Authors Note: This is a plot bunny that wouldn't leave me alone. I had to write it down. For those of you that read my Harry Potter story I am planning to continue that and this story at the same time don't worry. So here it is. Oh and reviews will be hugged!!!!

I am Isabella Swan and today is one of the worst days of my life. I could see the doctor standing in front of me with a pitying expression on his face and I could feel my mother gripping my hand like her life depended on it. I was in shock; I thought I was free of it. I mean I always knew that there was a chance of it coming back but I didn't think it would. I just found out that I had cancer . . . again.

Let me explain. When I was ten I was diagnosed with level three brain cancer and I had a fifty percent chance of living. After two years of chemotherapy and four surgeries, I was finally declared cured. We were told that there was a very high chance that it could come back and that I should be checked every year just to be careful.

I had been cancer free for five years and I didn't think it was going to come back, I mean this was just a normal check up. Now here I am being told it was back and worse than the last time. They thought I had a ten percent chance at living. It hit me then, this time I might not make it. This time it was a very real possibility that I wouldn't make it. The doctor was talking again. I needed to pull myself together. I took a deep breath and forced myself to listen.

"There is a clinical trial that you could try. The only problem is that the hospital that is doing it is in Forks." The doctor said. "Where?" I asked. I had never heard of it before. "It's a small town in Washington. If you agree to it I could sign you up for it but you would have to find somewhere to live." The doctor told me. I looked over at my mother who was pale. "Could you give us a few minutes?" I asked politely. "Of course," responded the doctor before leaving the room.

I turned to my mother. Quickly she pulled me into a hug. "Oh honey, it's going to be okay. You made it though once, we can do this again." She pulled away from me. "Mom I want to do the clinical trial." I said, after a moment of silence. "If you want, it's okay with me. This is your decision." My mom, Renee, replied with tears in her eyes. I nodded my head determined.

I got up, walked to the door and opened it. The doctor was waiting outside. "Can you come in, please?" I asked, holding the door open. He nodded before walking in. "Have you decided yet?" I nodded my head. "I would like to do the clinical trial." I said determination in my voice and thoughts.

The doctor handed my mother a clipboard. "If you could sign at the bottom, she is a minor meaning that we need permission from the parent or guardian." The doctor explained to my mother kindly. Sighing deeply, my mother nodded, remembering all the surgeries that she had to sign paperwork for.


It had been two weeks since I was told I had brain cancer again and now that I knew everything clicked into place. All of supposed stomach viruses and seemingly meaningless headaches that I have had last couple of months were all explained by the brain cancer. Right now though we were packing the last boxes to leave. My mom had found a house in the small town of Forks, Washington and we were moving this weekend. The clinical trial didn't start for another two months but we wanted to be there early to get used to the town.

In a way I was somewhat happy we were moving. I had told my friends at school that I had brain cancer and everywhere I went I got looks of pity. I wouldn't miss the looks or the whispers that followed me. I was starting off fresh. No one would have to know I had brain cancer at my new school. I wouldn't need to tell anyone. If someone asked why I was missing class I could pass it off as being sick or something, as long as I didn't pass out or lose my hair like I did last time I was sick no one would have to know. I knew that was a very slim chance but a girl can dream can't she.

Authors Note: So there is the first chapter tell me what you think please!!! Love you all, Kate.