Yay! So here it is, just as I promised. Ok, I'm not exactly sure what time it is wherever you guys are, but my time is probably way behind yours considering that I live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (in Hawaii in case you didn't put that together) so here it is about 10:40 pm and I'm sorry if it's the next day already for all of you

*Chapters 7 and 8 dedicated to: BentGlass, Uilani96 , californiaucla, dlpash, cullenized16, Madjestic, and Pounce21 (more reviewers names will later be edited into this chapter for dedication)

Anyway, here is the chapter that I'm sure you all will enjoy! =)




"I'm tired, I had a long night, so I'm going for a walk, see you guys later." I didn't even try to put any effort into my expression, my voice was just monotone and my face was blank as well. The adrenaline that had come with my anger drove me out of the restaurant and that lactic acid that had been burning like fire in my muscles no longer mattered.


I looked at her again and let her get the door half way closed before saying softly, "Tanya's not my girlfriend Bella." She didn't say anything and stopped closing the door so that there was just a sliver of light that could be seen from her room. "Besides," I took a deep breath, "I have my eye on someone else,"


(two weeks later)

During World War II –crack!– the German soldiers were sent to –crack!– capture the Jews and – crack! – put them into concentration – crack! – Camps –crack!

Clenching my teeth together, I walked steadily across the small dorm room – again – to the shiny black box that was plugged into our wall and shoved the pencil through the hole until I was aware of a too familiar, yet satisfying grinding sound. I pulled my pencil out to reveal the sharp, clean point I had made as Alice, still looking down at the books covering her bed, let out a sharp sigh, probably fighting the urge to destroy the pencil sharpener and snap all of my pencils in half.

I continued my not-very-detailed History paper on World War II, scribbling away, until the black tip of my newly sharpened pencil snapped yet again and flew across the room. From the corner of my eye, I was aware of Alice balling up her tiny hands and curling them into fists. She slowly closed her huge chemistry book and held it parallel to the floor.

"BAM!" the massive book collided with the floor, echoing through the entire room and maybe even the entire building. Even though I had seen it coming, my heart nearly jolted out of my chest and my pencil flew out of my hands. I looked up at Alice, her face wearing a severe, exasperated expression as she looked back at me. She continued to look at me for a moment before her face became almost pleading.

"Bella, look . . . I know that something's been going on with you lately, and I want to know about it now, you know that you can tell me anything right?" I didn't answer; instead I just stared down lamely at my thumbs and began twirling them around as I bit my lower lip.

"Ok," she spoke with more authority now, like she was trying to pry the information out of me, information that I couldn't, wouldn't share with anyone, "I know that I still don't know exactly what is going on between you and Edward, but I'm not and idiot! You two haven't talked, let alone looked at one another in the past two weeks and I know that it had something to do with that night that you disappeared on us and the next day's encounter with Tanya," Damn, she was good. I hated when Alice always had to be so observant of everything around her, it made getting away with things very difficult.

"Bella, please, I just want you to tell me what's going on. You've been drawing those weird pictures of those eyes on your notebook again and . . . I'm kind of worried about you," my gaze fell to my World War II paper and, sure enough, replacing my usual doodles of swirls and flowers, were many pairs of green eyes staring back at me from my paper. I scrubbed out the margins with my eraser and the eyes slowly disappeared.

"Alice," my voice was soft and hesitant, I didn't know if I could tell her this without having a complete meltdown, "I'm ok, I'm not depressed or anything, I'm just . . . confused . . . and upset," instead of questioning me, she listened without interrupting, "you were right; there is something going on with us, but I don't even know if I know exactly what's going on." Saying these words out loud was harder than I thought, but at the same time, it felt good to get them off of my chest.

"Well, that night that I ran out on you guys . . . um, well I was headed over to Rose's dorm and I saw . . . Edward . . . with someone – a girl, well, actually Tanya," Alice's icy-blue eyes were wide but urged me to continue, "And they sort of . . . kissed and I ran, well you know the rest. So anyway, that day when we had lunch with the guys, Edward followed me to my dorm and told me that she wasn't his girlfriend and he had his eye on someone else," the last part came out quickly, but Alice managed to hear every word of it. The corners of her mouth turned up into a small smile.

"You really like him," It wasn't a question, it was a fact; every word was true.

"Alice, I don't think that you're getting the picture here. He doesn't even care about how I feel! He just walks right up to me after kissing some girl that he supposedly isn't interested in and implies that he is interested in me, then, to top it all off, he ignores me like nothing ever happened, he won't even be my friend anymore, it's like I'm invisible to him, like I don't matter to him anymore!" angry tears were welling up in my eyes, but I blinked them back, refusing them to fall and show any weakness. These past two weeks, I thought that I was just sad, but I had never realized how angry I was at him, for everything.

"Look Bella, I know that this is going to sound so cliché and I know that you don't want to think about him right now, but . . . you have to tell him, soon, or else he's just going to keep ignoring you and it'll be eating you up on the inside."

"Alice, I can't, I just-"

"No, you have to do it now or you'll never have the courage to do it again. I can see that you're sad, but I can also see the anger that you've been hiding starting to come out and you need to use that to your advantage. It will be so much easier if you just stay mad at him . . . well, only for right now of course,"

"Um, Alice, I don't know if you've noticed, but it's 10:00 at night!"

"So what? He's still up, just go before you talk yourself out of it," with that she all but kicked me out the door. I took a deep breath, focusing all of my anger toward Edward so that I wouldn't just turn back around. Soon I was running, then sprinting down the endless corridors to his room, pounding loudly on the door and pressing my ear against it to listen if anyone was there.

The door suddenly swung open and I almost fell into the room before I caught myself. Edward's green eyes stared down at me with a blank expression; this only fueled my fire.

"Come, we have to talk now!" I turned around and, surprisingly, he followed silently behind me. I turned the corner into another long corridor and stood facing him.

"Well," he said in a monotone voice, "what do you want to talk about?"

I couldn't take any more of his confusion so I just blurted out: "What the hell is your problem?" I glared at him, daring him to answer.

"Excuse me?" he asked, although a little more shocked than anything else.

"You heard me, I asked what the hell your problem was," before he could respond I continued, "I want an explanation, you say that the girl I saw you kissing, Tanya, wasn't your girlfriend, what was she then; a one night stand?" He looked appalled, but I didn't care, I had to keep going, "Then you kept lead me on about you liking me, after flirting with her at the restaurant, and two seconds later you turn around and ignore me like I never existed! I used to really like you, Edward and the irritating part is that I still do, even after you hurt me and forgot about me, I still like you and I am tired of waiting for something to happen or for you to make up your mind. And I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be the one that gets my heart broken over some guy who has no regard for anyone else's feelings. I missed the old Edward, the one that used to be my friend and a gentleman, not this stranger that you are now. So from now on, just leave me alone!" hot tears were streaming down my face, but there were too many to wipe them away.

His gorgeous eyes looked full of sadness as well, but I just couldn't handle talking to him anymore so I sprinted back to my dorm. My eyes, blurry with tears and my shaking frame caused my to trip halfway to my dorm and my hands braced myself as I made contact with the floor. Still shaking, I hoisted my self up into a sitting position and leaned against the wall. I needed to just be alone, no Alice, no friends and no concerned passerby's asking me what was wrong. A large, warm hand started to rub my back soothingly in small circles as I buried my head into my hands. I had to get this all out of my system, it had been bottled up for weeks and it had all finally come pouring out.

Eventually, I ran out of tears and my breathing slowed and I tried to relax as Edward continued to rub soothing circles on my back. I heard him say: "I'm sorry," so soft that it was almost a whisper, but it surprised me how much honesty I could hear in his voice

"Why?" my voice was muffled and broke. It was a stupid question really, he had a lot of reasons to be sorry, but I still just wanted him to keep talking. The hand drawing circles on my back stopped abruptly and I could almost see the surprise on his face, then they started moving in circles and random patterns again.

"For everything," he continued, his voice still soft, "For hurting you, for acting like a jerk and for ignoring you. I know this sounds weird, but I was kind of afraid, I guess you could say."

"What?" my face was still hidden from him and my voice was still muffled although you could hear my curiosity in just that word.

He gave a soft laugh before he answered, "For something like this happening or wrecking our friendship,"

"What about when I saw you kissing Tanya?" I was being way too persistent, but I just needed to know who she was.

"Yeah, well you see, you happened to catch me at about the worst possible time. I went to high school with Tanya, we had been pretty good friends until I moved away senior year, and I was talking with her in the hallway," his tone was still very gentle and soft as if not wanting to give me any reason to get upset again, "she jumped up and kissed me, which I'm guessing is when you walked by, but I'm guessing that you also left before you could hear me tell her that I wasn't interested in her."

"Ugh, I'm sorry, I probably should have known," But really, who would have thought that he would turn down a gorgeous blond girl throwing herself at him, for me? Seriously, most guys would be perfectly happy with that, so how was I supposed to know?

"Don't be, it was an honest mistake," he pulled me into a long hug. "I know that Tanya can be just plain bitchy sometimes, but I think that she was just intimidated by you," I snorted as Edward wiped my tears away with gentle strokes of his thumb. "She tries very hard to impress me, when the only person that could catch my attention was you,"

"Thanks, you don't know how nice it is to hear you tell me that. Just in case you didn't already know, there's this guy that I've had a crush on for a while now," I gave him a coy smile, hinting to him to play along.

"Is that so?" He replied lightly, giving a me a famous crooked grin.

"Mhm, he has bronze colored hair, is pretty tall, has a great taste in music, can sometimes act like a smart-ass and has these beautiful green eyes that I can't seem to get out of my head."

"Well I also have a crush, well, it's a little more than that. She's smart, witty, stubborn as a mule, charming and beautiful, even though she is too humble and kind to notice how wonderful she really is." I felt new tears coming to my eyes, ones that made me glow with happiness. Had Edward Cullen just said these things to me? Had the guy that I had been best friends with for a little over a month just told me how wonderful he thinks I am?

I looked up into his green eyes and suddenly felt safe, like I had nothing more to worry about. He slowly leaned forward and kissed me gently on my lips. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face and thought about how much had happened in just one night, like time stood still. He helped me to my feet again and held my hand that seemed to fit perfectly in his.

"We might want to get you back to your dorm before Alice comes looking for you. Plus, I still need to introduce her to my new girlfriend," he smiled down at me, his green eyes glittering. I bet Alice will not be expecting this when I get back to my dorm, but everything else could wait right now, I was still coming back to the real world, but I was glad that I had Edward to help me through it. We walked back to my dorm swinging our hands back and forth in peaceful silence, everything feeling absolutely perfect for the first time in the past few weeks.


Sooo . . . I thought it was pretty good myself, but Idk what you all thought, so REVIEW and I will definitely continue this story (10 is the magic number people)

(This is the updated version of this chapter and so far I have 7 reviews for chapters 7 & 8 so I only need 3 more! In other words, KEEP REVIEWING)

Thank you for all of your time and reviews I hope to be writing more in the future =)