Author Notes: I'm taking a break from my vampire story to try another supernatural aspect that I enjoy reading about. Try it out and leave a review! I'd love to hear what you guys think about this story!

Pairings: SasuXSaku / SasuXNaru / NaruXSasu / NaruXHinata

Ratings: M



"Adult parties are boring." A five year old Sasuke grumbled as he made his way through some tall grass. He pushed the cattails and shrubbery away with his small hands as he went deeper and deeper into the thicket. "I want to go swimming." The young Uchiha gave an impish grin. "Come on, Mr. Roary..." He paused to dangle his favorite stuffed, green dinosaur in one hand while stripping down to his blue boxers. "'ll be fun." After tossing his clothes aside, Sasuke shoved his plush underneath his arm and raced faster towards a hidden grotto. "Hurray! We made it!" The young boy let his eyes take in the gorgeous scenery before him.

On his left was a cascading waterfall that fell about sixty feet. It's crest was lined with slick rocks, moss, and various small plants. Its sound was soothing to the ear, but young Sasuke knew not to play there. So he quickly took off to the right, darting in and out of the sprouting greenery until he came to a smaller sparkling bed of water. It was circular in size, about fifteen feet across, three feet deep, and outlined by smooth rock. The far left end flowed into the river which connected to the waterfall. Sasuke's onyx eyes followed the calm water to the edge, but gave a slight shudder when it became more intense.

"Now, Mr. Roary, you can't play on that side." He lectured his stuffed friend. "Mommy says that waterfalls aren't for small dinosaurs." Sasuke placed Mr. Roary on the edge and then jumped in. "Brr!" He shook his black hair and rigorously rubbed his ivory shoulders. "It's cold!" He gave his silent friend an evil smirk. "Don't think you're staying dry." He reached over and pulled Mr. Roary in; instantly drenching the poor animal. "Gotcha!" Sasuke laughed merrily while splashing around. "Now you're just as wet as I am!" The boy dunked his head and began to swim blindly throughout the pond. "Hey, Mr. Roary..." Sasuke emerged imitating a water fountain from his lips. "...want to look for fish?" The dinosaur just floated along, it's white, felt teeth now suctioned to its dark pink upper jaw. "I bet I could find a bigger one that you can!" Sasuke dived once more intending to do just that.


"Come on, Naruto!" A small voice called after a rambunctious five year old blond. "We have to finish collecting these plants before anyone sees us."

"Yeah, yeah." Naruto scoffed while pulling himself unto some large rocks. "I don't know why you worry so much." He placed a whiskered cheek in his palm and sighed. "No one ever comes around here." The blonde glanced at the familiar outcropping around him. Before him a cloud of misty steam gathered at the base of the waterfall. Lush trees and colorful flowers dotted the landscape, some in clumps whereas others stood alone in the fertile ground. Shade dominated the edges of the pool, but the sun warmed its center. Birds and butterflies fluttered cheerfully, one landed on the blond's nose.

"That may be true, but if someone ever does, we don't want to be here." She nervously ran her fingers through her long dark purple hair as she watched her friend find a comfortable place on the rocks. Her eyes always went to the half light blue and part indigo tattoo across his back. It was meant to represent the ocean and be a consist reminder of who he was, an Aquarian. A creature, with the upper half of a human and the lower half of a dolphin, that was also connected and restricted to a predetermined grotto. His ears sported small fins which fanned out making them look like small Chinese fans. Similar fins protruded from his elbows. All of his fins fluctuated between various hues of blue depending on how the sun hit them or how the water reflected off of them. His sunshine hair fell loose and his eyes shimmered with the most beautiful and exotic blue making the crystal clear water appear dull. Across his tanned face was an intricate, painted design housing the colors of white, blue, and a dash of light purple. The image itself was mainly curves and drawn to resemble ribbons. It continued down the right side of his slender neck but faded at his bare shoulders. Naruto's grayish blue, dolphin tail fanned playfully against the rocks.

"Let's play a game." He smiled brightly.

"No, Naruto." Hinata scorned while swimming up to the rock where Naruto was perched. "Your mother is expecting us to return shortly." Naruto rolled his eyes and puffed out his cheeks.

"You're so obedient." The blond mocked.

"I suppose that's why your mother likes me." Hinata smiled and then climbed beside Naruto. "And hopefully why you like me too." She blushed causing Naruto to blush as well. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Of course I do, Hinata." Naruto watched some water droplets glide down her body. The young girl's face was painted similarly to Narutos, but her colors were light purple, dark purple, and silver. Her amethyst eyes fluttered closed as she listened to the bird's sing. "You're the prettiest girl in this grotto."

"Flattery isn't going to get you out of doing this chore." She uttered before opening her eyes and looking straight at Naruto. "I know you don't like doing these simple tasks, but once we mature, things will be different. How many times must your mother and I keep telling you that."

"I know." Naruto moped. "But since we ARE still kids, let's have some fun." He jumped off the rock, splashing Hinata in the process.

"Hey!" The girl wiped at her eyes.

"Looks like someone's a little slow on their reaction time." Naruto teased. "Now, don't tell me you didn't see that one coming."

"Don't think you're going to get away with that!" She leapt in and began to chase the boy throughout the nature made pool.


"Mr. Roary! Mr. Roary!" Sasuke called out as he searched frantically around the small pond. "Where did you go?" Suddenly, the young raven caught a glimpse of his beloved stuffed animal caught in the rough waters. "Oh, no." He bit down on his lower lip. "I have to get him before he goes over the waterfall." Sasuke quickly looked at his surroundings, unfortunately, everything was soaked from his previous splashing around. "The best thing to do is to swim to him." He said bravely. "Don't worry, Mr. Roary, I'll save you!" After taking a deep breath, Sasuke made his way towards the angry waters.


"Looks like I have the upper hand now." Hinata cockily replied as she held Naruto's tail in her grasp.

"Well...." The blond flapped his tail in a defeated manner. "...I let you catch me."

"Sure you did." She released her prisoner and then glided over to pick up her bag. "It's getting late. We better get going."

"Aww...already?" Naruto sulked. "I want to stay longer."

"Come on, Naruto." Hinata gave a sweet smile. "Get your bag...even if it is empty."

"Very funny, Hinata." He slowly swam over to the base of the waterfall but just as he was about to grab his bag, something hit him on the head. "Huh?" He looked around expecting nothing more than a large ball of seaweed, but his curiosity was peeked when his eyes settled on a stuffed green dinosaur. "What is this?" He picked up the strange object. "Umm...Hinata? What do you think this is?" He spun around only to be answered by the sounds of nature. He simply shrugged his shoulders and let his eyes stare in awe at the magnificent waterfall. "Is this from up there?" Suddenly, his ears twitched when he heard a desperate cry. "Huh?" He tilted his head and squinted his eyes determined to see something.


"Help!" Sasuke kicked his legs and swam the best he could, but the raging undertow refused to let him go. "Mommy! Daddy!" He screamed out, but his cries were muffled by mouthful after mouthful of water. "Someone help me!" Sasuke flailed tirelessly as the foreboding edge drew closer.


"Come on." Naruto jumped impatiently at the base of the waterfall, his eyes locked above him. "Where are you?"

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" A voice cried out as the form of a small boy passed over the edge and fell rapidly downward. The weight crashed mere inches next to Naruto and then slowly began it's descent. Instantly Naruto dove in after the human, intending and wanting to save the young boy. The blond wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and then brought them up; hooking his arms under the boy's armpits. Once the boy's head cleared the water, Naruto helped him to a small cave behind the waterfall. Then, the blond pulled the boy onto the smooth rock and climbed up next to him.

"This'll be a good place for you to thank me." Naruto panted while dragging the boy further away from the slippery edge. The cave was mostly dark except for one corner. The setting sun's rays highlighted a path that was overgrown with wild grasses and sections of dirt. The trail once provided an easy way for humans to go between the higher and lower levels of the hidden paradise. Water trickled down from the jagged rocks, making the place damp and most of the rocks were covered with moss. The only dry spot was near the bottom of the hill.

The blond looked about for a closer option. "Great...." he sighed. "...that's my only choice." After chewing on his bottom lip for a few seconds, Naruto grasped the boy's shoulders and hauled him over. Once there, the blond lifted the boy's head and laid it gently back on the soaked plush. "That works." He gave a slight nod and adjusted the boy into a comfortable laying position.

"Wow! A real human." Naruto's sapphire eyes traveled the length of the boy. "I wonder what his name is." The boy was roughly the same size and build as the blond Aquarian. His raven colored hair was matted against a delicate, pale face. His eyes were closed and his mouth partially opened. The boy's small chest was still slick from his recent water adventure and his boxers were twisted around his thighs. "Ahh.....hello?" Naruto lightly poked the boy's nose and was surprised by how spft his skin was. Then, the blond placed his head next to the boy's left ear and gently blew into it. No reaction.

Next, using his fingers, Naruto traced the human's shoulders and arms. "Your arms are made for swimming." The blond cheerfully stated loudly. Still, no reaction from the human. "And Hinata thinks I have a loud voice...apparently not." He sat back on what would be his hunches, if they weren't combined to create his tail. "Hmm.....I wonder if a human's legs are as strong as an Aqaurion's." Naruto reached for one of Sasuke's thighs and squeezed. "Nope. A tail is much better." The blond flicked his own proudly. "So how about you wake up now?" Naruto shook the boy gently. "You're so fascinating."

Naruto waited in silence for a minute before erupting, "Come on, wake up!" The small human just laid there. "You're not very fun." Naruto pounded the boy's chest. "Gah! What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, the blond relaxed his hands and cocked his head to one side after feeling a stilled chest beneath his fingers. "Wait a minute...aren't humans suppose to breathe?" He put his ear next to the humans mouth. No warm breath filled the still air. "What do I do? If he's not breathing then..." The blond anxiously gazed at the boy. "No, he's not....." The blond laid the back of his fingers along one of the boy's cheeks. "I know...maybe he just forgot how to breathe."

Quickly Naruto placed his fingers on the boy's chin and lifted it. Then he pushed on the boy's cheeks in to make the little mouth widen. "I hope this works." After taking a deep breath, the blond crushed his lips against the young boy's and then started to fill the human with much needed air. Unconsciously Naruto's other hand seeked out the boy's hand and clutched on to it in support.


"Oh, Hinata," a beautiful Aquarian female swam up to the young girl. Her reddish-brown hair flowed playfully through the deep waters while her cobalt eyes sparkled with excitement. Wave tattoos circled her upper arms. The patterns smaller and more feminine than her sons. Her face was decorated with blues and greens to match both the flower in her hair and the seaweed constructed top that hugged her bosom as well as her bottom. Unlike Naruto, Kushina had two legs with fins on each calf and both her fingers and toes were webbed. "Did you and Naruto get the plants that I needed?"

"We did, Kushina." Hinata held out her bag for inspection. "See!"

"You collected more that enough." Kushina happily took the bag. "Thank you. Umm..where is Naruto?"

"He's right behind me." The girl spun around and when she was met with nothing, she turned back, a little embarrassed. "At least, I thought he was."

"Seems Naruto's becoming more and more like me, I fear." Kushina laughed. "Perhaps, we'd better find him before his father finds out that he's still topside."

"I'll get him." Hinata spun around quickly. "It's my fault for not making sure he was with me in the first place."

"Alright." Kushina called after the girl. "Just come to my house once you get him. There's something I want to discuss with the both of you."


Sasuke felt the most wonderful breeze enter his body. It filled him with all the power and beauty of the ocean. And soon, the young Uchiha's mind was overflowing with images of a world unlike his own. He saw underwater homes, schools made of coral; where children who not only played with fish, but had tails like them as well. Everything was covered in a blue / green tint and blurry. Sasuke was just about to say something to a little 'fish girl' when suddenly a mouthful of water gushed from his lips.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked as he backed away slightly.

"Mommy....cough....Daddy....cough...." Sasuke sputtered as he turned on his side to spit the rest of the water from his bluish lips. "Mr. Roary..."

"They aren't here." Naruto replied. "Whose Mr. Roary?" He curiously asked.

"He's my stuffed dinosaur." The young raven smoothed away his matted bangs. "I was trying to catch him before he went over the waterfall."

"Oh! He's your pillow." The blond reached behind the boy to retrieve the plush while Sasuke blindly padded the ground for Mr. Roary.

"Where is he?" Sasuke whimpered.

"Here." Naruto put the animal in Sasuke's seeking hand. "I still can't believe you're here. No ones ever fallen like that from the upper world." The blond sat next to the human and grinned happily. "The best part is that he's a kid like me, which means I could talk to him since my dad says only big humans are not to be trusted."

"You mean I actually fell?!" Sasuke's eyes shot wide open.

"Yep!" Naruto boldly pressed his nose against Sasuke's nose. "But don't worry, I caught you." He clamped his hands around Sasuke's hands before continuing, "...and I helped you breath again. My name's Naruto. What's yours?" Before Sasuke could speak, he blinked multiple times as if taking in all of the young boy's features.

"" Sasuke head drooped to one side, but his gaze never left the painted, tanned face in front of him. His onyx eyes looked glazed over as he repeated Naruto's name two more times.

"That's right!" Naruto's eyes sparkled. "And you are?" Sasuke's remained quiet as tears filled his eyes.

"Are you alright?" The blond scrunched his brow, unsure what to do next.

"No. " Sasuke shook his head. "I'm not fine. Mommy and daddy are going to be really mad at me." He wrapped his arms tightly around Mr. Roary and brought the animal up to cover his face.

"Don't cry." Naruto put his hands over Sasuke's and together they lowered the plush; revealing a blubbery face. "Just come up with a good story."

"A story?" The raven sniffed.

"Uh huh." Naruto gave a quick nod. "If you tell one wild enough, it'll make your parents forget why they were yelling at you in the first place."

"You're weird." Sasuke used his palms to dry his eyes.

"Am not!" Naruto rebutted. "At least I introduced myself."

"Huh? Oh!" Sasuke smoothed out his boxers before stating in a very formal manner, "I'm Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

"Sas...uke..." The blond repeated three times as he stared at the pale boy; imitating Sasuke's reaction from earlier.

"Where are your legs?" The raven put his hands on Naruto's aquatic tail, jolting Naruto out of his trance like state. Sasuke's hands skimmed along the smooth surface and stopped briefly to tug at the blond's dorsal fin. "You look like a mermaid. And why is your face covered with funny paint?"

"I don't get my legs until I'm an adult." Naruto lectured. "As for the paint, it's my parents wish that I wear it." Sasuke quirked a brow. "I know,the paint is a little excessive." The blond scratched at his hair sheepishly. "But I can't say no to my mom. She's the one that does it. Although my dad thinks it's a little too girly." Naruto rattled on until the raven touched the blonde's cheek and began to trace the elegant design.

"They feel smooth." Sasuke's hands continued down Naruto's neck until...

"Sasuke! Sasuke!" A woman's wary voice called out. "Where are you?"

"Sasuke?" A man's stern voice shortly followed.

"Mommy! Daddy!" The young boy answered before jumping to his feet. "I'm down here!"

"Oh no." Naruto's eyes darted toward the dirt slope. "Those are his parents. I can't let them see me." He started back towards the safety of the water.

"Sasuke!" Mikoto shimmied down the incline. Her purple dress billowing around her slender legs while her jet-black hair flapped loosely behind her as well as her husband, Fugaku. He was dressed in a dark blue kimono. His expression grim as he watched his wife coddle his second son. "Oh Sasuke..." She pulled the young boy into a tight hug. "..your father and I were so worried when you didn't show up for your usual cheesecake and tomato juice."

"I'm fine mommy." Sasuke pushed against Mikoto's small bosom.

"How did you get down here?" His father asked strictly. "You've been told to stay near the house. I'm disappointed in you, Sasuke."

"But daddy, I....." Sasuke whimpered.

"Shh!" The elder Uchiha whipped out a dagger. "We're not the only ones in this cave."

Naruto gulped as he quickly pulled himself between two large rocks; hoping that the human male would only see the outlines of simple stone and not the shape of an Aquarion.

"Oh my!" Mikoto held the raven close.

"Whose there?" Fugaku expertly threw the weapon into the shaded rocks. "You better not have hurt my son!" The dagger caught and embedded itself just above Naruto's tail fin. The blond bit hard on his lip; not wanting to make a sound. "I said whose there? Show yourself!"

"Daddy!" Sasuke yelled. "Don't hurt my friend!"

"Quiet Sasuke." His father glared at the boy; which caused Sasuke to instantly clam up. "No one could live here. It's a cave Sasuke, not a home." Sasuke averted his eyes shamefully.

"Keep talking, Sasuke." Naruto thought. "You have to keep his attention while I get this out!" The blond paled at the sight of his own blood pooling beneath him.

"Please daddy..." The young boy called out. "...he saved me." Fugaku turned to face his son. "He's a blond dolphin."

"Saved you?" Mikoto held Sasuke out at a arms length. "What do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Roary got swept away from me when I was playing and I tried to rescue him...." Sasuke sniffled. "...but after I fell down the waterfall, Naruto saved me."

"Oh Sasuke!" Mikoto wailed. "You must have been so scared."

"I was mommy, but my friend helped me and now I'm okay." Sasuke gave a small smile.

"That's a ridiculous story, Sasuke." His father narrowed his eyes.

"But it's the truth!" The young raven clasped his hands into tiny fists.

"Even if you did go over the waterfall, you survived because of your strong blood and family lines. I will not have my family laughed at because my second son believes he was saved by some water creature." The eldest Uchiha started towards Naruto once more.

"Come on!" Naruto continued to struggle with the dagger. His small cries turned into desperate sobs as he sensed the large human approach him.

"Stop! Daddy!" Sasuke whined onto deaf ears. "You'll scare him away."

Suddenly a large splash came from the opposite side of the grotto.

"Hinata." Naruto gave a sigh of relief as he finally tore the dagger out and then dove into the deep pool.

"Now what?" Sasuke's father quickly changed directions and headed for the newly heard commotion.

"There's nothing here." He glared at the now calm waters.

"Honey..." Mikoto spoke up. "...Sasuke's soaked to the bone. Let's take him home."

"Alright." Fugaku muttered while standing. "But first, I need to get my dagger." He walked over to where Naruto once was and stopped short when he discovered a circle of fresh blood and some scales. "Huh?" He picked up the scales using the blood covered dagger. "What the hell kind of fish has scales this big and bleeds this profoundly."

"Fugaku?" Mikoto stood with Sasuke. "It's been a long day."

"Well, I hit something." The eldest Uchiha turned towards his family. "Looks like I was right." He held up the blood stained weapon. "Something else was here; however, I don't think it'll get very far before it dies."

"Naruto!" Sasuke waled. "No!"

"Shh..." Mikoto wrapped her arms around her son. "Fugaku! Stop scaring Sasuke!" She yelled. "He's been through enough today!"

Fugaku rolled his eyes at his wife while wiping off his bloodied dagger with the edge of his kimono.

"Sooner or later Sasuke will have to learn what blood is."

"He's five!" Sasuke's mom came to the young Uchiha's defense.

"He was nice to me and..." the young raven sobbed.

"Calm down, Sasuke." Mikoto cooed softly. "I'm sure that whatever your father was throwing his dagger at was not your friend."

"Really?" Sasuke's eyes grew large as he looked hopefully at his mom.

Fugaku picked up his son. "I don't want to hear any more of this...." He clipped. "...from either of you." Mikoto nodded as Sasuke tried to hold in his tears. Fugaku then reached for his wife's hand and helped assist her back up to solid ground.


"Oh my gosh!" Hinata held her hands in front of her mouth as she watched Naruto's young blood fill the water around them. "Are you okay?" The blond shook his head, but his eyes told a different story and remained locked on his wound.

"Don't tell my parents!" Naruto gritted out as he lovingly held his tail. "They'll never understand."

"Why didn't you follow me?" Hinata swooped down to grab a fistful of strong seaweed. "If you did, none of this would have happened and I wouldn't have looked foolish in front of your mom." Naruto winced as she began to wrap the injury.

"He needed my help." Naruto brushed off Hinata's anger. "Sasuke was so curious about me as I was about him."

"You didn't tell him anything, did you?"

"Of course I answered his questions. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" Naruto gave a quick flap of his tail; testing the mended appendage. "Thanks Hinata!" The blond smiled, but soon lost his enthusiasm as the girl started to weep. "What's wrong?"

"Imprinting." Hinata bit out.

"Imprinting?" The blond raised a baffled brow. "What's that?"

"Something that'll change your life forever..." Hinata sadly answered. "..and mine too."


Please review as I plan to update soon!