This is a oneshot that I did for my friend, Andrea (again). Ignore any mistakes and please enjoy.


"Which cord?"

"Hell if I know."

"What do you mean, hell if you know?! This is a matter of life and death here!"

"No it ain't, you just need to guess, dammit. Now hurry the hell up, I'm missin' my shows."

"I don't see you doing a damn thing, so don't rush me."

"I'll rush you all I fuckin' want, deal with it."

"Look, you obnoxious asswipe, if you don't quit talking to me like that, I'm gonna-

"Aw, what? Is the baby gonna cry?"

"Baby?! You're only two years older than me!!"

"Yeah, which makes me twice as smart, so hurry your dumbass up with the damn cords already!!"

"I will not."


"You heard me. You do this, I'm not."

"Look, Ichi-


"Whatever, just cut one!"


"I don't know…the orange one."

"….oh, why's it GOT to be the orange one, huh? Why can't I cut the blue one then, huh?!"


"Don't yell at me. Are you sure it's the blue one?"

"..God, I wish my phone worked right about now."

"Well, it doesn't, so suck it up."


"WELL THEN QUIT WHINING ALREADY. And stop cursing, you're making me nervous."

"I tend to have that affect on everybody."

Ichigo turned and gave a blank glare at his partner.

"WHAT? It's true, you just don't realize it yet."

"Grimm. Shut. THE FUCK UP."

"…well, and you tell me not to curse."


"What is it?" Grimm asked.

"…I still don't know which one to cut."

"DAMMIT!!!" Grimmjow then reached over and yanked all the wires out. "THERE, YA' SEE?!?!? WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU JUST FUCKIN' DO THAT IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE?!?!"

Ichigo sat there with a blush on his face. "I-I don't know…and stop CURSING!! DAMMIT, I'M YOUNG AND IMPRESSIONABLE, AND QUITE FRANKLY, I DON'T WANNA END UP LIKE YOU!!!"

Grimm had the slightest look of hurt on his face after Ichigo said that.

The redhead noticed. "Oh…Grimm, I'm sorry, it's just…sometimes you drive me really, REALLY crazy. You're a great person and I'm sure every little boy would want to be like you if they met you."

Grimmjow blinked. "Sap."


"Come on. Let's go."

Ichigo sat there, twitching at the fact that he had actually just been nice to that…thing and got insulted for it. (Oh well, that's just Grimmjow for you.)

"Yo, Berry, ya' comin' or not?"

"Yes, I'm coming…

…and don't CALL me that!!!"

As the two left the building, something in Ichigo's pocket began to beep. He stopped. "Uh, Grimm?"


"…we dismantled that thing, didn't we?"

"…As far as I know."

Ichigo sweatdropped. "My radar…is still going off."

Grimm blinked twice at Ichigo. "Well…that…explains the impending sense of doom I feel."


"No time to talk, just run."

(Crap), Ichigo thought as his legs began to pump fast in the direction opposite the office building.

"I send you on an oversight mission…and you set off a bomb," the blonde man said slowly.

"Well, when you put it that way-

"There is no other way to put it, you oaf!!!"

Grimm whined a bit and rubbed the back of his head. "Didn't have to hit me…"

Ichigo stood there with his hands on his hips, trying desperately not to twitch so much. Not that it was working. Really, Grimm would be the death of him one day.

"What's all this then, hm?"

The three in the room turned to see the head of their "organization" entering the room with his assistant in tow.

"Konnichiwa, Aizen-sama," Ichigo said with respect, bowing slightly. He elbowed his partner in the side. "Be polite!"

"OW! Fine. "Ohayo Gozaimasu, Sousuke-OWW!!"

"You idiot, you never call your boss by his first name!"

"You shut the hell up, with the way you moan his name in your sleep all the time-OOWW!! DAMMIT, ICHIGO!!"

Ichigo stood there, bristled and blushing and looking quite ready to kill something. Whether it should be Grimmjow or himself, he wasn't sure. His fuming was interrupted by a slight chuckle.

"You dream about me at night, Kurosaki-kun? I'm flattered," Aizen said, taking a seat at the table, either not noticing or completely ignoring the way Ichigo basically swooned and died of embarrassment at the same time. He sent his assistant away. "So, how was the job?"

The orange haired teen immediately reverted from "Aizen-sama" mode back to "Slice-Grimmjow-Jeaggarjaques-In-Half" mode in about two seconds. "Well, it would have been FINE had someone not blown something up. AGAIN."

"It wasn't on purpose, you know."

"You know what, Grimm, it doesn't have to be on purpose. For every breath you take, SOMEONE IN THE WORLD HAS A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE."

"…well, they don't die then, right?"

Ichigo facepalmed. "Not only did you probably blow out a third of the building, but this is the ELEVENTH DAMN TIME YOU'VE TRIED TO BLOW ME UP THIS MONTH!"

"I'm actually not trying. Besides, I think that Aizen pretty much has that job down for me."

Ichigo blinked, obviously not getting the joke. Urahara chuckled behind his fan while Aizen simply sat there and smiled.



"…nevermind," Grimm frowned, the fact that the joke didn't hit its intended target made him upset.

"Oh, do refrain from frowning, Jaques. You'll ruin that perfect face of yours," Urahara said, changing subjects.

"As if. Nothing could ruin this type of perfection," the blue haired man said, flexing his arm and kissing his biceps.

"You vain shit."

"Ya love me for it though, Ichi."

"Whatever." Ichigo eventually smiled. He never could stay mad at his partner for long. Except that one time where Grimm had gotten him locked in a room with Matsumoto…yeah.

"Well, I need to speak with Urahara in private about something very important, if you boys don't mind," Aizen said, standing.

"Take 'im."

"Yeah, sure."

"Good then. You boys have a nice day."

"I'll be right back, kay?" Urahara said with a mischievous smile on his face. "Don't get into any trouble, okay?"

"Sure, whatever."

As the two left, something dawned on Ichigo, making him blush.


Grimm only smiled a cat like smile before leaping out the way and running to avoid Ichigo's wrath.

Kurosaki Ichigo wasn't really sure how he ended up here in this place. He does remember, however, that it had something to do with the death of his father and sisters. He tries not to think about it too much, but he can't help but wonder where on earth he would be if one Urahara Kisuke hadn't been his next of kin. He remembered the man from his childhood, like when he was about six or seven. Around the time his mother died. The blonde haired man had been younger then, probably only about twenty-something. He would babysit Ichigo when his father had something else to do. There was a period of not seeing him, and that lasted about seven or eight years. It was not until he was laying in the hospital bed after the accident did he see Urahara again.

"I know you…" was all Ichigo could muster at the moment when he watched the man walk in.

"Really? I wasn't sure if you remembered or not," he smiled, closing the door silently behind him. "How are you Ichigo?"

Ichigo tried to ignore the pain in his heart, gave a sad smile and shrugged. "I'm…not too sure. How do you think I am?"

Urahara walked over and sat on the side of Ichigo's bed. "It…must be so hard…Ichigo, will you be alright?"


"If you need help, you can always ask me."

"…then can I ask you for some right now?" the orange-haired teen asked as tears filled his eyes.

Urahara leant over and took hold of Ichigo's trembling form, rubbing his back gently. "It'll be alright, Ichigo. It'll be hard, but you'll be alright."

"How can you say that…...everything I've known…everyone I loved is…" Ichigo tried desperately to hard back the tears, but they seemed to have a mind of their own.

"You'll start anew. I'm not asking you to forget your family, I would never do that. But, you'll have to make new memories. New friends and loved ones. You'll get through it, I'll make sure you do."

Ichigo pulled back and rubbed at his eyes. "And just how will you do that?"

"Easy." He held a piece of paper in front if the teen's face and smiled widely.

Ichigo blinked at the paper. His eyes then almost doubled in size. "You-I-what-you mean-you're-

"Breathe, Ichi. Yeah, it would appear that I'm the next one in line to take care of you. Ain't it grand?"

Ichigo sweatdropped at the man sitting on his bed with such an excited expression on his face. "O-okay."

"But, there are many things I have to tell you first. Not here, but when we go home." The blonde's face suddenly went serious.

Ichigo visibly backed up in his bed a bit. "Um…what kind of things?"

"Things…that you probably won't believe and can NEVER tell anyone."

Now here he was, two years later, and an agent for possibly the most well hidden organization in the world.

Ichigo sighed to himself as he thought about his whole situation.

"Hey, Fresa." [1]

Ichigo turned at the sound of his partner's voice. He looked at the bags in his hands.

"Oh, got you somethin'."

"Thanks," Ichigo said, accepting one bag.

"So, what ya' thinking about?" Grimm asked, taking out the giant sandwich from his bag and unwrapping it.

"Nothing. Just how our promotion job is tomorrow."

"Yeah. Big day for us. You ready?"

"No," the redhead said, taking a bite of the chocolate bar Grimm had gotten him.

"You'll spoil your dinner, you know."

"Don't mother me when you're eating that greasy brine of a heart attack."


The two sat in silence for a few moments before Ichigo spoke up again. "Grimmjow."


"When we hit rank six…we'll be able to switch Partner Agents."


"…will you still be mine?"

Grimm swallowed his food and looked at Ichigo. He had a bit of uncertainty in his eyes.


"Yes?" the teen said, looking up.

"Why…would you even ask me that?"

Ichigo blinked in surprise. "Well, I didn't know of you wanted someone else or if you were going to go solo…"

"You honestly think I'd leave you like that?"


"You'll still be my partner, okay?" the blue haired man asked with a slight smile on his face.

Ichigo blushed slightly, but smiled back anyway. "Okay. Just checking."

"Well, don't check. Because as long as you're here, you'll need me, and I couldn't possibly leave my best student hangin', could I?"

"No, I suppose not. So, when you hit five…?"

"I'm skipping five." [2]

"Oh, okay. So then…you want to be partners until…?"

"One of us dies."

Ichigo's eyes widened at that statement. Was Grimm…? (Is he…is he getting sentimental with me? Does he really appreciate me that much?)

"No, I'm not and I don't, you vain shit, so stop thinking like that before I knock some sense into ya."

Ichigo laughed and smiled a genuine smile. "Okay then, my apologies, Sensei."

"Don't let it slip again."

Ichigo nodded his head and finished his chocolate bar.

Because whether Grimmjow could see it or not, Ichigo did notice the slight tinge of his cheeks.

This was just a little thing my friend asked me for. Here are some notes:

[1] Spanish for 'strawberry'

[2] Rank five is a solo rank, so if you want to keep your partner, you got to rank four. They basically have the same protocol, though. That's my complicated mind for you. Thanks for reading.
