I know it's been along time between drinks so to speak, but I've been doing other things, so don't kill me please.

But here is the last part of Awakening (Finally, it's been sitting unfinished for a while now)

I DO NOT OWN GARGOYLES if I did would I be writing this

Awakening Part 5 rewrite

"Just to tell you of a find I made that may interest you,"

This got Goliaths attention,

"Oh and what would that be?"

"This," Xanatos then motioned to the door off to his right.

All Goliath could see was shadows, but a figure started to appear. Goliaths eyes opened wide with shock,

"Hello Brother,"


Goliath took a step back,

"It's good to see you Brother," said the figure


"How's simple, I survived by you sending me on my way,"

"So as we are the last of our kind you think we'll accepted you back,"

"Now Goliath, is that anyway to talk to a girl,"

Goliath didn't answer he just turned and walked away.

"Well that didn't go as planned," said Xanatos.

"Goliath is a fool,"

"I may have someone who can help change his mind,"

"Oh do tell Xanatos,"


Goliath joined Hudson and Angel on the top of the main tower

"Why the face lad?"

"What did Xanatos want?" asked Angel.

"He wanted to show me something he found,"

"So what was it?" continued Angel

"One of us, but not one I wanted to see again,"

"Oh this can't be good, lad,"

"The only who you didn't want to see again was one of our sisters," said Angel but she said the last bit very slow.


984AD Castle Wyvern, Wyvern, Scotland

"Who do you think you are?" roared Goliath.

"Only wanted to get rid of the competition," pouted the red female.

"By killing your own sister,"

"She's nothing and you know it Goliath,"

"She's more of a warrior than you are,"

"If you say so,"

"I can't allow you to stay in the castle if this will continue,"

"So you're telling me, I should leave or change my attitude,"

"You do have a brain,"

The female swung round,

"You calling me stupid,"

"I didn't use those words,"

"How dare you?"

The female's eyes changed to red and she changed Goliath, only to be intercepted by her sister and second in command, the two got into a full out fight,

"I've been wanting to do this for a while, sister,"

"You're not going to do anything," said Goliath who now flanked his mate and second, and on her other side stood, their slightly older sister (Desdemona),

"You are a disgrace sister," growled the older sister.

"It's time for you to leave NOW, and never come back" roared Goliath.

End flashback

"Goliath if Xanatos has her as well maybe we should get out of here," said Angel.

"We defiantly can't trust him, Lad,"

"I agree but this is our home where would we go?"

"We'll find somewhere that is safer than here, my love,"


Xanatos office,

"So Goliath and Her are rebelling against you Xanatos,"

"In that case they have out lived there usefulness,"

"How are we going to get rid of them?"

"Simple, like this," replied Xanatos as he got up from behind his desk, and went over to the wall, which houses his gun collection.

"Oh I like the way you think," said the female as she picked up a rocket launcher, "You want to test your new steel gargoyles you showed me,"

"Yes I do, why you ask?"

"Why not frame the Gargoyles by using your robots?"

"Very well, you take one and attack the sky fortress, two of them will attack the tower and I'll take one and attack the underground bunker,"

"Just remember to program what they are taking,"

"Minor detail,"


An hour later, the sound of jet engines broke the night, as the six steel gargoyles rose into the air, five steel clan and one exoskeleton suit, and with them was one natural gargoyle, little did this group know that someone saw them or more accurately a gargoyle saw them.

"I better tell Goliath," muttered the shadow as it moved off.


Goliath sat in the library, as he had done in the past when the library contained scrolls and books. The doors burst open revealing the his second in command,

"Goliath we have a problem,"

"Oh and what would that problem be," replied the large male as he stood up.

"I just saw, HER take off with 6 I don't know what they were,"

"I think I'll talk to Elisa about this, she might have the information on the listening device,"

"Should I come with my love?"

"Not this time, I need you here in case as you are my second, but I don't have to meet her for some time,"

"So do we warn the others in the mean time?"

"Yes, but if I remember the trio are once again off exploring this city,"

"Hmmmmmmmm, so we should tell Hudson then,"

"Yes we shall," replied Goliath before turning and leaving the library.

A matter of minutes later the pair entered the den where Hudson and Bronx were watching TV and relaxing in general.

"My old friend we need to talk,"

"Oh Lad and what would it be about?"

"That thing that Xanatos found," growled Angel.

"Easy lass, what has she done?"

"She and six things took off into the air; I think they're doing the job Xanatos asked us to do,"

"I see,"

"What do you think old friend?" asked Goliath.

"Well all I can say is we have to wait and see, as we don't know for sure what they are up to,"

"I hate sitting around and waiting,"

"So we've noticed Lass,"

"I'll be off I have a meeting to keep," said Goliath.

"Right lad, don't be late this time,"

Goliath shook his head and left.


The red Ford Fairlane pulled up at the crash site of the flying fortress, Elisa stepped out of the old car, something caught her eye which made her look up, the shadows looked like Goliath and Angel,

"Oh no Goliath, Angel!" Elisa muttered instantly thinking it was Goliath and Angel.

After realizing there was nothing she could do, Elisa headed to her meeting with Goliath.


At the top of the building they meet on the night before Goliath stood waiting thinking about the changes he saw the night before, when a shadow passed over him,

"I was wondering if you might have followed," said the large male Gargoyle

"I did follow you my love, no problem,"

"No, no problem, my Angel,"

The red headed female gargoyle walked over to her mate's side,

"What do you think of this place, my love?"

"It's going to take time to get use to,"

"True, but we need to find friends,"

"We've found one we don't trust,"

"And who would that be, Goliath," came a voice from behind them.

Both Gargoyles turned around to see the red jacket wearing Detective,


"Can I ask where both of you were this evening?"

"At the castle, why?" answered Angel.

"I just left the scene of a crash which I saw 2 gargoyle shapes leaving the area,"

Angel turned to Goliath, "that has to be her, "

"Has to be who, Angel?

"Earlier tonight Xanatos introduced me to another Gargoyle that survived, I banished her 10 years before the spell,"

"I see, so it was her I saw,"

"Most likely,"

"Anyway I found out the owner of the transmitter, it turns out the attack on Xanatos was a fake,"

"Why would someone fake an attack?"

"I going to guess by helping you fight off an attack Xanatos though he could get your trust, which leads me back to the attack on the other the rival company's locations, which reported robberies tonight of disk's tonight it turns out they were stolen by mechanical monsters, plus the ones I saw leaving the flying fortress,"

"You think Xanatos is behind it," finished Angel.

"Xanatos made one mistake; he had the logo on the bug and on those mechanical gargoyles,"

"How do you know?"

"The security cameras, I'll show you one day what they are,"

"Goliath we need to get back in case Xanatos does anything,"

"I'm coming as well,"

"Why would that be?" asked Angel.

"To deal out human justice, by putting Xanatos behind bars for receiving stolen property,"

"We'll go ahead to see if they are up to anything," said Goliath.

"Ok I'll join you there as fast as I can," said Elisa before both Gargoyles took to the air.


Meanwhile at Castle Wyvern all hell had broken loose, the mechanized Gargoyles where ganging up on the remaining Gargoyles, while the red female and Xanatos stood watching, soon only Brooklyn, Hudson and Bronx's where left standing,

"What are these things?" grumbled Hudson.

"Lex thought they were machines of some sort,"

The pair looked up when they heard a crash, it was one of those mechanized Gargoyles crashing into the courtyard, and this signaled the arrival of Goliath and Angel.

Goliath was being followed by one of the mech Gargoyles, it was firing its wrist mounted laser cannon, only to have the large Gargoyle swing back over its head and land on the things back, Goliath used his weight to maneuver the mech into the path of another one, he quickly jumped off the back of the one he was on, and quickly spread his wings so he could glide away from the scene, which was the 2 mech's exploding.

"Well 3 down 2 to go," muttered Angel as Goliath landed beside her, Brooklyn, Hudson, Bronx and the newly awaked Broadway and Lexington join them.

"Now what?" asked Broadway.

"We finish this now," growled Angel.

"I couldn't agree more Lass,"

"That thing is mine," growled the red head.

"Be careful then, Hudson, Brooklyn take care of one them, Broadway, Lexington the other," order Goliath.

"And you Lad,"

"Bronx and I will go after Xanatos,"

After Angel heard their targets she took off after her sister, while the rest took to the air, after their respective targets.


975AD Castle Wyvern

The young red head was walking along the back wall of the Castle Wyvern which over looked the ocean, with her was Desdemona,

"I notice you and Goliath are getting closer,"

"Hmm I guess, but I don't know if it's going to be more than being friends,"

"Don't doubt yourself, sister,"

"Sister we are still young, but I know some of us want certain mates but most likely wouldn't get,"

Desdemona just laughed, "Yeah a certain sister, who wants Goliath,"

"Goliath just isn't interest in her, can't she see that,"

"No," they both said together. Then both just burst out laughing.

"Oh don't look now here comes the vampire," muttered Desdemona.

"Oh look what we have there the walking birds nest,"

"You're losing you're touch, you're insults are losing you're touch bitch," growled Angel.

"Oh strong words, from the scrawny bat,"

"I would move along, cause if you don't I'll rearrange your face," growled Desdemona.

The red skinned Gargoyle moved so her face was in Angels face, "You won't be around to mate," she said before leaving.

End Flashback

"Ok this is where we even the score," muttered Angel as she ran towards the bitch of a rookery sister.

There in front of Angel stood her red skinned sister,

"Hello Sister," spat the red brick skinned gargoyle.

"How did you survive?"

"Quite simple, I met up with the Archmage, during my travels,"

"The Archmage is dead, Goliath and I made sure of that,"

The red brick gargoyle burst out laughing, "Things are not all what they seem sister,"

"Well we have a score to settle so the rest doesn't matter,"

"Your right we do, and just so you know the humans call me Lilith,"

"The storm demon how a appropriate,"

"The storm is definitely brewing and is going to hit you full force,"

"You couldn't kill me before, because you lack skill, so nothing going to change,"

"Why you,"

Lilith's eyes change to red, and she jumped towards her sister,

Angel's eyes did likewise; she used every instinct that was drill into her at a young age into fighting.

Angel jumped above the diving Lilith, who fell and landed flat on her face in the castles main court yard,

"Come on where's the lesson you're going to teach me," said Angel from back up on the castles outer wall.

Lilith just smirked, as she got up, and out of now where she reached for a very big gun, which happened to be a rocket launcher,

"Say your prays," laughed Lilith as she lined up the shot.

As Lilith pulled the trigger something side swipes her, whatever it was it hit her hard, but the way ward, rocket collided with the outer wall some 15 metres from where Angels was standing. The explosion made the part of the wall it hit collapse instantly, then cracks started forming along the wall weakening it severely, The wall under Angel started to give way, the old stones started to break up and gravity did the rest, the stones where being dragged down, to the ground at least a kilometre below,

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," screamed Angels as the walk way she was on gave way, it happened also quickly, Angel and the stones start to get mixed up, because of this the female Gargoyle couldn't get her wings out to get a wind draft,

"LASS!" yelled Hudson.

This brought the situation to Goliaths attention, it was then the large Gargoyle charged along the keeps wall and jumped off diving straight after his mate.

As Angel fell she was repeatedly hit by stone chucks from the wall, if she tried to open her wings the stone would hammer into the sensive membranes in the wing and use them like giant pieces of paper,

"Looks like the trash won," Angel thought as she dropped.

Goliath was diving through the rubble, being a bigger built frame the rubble didn't affect him as much, he finally got to her, scoping her up as he open his massive wing span, to catch the up draft,

"You can open your eyes you know," commented Goliath.

Angel's eyes opened wide at the voice,

"What...How did you?"

"Hudson made it clear on what happened,"

"Ah but what hit HER,"

"Elisa arrived and tackled her, which put her aim off,"

"Oh you know this brings back memories doesn't it,"

"That it does, but as much as I don't mine chasing after you, don't make a habit of it,"

"You know me,"

"All too well," replied Goliath as he touched down on the castle wall above what had once been the main gate.

The rest ran up to them,

"Elisa has taken Xanatos away bound,"

"Hmm she said she would, and of our other problem?" asked Goliath.

"She took off lad, there is no doubt she will be back," answered Hudson.

Well Liliths not like Demona/Angel from the Cartoon she just wants revenge.

I want to now where should I go after this, move to Season 2 or about when they move to the police building.

And I'm sorry again guys