A/N: Don't know where this came from. Dan's point of view, concerning Chuck and Blair. Because we all know Dan has a place next to Charlie Trout for a certain Gracie Kelly.


He watches them. They never notice, but he watches them. The way there lips smirk and eyes travel, each assessing each other in a silent battle.

Dan Humphrey watches, and he learns.

He watches her assess his body, a smirk grazing his features when he realizes she is staring. She blushes red, but stares at him still, her brown eyes never leaving his.

Dan watches the way he gazes at her; his eyes burning a liquid trail of fire over her body. They way she stares at him when he's not looking, her eyes filling with tears as she looks upon the man she hates to love.

Dan would know this; he was there when she proclaimed it. Her lack of words telling Dan what he knows she can't say. She loves him. Someone loves Chuck Bass.

And he isn't worthy of her love.

She would put the story of Charlie Trout to shame.

She was more complicated than Chuck; she was a writer's dream come true.

She was tainted.

She had a mother who cared who much; who complained when her daughter ate too much, and wasn't dressed impeccably for every occasion. Who put her own daughter down to make her feel better. She had a father, who didn't care enough; who was too stuck in his own twisted fairy tale to even bother getting to know his own child. She had a best friend, a friend who throughout her faults always seemed to put her above herself. And then she had him.

Dan didn't know who Chuck was to her. He definitely wasn't a friend; not anymore. They hadn't been real friends in awhile. But they weren't enemies. However many times they hurt each other couldn't dull out the fact that they hadn't truly hurt each other for the fun of it in awhile.

They most definitely were not lovers. Lovers didn't hurt the way they did, they only loved.

And Dan most definitely new that Chuck Bass didn't love Blair Waldorf.

He may have wanted her, may of treasured her, but their twisted romance couldn't be defined as love. It just couldn't.

Love was supposed to be beautiful; not reeking of tragedy.

It was supposed to be true; not filled with insecurities and lies.

It was supposed to be powerful; not contrite and frank.

Blair Waldorf couldn't love Chuck Bass. It didn't compute to Dan's views on love. True, he wasn't one to judge. He loved Serena enough to be hypocritical. He loved her enough to cheat on her, and not to give her another chance. He loved to forget; he loved to be loved. He loved Serena, and he let her go. They had loved; however brief a time it had been, and it was enough. But Chuck and Blair couldn't love each other, because they didn't love themselves. Dan knew this for certain.

Chuck would always be a womanizer, no matter how many times he tries to stop. He will drink, party, and whore himself until the day he dies.

Blair Waldorf will always be a bitch; the Darth Vader to every Barbie. No matter how many times she tries to change won't matter; she will be cold and manipulative until they day she dies.

But Dan still watches.

He watches them as they talk; Chuck's eyes melting like honey as soon as a word pops out of her mouth. He watches as Blair's features soften, her gaze becoming youthful instead of cold. The way their stances relax as Chuck grabs a stray curl of Blair's and wraps it around his finger. The way she slightly moves closer to him after he releases said curl. The way Chuck beam's as Blair says some witty comment to his smart remark.

They are two unequal pieces of a puzzle piece; no matter how many times they try to force themselves to fit together, the pieces will still not fit.

Dan feels sorry for them as he watches them. They could be everything. Still they settled for nothing; their pride to strong for them to ever be anything.

There Chuck and Blair; Blair and Chuck.

There alone even when surrounded.

But butterflies would always triumph over sadness; over pain, over hurt.

So Dan watches; watched them crash and burn in their own private hell.

He watches the pieces of them clash together and tear. He watches Chuck as he crumbles and falls after his father's death. He watches Blair as she tumbles into depression and self-pity after loosing Yale.

He watches them pick the pieces of their fairy tale back together.

Dan realizes they are a fairy tale, and he smiles.

Do you like me?

Define like.


A/N: Reviews are great. Critiques are better.:)