A/N - This is my first ever fan-fic, so please rewiew, but be kind! I do not own these characters, but wish I did. This came to me the other day, I was feeling generally annoyed at life, the universe and everything and decided to take it out on L. on Tony's behalf! Set sometime after the first episode of season six. Maybe a one-shot unless I can get my head around the next chapter!

It had been a tough case, Gibbs was never good when it involved children, but he'd been extra hard on the team all day, Dinozzo as usual took most of the fallout, though the team was still shocked when Gibbs vented his anger on Tony by giving him a very public dressing down in front of everyone, including the local PD, for what he viewed as goofing off, not noticing that Tony had actually acquired vital information, which later solved the case, in the process.

Later that day they'd returned to the bullpen, exhausted, the case was over, but it was not a happy conclusion, the father was in custody and Gibbs was still on edge, he and Dinozzo had been distant with each other ever since the confrontation that morning, McGee and Ziva tiptoeing around the two of them as much as possible. They were writing up their reports when Tony exclaimed loudly over some error on his computer. McGee and Ziva were amazed to see him stand up.

"I've had enough, I'm going home, I'll finish this in the morning"

Grabbing his coat and weapon, he swung his bag onto his shoulder and began to walk away.

"You will finish that report now, Agent Dinozzo" Gibbs growled dangerously. "Sit down."

McGee and Ziva were even more surprised when Tony did not back down, instead he turned towards Gibbs and glared at him

Gibbs was angered by his show of disobedience "When you are good enough to have your own team then you can make your own decisions, Dinozzo, until then you do as I say"

Tony took a few long strides till he was standing at Gibbs desk, "I was offered my own team" Dinozzo spoke softly, but his voice carried across the bull-pen, MCGee and Ziva exchanged glances, this was news to them. " Jenny offered me the position when you came back from Mexico and I turned her down, why?, because the great Leroy Jethro Gibbs was back and I always had his six" His voice became louder and more determined "I've taken the head slaps, I've been blown up, stabbed, shot, hell, I nearly died of the plague, I've dragged you out of a sunken car and had to make the decision whether to save you or the girl, do you know how tough that was? And yet you chew me out in front of a bunch of strangers, like I was a probie. Is it that I went undercover without telling you? Did you give any thought to how I was feeling, how my life had been turned upside down, no, all you cared about was that I'd kept secrets from you, that the director and I had shut you out all that time and you hadn't figured out why" He paused to take a ragged breath, Gibbs was too stunned to reply "Or do you blame me for Jenny's death? Did I screw up somehow? I lay awake at night thinking up a hundred ways I could have done it differently, but she was the director and I followed her orders, if I hadn't, maybe I could have saved her, or, maybe we'd have all died too, no matter what, I can't go back and change what happened. But I can change what happens from now. Do you think Abby is the only one to get job offers? I've had enough" His badge made a soft clink in the silent bullpen as it hit Gibb's desk, his weapon followed closely behind it "Director Vance will have my resignation in the morning" He turned and with a curt nod to the others strode away.

Gibb's leapt up, his face furious, snatching up Dinozzo's badge he took a step... and then stopped, McGee and Ziva were shocked to see the fury drain from his face and he sat back down, staring at the badge he held in his hands. They exchanged glances and then diplomatically got back to typing their reports, a few moments later they looked up as Gibb's gathered his things and spoke to them wearily "Go home people" and, lacking his usual purpose, walked to the elevator.