A/N : I welcome you to my latest fic! A Naruto and FF X-2 Crossover! I dont own both of em, by the way!

-Undisclosed Area-


Gunshots rang out in a cavern. Bullets pinging off mythril walls. Screams of rage and the clanging of metal accompanied the gunshots. A burst of magical energy escaped the firearm and slammed into the large fiend : A menacing red dragon. It gave out a minute twitch but it appeared to be unharmed for the most part. Taking a deep breath, it blew out a large stream of white hot fire towards a blonde girl in skimpy clothes.


She screeched and instantly dove to the right to dodge the oncoming flames. Grunting, she skid to a halt and searched for a bottle of green liquid in her knapsack taking a big gulp from it. Aiming towards the large fiend, she threw the bottle at the beast's eye which made it recoil in pain. It reared it's large scaled head back and it felt something dig into it's side. The fiend swung it's massive claw to get rid of the attacker and noted with some satisfaction that it felt it's claws hit with something.

"Paine! Are you okay!?"

A silver haired woman with red eyes named Paine grunted and nodded her head. Standing up, ignoring the burns on her skin, she entered a stance with her sword raise up high, she closed her eyes and muttered something inaudible under her breath. Her sword glowed and sparked with red electricity, she ran forward and twisted her body to the side bringing her sword up from behind.

"Armor Break!" She growled out and quickly took several steps back as the pain finally registered in the dragon's mind.

"Raaaawr!" It made an attempt to attack Paine once more but a bang made it pause momentarily before a bullet ripped through it's large claw. It took no heed to the small hole but it still felt a small sting. It roared once more and smashed it's forelegs to the cavern floor, it's maw closed with sparks of heat brimming from the edges.

"Girls! It's getting ready! We gotta move!"

Paine and Rikku nodded towards Yuna and ran in separate directions while Yuna moved forward towards the dragon, her clothes shining. She jumped up, her gun enveloped by a radiant light. She gripped it tightly and swung it upwards, the dragon reared it's head back as a large gash appeared between it's eyes.

Now stood, a brown haired beauty with a red, black and brown bodysuit. And you couldn't possibly miss the elegant blue sword in place of her long-range weapon. She smirked and tapped an earpiece in her left ear. "Hey, Shinra, looks like the dressphere is a success!"

"Yes, my sensors and computer managed to record the data from the transformation…Remember, if you find another sphere, I might be able to turn into another 'costume'."

Static was heard for a few moments before the connection was cut. Heaving the large blade, Yuna swung it a few times to get used to the weight. Words and various data whizzed through her mind, she furrowed her brows as there were some empty spots. Tapping the earpiece once more, she called Shinra and quickly backflipped to avoid a large fireball shot by the no longer stunned fiend.

"I'm guessing you've found the data."

"Yeah. I was wondering about that."

"Each dressphere holds different abilities you can use. Those empty spots will fill up when you master certain abilities. Right now, you only have Power Break but once you master that, you;ll gain a new one."

"Interesting…Well, let's give it a shot!"

The blade sparked, similar to what happened with Paine's sword only the energy was more of a copper colour than red. "Power Break!"

"Great job, Yunie! It's our turn now! Come on, Paine!"

"Hn…Right behind ya…"

The two girls rushed forward, Rikku from the left and Paine from the right. The blonde ran up the fiend's tail while dragging her twin blades into the scales. She jumped up and stabbed the fiend in the eyes, effectively making it blind. It roared in pain and reared it's head back, smashing it against the wall. Not hearing a squish, it took a large sniff to find the girl who attacked it before two blades dug themselves into it's belly with another stabbing it's neck. Greenish blood poured out of the wound but it was not dead yet.

"Yuna, finish him off!"


The click of a gun signified that Yuna had changed back to her gunner outfit. She took aim and charged her pistol. With a large bang, a bullet escaped the hole and whizzed towards the dragon's head. It stayed still, a hidden smirk beneath it's blinded eyes. Surely, a bullet couldn't defeat a dragon of epic proportions? And this where the bullet pierced through the dragons hardened scales and eventually it skull.

It stood stunned before it slumped over, slowly disappearing into the air as pyreflies…

"Phew…Talk about tiring! But now, I can't wait to see what kind of sphere lies ahead! So come on, come on, come on!" Rikku ran forward past the still disappearing body and into a large steel door with several intricate designs.

"These designs…they hold magic…"

"What do you mean, Paine? But now that you mention it…some of these markings look…familiar…" Yuna raised a hand and traced a design similar to wings covered in tribal markings. Her eyes glazed over as she pressed her palm towards the door and pushed it gently. The door was quite light and it hardly made any noise when it was moved aside.

They walked in, weapons at the ready just in case if there were fiends inside. Minutes passed as they walked down a long winding corridor. It was dark. Rikku searched for a bomb core in her back pack and lit it. It glowed but the light from it fizzled and separated itself from the core and flew down to a chamber.

"Wh…What was that?"

"The air…it's thick…with magic. Dark magic."

"Dark magic? Don't you mean black?"

"No. This magic is dark. Evil. Malicious…"

The three girls fidgeted but steeled themselves. They continued their walk, noticing how the walls were covered in the same tribal designs. An uneasy feeling appeared in the pit of Paine's stomach. This definitely felt familiar. This kind of magic was similar to that place… Her knuckles whitened, she gripped her sword even tighter. She was ready this time. Whatever it is…

They finally reached the end of a corridor and looked around. It was a completely circular chamber, held up by four pillars. Each one glowing a different colour and covered in different design. Red with fire markings…Blue with bubbles…White with frost…Yellow with arcs of lightning… And in the middle was a large sphere. It was around six feet in height and quite wide, possibly around 30 meters.

"W-woah! That thing's huge! How the heck are we supposed to carry that thing!?"

"Rikku…Paine…There's…someone inside the sphere."

"Someone…? Hmm…" Paine took several steps forward and looked at the large sphere from all angles and sure enough, there was a humanoid figure inside of it. Although, it was hard to see what s/he looked like since the waves of memories within the sphere prevented them from doing so.

"Who is it…What if…it's not a sphere but a container?"

"What do you mean, Yunie?"

"A container for sealing a person. You remember Anima, Rikku?"

At this, the perky blonde nodded as well as inwardly shivering. That was Aeon that gave her the absolute creeps!

"I remember that to get him we had to do a lot of things to break the 'seal' to get him…And for a good reason, there were times when I couldn't just control him…"

'So…the person inside is sealed as well?"

Yuna nodded and walked towards the pillars and seeing chains on the floor which were connected to the pillars. Maybe…Just maybe…

"Girls! Let's try connecting these chain to the sphere! Something might happen!"

"B-but, Yunie! Wh-what if it's a fiend!? O-or something evil?" Rikku pouted and crossed her arms over her ample chest while Paine sighed and shook her head. "Whatever. Even if it is a fiend, we'll defeat it. We're pretty good at fighting after all." Walking over towards the fire pillar, she grabbed the chain and threw it over the sphere only for it to snake around the sphere and meld it into it. Paying it no heed, Yuna threw the ice chain over it while Rikku threw the water chain with Paine walking over to the thunder chain over it. Each chain snaked around and melded around the sphere before it began flashing through the four different elemental colours. Slowly, cracks appeared starting from the bottom before they started to spread upwards, The glow of the sphere dimmed before it turned dark. The whole chamber was bathed in darkness, the only sources of light came from the pillars which were unfortunately dimming as well.


The three girls jumped in shock and readied their weapons. Maybe breaking this seal was a bad idea…The sphere suddenly glowed! Four different runes appeared. A rune of fire…A rune of ice…A rune of thunder…A rune of water…And beneath it was a magic circle…A very familiar magic circle.


They turned their heads toward the sphere and saw a figure standing inside it. The figure withdrew a sword from his/her back and swung downwards! The sphere shattered and the shards embedded themselves into the walls, pillars and some even dug themselves into the skin of the Gullwings.

"Who dares…awaken me? The Dark Aeon Knight…"

"Dark Aeon!" Yuna panicked. She remembered the battles she had with the Dark Aeons. How close she and her friends came close to dying more than once…They needed to run away! Pulling out her spare pistol, she quickly shot at the figure that was undoubtedly male due to his deep voice and figure.

The bullets pinged off his armor and into the wall, some barely missing her two friends.

"Hey! W-Watch it, Yunie!"

The large figure turned towards Yuna and waved his hand at her and soon she was struck by an invisible blow!


Yuna collided with the floor and tried to get up while clutching her chest. That hurt…Whoever this guy is, he was no pushover.

"Yuna?" The figure lowered his hand and stared at the young woman. "Grand…Summoner…Yuna?"

The Gullwings froze and stared at the Knight as he attempted to take off his helmet. With a small click, he twisted the helmet to the left and took it off revealing a young man, seemingly around the age of 20. He had slightly pale skin and spiky, blond hair with bangs framing his face. What attracted them the most were his eyes. They were a soft blue but it wasn't exactly the colour that caught their attention. It was the magic circle within them.

"It is an honour to see you again, Lady Yuna." The Knight stabbed his blade to the ground and took a deep bow. "My name is Naruto. But you may know me as the Fayth as well."

Cue long silence…