Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except one OC and my friend owns the other. If I did own them, you can bet your ass that Ishiah would have help putting up with Robin and Cal.

Note: Like the books, they're told from Cal's POV. I will specify if that changes.

And now...

Elsewards to Onwhere

Monsters are everywhere, hiding in plain sight.

Hell, I'm one of them. Born and bred.

To tell the truth, monsters are everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Some of us look like humans and can pass as one without close inspection. There are others of us that are definitely limited to the "bump in the night" category. Purebred werewolves, vampires, pucks, peris, Valkyries and a slew of others fall into the first category. Perfectly human at first glance with subtle inhuman differences.

Things like boggles, mermaids, lamias, trolls, and Black Annis were definitely segregated to the nonhuman section of the theater. Certain low-blood Weres, revenants, and my own demonic sperm donor could pass as human when given the right amount of camouflage.

Just because you can't spot a tentacled slime monster doesn't mean there isn't one of its invisible buddies waiting to eat your face off.

Hi guys, first story in a sadly long time. Ironic: I'm in a creative writing class, yet I haven't had anything to put up in over a year.

So yea, read and review, please. Or Cal will cry and Niko will get mad. Maybe. He may just laugh.

Evil out.