Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the songs

» × - - - Bring Me To Life - - - × «

Chapter One
A New Beginning

"I don't believe in love at first sight.."

"Anything for you.. For you I would do anything."

"Then shall I walk by again?"

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)

Call my name and save me from the dark

(Wake me up)

Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)

Before I come undone
(Save me)

Save me from the nothing I've become

Bring Me To Life

There was no such thing as Happy Endings.

Sorry to all the guys who thought they were knights

Sorry to all the girls who thought they were princesses

Sorry that they were all just fairy tales.

One thing I never thought was real..

One word..

One immortal..


I was scared when I met him.

I was so frightened that I literally screamed till my throat burned.

That was until I felt the pleasure of his fangs on my neck, the way he tore off the fabric that was in between us, the way his body and mine fit together perfectly like a puzzle piece, the way he would lick my blood, the way he kissed me so tenderly then aggressively, the way he looked at me with those sincere blood red eyes.

I loved it all.

Yet I was just a mere mortal who could die from just the wrong twitch of his finger. But I didn't care, I love this immortal.

And he loves me.

To be honest I never believed in mystical creatures or super hero people.

I always thought they were just some old silly fairytale for us to all believe in and yet deep down we know it'll never come true. So why do we try so hard to not believe that it's all a lie?

Because deep down inside we all want a wish.

A wish that isn't impossible.

A wish that is simply a few or a lot of steps away from ourselves.

If we just start walking forward. We will be able to see it, feel it and even have it.

However.. us mortals do not last forever.. once we reach that wish all we could say is "I did it!" but in the end, we all die and lose that precious wish.


It's amazing, you live forever.

So tell me.. If you could live forever, what would you live for?

For your family? Friends? Or is it your wish?

The reason why I still stand tall today, even after the fatal wound my parent's death gave me, is him.

Yes, my man, my immortal, my life.

His name?

Uchiha Sasuke.

Ever since we met and had our love session, which I guess was love at first sight, I've been living with him. He will be forever twenty-five and I am currently twenty-two. To be honest I get upset sometimes knowing that everyday I'm getting older and everyday he's still the same.

Sasuke had also transferred me into his vampire school due to the fact that we had a problem at my human schools. All the teachers hated us because all Sasuke and I could do was sit at the back and start a make-out session and him giving me love bites and the fact that Sasuke had almost killed a guy who was glaring at me and threatened me because I had accidently spilled water on his girlfriend's new shirt. In other words, we got expelled and no other human school would take us in since they were afraid of us, well afraid of Sasuke.

Sasuke had also refused to let me go to a human school alone without him so he decided to transfer me into his vampire school. At first I thought it was a crazy idea, I mean I'm a human, of course vampires will be after my blood. But then Sasuke promised me that he will be the only one who will ever touch my blood, my blood is the only blood Sasuke has ever drank.

I, of course, allowed Sasuke to do whatever he wants so even before asking me he had already transferred me.

And this is how my life is.


I looked up from a book I was currently reading to see my fiancé smirking at me. I raised my eyebrow at him for a second before glancing at the clock. The green lights on the clock showed the numbers and date: 9:30 pm March 27. I smiled and got up to put my book away. I was currently wearing my pajamas which consists of white short shorts, revealing my creamy long slender legs, at least that's what Sasuke says and a yellow tank top which clings to my body, showing all my curves and my hair up in a low pony tail, with the tail in front of my right shoulder.

Before I even met Sasuke, I never wore any revealing clothes. Sasuke had changed me by a lot. I'm not scared of anything anymore and I love wearing revealing and tight clothes now. Why? Because Sasuke loves seeing me wearing those kind of clothes for him.

As soon as I finished putting the book into the bookshelf again, not even a second had passed before a swift wind blew by and he was standing right behind me, his chin on my left shoulder and his arms around my waist.

"Sakura.." He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine and it wasn't because it was cold.

"Sasuke." I replied back slowly and seductively.

He let out a low growl before changing the position, now instead of me looking at the bookcase, my back was facing it and I was looking up at black coal eyes which were now shifting to crimson red, oh how I love seeing those eyes and two strong arms were placed beside my head, blocking my way of leaving, not that I was planning to anyways.

"Say it.."

"Say what?" I loved this part.

Crimson eyes glared at me playfully, "Don't make me repeat myself."

I titled my head to the right a bit, revealing more of my neck and cutely blinked up at him, "I don't understand."

His eyes trailed from mine to my neck and back up again, he let out another growl, "Sakura.." He took his hands off the bookshelf and wrapped them around me as he leaned in a bit, closer to my face.

"Say it again."

I smiled knowing he was at his limits, "Sasuke." I said in the same seductive tone again.

And this time he snapped, he pulled me closer to his body as if he wanted us to merge into one, not that we aren't already by heart and mind, and he quickly dove for my neck.

My eyes were starting to close as I felt his tongue licking my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to my neck and as soon as he heard me let out a moan he bit through my skin and to my blood source.

"Ah.. Sasuke.."

I could feel some of my blood sliding down my neck but before they could even fall through the valley of my breasts, Sasuke had already licked it up and was back at my neck. His actions made me moan louder. He let out a low huskily growl before capturing my lips in his. I could taste my blood, it tasted like metal however, mixed with Sasuke's saliva it tasted so much better.

I could feel Sasuke carrying me bridal style now as my lips were still locked with his. He quickly laid me down softly onto our king sized bed. I could feel his hands running up and down the inside of my tank top as my hands were running up and down his chest to his eight-pack.

He moved his attention away from my lips back to my neck once again but instead of taking my blood source he began giving me love bites all over. I moaned feeling the pleasure. With a flick of his finger he took out the hair tie that was holding my hair and flung it onto our bedside table as he continued trailing kisses down my throat to the top of my breasts.

"Sasuke.. ah.. please.."

Within seconds both our clothes were on the floor and our bodies were revealed to one another. He smashed his lips onto mine as he slowly entered me. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly as I felt the shock of pain spreading through my body and I winced a bit. Soon after the pleasure came as I slowly let my legs relax and meeting him with every thrust.

"Sakura.." He growled as I moaned louder.

He slowly backed out of me as his crimson eyes stared into my emerald ones. I pouted for a second as I knew his quick movements he was eyeing my body up and down. I quickly pounced on him, smashing my lips with his as I threw him backwards. I switched our positions, with me on top and him at the bottom now. Right before my lips had smashed into his I had felt it enter me once more, we didn't move or anything. We stayed in the same position just molding our lips together as our hands were exploring each other's body.

I knew Sasuke had shifted a bit as I felt a sudden pleasure hit my body. I moaned again, my mouth opened a tiny bit. Sasuke took this advantage and shot his tongue across to my mouth. I, of course, moaned louder this time and opening my mouth wider as we were battling for domination within each other's mouths.

I glanced at the clock on our bedside table, it was currently 11:59 pm, time flies by when you're enjoying yourself. I sighed as I pulled back from Sasuke, however he didn't stop as he continued towards my neck once more. I could barely talk without letting a moan out, "S-sasuke.."

"Mm?" I could feel him smirking into my neck.

"There's going to be school later and I have work. And you know how you always make me tired after our session! I need a break Sasuke! Remember I'm still human and your immortal. Unlike you I have to take breaks or I won't have energy for anyth-.."



"Happy Birthday." He said just as the clock turned 12:00 am.

I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you." With that he smashed his lips onto mine once more and the 'Let Sakura rest' was all the way at the back of our minds now.

As the sun shined brightly onto my face I buried my head deeper into Sasuke's hair as his head was at my neck. It was a lovely morning, sunny, blue skies, white fluffy clouds and school. Yup how lovely it was.


"SASUKE!!" I shrieked and he opened his eyes, "SASUKE!!"

"What is it?" He muttered as he closed his eyes again and nuzzled my neck, which gave pleasure.

"We have school!!"


"I am never, never late for school! I have a perfect record for never being late and I don't want to ruin that!"


"Hurry up Sasuke! We're going to be late! Even though you're a vampire and all there's still a chance we might be late!"




I blinked at the change of tone in his voice, I turned my head to look at him and he was staring up at me, "Sakura it's only 6:45."


"Sakura, calm down, go get ready now.. I'll meet you downstairs."

I was gone after the 'calm down'. I slammed the bathroom door, I swore I heard him chuckle as I guessed he was starting to get ready also. I quickly showered, brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, clipped my bangs up and changed to my outfit which consists of light pink shirt with fancy designs on it, a black TNA sweater over it, dark blue skinny jeans with black boots over it.

I quickly walked downstairs, my one inch heels clicking on the staircases and that's when I saw him at the end. He was wearing a red track suit jacket with a white shirt underneath that slightly showed his muscular body along with dark jeans and a chain on the side of the jeans for an added look. If I haven't seen him nude I would've probably drooled right there but of course, I've seen more than that, way more.

As soon as my boots touched the floor I was pulled into a muscular chest.

"Beautiful." He whispered to me as I smiled lightly and enjoyed the embrace.

After a few minutes of our moment he let go and took my hand in his and guided me out of our hous- no mansion that he insisted that we bought.. well he bought since he wanted me to feel like a princess even after I told him that I feel like a princess whenever he's around. Hell he even added plasma televisions everywhere in the house, there's one in the bathroom, not kidding, seriously who needs a television in a bathroom? Sasuke does, even if he doesn't use it, hell he wants me to relax when I'm taking a shower or needing to go.

At first I thought he was joking but he pushed me into the washroom and BAM there it was, that big ass black screen was mocking me, I swear having a vampire fiancé is like having God. I mean one time I was joking when I told him that I wanted to ride a horse and own a stable and ride the horse every single day. The next day I woke up and I heard a whinny I glanced out the window and before what was our huge ass backyard was turned into a stable and I saw Sasuke standing there in front of the stable looking up into our bedroom window with a palomino horse next to him, all tacked up and everything.

I, of course told him to sell everything and keep the money and told him I was just kidding, though I did ride the horse that one day. He obliged and next day it was all gone. Sometimes I wonder if he's some crazy ass magician and with the snap of his fingers something appears or disappears. Well anyways back to the present time.

He guided me to our – I insisted it was his due to the fact that he bought it however he still denies it – silver Porsche. Sasuke opened the door for me being the gentlemen he is, as soon as I sat down on the leather seats and my seatbelt was in my place, not even seconds had passed before he was in the drivers seat and we were backing out of the garage. He's lucky I'm used to his vampire skills or whatever they're called or I would've screamed and called him 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. That blue dog or whatever it is, is so fast it's not even funny, I mean he beat a friggin racecar! And those are incredibly fast!

Funny thing I have to tell you guys, one time I told Sasuke about Sonic the Hedgehog and how that the blue thing could beat him in running. Let's just say Sasuke wasn't happy, not happy at all. His eyes turned red, and it wasn't cause of lust or anything he was just damn right pissed. He started yelling to our vampire servants, "Find me Sonic the Hedgehog then bring him to me and let me tear him in piece and burn him alive!" And oh my friggin god I gaped at him and he just raised an eyebrow at me at the same time telling me to close it or he's going devour it, I quickly shut my mouth at that.

The next day one of our butlers brought back a poster of Sonic the Hedgehog and within seconds it was all ripped up and thrown into the fireplace. That day I learned to never compare something or someone to Sasuke ever again, he gets jealous and competitive very easily.


"We're here."

I sighed, I retrieved my white, with gold stripes, scarf from my large white and gold TNA bag and wrapped it around my neck, no way in hell I'm risking it, even if Sasuke is with me.

I saw Sasuke smirk from the corner of his eyes as he looked at me down and up, his eyes flashed red as he quickly got out of the car and went to my side to open the door and pull me out then smash his lips against mine while slamming my back against the passenger's door, all the while closing it. The car made a 'beep' noise indicating it was locked. I pulled away from Sasuke as he growled in protest but I merely giggled and ducked under his arm and started walking towards the huge ass vampire academy.

If Sasuke wasn't here I'd be walking into my own death bed. Sasuke quickly caught up to me and intertwined our hands. I smiled softly to myself at how sweet he could be sometimes. Suddenly before we could even step into the school grounds, a red carpet appeared in front of us, from the parking lot all the way to the school's entrance and beside the red carpet were all the vampires who attended the school, including the teachers, were bowing.

"Welcome back Uchiha-sama."


I gaped, I knew it! I knew he was God! How dare he lie to me!

"Sasuke you lied to me! You said you weren't God!" I frowned at him as he smirked at me.

"I'm not."

That's when it hit me, I forgot he was Pure blood, meaning if he ordered it, then all vampires will obey him and apparently from what I see he was the only Pure blood in the academy. He once told me that he hated ordering people around and only did it when he actually needed to, other than that vampires usually just join his list of followers, hell I don't get how he does it, even without using his Pure blood genetic the vampires still listen to him obediently. I laughed at my stupidity for forgetting such important information.

Sasuke merely shook his head at me, a smirk still on his face.


One part of the crowd divided in half as a blonde haired boy, along with five other people behind him walked towards our direction.


The blonde haired boy grinned, "Welcome back you bastard."

Sasuke merely smirked at him, "Glad to be back idiot."

The two punched fists and that was when the blonde haired boy noticed me, "Whoa teme! Is that your dinner?"

Sasuke's eyes turned red as he bared his fangs at the boy at the same time wrapping an arm around me, "Stay away from her or I'll rip you to pieces Naruto."

"Troublesome, I'm guessing it's his mate." One of the five people said.

"Sheesh calm down Teme, I was joking, you never hold a girl's hand." The boy, now I know as Naruto said as he turned to grin at me, "Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the teme's rival and best friend, Believe it!"

I smiled at him and waved a bit, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sakura Haru-.."

"Uchiha." Sasuke cut in.

I glared at him, "I'm not married to you yet! I'm still a Haruno!"

He playfully glared back, "It sounds better."

I stuck out my tongue at him, but quickly stuck it back in knowing he will take it into his own mouth, he smirked at my actions, I ignored it and turned back to the group of people, "Well anyways, I'm Sakura Haruno."

"You guys are engaged?" Naruto asked.

"No shit dobe."

"For how long?"


"None of your business."

"When is the wedding?"

"As soo-.."

"You'll know when you get the card idiot."

"Are you pregnant Sakura-chan?"


"She's going to be."

"How many times did you guys have sex?"


"None of your business, stop with the questions."

"Whatever you say, teme."


"Yes love?"

"Stop cutting off my sentences!"

"Say what if you didn't mind." Sasuke said really quickly that I couldn't comprehend.


"I'm glad you didn't."

I pouted at him as he smirked at me and kissed my cheek.

The group of six people in front of us laughed, Naruto then introduced me to the other people. The girls were called Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga and Tenten Miashi, the guys were called Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, and of course himself, Naruto Uzumaki. I found out that they were all Sasuke's close friends.

Close friends meaning those who still follow him around as friends, not vampires who want his blood for power. In other words, people who he could trust. There weren't a lot of vampires out there who didn't want a Pure Blood's blood. It was rare, though it was nice to meet six people who didn't want his blood at school. Or it'd be really awkward and weird since it would've been only Sasuke and I at the school who acts normal.

After all, once you see a Pure Blood, you must show all respect towards him, no matter where you are. It's like a law for vampires. Though I don't really think they'll even need it due to the fact that Pure Blood's could easily control any vampires other than themselves and their own rank with the snap of their fingers or a mere glance. That's how strong and frightening they were. To be honest I don't think Sasuke is cruel at all. I mean you don't see him snapping his fingers or glancing at peo-

Wait, never mind. I just saw him snapping his fingers towards a male vampire that was coming towards me. Within seconds I watch as the vampire had burned to the ground, howling in pain. My expression was emotionless. It was expected, I'm not surprised or scared. It was how vampires were. And that vampire should be grateful that Sasuke didn't tear him into pieces. I glanced up at Sasuke, who was currently glaring at the male vampire on the ground, still howling in pain.

"Touch her and die."

I heard him hissed out.

Immediately all the vampires around them backed off slightly, getting near a pissed off Pure Blood was walking into your own death bed.

If the sun shuts down and decided not to shine no more – no more, I'll still have you, you, you, yo-

I blinked before digging into my bag and taking out my pink and white W580i Sony Ericsson phone that Sasuke had bought for me for my 'Moving To New School' gift. I seriously never thought people gave presents like that, hell he even made the phone where no one else can hear the other person on the other line. Not even vampires, humans or anything or anyone. He said that he thought I might want some privacy on the phone. He's so sweet!

Anyways, back to the story again.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Haruno Sakura?"

I raised an eyebrow, I didn't recognize the voice at all, "Yes, Speaking."

"Turn around."

I frowned in confusion, nonetheless I glanced behind my shoulder only to see that literally all the male vampires had their phones out and staring at me.

"I'm waving at you."

I saw a movement in that male crowd, a vampire was waving, at me. Rolling my eyes I hung up and threw my phone back into my bag. "Waste my minutes!" I muttered to myself though Sasuke and them had heard me.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at me, "What's wro-.." He cut himself off as his eyes narrowed and flashed red dangerously. Uh oh. Didn't the vampires know Sasuke had literally every friggin vampire powers?! Including reading their minds?! They were so screwed.

I watched as Sasuke had turn around, facing them he bared his fangs slightly, his eyes switching slowly to blood red. Oh god, when it turns to blood red fully. It means he's super super ass pissed. Like, so pissed that he'll tear the whole world apart. Oh god, oh god. It's my first day at this school too!"

"Sasuke!" I hissed out as I tugged onto his arm so he wouldn't go kill every student in the school. It'd be very lonely to only have what? Like eight people in school?

Sasuke glanced towards me, his eyes immediately turned back to their original color, though his fangs were still out, "They are thinking disgusting thoughts about you."

I flinched, "I understand, but let's not start war now."

Sasuke smirked at me, "War? They can't even handle one Pure Blood. I could grab a thousand, that's war."

I sighed, "Sasuke, come on, it's my first day, give them a break." I let out a small tiny smile at him, "For me?"

His eyes softened a bit as he sighed and nodded before smirking at me slightly, "For you." He then turned to look over his shoulder, "Neji, take care of them for me."

Neji bowed, "I understand Sasuke-sama."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "Neji.."

Neji looked up and smirked, "Alright, Got it Sasuke."

The Pure Blood smirked in return before grabbing my hand and tugging me along into the school, followed by four others as Neji was dealing with the vampires and Tenten had stayed with him.

I sighed as we entered the classroom, plopping myself down, placing my TNA bag next to my desk. I glanced around and noticed ALL the vampires in the room, besides Sasuke and his friends were staring at me. I think some of the girls were glaring but oh well!

I sighed again before turning to look out the window, I might as well enjoy the scenery.. not that there was a lovely one due to the fact that vampires did not really like bright pretty things like a flower garden! Except Sasuke.. well it doesn't count cause I had asked for a flower garden in his yard because before it was so plain.. dark.. and well weird. He, of course immediately called the flower garden people department and the next day I woke up and there were flowers everywhere in the garden.

It was really pretty, hell he even got someone to plant a cherry blossom tree right in the middle of the garden, it was a really prett- no beautiful sight.

I felt a small tug near my stomach, glancing down I noticed two familiar arms around me and tugging me slowly backwards from the window towards a muscular body. 'Damn he's getting better.' I thought to myself as he had snaked his arms around me without me noticing.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean after all he is a vampire, vampires had inhumanly speed it wasn't even funny. I mean us normal humans take like what? Ten seconds to walk around the car and open the door for the passenger? For vampires, a second didn't even pass and they were already there.

Sometimes I wonder if they could fly, I mean they pretty much have every other friggin moves out there so I wouldn't be surprised if they could fly. If Sasuke could fly, I would ask him to piggyback me as he flew. I always wondered if clouds were actually soft white things that you can sit and run around on. People told me it was sort of like a big puff of smoke, you can run your hands through it easily. In other words, there weren't any clouds that you can sit and run around on.

But being me, I did not believe a word they said. I had merely pointed an accusing finger towards the person and shouted, 'LIAR' at them.

They weren't pleased but they couldn't do anything about it.






Serves them right for trying to outsmart me! Everyone knows that you can fly on a cloud! Duh! Even a Kindergarten knew that!

I swear humans are getting dumber these days. It must be the cause of Global Warming, they are all probably getting frustrated. Oh well, not my problem. I feel bad for those who think too much though but then again it means their brain cells are working properly. Did you know if you don't think actively enough your new brain cells will die? Well I didn't but now I know!

Why do you think I'm talking to myself right now? Sheesh, people these days, don't comprehend things.

I felt another tug again, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around only to find a smirking Sasuke look straight at me. I puffed out my cheeks and pouted, "Mou, I was daydreaming too!'


"None of your business!"

"What's yours is mine, What's mine is yours, meaning it is my business."

"Shut up we aren't married yet!"

"We will be."

"Not yet!"


"We still have like what? A-.."

Sasuke cut me off as realization dawned upon me, I remember Sasuke telling me that no one should know about their wedding day till the cards come out. Why? I have no idea, oh well, at least I can have people there! I always thought vampires just bite each other as a sign of marriage. Apparently not in this vampire world.

Again, Oh well, too bad so sad.

You snooze you lose.

I sighed as I knew this was going to be long, long first day.

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears

When you'd screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand throughout all these years

But you still have all of me

Uh yeaa,, new story again.. I hope you guys enjoy this lmao !! ;D


Might take a while thoughhh cause school has been killing me !

Thanks to all my reviewers for ALL my stories, this one is dedicated to you all !