OMG 6 months since I last updated? Holy sh******t. You guys must hate me!


No I didn't get killed by a Shot card, drowned by a Watery card, burned by a Fiery card, trampled by a Big card, annoyed to death by a Move card etc etc.

I actually didn't update for so long because DRUMROLL… I WAS BUSY.


Yeh, basically, no excuses. I'm sorry!

But at least this chapter's up! Not the best, but still something!

*reviewers chuck scrunched up paper balls*

OK OK OW! Sorry!

*runs away

*comes back to post the chapter

*runs away again


Chapter 7: Camp Adrenaline Rush


Oh FML FML FML FML FML FML FML. Maybe I should go on ?

Well, not really. But seriously, why is EVERYTHING so complicated? I mean, yeah, compared to all those poor kids in third world countries being child slaves and all that, I should feel grateful. But still...

Sakura lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, finding a little comfort lying on the familiar silky sheets of her bed, engulfed in the scent of cherry blossoms. But only a little comfort. Actually, not much at all.

Why WHY WHYYYYYYYYY? Why the turd?

Why am I even feeling so distraught? I mean, I can just reject him. Simple. Or maybe it isn't even him. Yeah. I mean, we fight all day, he wouldn't like me. No way. No freaking way.
…I need to talk to someone.

Sakura grabbed her phone that was conveniently lying beside her and immediately speed dialled Tomoyo's number.


"Tomoyo! What should I do?"

She told Tomoyo the contents of everything that had happened in the past few hours in record time.

Tomoyo clucked her tongue thoughtfully.
"Well, maybe it wasn't even him. Maybe he just happened to have a piece of paper the same shade of pink with a missing corner the exact size of your note."

"Tomoyo, you're not helping."

"All I'm saying is, don't feel so depressed."

"You didn't exactly say that before." Sakura pointed out. Tomoyo ignored her and continued on.

"There's no reason to stress yourself. It could have been a coincidence. If you really hate each other so much like how you show it every day with your arguments, then you won't have to worry if it's him. There's nothing much you can do now, except wait and see."

"I guess…" Sakura mumbled, not sounding so convinced. She fingered the sparkling emerald necklace around her neck.

"The least you can do is stop killing yourself with worry…or frustration… or whatever you're doing right now. Just think about his, um, 'turd' face as you put it. Can you really imagine him going up to you and saying,"

Tomoyo put on a fake guy's voice.

"Sakura, it's me. It's been me all along. I'm your secret admirer and I love yo-"

She was cut off by Sakura's sudden explosion of laughter. The scene was truly too absurd to imagine.

"Oh god Tomoyo. I guess you're right, it really can't be the turd."

"That's right. So what you should be doing now is packing for camp. Remember! Use the checklist I gave you, and we're going shopping tomorrow for anything extra that we'll need. But don't pack too much, I've made most of your clothes!"

"Yes mom." Sakura answered jokingly. "But I can't wear the clothes you make, it's an adventure camp!"

"Doesn't mean you can't look good!"

"OK fine, no skirts."

"But when we're not doing the outdoor activities, like meals, free time, and the night games, you'll be able to wear a skirt!"

"Hehe NO."

"I think I'm just going to ignore these What Not to Bring pages…"

"Tomoyo! You're bringing make up and stuff too?"

"I have to make sure you look good at all times! I'm just bringing my mini hair straightener! And my smallest make up compact case!"

"Yeah, which has about 42 different eye shadows!"

"No! More like 36!" Tomoyo argued.


"Fine, a little mascara at least?"


"You can't stop me." She announced stubbornly.

"Ok, true." Sakura rolled her eyes. Knowing Tomoyo, she would probably stick it in the corner of her suitcase. Her very massive suitcase.

"I got to go, but remember to pack! And don't forget your pillow!"

"Tomoyo, I'm not that dumb!"

"…You left it at year six camp."


All she got was a giggle and the dial tone.

Sakura sighed and hung up.

"Alright, time to pack."


"Tomoyo, do you REALISE how heavy my bag is right now?"


Sakura sighed dejectedly. Tomoyo had been serious when she said she had made clothes for her. And serious when she said she would ignore the What Not To Bring List.

"Have you even left anything that's not on the What Not To Bring List?"

Tomoyo looked up thoughtfully.

"Well, I didn't bring a pet, I didn't bring a portable DVD player, I didn't…no wait I did bring that…oh and I didn't bring an inflatable pool recliner."

"…Those were on the list?"

"AND my suitcase isn't over 20 kilos." She added, looking proud.

"Well, how heavy is it? 19.99?"

"Nah-ah! More like…19.96…"

Sakura face palmed. Literally face palmed.

They were currently lugging their suitcases behind them towards the main hall of the camp. The bus ride had been quite normal, nothing too exciting, nothing much went wrong except when the sick bucket overflowed…

But now Sakura and the rest of her grade were off the bus, past the entrance (which had a very tacky sign screaming 'Camp Adrenaline Rush' in bold, bright letters), and heading towards the main hall which was finally in sight.

"At least it looks relatively clean for an adventure camp."

"Mmhm." Sakura agreed absentmindedly, studying their surroundings.

She couldn't deny that the scenery was nice, lots of tall trees and colourful shrubs, stray beams of sunlight peeking through the leaves, an occasional butterfly flew above their heads and birds chirped their morning song. The whole camp had a very outdoor-ish feel to it, fitting to the theme of 'Finding Your Inner Self Through Connection With the Beauty of Nature' etc, that Sakura often saw as titles in health magazines.

When all of the students had gathered in the large, vacant hall, chattering excitedly, they were interrupted by a loud, booming voice.

"Welcome lovely students, to CAMP ADRENALINE RUSH!!" A fat, um I meant overly plump, lady wearing the camp uniform screamed overenthusiastically at them through a microphone, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Botox and an overdose of crack, right there."

Blake whispered and a few of them sniggered.

"Now I'm sure you're all VERY excited! Camp Adrenaline rush will definitely be a memory that will stick with you forever!"

"Well it's kinda hard to forget a face like that…it'll haunt me for weeks."

Syaoran nudged Blake to shut up, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Not only will you find fun and adventure here, you'll also discover the qualities of friendship, teamwork and the beauty of having support from each other! So before I hand over to your teacher to announce you cabin groups, and your groups for the upcoming activities, I'd just like to remind you all, if you need any help for anything at all, just look for your camp instructors or staff, who will all be wearing the same uniform and cap I have now!"

She twirled around happily, making certain parts of her fat, I meant…excess flesh, jiggle unceremoniously.

Blake stared at her with a look of utter disgust and Syaoran couldn't help but let a laugh escape.

The, for the lack of a better word and because I simply can not be bothered to find a better word, fat lady glared at him, before her smile was replastered on her face. She finally gave the microphone to Mr. Twitchy Eye.

"Students, I will be reading out your cabin groups, which will also be the groups you stay in for camp activities. Remember, you wrote the name of the person who you'd like to stick with, so there will be NO room changes."

He shot them a twitchy glare before continuing.

"So without further ado…group one will be…"

"Who do you think we'll be with?" Sakura whispered to Tomoyo.

"Hopefully our friends, but he said there could be mixed groups so you never know!"

(Unrealistic, but hey, this is fanfiction xD)

"True, but I hope we'll at least be with nice people. I hate it when you're stuck with people who re-fuse to cooperate and bring the whole team down and-"

"Group seven. Kinomoto Sakura."

Sakura was cut off mid sentence as she jerked her head up at the sound of her name.

"Daidouji Tomoyo."

They both squealed happily, earning yet another twitchy glare.

"But of course we'd be in the same group Sakura, we wrote each other's name!"

"Yes, but I'm still happy!"

"Sasaki Rika."


"Yanagisawa Naoko."


The girls greeted their friends happily.

"Mihara Chiharu."

"Chiharu too! So next would be.."

"Yamazaki Takashi."

They all laughed and Chiharu blushed slightly.

"I didn't write his name…" She mumbled.

"Sure…sure…" The rest chorused.

"Yan Blake."

"Hi I'm joining this group!"

"Blake-kun! Yay this is such an awesome group!" Sakura laughed gleefully.

"And last member of group seven, Li Syaoran."


More silence.

And then someone broke it.

"Yay Li-kun!"

"No fair, Syaoran has to go to their group!"



"My bed!"


"My bed!


"I put my bag here first!

"I threw my bag onto it when I walked in! You were just too blind to see it!"

"Don't care! My bed!"

"My bed!"

"My bed!"

"My bed!"

All of Group Seven except the two arguing had gathered on Tomoyo's bed, watching their two friends, namely Sakura and Syaoran, argue over who first got to the top bunk of the bed closest to the bathroom.

Tomoyo sighed,
"How long have they been at it?"

Blake glanced at his watch,
"Exactly 6 minutes and 28 seconds. 29 now. And 30."

Tomoyo sighed yet again and stood up slowly.


Immediately the cabin went silent, all of the members of the group gawking at Tomoyo. They had never seen her lose her cool like that.

"Look. Seriously. I don't give a… who gets the top bunk, one of you just take it and one of you take the bottom bunk, both are equally close to the toilet. We're going to have to live together and cooperate for the next five days, we going to have to be able to work as a team for all the activities, SO STOP ARGUING OVER A FREAKING BED BECAUSE IF YOU CONTINUE, I. WILL. GO. INSANE. GOT IT?"

Sakura and Syaoran gulped, before quickly nodding.

"She's PMSing or my last name isn't Li." Blake whispered.

"Your last name isn't Li anyway." Chiharu shot back.

"Oh. True."

Sakura and Syaoran resumed glaring at each other.

"Top bunks mine. Full stop."

"Fine. Just don't wake me when you need go to the toilet at night."

"I know how to hold, unlike you."


Tomoyo breathed in heavily. That shut both of them up. She took another breath and turned around to face everyone, now smiling.

"Ok. Now that that's sorted out, let's quickly go get our timetable for today and see what activities we participating in!"

She continued smiling and led the way out of the cabin.

"I'm scared. Very scared. And so very glad guys don't PMS."

"Blake, shut up."


So we've got canoeing first up, then lunch, then rock climbing, then dinner and at night we've got a scavenger hunt thingie that involves the whole grade."

"Man, can't they think up any original camp activities?"

"I reckon."

"Rika, how come you've got a different timetable?"

"Oh, I've got to tell you guys. I moving to a different cabin with all the teachers assistants because I um…volunteered to be an assistant and…"

"Oh. Got it got it." Sakura suddenly realised why Rika was looking embarrassed.

"Have fun then Rika!"

"Thanks, I will. And also, Eriol will be moving in to replace me."

"Eriol?" Syaoran raised an eyebrow.

"Syaoran! Blake! Yamazaki! Yoohoo!"

"Yep, that Eriol."


(At the lake)

"It's so hard to balance!"

"I know, but it's fun!"

There were currently eight canoes in the lake, all occupied by members of Group Seven.

The seating arrangements were Sakura and Tomoyo in one canoe, Chiharu and Naoko in one, Eriol and Yamazaki in one, and Syaoran and Blake in one.

They were currently having a guys verse girls race, despite the canoeing instructors pleas.

Sakura and Tomoyo were busy giggling and having fun, and failed to notice a fast moving canoe creeping up on them.
By the time they saw Syaoran and Blake's evil smirks it was too late. The impact of the canoe hitting theirs made them lose their balance, Sakura even dropped her paddle, and they flipped over.

Luckily, all students were required to wear life jackets, so Sakura quickly resurfaced, to see Tomoyo already trying to turn over their canoe.

Syaoran and Blake were howling with laughter, which made Sakura fume even more.

When they finally climbed back into their canoes, they quickly paddled over, and without a word, Sakura and Tomoyo both scooped up water with their paddles and flung it at the two cousins currently not paying attention.

"That was for making up capsize!"

And so began Group Sevens inter-group water fight.



The large dining hall was buzzing with the chatter of the camp students. Group seven was seated at one of the long benches, refreshed and dressed in new clothes, eating hungrily and complaining about the lack of hot water the showers provided.

"It's all cause of you two!" Sakura accused Syaoran and Blake, scooping up a huge spoonful of mashed potatoes. Who knew camp could be so energy depriving?

They both laughed.

"What about us?"

"You guys made us capsize!"

"Yeah but the water fight got all of us equally wet! We all had to suffer the consequences of having hot water only for the first half of the shower."

Syaoran and Blake shared a knowing grin.

"Plus, we're both used to having cold showers so we don't really care."

Sakura glared at them, a disgusted look on her face.

"What?" Syaoran gave her an innocent smirk, as innocent as a smirk can get.

"You sick piece of turd."

"Sick? How was that sick. We meant literal cold showers, right Blake"

Blake nodded in agreement.
"When we did training in China, we were forced to take cold showers because of like…fifty reasons that I can't be bothered to list. All in all, it was supposed to be good for us, so we even had to use cold water in winter, to practise our durability in preparation for different circumstances."

"That's right. So why were you looking so disgusted, retard? Thinking of something different? Naughty."

Syaoran mocked her, clucking his tongue and wagging his finger at her.

The rest of the group laughed and Sakura's face flared in embarrassment.

"Turd…" She gritted her teeth.

"I think she took it the wrong way." Syaoran laughed and nudged Blake.

Knowing they set her up and unable to contain herself, Sakura stood up suddenly, grabbed the nearest weapon-which happened to be a spoon full of mashed potato-and flung it at Syaoran face.

And so began Group Seven's intergroup food fight.


(Rock climbing)

"Are you sure the harness is secure, Sakura?" Tomoyo asked worriedly.

"Don't worry Tomoyo, the instructor already checked it."

"Are you going to be ok though? You're already tired from the water fight, food fight, and cleaning the dishes."

"I'm going to be fine, don't worry. I'm going up now, remember to loosen the rope as I go!"

"Good luck!"

The whistle blew and the first four to scale the cliff face immediately shot up, three of them evidently faster.

Eriol eventually began to lag behind as Sakura, Syaoran and Blake climbed up, higher and higher, each grabbing the right ledge or rock and using the accurate amount of strength with perfect precision, looking professional.

"Who knew Sakura was so good at rock climbing? I mean, those two we all know are sporty, but wow, Sakura's really keeping up with them." Chiharu commented, working on Blake's ropes.

"I know. Poor Eriol is so far behind now." Naoko laughed slightly, holding Eriol's ropes.

"Did you know rock climbing was first found to-"

"Don't know, don't care. If I wasn't holding Blake-kun's life in my hands, I would be strangling you right now."

Tomoyo finally commented after observing the rock climbers,
"I actually think those two and slowing down for Sakura, they're trying to maintain the same pace."

"Huh? How come?"

"Look at their heads, they keep turning towards each other every once in a while, they seem to be talking."

(Meanwhile, up there)

"What's wrong retard, tired already?

"Of course! I was already tired after the stupid food fight, and then as a punishment we had to clean up the whole dining hall."

"And you sound like you're blaming me."

"Of course I am. You two…"

She turned glare at Blake as well.

"Hey what did I do!?" Blake protested.

"You two started it! Retards."

And then it hit Sakura. The whole issue of her saviour, after a whole day of fighting she had completely forgot that she had wanted to ask them about it.

Now that we're up here alone…should I…?

"Blah. Can't be bothered to stay here to listen to a retard complain. Bye guys!" Syaoran called, immediately picking up his pace. In seconds he was metres ahead of them.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Sakura protested and followed him up.

Sakura tried to catch up, but she pushed herself too hard. Her foot slipped off a rock ledge and her tired arms, failing to support her weight, let go of the rock she was clinging on to.

With a small scream she fell backwards, hands desperately trying to hold onto something. She felt the wind rushing past her ears. She heard her name being screamed out.

My harness, why isn't it stopping me?

"Tomoyo! Hurry and tighten the ropes!"

"I'm trying, but the rope broke, it's no use!"

"Where the hells the instructor!?"

"I told him we'd be ok so he went to supervise the abseiling group for a bit!"

"Well we aren't ok right now!"

Sakura closed her eyes, feeling as though this was yet another one of those near death experiences.

Is this the end? I'm gonna die from rock climbing? I'm gonna die because a stupid rope broke? What the hell?

At the exact same time she felt two hands clasp onto hers and immediately she stopped falling. She quickly regained her footing and her eyes shot open. Blake was holding onto her left hand while Syaoran held her right.

Her heart, which felt as though it had been lifted almost to her throat during the fall dropped back into place with a thump. Her first thought the fact that she was still alive. Her second thought was why the rope had suddenly broken. Her third thought was how had Syaoran had gotten all the way down here to grab her hand.

"S-Sakura…" Tomoyo was almost on the verge of tears. All her other friends looked just as relieved.

Slowly Blake and Syaoran lowered Sakura towards the ground, letting her hold onto them while walking down the cliff face. As soon as her feet touched the ground she was smothered by Tomoyo who apologised repeatedly.

"Tomoyo shhh it's ok now, I'm ok, it wasn't your fault."

"Are you really ok Sakura?" For the first time Takashi actually wore a serious expression.

"Yes, really. Thank you, all of for worrying for me. But I'm really ok now."

Sakura forced a smile to convince her friends, ignoring the fact her heart still hadn't settled down from the shock and was continuously thumping loudly against her ribcage, so hard it almost hurt.

"Retard, take off your harness."


Sakura stepped out of the harness and handed it to Syaoran, who checked it carefully.

"The rope was…cut."


"Someone cut it beforehand, very carefully, so it wasn't fully broken, only hanging by a thread. And when Sakura slipped and put strain on it, it broke."

Blake snatched the length of rope from Syaoran and examined it.

"He's right. A smooth, clean, efficient cut. Perfect amount of strength used, perfect angle."

"An expert with knives." Syaoran continued.

"So you're saying, this wasn't just some cruel joke on Sakura?"

"If it was just some random student, or even any of the teachers or instructors here, they would've just hacked at the rope with any knife. Unless some of the camp instructors have hidden talents."

"And hidden weapons."

"Weapons?" Tomoyo gasped.

"This wasn't done by some butcher knife stolen from the kitchen."

"So what are you saying, this is serious? Like…someone's actually trying to kill Sakura?" Takashi inquired, a look of disbelief crossing his face.

Both of them shrugged.

"It sounds…possible. And pretty…exciting." Naoko commented.

"I personally think you guys have watched too many action movies. Or maybe practising martial arts has gotten to your heads." Chiharu stated, her hands on her hips. She turned to Naoko.

"And you've read too many books. All of you, stop scaring poor Sakura. It most likely was some very stupid practical joke done by some ignorant fag. It probably wasn't even aimed at Sakura, just anyone who was unfortunate enough to get that god damned harness."

"I agree with Chiharu. It was just a little bad luck that Sakura happened to get that harness. There's no reason someone so powerful like you two described, would want to kill Sakura. So let's just report this to the teachers in case that idiot decides to prank someone else." Tomoyo put her arm around Sakura to comfort her.

Sakura smiled weakly in response. She didn't want to make everyone worry, but she couldn't help but notice the serious expressions that the two cousins wore. It seemed like they hadn't shared something with the rest to them.

"Yes. Some stupid prank. Let's go find the supervisor now. Ok? Come on everyone, smile! I'm ok! But we gotta tell the teachers so no one else gets hurt, right?"

"The turd's way too optimistic." Syaoran mumbled under his breath.

"That's Sakura." Blake's smile returned.

Suddenly a thump sounded behind them and they saw that Eriol had finally climbed back down from the cliff. He dusted his hands off on his shorts.

"So, what did I miss?"


(Behind the camp, outside of the kitchen, near the edge of the forests)

"Ugh. Don't you think this punishment is lasting for way too long?"

Sakura complained as she gathered some firewood.

Syaoran grunted in agreement.

"I mean, all we did was have a simple food fight. We cleaned that up, we cleaned the whole hall god damnit. We cleaned the dishes. And now we have to gather firewood and help make dinner?!"

No reply.

"No reply. So you're actually enjoying this? And what the hell's all this firewood for? Just an excuse to make us do work?"

She glanced up and noticed Syaoran looked deep in thought, there was no trace of the usual smirk he wore anywhere.

She stomped up to him.


He blinked, startled.

"Um…did you say something?"

She glared. Then sighed.


They both went back to collecting firewood. After a few minutes of awkward silence Sakura suddenly dumped all her collected wood in a heap on the ground.

"This is stupid. They don't even need all this."


"Here, put all yours with mine and we'll wait till they call us in and tell them this is all we got." She walked over to Syaoran and grabbed all of his firewood. That's when she noticed the crinkled bandage on his left hand was about to fall off.

"What happened?"


She pointed to his hand.

"Oh. I…fell over."

"Oh. Let's go."


"Just come." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind her.

"Hey, what about the firewood?"

"Who gives a sh*t about firewood?"

Syaoran chuckled at that and shook his head, shaking away the thoughtful look he wore before.

"You dragged me all the way here to…?"

"Shut up, sit down."

They were at the camp's medical cabinet in the nurse's office. Since no one had been inside, Sakura had barged right in and began rummaging through the cabinet, before pulling out the first aid kit.

She pointed to his hand.
"Who did that for you?"


"Yeah well you can't bandage to save your life."

"I noticed that."

"Give me your hand."

"What that's you're holding, poison?"

"Give me your freaking hand."

Syaoran reluctantly held out his hand. Sakura smeared some of medical ointment or 'poison' onto a clean bandage and ripped off the one already on Syaoran's hand.

"It's still kinda bleeding."She stated as she cleaned the graze with a cotton bud. Wrapping the new bandage around his hand she asked.

"You tripped over?"


"You don't seem like the type of person to trip over."

"Well I do. Like last time when I tripped and hit my desk…" He finished the sentence mumbling.

Sakura fastened it with a bit of tape.

"Didn't look like a graze from tripping over." She commented, disposing of the old bandage and screwing the cap back on the jar.

"Yeah…well thanks for that let's go help with dinner they're probably looking for us." Syaoran said hastily and sped out of the office.

Sakura stared after him for a few seconds, before deciding that was probably normal for a turd and replaced the jar and first aid kit back in the cabinet.

"That looked more like a…"

She suddenly flashbacked to when she was falling and Syaoran and Blake had caught her at the same time.
Blake had been behind them anyway, but Syaoran had been far ahead, almost at the top of the cliff, and she had briefly wondered how he had gotten to her so fast.

"…more like a…rope burn."

She stared out the door.



"Ok, so you each have a torch, a map, scissors, a simple first aid kit and a walkie talkie to communicate with your team. We trust you are all old enough not to muck around with the scissors." Mr twitchy eye glared at some irresponsible students.

"You have also all been given a pack to put that all in, and a belt to secure the pack and walkie talkie on. By the end of this very exciting game, you all have to return every single one of the items in the state they are in now. If you fail to do so, well, there will be consequences. Now remember, this scavenger hunt will be a competition between the different groups, first to come back will all the things on the list wins a mystery prize. Remember to communicate with your team in case anything happens, play safe, and DON'T WALK OUT OF CAMP BOUNDARIES. THERE IS WIRED FENCING AROUND THE CAMP BOUNDARY, DO NOT WALK OUT OF IT OR THE CAMP OR SCHOOL WILL NOT PAY FOR ANY CASUALTIES. This is for your own safety so please remember. Now, start on the whistle. If anyone doesn't come back within 10 o clock will we send a search team. Good luck."

The members of groups seven smiled at each other and lined up at the starting point. Each had their walkie talkie and pack securely fastened to their belt, and each wore their group coloured bandana around their arm. The groups each had a different colour and a chosen shape distributed among the teams. Group seven had been given the colour red, and in order to cheer Sakura up after the day's incident, their chosen shape was a cherry blossom, and each of their red bandanas had a cherry blossom design printed on.

"Ready, get set, WAIT!"

The whole grade groaned simultaneously.

"I forgot to tell you! Those walkie talkies don't work at certain boundaries, AND they have limited usage time! So! Make sure you work fast!"

The whole grade shot him a look that said 'Ok, you finished babbling, can we go now?"

"Er, ok. Three, two, one START. Have fun."


As their groups' fastest runners, Sakura and Syaoran were in the lead, weaving through the trees and trying search for any hidden in the dense forest. The silvery moonlight illuminated their path, and made their task much easier than it would've been on a cloudy day.

"I think we're too far ahead." Sakura called out to Syaoran.

"On the list does it say red flag?"

Sakura scanned the list carefully and found it.

"Number 13, small red flag."

"Got it." Syaoran jumped out of tree and placed the red flag in his pouch.

"Let's walk slowly now, they'll catch up soon."


Syaoran took the list from Sakura's hand and began counting how many things they needed to find.

"Hey, you know that graze I bandaged before?"


"Well it looked like a rope burn. Are you sure it's not from when-"

"I said I tripped over, ok?"

"Ok chill. It just really looked like a rope burn. And I was thinking maybe you got it when you and Blake-"

"Well maybe you're thinking too much. I. Tripped. Over."

"OK. Geez. Stop being such a turd."

"Yeah well you were retarded enough to think that I got it doing what, saving you?"

"Well you got down really fast!" Sakura protested.

"I acted out of instinct. Someone falls, I try to get them, it's like a reflex action. What did you think I was actually being nice?"

Sakura stared at him.

Do guys PMS too?

"OK. Fine. Sorry you're such an ass. We really can't have a civil conversation. God I was just asking. And I would have been grateful if you would've just said, yeah I wasn't being an ass for once and I killed my hand saving you."

Syaoran laughed coldly.

"What an imagination."

Sakura shot him a hurt look.

"Will it kill to own up to things once in a while? Or do you have to be a jerk 24/7?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what it sounds like it means."

"I think you're taking things the wrong way again retard. Just calm down, don't overstress that brain of yours and-"

"You are SUCH a jerk. Why do I even bother trying to communicate with you."

Sakura stalked off in a different direction, soon disappearing amongst the thick trees.

"Sakura! Sakura!"
Syaoran turned around to see Tomoyo and the rest of their group running up to him.

"Li-kun why did you let her go?" Tomoyo gasped between breaths.

Syaoran inhaled deeply and ran a hand through his hair.

"I…don't know. Our conversations always end up like this."

"But we're in a forest. She could get lost."

"She's not that retarded…right? She'll come back when she cools down. And don't worry, we've got walkie talkies. Just wait five minutes before contacting her. She'll probably be fine by then."

"And she might find some things on the list along the way." Yamazaki added. Chiharu whacked him on the head.

"She's heading out of the path on the map though…"

"She'll come back…" Syaoran sounded as though he was convincing himself.

Tomoyo glanced at him.
"Did you get that rope burn from saving Sakura? Because you saw her falling and you completely forgot about yourself and slid down to catch her? Like Sakura was trying to point out?" She questioned him.

Syaoran stuck his hand into his jeans pockets, the atmosphere suddenly extremely awkward. They were all waiting for an answer.


"Did you?" Tomoyo continued to demand.


He lowered his head, realising his mistake. He heard Tomoyo take a sharp intake of breath.

"So why did you deny it?"

"Syao, bro, I think you might need to apologise this time."

Syaoran almost glared at Blake, but then lowered his head dejectedly and nodded. Blake was right. His stubbornness and weird temper had hurt Sakura. He probably did need to apologise.

"I'll contact her in five. She probably won't listen to anything I say now."

Tomoyo smiled knowingly.

"Thank you."


Completely unaware of the time, completely unaware of where she was, Sakura wandered around absentmindedly.

How long has it been since I ran off? Who gives a damn. Seriously why is he being such an ass? Why do I even care? He's the turd. It's all normal.

'But he's also you secret admirer' a small voice at the back of her head reminded her.

Na-ah. That was most likely a misunderstanding. Or coincidence. Oh damn. That's another thing added to my list of what to ask the turd.

Mumbling to herself about how much Syaoran resembled a piece of turd, Sakura failed to noticed she stepped over a wired fence. The wired fencing supposedly around the camp boundaries. The wired fencing that was somehow knocked down and on the ground. The wired fencing Sakura didn't see and walked past.


"Why isn't she replying?" Syaoran yelled, frustrated.

"It's like…all static." Blake pointed out.

Naoko looked stricken. "Don't tell me her walkie talkie's out of battery…"

"Or worse, she's out of the camp boundary." Takashi added. Chiharu whacked him on the head again and gestured over to Tomoyo, who was currently separately from the group, muttering worriedly to herself.

"Should we go back and contact a teacher?" She suggested.

Syaoran immediately replied, "Considering where we are now, by the time we get back something would have probably happened to Sakura."

"And definitely no one brought a phone?" Chiharu asked.

"Adventure camp honey, they take all our electronics." Tomoyo's worried filled voice replied. They hadn't even realised she had joined the conversation.

Realising everyone was looking at her, Tomoyo forced a smile and said,

"Don't worry. I'm sure she's fine."

"Half of us should go search, the other half, try and run back as fast as you can to contact someone…anyone." Syaoran instructed.

Blake angrily punched a nearby tree.

"Has bad luck decided to stalk Sakura or something?"

"Blake, chill. When they built this camp they would've considered if there were any dangerous animals or things around the place. She should be fine." Syaoran reassured.

"But what if she's out of the boundary?" Blake shot back.

"She would've seen the fence…right?" Eriol assumed.

Syaoran was silent for before replying,
"Unless someone wants her out.

Blake's eyes flashed in understanding.

"The rope…"


A blood curdling howl snapped Sakura out of her thoughts.

Holy crap. What hell was that? Oh my god where am I? Am I even in the camp boundary? How long have I been walking.

Another howl, closer this time made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

If that's what I think it is…

She immediately whipped out her walkie talkie and tried to communicate with her group. No luck.

So I'm really out of the boundary?

A twig snapped nearby.

Shit shit shit shit.

A growl from her left. Padded footsteps at her right.

Self defence…self defence…

She spotted a large stick on the ground and crouched down the retrieve it. By the time she stood up, the sight that welcomed her made her blood run cold.

Wolves. Much larger than the average grey wolf, and six of them. Each had shaggy grey black fur and strong, slender legs that would easily outrun Sakura. Baring it fangs, the one closest to her growled. Its canines were much like those of a sabertooth, long, sharp, designed to kill.

Ok. I was right. FML.

It seemed as though the breeze had stopped blowing, the forest was silent, deathly silent. The moonlight illuminated the wolves, and seemed to make them glow.

What type of wolves are these? What the HELL type of wolves are these? I thought this was a campsite…why are there wolves?! Why are there wolves! Why didn't I see the fence!!?

The first wolf made eye contact with Sakura, its deadly orange eyes pierced into her emerald ones. She stood frozen, mesmerised, paralysed.

And without warning, it lunged. Sakura yelped and tried to whack it with the stick, to no avail. The wolf simply clamped it jaws around it and snapped the branch in half. Easily. Just like how it could snap her bones.

It prepared to leap again and Sakura frantically search in her pouch. Finding what she wanted, she brought the scissors out, and at the last second stabbed at the wolf.

With a pained cry, both the wolf and Sakura fell back, the scissors deeply implanted in the wolf's neck, below the jaw, Sakura clutching her arm where a, luckily shallow, cut began to bleed.

She couldn't risk the chance of pulling the scissors out. The other wolves would take the opportunity to attack.

She waited, out of ideas, for one of them to lunge. It seemed destined she would die today.

She waited.

And waited.

None of them moved. They seemed to stand there, alert, yet relishing the scent of her blood.

And that's when she noticed it. All of the remaining five wolves had a small blue fireball in their mouths, rapidly growing in size.

Holy shit. WTF? Have I run into a film set or something? Fire? Are these even wolves? WTF WTF WTF? What is this, an Inuyasha movie real life version? This is not happening…not happening…

When the fireballs seemed like they could no longer fit in the wolves' large mouths, they let it go, firing, all aimed at Sakura. A blinding blue light reflected off the trees and the loud explosive reverberation of fire being blasted rang in Sakura's ears. She felt the searing heat heading towards her, threatening to engulf her.

And she could only scream.


This is definitely the longest chappie I've ever written. As an apology maybe? So I made it longer ^^


Even if it's just to flame me for not updating!!

Sorry for the cliffie, but I kinda have the next part planned. Just a matter of writing. More reviews and I write quicker!

(I know, everyone says that)

HAPPY 2010!!

