Disclaimer: I own nothing, CSI is property of its respectful owners.

AN: so I read a lot of stories and thought I would post one of my own. Here it is, well the first chapter anyways. Let me know what you think, and I'll update as soon as I can.

"I HATE this case!" Sara exclaimed throwing her pen onto the table and shoving her hands violently into her hair, grabbing fistfuls with each hand and holding them tightly. She sighed loudly and let go of her hair, only to bang her head onto the table top in front of her.

"Anything I can do?" Catherine asked, poking her head into the dining room from the living room.

"Not unless you want to take over this assignment for me" Sara mumbled sarcastically from the table.

Catherine, knowing Sara would never give up on a case if her life depended on it, snorted and walked into the room. Coming up behind Sara, she put her hands on her shoulders and squeezing lightly mock-whispered into Sara's ear: "there's beer in the fridge".

Sara looked up. Turning her head and narrowing her eyes at Catherine she stood and headed for the kitchen. While she was gone, Catherine chanced a look at the pile of papers scattered across the table. Sara had taken meticulous notes, noting every detail of the case and had organized the evidence into a comprehensive table. Despite her best efforts the case was still ambiguous. Sara returned from the kitchen holding two beers. Catherine raised an eyebrow as Sara passed one to her.

"Thanks." Sara just shrugged and sat down again, taking a large sip of her own drink before picking up her pen again.

"So" said Catherine, leaning on the table and picking up one of the papers, "the Alex Leborgne case. Wealthy Englishman, disappeared in 1905, bones recovered in 2000...wow, confirmed by DNA in 2001." She recited, reading from the sheet. Looking at Sara who was staring into space, she asked "Why are you working on this case?"

Sara sighed again and looked at Catherine. "It's not a real case" she said darkly, "it's a contest. Copies of it got circulated through the lab; Grissom took a few and left them in the break room. The latest edition of some forensic archaeology magazine decided to get funny and host a 'case on paper' contest. They wrote up this ridiculous scenario involving hundred year old bones and some sob story about how the family inheritance won't go to the one surviving great-granddaughter unless someone can prove Mr. Leborgne was murdered." Rolling her eyes, she took a breath and continued, "They've given out a series of 'clues' and an over-detailed layout of the family mansion, along with a description of the conditions of the bones and now, it's my job to pull out the evidence and solve the 'case'" she finished, jabbing her pen at the other pages.

"Well that explains the archaeology textbook; I thought maybe you were looking for a career change. I hear 'Mummies 101' is a fascinating course" Catherine gestured to the large book with a lovely photo of mummified human remains on the front cover.

Sara glared at Catherine, and then picked up her beer finishing it in one gulp.

Catherine laughed slightly and gave Sara a look.

"What?" the brunette asked, her eyes widening in expectation.

"You never answered my question. WHY, are you working on this puzzle? Don't you have a real case to finish up?"

"Uh, I finished the paperwork from the Morgans case this morning after shift, and I have the night off, so I figured, I'd take a stab at the contest."

"And now you're pulling your hair out and drinking all my beer..." Sara cut her off:

"It's frustrating, ok? And I've only had one beer; so, no I am not drinking all of it and I wouldn't be drinking at all if I was working on a real case."

"So you're stressing yourself out for fun then." Catherine countered.


"mhmm" Catherine raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Sara caved.

"Grissom told me he'd solved it already, and that I probably wouldn't get it."

"Right" said Catherine slowly, a smile creeping onto her face. "Gotcha pretty good huh?"

"Say whatever you want, Catherine, I know he was just trying to wind me up." Sara said defensively, folding her arms over her chest and frowning.

They sat for a moment before Catherine broke the silence: "So, what do get if you win?" She leaned over slightly; trying to read the notes Sara had gone back to taking.

Sara's eyes went wide as she shielded her notes with her arms, like a 1st grader trying to stop her neighbour from copying. "Forget it!" she said loudly.

"I'm just curious" Catherine stated innocently, while leaning over a little more. She braced herself against the table with one hand, giving Sara a wonderful view down the front of her shirt. Sara chose that exact moment to look up again, and a startled look briefly crossed her features before she averted her eyes, cleared her throat, and frowned again.

"So..." Catherine probed, ignoring that she was now aware of Sara's sudden discomfort.

"So what" Sara replied tersely, scribbling something on her note pad.

"Well, maybe I can help?"

"With what?"

'Oh the possibilities...' Catherine thought, before answering "the case, Sara." As she spoke she reached a hand out to grab Sara's notes.

Sara swatted her hand away with "would you stop fishing? I want to crack this case so I can prove Grissom wrong, I don't need you hovering trying to 'help' me so you can get in on the prize. Which, I have to tell you, isn't that amazing. Some collection of archaeological fact cards and pictures and stuff."

"Who says that isn't interesting?" the blonde pouted.

"Catherine" Sara groaned, and the blonde finally gave up.

"Fine, I am going to enjoy not having a case to work on until I have to go to work." She stood and took the empty bottles into the kitchen. She walked straight through the dining room and into the living room, tossing "Lindsey gets home around eight, so let me know when you want dinner" over her shoulder as she passed. Sara nodded without looking up.

Catherine settled herself on the couch with a girly magazine. She wrapped the blanket that sat on the arm around her shoulders and placed her glasses on the end of her nose. About half way through the "Top 20 most embarrassing moments" her mind began to wander.

She and Sara had never been much of friends, but their working relationship was steadily getting better. Catherine's view of Sara had changed though, when she had walked into the break room one afternoon to find her daughter and Sara engrossed in Lindsey's homework. Lindsey had been dropped off at the lab while Catherine was finishing yet another double shift. They were seated at the table, heads together, Sara drawing on a sheet of paper while Lindsey giggled madly. Catherine had watched from the doorway, unable to hear what Sara was saying that was so funny to the 11 year old beside her. Lindsey had looked up and seen her mother in the room, exclaiming loudly and running over to give Catherine a hug. Sara had looked up and leaned back in her chair to observe the pair. Lindsey babbled happily about her day at school, and how Sara was helping her with her homework. Catherine had nodded, trying to keep up with her daughter's story and stole a glance at the brunette at the table. Sara had held Catherine's gaze, and smiled. Not one of her usual thin lipped half smiles, but a real radiant grin. Catherine had smiled in return and focused back on the girl in her arms.

There had been something in that moment, when Catherine had realized that there was a lot more to the other woman in the room than she'd bothered to take notice of. Usually, when Lindsey ended up at the lab, she was bored and spent her time alone, brooding until someone came into the break room. But with everyone so busy, no one really paid attention to her. By the time Catherine was ready to take her home, Lindsey was sullen and moody. But Sara, who was the last person in the lab Catherine had ever expected to spend time with her daughter while at work, had managed to get Lindsey to do all of her homework, and be happy about doing it. It was something Catherine had trouble achieving, so when she had seen them together, she was truly awestruck. But what had struck her more was the change in Sara's demeanour. In that moment Sara had seemed so happy and relaxed. Usually so far removed from everyone, her tough girl attitude had kept her and Catherine at arm's length until then. It hadn't hit her until later, when she caught herself grinning like a fool while recalling what she had seen, how much that moment had meant to her...and how much she wished there would be more of them.

She had thanked Sara the next night, and Sara had smiled again, replying that it had been fun, and not to worry about it. Bewildered, Catherine had simply stood rooted to the floor until she felt Sara's hand on her shoulder. She had refocused her attention on the brunette before asking her why she had done it. Sara's smile had faded a little as she had asked, but it returned as she replied that Lindsey had looked like she was bored, and that she understood what it felt like to be a child surrounded by adults too busy to care. Catherine had nodded, thanked her again, and walked away. Sara, for her part had stared after the blonde as she walked down the hall, hoping Catherine hadn't interpreted her statement as saying that she thought Catherine didn't care about her daughter.

Catherine had found herself in a predicament about a week later, when she had realized at the end of shift that she needed someone to watch Lindsey the following night. Her mother had a date and Nancy was out of town. She had been making phone calls in the break room to various babysitters, none of whom were available. Sara had come in to grab a soda when Catherine had set down the phone, defeated. Catherine had been shocked, but happy, when Sara volunteered. Catherine was so surprised that she had invited Sara to dinner, before Lindsey was dropped off from dance. Sara had agreed.

Coming back to the present, Catherine sighed and tried to refocus on the magazine in her hands. Instead, her thoughts strayed back to the woman in her dining room. She couldn't help it. The more she tried to focus on something else, the more her brain ran her thoughts back to Sara. Sara...tall, dark and beautiful, when she smiled. 'Oh now hang on a second, where did that one come from' Catherine silently chided herself. But then again, who was she kidding. Sara was attractive, hard working, smart, and apparently good with kids. In essence she was everything Catherine was looking for in a—She stopped herself before she could finish that thought. Her heart was hammering away as the realization sunk in. The attraction had effectively snuck up on her and she had run right into it, much like hitting a brick wall. 'Shit, now what?' she asked herself, before looking around in a panic, fearing somehow Sara would have seen her reaction and read into her thoughts. She hadn't, she was still hunched over her 'case' muttering quietly to herself occasionally running a hand through her hair.

Catherine shook herself slightly before standing and stretching. She set her glasses back on the coffee table and rubbed her eyes. Walking back into the dining room, she had to stop herself from laughing at the agonized look on Sara's face. She was clearly getting nowhere in solving her case and looking like she was about to explode. Catherine regarded her for a moment, tilted her head sideways and asked with some concern "need anything?"

Sara's scowl deepened. "What I need," she said bitterly, "is another beer and a good fuck."

Oops. Catherine couldn't hold it in. She had her elbows on the table and her hands clasped together so she buried her face in her arms as she shook with silent laughter. Sara's eyes were the size of saucers and she turned several shades of tomato once it hit her she had uttered that statement out loud.

Still laughing, Catherine clapped a hand over her mouth and headed to the kitchen. She returned a moment later, giggling intermittently, with another beer. Setting the bottle in front of Sara's frozen frame she couldn't resist teasing her a little.

"Anyone in mind?" she asked, grinning as Sara shook her head slightly.


"I said, do you have anyone in mind?"

"For what?"

"Well when you said you needed a good f—"

"Catherine! No, no I don't have anyone in mind, and can we please forget I said that?"

'No way, Sidle.' Catherine thought, as she suddenly got a very, very bad idea. Sara was not one to be teased, but Catherine was willing to risk angering her, if only to see the look on her face.

"Forget? No. Anyways, if you want some help, I know a few people who might be willing..."

Sara snorted and shook her head. "Cath, stop. Who could you possibly suggest...oh." Sara's eyes widened yet again as she took in the look Catherine was giving her. Catherine's eyebrows were raised and the pointed look on her face clearly read "me."

"Oh, no, no way Cath. You've gotta be kidding." Sara had stood up, and started backing out of the dining room. It was perfect. Sara took the bait. Catherine should have laughed and left it at that, but her body had other ideas. She could feel the heat rising in her face, as she considered the fearful look on Sara's face. She wanted to jump her, and she didn't want to wait. She was being worked into a lustful frenzy by the wave of images conjured by her mind as she realized just how badly she wanted the woman in front of her. She struggled to keep control of herself, but her logic had surrendered to her desire, and this made Catherine braver.

"Oh come on, tell me you've never thought about it."

"I've never thought about it."



"Liar." Catherine purred as she advanced on Sara who was taking a step backwards every time either of them spoke. She turned to look where she was going and backed out into the hall. Catherine continued to follow. The situation was getting very heated and very out of control very quickly and Catherine was powerless to stop herself. It had started as a joke, but now, she was a hunter stalking her prey, and about to make the kill. Sara had just backed into the wall.

"Tell me again you've never thought about it. Not once?"

"I.." Sara faltered, her eyes darting nervously around, desperate for a way out.

"So you have thought about it". Catherine's voice was low and sultry.

"Maybe." Sara's voice was a harsh whisper, as she fought to keep her breathing even.

Catherine was struggling to keep her breathing under control too as the brave feeling wore off and was replaced with a nervousness that had Catherine trembling. But she couldn't stop now; she was only two feet away from Sara who had just admitted to thinking about the two of them in bed together.

"So", she asked quietly, taking a smaller step forward, "are they good fantasies?" she paused before adding "mine are".

Sara's eyes flashed as she looked directly at Catherine. "Yes." She stated simply, and the desire in her eyes caused Catherine's breath to hitch slightly. She stepped forward again, and then again until she was standing inches from Sara's body. Sara's breathing quickened to match Catherine's. Catherine reached out and gently placed her hands on Sara's hips. Sara's hands clenched and then relaxed. Catherine slid her hands a little higher so they were resting on her waist, inside the open jacket Sara was wearing. She heard Sara's breath catch as she ran her thumbs lightly down her sides and stepped in even closer. Sara had her face turned sideways, and Catherine closed her eyes for a second, listening to them breathe. The heat between them rose, radiating between them as Catherine's face brushed Sara's. Catherine pulled back a tiny bit to allow Sara to turn her head so she was looking right into Catherine's eyes. Her eyes fluttered shut, waiting, but Catherine paused.

"Sara?" her voice was barely audible, but Sara's eyes fluttered open again to see Catherine smiling softly, eyes closed. Sara leaned forward a little, and Catherine mimicked the action. Their noses were touching, and Catherine shifted her position slightly. Their lips were millimetres apart. The desire was so strong, but neither one could break the last boundary. Their lips brushed ever so lightly, and Catherine felt Sara's hands on her stomach.

From the entrance way, the door flew open and in bounded a tiny blonde. "HI MOM".