As the Sun shined through the windows of Ryan's apartment, he awoke. He felt like calling in sick cause he had an odd feeling that he should stay home. But he ignored this feeling and went through his morning routine. After he ate breakfast he decided to take a shower. After getting out of the shower, he put on blue jeans and a green striped button down shirt. As he was headed out of his apartment, he got the that strange feeling again, but ignored it. 10 minutes away from the lab, he felt something hit his car. He pulled over to the side of the road and as he was getting out of the car someone hit him on his head with a pipe. He immediately fell to the ground. "Put him in the trunk," said one of the guys. As they started driving away in the car, Ryan woke up and started screaming. Hoping someone would hear him. When they got to the warehouse, they opened the trunk and the light hurt Ryan's eyes. "Get up you idiot." Ryan got out of the trunk and took a look around. There was a two story house in a field. His captors were more on the hefty side except the tall guy standing in front of him. "Take him in now." He was guessing he was the leader. "What do you want with me,"asked Ryan. "You'll see," was his only reply. Please let Horatio find me thought Wolfe.

***Back at the Lab***

It was 9:30 and Ryan was not there. Horatio was starting to get antsy. He tried calling Ryan's cell for what seamed to be like the 50th time. "Hey H, have you seen Wolfe today," asked Eric peeping his head through the door to Horatio's office. "No, I haven't, and he's not answering his cell." "What do we do?" "We, go and find him."