. They originate from word of mouth and usually that word changes over time into a different story, and so on and so on. The story itself always remains the same in essence, with the moral staying rooted deeply beneathe.

Legends, ghost stories, folklore, and the unknown intrigue us, they always have. They hold us captive in there magic, make us wonder if the story could somehow be true, if one time in the past it was. We as people fear the unknown and what could be lurking in the dark because we can't see it, we don't understand it and we can't touch it. For us we accept facts and we reject what cannot be proved.

The phone rang, snapping Serena Whittington out of her hurried typing and back to the present. She checked her watch, sighed over the time, rolled her shoulders and remembered that the phone was ringing.

Reaching over her neat desk, she picked up her phone."Hello."she removed her glasses, rubbed the bridge between them.

"Serena, honey, you sound so tense."it was her mother, Serenity Whittington, worried as always about her second born and baby."Are you working? Did I interrupt you?"

Serena smiled against the reciever, stood and went into the kitchen to pour herself some coffee."Mom, you never interrupt."

Her laugh was soft and remarkably like her daughters."You just say that so I won't feel bad."

"Now, Mom."

"Ok, I know. Honey, your father and I are worried about you. You hardly go out since...."

"Since Josh?"she supplied when she trailed off."I'm just busy. I have a quota to reach and I can't miss it. And I still have some more researching to do before I'm done."

Serenity was quiet and Serena could almost hear her thinking."Honey, this line of work just doesn't suit you. Why don't you write about romance and mystery, about happiness? Why do you insist on documenting ghost stories and the supernatural? Your a young, beautiful woman who-"

"Is happy with what she does."Serena cut her off, siping coffee and not at all frustrated or angry by what her mother was saying. She'd heard it most of her life from both her parents after all, it wasn't anything knew.

Serenity sighed."I forget your as stubborn as your father sometimes."

"I got the best of both my parents."

"And a quick charmer like him too. All right honey, just come for a visit soon and I won't nag you so much."

"I'll come visit and you can keep right on nagging Mom. Its the highlight of my week."she hung up with her mothers delighted laughter ringing in her ears.

She replaced the phone on its reciever and went back to her desk, then deciding that she'd worked enough that night, she closed her labtop and folded a few papers she'd had layed out next to her while she was working. She made sure everything on her desk was neat and properly stacked, then went back into the kitchen for her coffee.

She was looking through her refridgerator for something to eat when she thought of Josh. Her eyes clouded and she stood up straight, closing the fridge door and letting her mind drift.

It had been almost a year, she knew, but the love and trust she had given him wasn't something one forgot over night. At least not her. She'd had relationships, several of them, but none of them had meant anything like the one with him. He had been so different, so funny and handsome, so tall and dark and gorgeous.

So unfaithful.

Even now she could feel the bitterness filling her, the agony of finding him with another woman, the sadness of realizing it was over. She could have forgiven him anything else, but never his betrayal of her with someone else. He had begged, pleaded, swore he was sorry and it would never happen again, that he loved her, but how could you love someone, then go behind there back the next?

No, her decision had been firm there. She had loved him and it had killed her to walk away, but she had. She had held her head up high and left him, since he had refused to do the leaving himself.

She shook herself, knowing that dwelling in the past was a waste of time and a waste of her battered heart. It had happened a year ago, a good year. And she needed to move on. Her parents were right in thinking that she hadn't been going out lately because of him. It had taken her months to stop moping and crying every time she thought of him, now it was time to stop hiding from the world and get out there and.....just get out there.

Her mind set, she drained her coffee and was washing the cup and lecturing herself when the phone rang again. Drying her hands, she went and picked it up, thinking it was her mother again.

"Hello."she cradled it on her shoulder as she picked up her labtop, intending to put it into her pack to take with her first thing tomorrow morning.

Silence greeted her, the type a person hoped never to hear when they answered a phone. She frowned and spoke again."Hello?"

"Is this Serena Whittington?"the voice sounded a little raspy, but strong, the voice of a woman. She guessed the woman was older, in her seventies perhaps.

"Yes, this is her."she waited, her labtop put away now, her fingers tapping against her desk as she leaned a hip on it."Can I help you with something?"

There was silence again, as if considering what to say."You write books, about ghost stories and legends."it was a statement, not a question.

She straightened, an immediate smile coming."Yes, I do."a fan, she thought. Some called her, wanting to know about one of her books, or something other.

"You have yet to write about the greatest legend there is. A legend that descends in your own family, through your own blood."

She froze, curiousity peaking over fear. Whenever it came to hearing a new story, she was always ready to listen and take notes. She grabbed a notepad off her desk and a pencil, sitting at her desk."Why don't you tell me about it?"

"Find me and I will."

She struggled to stay calm when frustration began to leak through."I don't even know who this is. And what do you mean, a legend in my family? My family is as ordinary, as boring as they come."

"Thats what you think. I'll tell you only one thing, and then I'll wait for you to find me."

She rolled her eyes, the dramatic tone of the conversation bringing out the practical side of her."All right."

"It all began with the Heart of the Sun, and it ended with the Blood of the Moon. Now its your time." there was a click, then the dial tone.

She stood there frowning at what the old woman had said as she put down the phone. 'It all began with the Heart of the Sun, and it ended with the Blood of the Moon.' That sounded very much like the beginning to a good story, she mused. It was too bad she had just lost it.

Telling herself she would research it tomorrow, she headed for her room to go to bed.

The end of the week came and she hadn't researched what the old woman had told her. She had, for the first time in her life, forgotten the promise of what might be a very good story. And it didn't even register in her mind at any time as something to remember.

It was friday, the day she went to her parents to have dinner with them and her older brother, Malachite. She had dressed in a soft, white turtleneck and some dove grey slacks, putting on very light makeup and leaving her long, silvery hair loose.

She went, they had dinner, and were going through desert when Malachite began teasing her as an annoying older brother always did. She was doing her best to ignore him when what the old woman had told her over the phone came back full force and she sat frozen, recalling the elaborate phrase.

"Malachite, shutup, I've just remembered something."she snapped at him.

Malachite's handsome face formed into a sneer."Another of your ghost stories?"

"Maybe. Earlier this week, after you called me Mom, I had the strangest thing happen to me."

"What happened?"her father asked, frowning over his coffee.

"I had a phone call from someone who I thought was a fan at first, but it turned out to be this old woman who I think gave me a clue to finding her and also finding a great legend."

"What did she say, honey?"her mother delicately sipped her tea.

"Well, it was the clue that really got me. She said, 'It all began with the Heart of the Sun, and it ended with the Blood of the Moon.' Doesn't that sound fascinating?"she halted when she watched the blood drain from her fathers face and her mother immediately reach out and place a hand over his."Whats wrong Dad?"

"Did...did she say anything else?"his voice was weak and sounded almost terrified to her.

"Well, yea. She said it descended through our family, that it was in my blood. She said it was my time."she studied the troubled faces of her parents and quickly put two and two together. "Whats going on?"

Malachite leaned back in his seat, intrigued by what was happening."Yes, what is going on."

"This isn't a laughing matter Malachite."Serenity snapped at her son.

"Then what is it?"he shot back.

"Dad, please. If you know something, tell me."Serena ignored her brothers amusement and concentrated on her father, who seemed to be the key to finding that old woman."I want to know what she was talking about."

"No, you dont."suddenly fierce, he looked up at his daughter and surprised both his children with what they could see was rage written across his features."You don't."

Struggling past the shock, she looked him directly in the eye."Yes, I do. What aren't you telling me?"

He stared at her, then deflated, letting his head fall into his hands."Oh God."

"Dad."worried, Serena reached for him, but he shook his head.

"I should have known this would happen one day. I should have known she would want to contact you....the both of you."he looked from Serena to Malachite, who was no longer laughing over the situation."I just didn't think....I didn't....."

"Dad, who didn't you want to contact me? I don't understand. "

When he didn't answer, Serenity looked at them both."He means your Grandmother."

That rendered her speechless, but not Malachite."What do you mean 'your Grandmother?' According to the two of you, we don't have a grandmother, she's DEAD, remember?"he glared at the both of them. Unlike Serena, Malachite had always been passionate, loud, angry and in charge. He had little patience after his humor was replaced with anger. Serena had been the only one able to calm him, since she herself was a very calm, cool person, keeping her emotions in check.

She reached over and lay her hand over his much larger one."Malachite, stay calm."she turned back to her parents."But I would like to know what you mean by that Mom."

Her father spoke instead."I told you two she was dead because to me she is. She never loved me, she never acted as a mother should toward her son. She was too obsessed with that damn jewel, with that stupid legend."bitterness and fury filled his voice.

Serena's interest peaked."Jewel? Legend?"

"No, I'm not telling you a thing. That legend took my mother from me for most of my childhood and I won't share a story I've come to hate."

Serena could be calm and in control, but she could also be stubborn."Dad, its my job to document stories like this. Please."

"No. I'm not telling you a thing. You won't find out from me."he jerked back from the table, stood to go.

"If you won't tell me, I'm sure she will."she said it quietly, knowing she risked her fathers wrath and disappointment, two things she had always hoped never to worry about.

He stared at her blankly."Go then. Ask her, find out. I won't stop you."he left the room.

Serena looked at her mother, not at all surprised by the shock there."Serena, you would rather hear a story that tore your father apart then for once ignore it?"

She felt a quick stab of guilt, but pushed it aside."Yes. She's my Grandmother and she has something to tell me. I think its about time I met someone I never knew was there."she stood and left the room, going to the entrance hall and getting her coat. She was slipping it on when Malachite joined her.

Without a word, he put on his own coat, then followed her out, walking her to her car."What do you make of all this?"he asked, putting his large body in front of hers to shield her from the cold wind.

"I have to find her. She's our Grandmother and she wants to tell me something. And I'm ready to listen."she said simply, her hands shoved into her coat pockets.

He nodded."I thought as much. I'll tell you this then. Mom let this slip when I had a last word with her in there. She's in Beaufort, South Carolina. Her name's Sara Whittington."

She looked up at Malachite, craning her neck against the six foot two he measured."Thanks Malachite."on impulse, she gave him a quick hug.

He held her a moment."I'd go with you, but I gotta be in New York by tomorrow. My flight leaves first thing in the morning."

"Mr. Bigshot lawyer. Malachite, you amaze me."she teased.

"I amaze myself."he gave her a kiss on the cheek, then headed for his own car."Listen, if you need anything, any help with this, give me a call and I'll be there."

"Thanks, I will."she watched him a moment, then got into her car, turned it on, and drove away from her parents home.

As she drove she thought of Malachite and how much she adored him. He was annoying, he could be a pest, but he was loyal and always there when she needed him the most. He was extremely protective of her, the older brother who always had to eye each of the men she went out with, had to make sure they passed his test.

He'd nearly killed Josh for what he'd done to her.

Smiling at the thought even though she shouldn't, she was grateful to him for hunting Josh down and hitting him so hard he broke his nose. It had horrified her at the time, but now it was amusing, so amusing she was having trouble not bursting out laughing.

Malachite was her senior by five years, which put him at a still young thirty years old. He was a well known lawyer and also owned his own company, which bought and sold, built and presented. He was already extremely rich and to add to that, very good looking as well. She knew he had a trail of women who tried capturing him and luring him into marriage, but none of them ever did. It would take more then being good in bed and beautiful on the outside to get him on one knee, if ever.

Making quick plans in her head, she decided she would call her agent when she got home, have him make the necessary arrangements to get her to South Carolina, ask him to find out where exactly her grandmother could be. She estimated she could be out there in another week or so. She needed to wrap up her latest book, ship it in, then gather her things and go out there. Priorities came over curiousity and she needed to get done what was important first.

And she wasn't going to let this sudden opportunity slip through her fingers.

She thought perhaps she shouldn't have left her parents in such a state the week before, but the excitement of a new story, a story that existed in her family, had prompted her to go. Even when they hadn't called her all week to see how she was doing, as they normally did.

She's been to the South before, a beautiful place with slow voices and men who still held charm and tradition in them, even years after the war. It always amazed her how the people here were so classy, so kind and quick witted. It was a place filled with legendary stories, ghosts from the war, women left behind by there husbands after there deaths. She had done tons of research there, but never once had she heard about a jewel or a legend that went with it.

She found her grandmothers home on the edge of the town, surrounded by several other large estates. She was amazed to see that her grandmother was obviously a very rich person. The home was huge, about three stories and looking like something straight out of the Civil War era. It was an old home, she could tell, and still absolutely gorgeous.

Taking a deep breath for courage, she walked up the walkway to the front double doors. Glancing about nervously, she knocked on them, then stepped back and waited.

It took only moments for the doors to be opened by a maid, who took one look at her and paled in what looked to be both fear and awe."Hi. I'm looking for Sara Whittington."she watched the maid's mouth open and close, then finally snap shut.

"Yes....come in please."she opened the door more fully and Serena stepped in, letting her eyes adjust for a moment to the shade of the house."Follow me."the maid walked into an adjoining room, which looked to be like the parlor."Wait here a moment."she left her.

Serena stared after the maid, wondering what could be going on, but waited anyway. She walked about the room, seeing pictures on small tables, pictures of her father. She frowned and looked closely, seeing her father as a child a shock to her.

"I knew you'd come."the voice had Serena jumping, turning to see an old woman standing in the doorway, a small woman with silver hair and her fathers blue eyes, her own blue eyes."I knew you would. You have your grandfathers curiousity in you, his desire to research, to learn."

Serena stared at her, unable to form words to say. What did one say to a grandmother they had never known existed?"I do?"she managed.

She laughed, a high laugh that reminded her of her father."Yes, you do. I've known about you your whole life Serena, but your father wanted me to stay away. He warned me too, but I can't anymore. Its time, you see."

She shook past the fog clouding her brain and nodded."Yes, you mentioned that. About it being time. But time for what? And this legend, this story. What is it about?"

She sat on a settee, motioning for Serena to do the same."I don't know if your ready to hear it yet. Thats why I never sought you out. I couldn't until you were ready.....perhaps you are now."

When she said nothing else, Serena spoke again."I've been writing about legends and folklore for years now. I've visited places that are haunted and had encounters with the supernatural myself. I think that makes me more then ready to hear this."

"Your more Whittington then I thought. Impatient like your grandfather too. Well then, we'll see if your ready to hear this."she settled herself back, watched with mild amusement as Serena removed a tape recorder from her bag and placed it on the table between them, pressing 'record.' "And whats this?"

Serena looked up."Part of the job. You ok with that?"

"I'm not sure that I am. How about this time you listen and not record just yet?"

She eyed her grandmother."Not record? Thats like telling a football player not to catch the ball."

Sara laughed so hard she began to cough."Oh, your a sassy one too. Let me guess; calm and cool and in control, but stubborn and smart when she's not getting her way. Am I right?"

Serena smiled through the frustration."Yea, I think you got it."

"Lets make a deal. You listen to me first, then after you've heard a great deal of your families history, you decide what you want to do."

She considered a moment, then leaned over and stopped the recorder."Ok, you got me."

"Good, I'm very glad to hear that. Now I'll get to the story since I'm sure you know the usual behind these type of legends."Sara took a deep breath."While your here, you might hear different versions of this story. People outside the family tended to change it around to suit there own needs and what they wanted others to hear, but within the family its always stayed the same."

"Once, a long time ago, in the days when the round table existed and King Arthur was a legend, there was a man who was an Earl and engaged to the woman he loved, a young, beautiful girl. Long had he dreamed of marrying this girl and she, him. So when the time drew near he had a jewel forged for her. They say that this jewel came from the heat of the sun, that it had descended to this land and been kept a hidden secret until he found it and had it forged into the shape of a heart. It was a flaming, bright red, as deep as the sun. And when the young man gave it to his bride, she was amazed and awed by its beauty and called it, the Heart of the Sun."

"Time passed and this mystical jewel was passed on in the family, always remaining within and never being given to an outsider who did not carry the blood of a Whittington. Hundreds of years went by and people lost track of the jewel. Everyone thought the family had lost it, that it had been taken from them by scavengers, and so it went."

"Now one day, during the time after the Civil War, there was a young girl, and her beauty was known throughout all of South Carolina. She was the most beautiful creature any person would ever see and any man who saw her fell in love with her. She was from a family rich in tradition and also well respected in society, so when it came time to marry, she would marry someone of equal footing."Sara paused and her eyes shadowed over."But the girl fell in love with a man who was poor, who her parents would never approve of. She loved him with all her heart just as he loved her, and there love was destined to end in heartache."

"She confronted her parents about this man and they predictably said they would not allow her to marry him. They prohibited her from seeing him and immediately accepted an offer of marriage from a man who was twice her age. This old man loved her, adored her, and would give her whatever her heart desired, her parents told her. But she could never love him in return."

"So the girl was forced to marry the old man and her love, filled with grief and resentment, left Beaufort to head out West, hoping to make his fortune and prove to her he was worthy of her."Sara pulled a cigarette out of her coat pocket, lit it and took a moment to take a draw."Now the night the girl married the old man her parents took her aside and gave her something wrapped in fine linen. They said it was hers now, that she would have to pass it to her eldest child as they had done in there family for hundreds of years. When the girl unwrapped the linen, she found the Heart of the Sun lying there, sparkling as if it had just been taken from the sun moments before."

"She kept it, treasured it, and never told her new husband about it. She hid it from him and held it only when she knew he wouldn't suspect."in a haze of smoke, her eyes were distant, thoughtful. "Ten years passed and one day the girls love returned, rich now and ready to confront the woman who had broken his heart so many years before. But the moment they saw each other again, they knew they still loved each other just as much as they had ten years before. And behind her husbands back, they began to have an affair."

"Its said the affair went on for months before he found out, but he did find out in the end. The girl had been pregnant for months already when he found out and it was then he realized that the child wasn't his, but her lovers. He loved her so much and so obsessively, that he didn't tell her he knew of her adultery because he was afraid she would leave him if he did. So he kept the secret to himself and grew more angry and resentful over time, so much that he began murdering people to vent his anger and hurt on them instead of his beloved wife. It was a time when people grew fearful of leaving there homes at night, when everyone was nervous and wondered who would be next."

"The girl thought it might be her husband, but she wasn't sure. He was a harmless, kind old man who wouldn't hurt a fly. He couldn't be murdering people, he just couldn't. It was impossible."

"And so the time came when the baby was born, a fine son that had his fathers features and his mothers coloring. That was when the girls love grew frustrated and begged her to leave with him, that it was there son and should be raised by them. The girl agreed."

"They could have made it, they could have left that night and had a happy life together, but fate had another plan for them. Her husband had returned home after murdering another innocent life and found them planning, found them happy together that they would be leaving with there son. Upon hearing them the old mans sanity cracked and he no longer cared that she was his beloved wife."

"The girl had with her the only thing that mattered to her, the Heart of the Sun, and she was clutching it when the old man surprised them and told them he had known all along about there affair, and that the child wasn't his. And stating that if he couldn't have her then no one could, he lifted his pistol and fired a shot straight through her heart, killing her instantly. She died in her loves arms, begging him to take there son and go. And the old man watched this. He then told the young man that he wasn't going to kill him, that death was too good for him. He wanted him to live, he wanted him to live knowing that her death was his fault. And then he put a bullet through his own head."

When Sara paused, Serena rubbed her arms, suddenly chilled in the warm room. She'd heard dozens of tragic love stories before, but this was different.

Sara crushed the cigarette in an ash tray that was next to her and continued."The young man contemplated killing himself also, but then he heard the baby's crying, they're son, and knew he couldn't die even if he wanted too. He'd made a promise to her. He would raise there son and see to it that the child grew as she had wanted it too. He took the baby and when he went back for the Heart of the Sun, he found it was gone. It was no longer in her hand. He knew then that she had hidden it and it would be found in time, and so he left."

When she said no more, Serena spoke up."And what happened to the Heart of the Sun?"

Sara smiled at her, pleased by her curious grandaughter."Well, its said that because the girl died holding it, a curse was put on it, that whoever tried looking for it would be followed by bad luck. And this is true. People who have tried finding it in the house she died in have either died or had severe misfortunes befall them. And so over the years its come to be known as the Blood of the Moon instead."

"The Blood of the Moon......"she thought of it, decided it was a pretty good name for a cursed jewel.

"Now Serena, what people don't know is that there will come a place and a time for the curse to be lifted and the jewel to be found."Sara leaned forward, folded her hands before her."The girl still haunts the house she was murdered in, waiting for love so pure and right to come and lift the curse so she may leave the jewel with those she trusts, then go and join her love. But until that time comes, she's trapped in that house. She loved that jewel and she won't give it to just anyone to find."

Serena frowned."I don't understand."

"Her death was so violent and so severe for her, that only the love of two people can help her. The first will begin it, the second will end it. The first two hearts that join will ease the curse, but awaken an evil spirit. The second two hearts that join will earn her trust and the Blood of the Moon, and they will put the evil away."Sara's eyes were so intense Serena had to look away."Its important. These people are important, they've been chosen over time and are the only one's who can lift the curse and find the jewel."

She sat back, blew out a breath."My God. That poor girl."

Sara watched her take it in and decided it wasn't yet time to tell her everything. That would take more time. She wrote these types of stories, yes, but this story concerned her and it was harder when you became a part of the legend.

"Yes, well, its part of our family history. Only family members know of the deeper part of the story, outsiders patch in the holes for themselves and end up ruining it."she motioned a maid forward and ordered her to serve her a brandy."Do you mind?"

Serena shook her head."No, its all right. So, do you actually believe that if two different couples come together and join, the curse will be lifted and the jewel will be found?"she itched to put her recorder to record, but her word was her word.

"You haven't listened to what I've told you. The first two lovers will ease the curse and bring evil back from the dead, the second two lovers will find the Blood of the Moon and put the evil to rest. Its the way it has to be. Trust me."she took her brandy from the maid when it was brought, took a small sip."But I don't expect you to understand completely just yet."

Serena gave her a look. She had listened to these stories all her life, of course she understood the background of it and the price of the curse. But she was also practical and knew it wasn't real. If there was one thing she had never learned during all her research and traveling, it was too believe in the impossible.

"This story is fascinating, I really love it. This house thats haunted, where is it? Or is it off limits to people?"

Sara grinned."Oh no, its not off limits to you. Its been kept in our family for years. Although no one's lived there since it happened either."

"How was it kept in our family?"

"The girls young man bought it after everything that had happened in there, but he never went back. Only made sure to hire people to take care of it. He never allowed his son to go there either. You see, our name, Whittington, descends through her family, our family. It would have died with the girl, but her young man gave there son her last name, not his. Just so her name would live on."

"Thats sweet, thats very sweet, but where is the house?"this time she took out her notepad and pencil, ready to write this piece of information down.

Sara motioned to Serena with her glass."You have the heart of a writer, but no romance in it. How do you manage to write about tragedy when you don't believe in it, when you sneer at it?"

"Look....grandma, I study, I understand, and I write. None of that includes having to believe in ghosts, in legends and curses, or in romance. This is my job and I do it as best as I can."she impatiently tapped the pencil against her notepad."The address, if you don't mind?"

The doorbell rang then and Sara's face lit up with joy."Oh that would be my boy. He's come to visit me. He promised he would and he always keeps his promises."

Serena frowned."Dad?"

"Oh no, your father and I haven't spoke for over thirty years. This is my old friends grandson. He's rich, you know."she spoke rapidly, hoping to get it all out before the maid showed him in."Owns Cunningham Enterprises. They grow cotton, and they-"

"Cunningham Enterprises? Yea, I know what they do grandma."it was amazing that she had only just met her and she already felt as if she had known her for some time."Thats impressive, but could you tell me where this house is and-"

Sara quickly stood and her eyes brightened."A fine sight you are on an old woman's eyes. Come here and meet my granddaughter."she quickly moved past Serena to clutch his arm.

"I didn't know you had a granddaughter."his voice was deep, and not just a little surprised. Serena stood and turned to him, struggling not to gape when she saw standing before her the most gorgeous man she had ever seen in her life.

He was about Malachite's height, over six feet and built like a solid rock. He had broad, tough shoulder that she could see well because of the button up shirt he wore, jeans encasing long legs and boots on his feet. His hair was black, unruly and thick, but it was his eyes that really got her. They were a deep blue, set in a tanned, gorgeous face. His features were sharp and angular, his jaw strong and his lips sensuous enough to have her staring.

And she knew that gorgeous men were also trouble. They knew they had killer looks and used it to there advantage. She moved forward and held out her hand."Hello. I'm Serena Whittington."

He studied the small hand, then looked back at the well toned, tight little body the woman had. He could see it clear enough with the formal white blouse and black skirt she wore, her legs lean and beautiful, her small feet in black heels. She had what looked to be tons of silvery hair that hung down her back in cascading curls, her eyes a blue and her face wondrously perfect. He didn't think he'd ever seen a more gorgeous female in his life.

And he could also see that those eyes were wary, watching him with suspicion as to what he would do next. He took her hand in his much larger one and shook it."Darien Cunningham and its a pleasure to meet you, Miss Whittington."

His voice was heavy, slow with that southern accent that most everyone had out there. And between his looks and that deep, warm voice, she was sure she would dissolve in a puddle of hormones on the floor any minute. "Please, call me Serena."

His smile was slow, devastating enough to have her swallowing."All right then. You call me Darien."

"Well look at the two of you, what a good looking pair you are."Sara admired them, pleased that they were both so utterly breath taking."Darien, my granddaughters single."

Serena stared at her, horrified."Grandma!"

He grinned."Is that right? Well thank you for that bit of information, I'll be sure to keep it in mind."

She decided to ignore the obvious fact that he was hitting on her."Grandma, I need that address. Its important that I see the site. Could you please-"

"Darien will take you, won't you? To the old Whittington Estate."

He frowned a moment, but nodded."Sure I'll take you. Why would you be wanting to go to that old haunted place?"

"Its what she does for a living. She's a writer, she writes about ghost stories, legends, and such. Now the two of you should get a move on. Serena, you'll be staying here, won't you darling? Good, good. Your rooms all set up."she was gently pushing them toward the front door.

Serena opened her mouth, closed it. She had actually planned on staying at a hotel because she hadn't thought her grandmother would want her there."Thank-"

"Its no problem, your my granddaughter. Don't hurry back either, go have dinner, get to know one another."

She frowned deeply this time."I don't think-"

"Have fun."with a firm push, she had them outside on the large porche and the door closed behind them.

She stood there in the shade of the porche and wondered how the hell such a little old woman had have gotten her into this. She had wanted to go see the house, but not with......him. Now she could either be extremely rude and anger both him and her grandmother by walking away, or she could go along with what her grandmother had just so neatly planned.

Manners always won out in the end for her."Well then. Shall we?"

He leaned against the porche railing a moment, studied her with those hot eyes."Is it true what she said? Are you really single?"

Dignity had her raising her chin."Its none of your concern."

"I'll take that as a yes."delighted, he turned and walked down the porche steps, heading for his truck that was parked behind her little jetta."Come on, we can't stand around here all day."he called over his shoulder.

Blinking a moment at what he had said, she quickly followed him.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2! questions or comments can be sent to [email protected] or simply IM me