Well aloha! Welcome to Scribble's first attempt at writing a SWAC fanfic. Hehe. Really though, I hope you like it. And don't forget to review, it makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. Jk, lol. Yup, well, I hope you like it!


A SonnyxChad Story

by xScribbles819

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't spend his days secretly spying over people. Especially people who were new to So Random!, Mackenzie Falls' rival show. So why was it that on the day Sonny Munroe arrived, he immediately walked over to the set and hid in a vent, watching her every move?

And why was it that after Sonny had winked at the camera that Tawni had tossed her hair at, he took out the tape and watched it several hundred times in his dressing room?

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't spend time playing the silly game of "Musical Chairs" with the cast of So Random! to fight over the golf cart and the golf cart's parking space. So why is that on that day he let Sonny Munroe convince him to play it?

Chad Dylan Cooper also didn't spend time worrying about other people's fake (although it looked real to him) broken ankles so they could win the Musical Chairs game. So why is it that on that day he was genuinely concerned about Sonny Munroe's ankle, only to turn red when Sonny scoffed and pulled him down, winning the game of Musical Chairs?

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't usually invite people over to the set of Mackenzie Falls, the number one teen show on TV. So why in the world did he suddenly decide to invite Sonny Munroe, all the way from stupid Chuckle City over to the set?

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't feel guilty for betraying 'friendship' from a person he'd only met a couple of days ago. So why did he feel guilty and get depressed for a few days after Sonny Munroe looked at him with a hurt expression, then ran off with their chocolate fountain?

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't help people from So Random! when they were about to embarrass themselves on TV. He loved watching people from rival shows embarrass themselves in front of millions of people. So why had he put on the weird beard and clothes, then pretended to be Eric, Sonny's biggest fan?

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't watch shows about the 'Check it Out girls.' So why had he found himself taping the So Random! episode and replaying it over and over again, his eyes glued only to Sonny?

Chad Dylan Cooper hasn't invited anyone from the cast of So Random! to his birthday party since the day he started throwing parties. So why did he find himself ordering a big cutout for Sonny Munroe and her friend Tawni? And why had he found himself letting Sonny invite her best friend from Wisconsin to his party too? Chad Dylan Cooper didn't invite random people from state he hadn't known had existed to his birthday party.

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't care about Sharona's blog. So why did he find himself reading about whatever was posted about Sonny Munroe there?

Why did he find himself staring at her all the time?

Why did he find himself wandering over and trying to make her laugh all the time?

Why did he, Chad Dylan Cooper, suddenly felt the urge to kiss her whenever they stopped talking for a moment?


The answer was simple.

He, Chad Dylan Cooper, was in love with Sonny Munroe.


Haha, well, I liked it, for my first SWAC story. :) Did I miss any episodes that aired? If not, yay. If so, oh wells. Hehe. Yah, well, I hope you liked it. Have any comments? Questions? Feedback? Blah blah blah? haha, review please? Thanks for reading!
