Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"This was not suppose to happen!"

She never thought dying would be this painful. Being able to feel her blood gushing out of the large wound that nearly cut her in half, starting from her left shoulder to end on her right hip. Everything felt extremely heavy, as though a large weight had been placed on her body. Her strength seeped with her blood and she felt her eyes dropping closed.

"Wake up."

A harsh tremor went through her body as someone shook her rapidly, forcing her muddled mind to try and focus on him, the one who was responsible for this, though it was her carelessness that caused this.

Or was he responsible? She couldn't remember. Couldn't even make out his features through the blur of her tears.

"Do you want to die?"

To die? No. Of course she didn't want to die! It was selfish of her, wanting to live when her life never really had any value. But yes. She wanted to live, so she gave him a definite answer, hoping that he will understand her befuddled responses. She shook her head.

"Then, are you willing to do this?" Another tremor as he shook her the instant her eyes were closing again. "Stay awake, girl. I need your full consent for this. You need to be conscious for this to work. Once we enter this contract, you cannot back out. Your blood will belong to me; in return, I shall be your slave. But it shall not keep you safe forever. Knowing what you now know, do you still wish for this?"

It was so hard to concentrate, to fully understand just what he was saying. But all she knew that he was offering her life and that was an offer she simply could not ignore. She tried to look at him, to catch the gray of his eyes. The moonlight bounced off the metal piercing of his face, making her dizzy as they swam in her vision.

She opened her mouth to speak, feeling a gurgle of blood about to spew from her lips in a cough. Still, she managed to say each word, in her loudest voice and tried to be clear as day.

"I-I…w-want to…l-live."

"Don't stutter. Tell me like you mean it."

"I-I want… to live."


"I want to live!"

The man gave a soft sigh, nearly inaudible to her human ears. He shifted her bleeding body, one hand on her back, lifting her up while his other pressed on the wound, giving it some pressure. The movement made her head fall back, exposing her pale neck.

He began to nuzzle the pale flesh, an action that would have made her blush if she had the strength to. She felt something scrape the pulse of her vein, his breath fluttering over it, making it jump and quiver underneath her skin.

"Last chance."

In response, she used the last of her strength to lift one arm, to press his face on her neck. He gave one last sigh and gave her a final whisper, right when the darkness came for her and he plunge his fangs into her throat.

"It is a deal then."

It didn't matter, as long as she will live.