Thank you all my faithful readers for waiting so long. I'm so happy you haven't left me. I promise to not quit this story I already know where its going. Please excuse any grammar mistakes

made here I didn't send it my editor first because I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer. So here it is another chapter.


"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Alice said excitedly jumping on the end of my bed.

I opened one eye and glared at her.

"Alice" I groaned "Get out"

"Nope, there's school today, and im doing your hair and make-up. So hurry your little butt out of bed, and put on the clothes I have put out for you on the end of the bed" Alice said, and with that she hopped off the bed

landing smoothly and soundless. She turned and walked out of the room. I sleepily pulled off my comforter grumbling the whole time. I might appreciate Alice being there for me, but at six in the morning I can't find it in

me to be thankful at all. I walked over to the clothes that Alice had neatly set at the end of the bed. When I saw the clothes I scoffed at them, and rolled my eyes. She had picked me out black skinny jeans, with a purple

form-fitting shirt. And as if the outfit wasn't enough, there was a pair of black stiletto peep-toe heels.
"Alice" I called.

The door opened and Alice gracefully walked over.

"Yes" she said innocently.

"The clothes" I said, raising my eyebrows at her.


"Don't you think they're a little too dressy for class?" I asked.

"Nope now put them on now, all of them and hurry up into the bathroom you've already wasted time, now get going" she said casually, walking out of the room again.

I sighed and started putting the clothes on me. When it came for the shoes I put the stiletto's in the closet and grabbed my black flip-flops instead. I walked out of my room, and into the bathroom where I found Alice

pacing around the room impatiently. She glanced at me and rolled her eyes.

"Seriously would it kill you to for once not take the heels out of an outfit, you've done that twice now" she said in a slightly irritated voice.

I smiled hugely at her, and she smiled back at me and rolled her eye's before pointing to the chair that she had out. I sighed and walked over to the chair and sat down. I lost track of time after that. It was all a blur

between Alice clucking her tongue when she was debating what else to do, or her sighs when something didn't quite do what she wanted. When the make-up came around it seemed that there was always something

blocking my vision.

"Perfect!" Alice exclaimed when she had finished. She grabbed my hand and led me to a mirror. When I looked into the mirror I gasped. I was never really ugly but I was never this. Staring at me was a girl that had

beautiful brown hair that went straight down her back. Her features on her face were perfectly defined, and the eye make-up she was wearing made her green eye's pop. I smiled and her full glossy lips smiled back at


"So you like it?" Alice asked, slightly bouncing where she stood.

"I love it" I said brightly to Alice.

She smiled smugly at me, and I rolled my eye's at her before I walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Alice i'm leaving" I said on my way out the door.

I walked out the door, and to my first class.

My morning was the same as any other, I went to my classes everything was easy, and then I went to the cafeteria got my food, and went to the table I ate at everyday. Alice came gracefully walking over with Jasper

right behind her.
"Hello Renesmee" Jasper said formally.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey Alice" I said.

"Hey Nessie" she said.

"So Alice I have something to tell you" I started off.

"Yes" she said.

"Ej and I are leaving next week for a week" I said.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked.

"Alaska" I said. The look on Alice's face told me that I would have to give more information. I sighed.

"We're visiting our mom" I said. Pain flashed through her eyes before she quickly replaced it.

"That's good" she said.

"Ya I just wanted to give you a warning before we left" I said.

"Hey I got it!" Alice exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"We'll go shopping! Rosalie, Esme, you, and I will go and get you new clothes to take with you"

"Alice I don't really need new clothes" I said.

"You can always use new clothes, and its really just to spend time with you before you leave" she said.

I looked at Alice, her face was pleading. And the second I looked at her face, was the second I knew that I had no choice over the matter. I would never be able to tell Alice no. With a sigh I threw my hands up in



"Renesmee dear its great to see you again" Esme's tinkling motherly voice floated over to me from the couch as I stepped out of my bedroom. I looked at Rosalie Esme, and Alice sitting on the couch. They were all

excruiatingly beautiful and I suddenly felt very self consicious.

"It's good to see you too Esme" I replied.

"So are we all ready to go?" Alice asked standing up.

"Yep" I replied.

"Great we should get going we don't want to waste time" Alice said excitidly.

We all got up and started walking out the door. We all hopped into Alice's porsche with Alice driving, Esme in passenger, and Rosalie and I in the backseat.

"So Renesmee are you excited to see your mom again?" Esme asked me polietly turning around slightly in her seat so she could see me.

"Yes and no I miss her like crazy, but Forks has become like a home to new and its sad to leave it even if it is only for a week" I said.

"I understand dear" Esme said.

"What is you mother like Renesmee?" Rosalie asked all of a sudden.

It took me a moment to compose myselfl before I could answer her.

"She is shy around people she doesn't know at first. She is self consicious of herself even though she is gorgeous. She is stong and occasionally independent. When her mind is set on something she goes for it.

She can be very stubborn at times sort of hard-headed. She stands up for what she believe's in. She can be over protective at times of Ej and I but I know she is just trying to protect us from unneccessary pain. She

is fun to be around. She-" I stopped myself when I realized how much I was talking.

"Sorry I didn't mean to go on and on" I said abashedly fidegting with my hands.

"No no its ok we don't mind in the least what were you going to say" Esme said.

I shrugged.

"She's my best friend" I said.

"That is very good that your close with your family" Esme said.

"We're here!" Alice exclaimed excitiedly. She opened her door and impatiently started tapping her foot for the rest of us to get out.

When we all got out Alice started straight for the doors to our first of many many shops.

"I still think you should have gotten that dress" Alice said pouting slightly as we left the mall just as they shut off the main entrance.

"Alice my mom lives in Alaska, its going to be freezing there" I said laughing.

"Alice dear its alright this isn't going to be your last shopping trip with her" Esme said.

Alice laughed and smiled.

"I know" she chirped.

I sighed.

"I'm only going again if Esme or Rosalie are with me I need help reigning you in Alice" I said.

"Hey you survived your first shopping trip with her by yourself, your pretty tough fro getting through that one" Rosalie said smiling at me.

"Yet I have two silk dresses in the back of my closet" I said.

"True, don't worry though we'll make sure you have help from now on" Rosalie replied.

Alice was grumbling under her breath in the front seat. The car ride home was filled with more light conversations and laughter.

When we arrived at our dorms we each grabbed bags and headed up the stairs to our dorm. I grabbed the new suitcase's that Alice had bought for me, it was black with a pink, and blue swirl design on them.

They all helped me neatly pack away my clothes and other things I was bringing. When we finished it was ten.

"Well dear have fun in Alaska. I'll see you in a week" Esme said.
"Goodbye Esme. See you later" I said as I walked with her to the front door. I wanteed to hug her goodbye but she didn't know that I knew what she was and she was still protecting that secret. So giving her a hug all

though I knew her skin wouln't be cold to me, she didnt. So I watched her leave my dorm. I walked into the living room, and said good night to Alice and Rosalie before walking into my room and falling fast asleep

onto my bed.


"Nessie, Nessie, Nessie" I heard Ej saying. I felt him shaking me. I opened one eye and looked up at him.

"You need to get up, we have the car packed already. Alice and Jasper are driving us down to the airport and take our car back here. You need to get up and get ready" he said.

I groaned and got up and out of bed. I changed into jeans and a white collared shirt, and pulled a black sweater over it with the collar showing. I pulled on my shoes, and threw my hair into a ponytail.

I walked out into the living room where I found them waiting for me.

"All right lets go" Ej said.

We all got into our car and drove silently to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport Jasper and Ej grabbed our bags with Alice and I trailing silently behind them.

At our gate Ej grabbed the bags from Jasper and waved goodbye to them, and thanked them for taking us.

"Bye Jasper" I said. He nodded and smiled slightly at me.

I turned to Alice and before I could utter a word she had me in a big hug. When she released me I smiled at her.

"Bye Alice i'll see you in a week" I said.

"I'll see you in a week" Alice said.

I turned and walked away from her and ran over to catch up to Ej. I raced to the window seat on the plane. As the plane took off I found no enjoyment. I felt no joy in leaving Forks even if it was only for a week. In a

short time Forks had become a home to me. And a family I always wanted lived there. I loved my mom but I just wish she would move here and we could be a happy family together with no secrets. I found a tear roll

down my face as I watched us fly away from Forks.

"Ness we'll only be gone a week" Ej said.

"Thats not why im sad" I said.

"Then why are you sad?"

"Because I want our family together with no secrets. I want us to be happy" I said before putting my headphones in and looking out the window again.

Sorry if this chapter has been a bit boring im getting places with this I promise. I should have another chapter up by the 18th. Thanks again for your support.
