Title: Love in strange places

Author: JommyIStheBest Pairing: Snape/Harry Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoats Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended, and in my story wizards come of age at 16.










Love in strange places by JommyIStheBest Chapter 1: reflections

Harry potter was lying in his room after being beaten to the point where it was only his magic that was saving him thinking about how he came to get there.

But what he didn't know was something amazing and beautiful was about to happen.


Harry was getting through the portal from platform 9 and 3quarters, and the weasly family plus remus was there to send him off, remus went with him to where the Dursleys were, when they stopped in front of the muggle that made morbidly obese people seem underweight remus bent so he was at eye level with Vernon Dursley, and said in a voice that were it harry he was speaking to he would have rather dealt with voldemort.

"If you hurt my pup during the brake, I will come to your house and deal with you myself. I don't care about the ministry you will die slowly and painfully got it?"

Vernon not knowing who we was fucking with said,

"If you think that I will be intimidated then think again!"

At this point harry heard Remus start to growl and saw him bare his teeth and thought it best to stop this before it went too far.

"Uncle Vernon Remus is a were wolf, and I feel obligated to tell you he tends to over react where I am concerned. And he is libel to end up on our door step on the full moon! So be careful when dealing with him!"

"Boy what are you talking about? There is no such thing as a were wolf!"

Remus's temper was running dangerously thin so he said

"Wana bet? Listen, tub-a-lard if you touch him I WILL KILL YOU!" then he told harry good bye for now and walked away.

__________________________________________end f lash back _____________________________________________________

Harry, had been beaten several times this summer, but did not want Remus on the run from the ministry so he had with held this little piece of information. now he had told his uncle that he would be coming of age would be able to use magic tomorrow so his uncle thought he would kill harry needless to say it didn't work so harry was plotting his revenge for tomorrow when…


A/n this is my second story my first story didn't do so well so I deleted it. I want to tell you that I hope that this is a better story and I want you to review and tell me what you think! Good or bad I am starting on the next chapter right after I finish righting this author's note thank you! From JommyIStheBest