Spirited Away

By Jasmin Kaiba

Chapter 1: The Book of Hopes

Anzu entered her apartment and blindly sliding out of her shoes and up the three stairs to her living room, threw her book-bag on the floor by the sofa and stared at the big, old leather-bound book in her hands. She'd found it just an hour ago in a small antique store just little ways from the third station from school. She'd gone to the little store simply out of curiosity, and because that jacket in the window had looked like it would match her knew boot just perfectly. In the end she didn't buy the jacket, the money had been enough for the book and a bento from the convenience store.

Shaking her head and laying the book on the kitchen counter, she disposed the bento in the fridge and the made her way to her bedroom. She changed from her school uniform into a red tank-top, black leather mini and a pair of thigh high black stockings, putting on a red head-band a pair of silver-hoop earrings and a bit of perfume, she went to her bed and looked through the packed over-night bag one more time. They were leaving for a filed-trip in three hours time and Anzu believed that she'd packed far too many clothes for just a four-day, three-nights stay in Hokkaido. But deciding against taking anything out, she folded her uniform and packed it too, making a note not to forget her school shoes as well, later.

In the kitchen she put the bento in the microwave and sat down by the counter and opened the book. When she'd entered the store, fully intending to buy the jacket, the book on a staple full of old books had caught her eye, and no matter how much she wanted that jacket, the book had pulled her in and she had purchased it without a second thought. On the way home from the store she'd gone through it a bit and found out that it was about Egypt. That alone was enough for her not to go back and return the book, after she'd woken from her slight daze.

After going through the book a few times, eating her bento, drinking a cup of coffee and a talk with Mai on the phone, Anzu decided, that no, she wasn't dreaming that it wasn't a possibility that she'd gone insane in the last two hours. The book, sitting innocently on her coffee table did contain a chapter labeled 'The Dark Era' and it also had pictures of the seven Millennium Items in the back. Turning on her laptop and taking into consideration the date of the so-called Dark Era, what she'd learned in History class and what Shadi had told them, Anzu figured that it was the time when the ghost in Yugi's puzzle had been the ruler of Egypt. The question why that period of time was called the Dark Era danced around Anzu's head, but he pushed them back, she had to find out who wrote that book, or at the very least, when. Good thing that she was living in an era where internet was something almost everybody had in their homes.

After half an hour going through millions of pages that had shown up when she'd Googled the publisher's name, the year of release and as last resort the key-words Egypt and Dark Era, all she found were Wikipedia articles on an old publishing house in Tokyo that had closed almost fifty years ago and even less information then in the book on the Dark Era. Nothing about the author, nothing about the Items, and certainly nothing about the Pharaoh. It was frustrating. Not even modern ways of researching things could look that far in the past. And what had she hoped anyway? That somewhere she'd find something, some piece of information that maybe contained the Pharaoh's lost name? That's only naive thinking, not even Isis and Malik were able to find anything and they did research in the Pharaoh's tomb. It was hopeless. 'I guess only a trip to the past could give us answers... And that is even with Kaiba's technology impossible... Even if I somehow forced him to watch Time Machine countless times... Not even Kaiba could do that... And he can do anything, at least that's what I believe...' Thought Anzu and shook her head at her silliness. Even if she somehow forced Kaiba Seto to watch Time Machine and he really could come up with a way to make a working replica, she doubted he'd use it to help the Pharaoh. 'He'd probably go back in time to stop Yugi from completing the puzzle or warning his past-self not to duel with Yugi on that faithful day of his first loss in Duel Monsters...'

Deciding that it was pointless to dwell on weather or not Kaiba could, would or should build a time machine and do them all a huge favor, Anzu turned of her computer and noticing that it was time to go to the meeting spot, got her bag, packed her shoes, put on her old black jacket and her new leather, knee-high boots and set out, locking the door behind her.

Ironically enough the meeting spot was almost right across the street from the little antique store. Looking at the book she'd brought with her, fully intending on showing the Pharaoh and at the jacket still in the shop window, she sighed and said goodbye to the beautiful, leather jacket that would've made her look incredible. But, oh well, friends were more important, and finding anything about the Pharaoh's past a priority.

Anzu looked around, trying to spot the familiar faces of her friends, when it stuck her that despite this being the most crowded street in Domino and the most popular shopping district and she'd been there countless time, it had been the first time that she'd noticed that antique store. The store looked too old and worn down to be newly opened, but otherwise she would've noticed it, right?

The first person she actually spotted was Mai, who was standing off the side with crossed arms and a booted foot, impatiently tapping against the floor. Mai had volunteered to be chaperone when one of the teachers who were supposed to come got sick and fell out. But Anzu couldn't help questioning herself, was Mai chaperoning them or Jou? Giggling slightly at the face Jou was bound to make when he found out Mai was joining them, Anzu run up to her friend and tapped her shoulder lightly.

"Hey, Mai, waiting on Jou? You know him; he'll come at the last possible moment."

The blonde turned her bright violet eyes on her brown-haired friend with a slightly sarcastic smile on her face.

"Hey there, girl. The day that idiot decides to be punctual is the day you'll marry Kaiba."

Anzu looked at her with mock disgust before breaking out in almost hysteric giggles, as she saw Jou running up to them with Honda in tow.

"Well, then I hope my groom will be willing, because here comes Jou!"

Mai looked over her shoulder as the blonde boy came to a huffing and puffing halt in front of them, still holding Honda's wrist in a vice-like grip. A second went by, and he caught his breath, smiling a crooked smile at his two female friends, a little unable to decide whom to address first. Forgoing the thinking process, as usual, he addressed both.

"Hey Mai, hey Anzu, how's going? Whatcha doing here, Mai? Nevamind, you looking smokin' Anzu!"

Mai and Anzu traded looks before scowling at Jou. Mai was the first to speak, though.

"Speak normally, you dolt! Sometimes, really sometimes I wish I could trade you for a dog, that'd at least be obedient."

Honda and Anzu burst out laughing as Jou scowled and whined at Mai, who dismissed him with a flick of her wrist and a well placed flap of her long blonde curls.

The two blondes continued bickering as Honda and Anzu, calmed down and exchanged greetings. After the usual small-talk Anzu looked at the other two in time to see Mai patting Jou on the head and couldn't help but imagine doggy ears and a wiggling tail on him. That thought made her giggle again.

"Good thing Kaiba isn't here or Jou wouldn't hear the end of it."

Honda laughed along and slung an arm around Anzu's shoulders.

"That's a mighty big book, you got there, Anzu. Why?"

Anzu smiled, and freeing herself from underneath his arm shook a teasing finger at him.

"That's my little secret."

Honda shrugged and joined Mai in teasing Jou, leaving Anzu to stare with an foreign look in her eyes at a trench-coat dressed Kaiba Seto as he emerged from the back of a black SUV with tinted windows. The tall young man, on the other hand didn't seem to notice her as he was busy talking to his servant/bodyguard whatever he is, Anzu didn't know. He was probably giving out orders for his time of absence and Anzu idly wondered why he even joined them on the field-trip.

But her thoughts didn't stay long on the object of her, maybe, hidden, small, little crush and wondered back to the antique store and the book she clutched tightly to her chest. Maybe, just maybe, this book could aid the Pharaoh they all loved and respected so much.

But she never dreamt just how much this book would do for her...


AN: A new story, huh? Well this idea has been hunting me for a while but I simply couldn't write it out to look like I wanted it too, I couldn't find the right start. Today inspiration struck, while reading my favorite book that I've bought in an antique store too. And this is the first chapter.

I hope that you like it, and that you will support me, with this story. Please review, pretty please with a cherry on top!

P.S. I promise to update Student Council, soon!
