(So hey people! This story is about what would happen if the volturi let the Cullen's keep Bree. From her point of view! What will happen havening to put up with Bella's scent and Edwards over protectiveness? Just read and find out! This is not my idea! This really awesome person – my partner in crime for this story and probably a few more to come – asked me if I would write it! So everyone thank twilightgirl36510 if you like the story or the idea!)

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or this idea!

Breath in, breath out! I commanded myself. I realized that it was not necessary to breath, but every time I was stressed and freaked out when I was human I would take deep breaths in and deep breaths out. The breathing thing was one of the few things left from my human life. My human memories were slipping away and I could hardly remember anything or anyone from my life. My life when I wasn't a monster. That's all I was though. Fighting my instincts not to kill people. Innocent people. Caring people. Bella Swan mainly. She hardly ever came to the house anymore because despite my instinct to kill her, and my hatred for her because of that instinct, she didn't want to cause me pain. I'm sure that part of it was self preservation but most was the need to not cause me pain.

Even though I did, no one blamed me. Carlisle and Esme were understanding and caring by nature. Angels I swear. Alice was a little frightening at times; she loved to buy me clothes. Even though I can't go out in public she still manages to by me way more clothes than I need. Jasper tried to hide it but was actually thankful that he wasn't the "weak newborn" anymore. I'm not going to lie – that made me a little mad. The hateful blonde (Rosalie I think,) hated me. I guess she thought I was imposing on her family; making life harder for them. Her mate – Emmett – was…fun for a lack of a better word. He teased me and was just awesome to be around. He accepted me even though the blonde didn't. Bella (I'll add her in because in a very short time she's getting married to Edward. I couldn't wait honestly. She would get turned then and wouldn't be a source of pain to me. Maybe I would befriend her then; I would no longer have an urge to kill her,) like I said was the greatest. Although I hardly ever saw her anymore. Edward was overprotective. He didn't like me due to the fact I wanted to kill Bella. Due to the fact he couldn't be with her and his family; someone had to watch me 24/7 and Edward didn't really want Bella anywhere near me. I get that they didn't blame me for the whole newborn craving blood thing but what about that dog I attacked. They befriended the dog and no one blamed me for crippling him. They blamed that on the new born thing too. I hated pity and they all pitied me.

At the time I was sitting in my dark room – alone. Bella was due over soon and that was why I was having a panic attack. I hated this urge to kill her. Everyone but Jasper was out of the house. He hated to have to play watch dog because the feelings coming off of me. Pity, aggravation, hatred, awe, sorrow, more self pity, and regret. They should have let the volturi kill me. I'm just a pain to everyone. Their lives would be some much easier without me. Just then I heard the car down the road. I felt an overwhelming sense of fear coming from that car. I have a power where I can absorb other people's power in a way. If I touch someone once then I can have their power, I don't know much about it but I have Jaspers and Alice's power because of it. Though Carlisle thinks that if I were ever away from Jasper or Alice for a long period of time then I would loose their powers. It's an unusual power but probably the reason the Volturi let me live. They hope I'll some day join their guard. Never. I like the way the Cullen's do it. Although there is no comparison between human blood and animal blood. Human blood taste so much better.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Bree!" Jasper called from downstairs. Oops. Probably sense the need I had for blood at the moment. How I was so thirsty for human blood. The sweet yet salty, hot, and thick taste of human blood. "NOW!" He commanded. I tried to forget about human blood but it was hard. The car pulled up and Edward, Bella, and Alice got out. The others were hunting and Jasper ran off to join them; still being weak when it comes to the magical pull of human blood. Not as weak as me. Bella's beautiful smell washed over me. Her alluring floral sent. I had to grip tight to where I was sitting to keep from running down their and getting myself killed. I knew that Edward would hear my thoughts and Alice would see what I was planning; Edward would never let me get anywhere close to Bella.

She stayed for two hours. The two longest hours of my Non-life. I sat literally writhing in pain. Shrieking every once in a while and Bella would say how bad she felt in response. She had so much fear. A little fear for her life, and Fear for my life, but mainly fear of becoming like me. But she wasn't wavering at all in her decisions. Alice would have saw that and but she didn't. Bella knew she needed this weird little vampire family. Just like I needed it. Or did I? That line of thought struck an idea. But I couldn't think of ideas and details, not if I wanted to get away with it. So I waited till the two longest hours of my life were over to plot. I had to plot quickly, surly Alice would try to stop me if she saw, right? Or did they not care. Probably, I mean why would they? I'm just a stray they picked up, a stray threatening to pull apart their family. To kill a loved one.

Bella and Edward left first. Then Alice went to some shop for wedding things. She was getting overexcited about this wedding thing. From what I could see (not much being trapped in my room and whatnot. But that was my choice! It was easier not to kill Bella that way,) Bella and Edward didn't care about the wedding as long as it got done. Edward just wanted to be married to Bella, but Bella just wanted to be a Vampire and spend eternity with Edward. How could anyone want to be a monster like this though? I would love to be human again. To not have to deal with my insane thirst. Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett returned for babysitting duty. Rosalie returned too but when Alice left, she left. I would have came out of my room, but I couldn't. Not with what I was planning, or not planning. I couldn't plan – Alice would see. But then again I have no idea whether or not she would care. Like I said before – probably not. I didn't bother packing anything. I had nothing I wanted, besides to stay with them. Yes that's right, I was running away. It would make life so much easier for them! I would come back eventually – if I was wanted. I decided real quickly that I wanted them to know my reasons for leaving. I decided to write a note.

Dear Cullen's,

I had to leave. Nothing against you. Trust me you great. My family. But I'm putting you through hell! I can't do that! Especially because I love you guys so much! I mean Bella can't be around me because I want to kill her! I hate what I am! I'll come back someday! If I can and if I'm wanted. When I can be around humans I'll come back and hopefully join your small family.



I left it on my – or what used to be my – bed. I jumped out my window and ran. I heard talking from the house as I vanished. Carlisle on the phone with Alice.

"Let her do her own thing. Edward left us; maybe she'll come back too." He said calmly. I was too far away to hear Alice; I was so far away I could barely hear Carlisle.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." More mumbled Alice. Then I could barely hear Carlisle.

"We'll still protect her from the Volturi of course; she's family even if she is leaving." They promised to look out for me. What am I doing!? They could get in so much trouble for this! I'm hurting my family! But then again I would be hurting them either way. This is better. I won't change my eating habits. I'll try my best to earn that family. I wondered how long it will take me. Too long I decided. I ran for days on end. No stopping. I became a nomad that fed off of animal blood. I had no home. I couldn't be around human civilization anyways. But I couldn't run forever. Or could I?

(Ok I've been sitting on this chapter for a while! I just had to make changes! So Bree's power is that she can basically mimic or absorb some ones power. To borrow it really, after one touch. But the thing is SHE has to touch THEM with her hand. I'll put that in the story next chapter! Ok tell me honestly what you think! Ok bye bye!)