Chapter Twenty-Three: Happily Ever After

Now that all the students have made it to the reception part of the school, all the parents made their ways to their children. Ox-King hugged Chichi.

"Well done, Chichi. I'm so proud. Your mother would have been so proud too." Chichi smiled.

"She already is. Because she's watching what we are up to up there." Chi chi explained.

Then Ox-King smiled, and hugged Chichi again. Then Dr and Mrs. Briefs went over to Bulma, and hugged her. And Bulma hugged back.

"That's my little princess. I am so proud of you." Said Mrs. Briefs.

"Well done Bulma, my little Angel." Dr Briefs said. Bulma just hugged her parents tightly, and then replied back to them

"Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad. It was all your supports that helped me. And the supports of my friends. I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad." Bulma said. Then she kept on hugging.

"We love you too, Bulma Angel." They both replied back. Grandpa Gohan walked over towards Goku and hugged him. And then Goku hugged back.

"Congratulations son. You're all grown up, you're a man now, and you have the woman of your dreams right there beside you. Never let her go, Goku. Because you will regret it for the rest of your life. Well done for making it this far, Goku." he said. Goku then smiled.

"Thank you, Grandpa. And don't worry, I'll take your word of advice. I love you, Grandpa." Grandpa Gohan smiled.

"Love you too, Goku." replied Grandpa Gohan. Then after that Mr. and Mrs. Ouji moved over to Vegeta, and then both hugged him. Vegeta then hugged back.

"We are so proud of you, son." Mrs. Ouji said.

"You spoke those words with a lot of heart, son. That is what makes a true man. Never hide your feelings. Let other people know how you feel. Congratulations, son. You've made us both proud today." Mr Ouji stated. Vegeta then smiled at both of his parents.

"Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad. I really cherish these words that you say. I love you Mom and Dad so much." Then both Mr. and Mrs. Ouji smiled.

"I love you too, Sweet heart." stated. Mrs. Ouji.

"I love you too, Son." added Mr. Ouji. Right about ten minutes, Goku, Vegeta, Chichi, and Bulma got together to meet up.

"Are you lot going to come home with us, or are you going to go anywhere together?" their parents asked.

"We'll just stay a while longer. Just to spend our last day with the school." Goku answered. Then Mr. Ouji nodded.

"OK then. You all make sure you get home, OK?" Then everybody nodded.

"OK, we will see you all later. Take care everyone." The parents went over to their kids, hugged them.

"I love you." The parents said to their kids.

Then Goku, Vegeta, Chichi, and Bulma replied back to their parents "I love you too." Then after that all the parents made their way home.

"So guys, what should we do?" asked Goku.

"We could just chill out here in the recess field for about an hour or so, then we can all make our way home." replied Vegeta.

"What made you wanna do that idea?" Chichi asked. Then Vegeta smiled.

"So that you're with Kakarot, and I'm with Bulma for the rest of the day." he replied. Then Bulma smiled.

"I'm glad that you've came up with the idea." Bulma added. Then Vegeta hugged Bulma, and Bulma hugged back.

"Yep. So lets all chill out. That speech we all did is tiring." Goku finished. Then Goku held Chichi's hand, and Bulma held Vegeta's, and then made their way to the field.

An hour later, everybody then decided it was time to get a move on. They were all walking down the long road.

"Hay Vegeta, can we go to our lake again?" Bulma asked. Then Vegeta looked at Bulma.

"Of course, if you like." Vegeta he turned to Goku and Chichi.

"You guys wanna come too?" Vegeta asked.

"Yeah, we would be glad to. Right Chichi?" Goku asked. Then Chichi replied

"Oh absolutely. It's been a long time since me and Goku went with you too see it. This would be great to spend our last day at school." Chichi replied. Vegeta then smiled again.

"It's settled. OK then let's go." Vegeta kept held of Bulma's hand, and Goku kept held of Chichi's hand, and then they all made their way to the lake.

About thirty minutes of walking, Goku, Vegeta, Chichi, and Bulma have all made it to the lake.

"Wow, it still looks beautiful than the last time we saw it." Bulma stated in excitement. Chichi smiled.

"Mm hm, it certainly is." Vegeta replied. While Chichi and Bulma were talking, Vegeta then spoke to Goku.

"Kakarot, a word please?" Vegeta asked. Goku then looked at Vegeta.

"OK sure, Vegeta." Goku replied. Then Vegeta and Goku walked over towards the nearest tree.

"OK what is it, Vegeta?" asked Goku. Then Vegeta spoke.

"Kakarot, when I made that speech on stage, about you being my best friend, my amigo, and my brother. I meant every word of it. You have been there all my life. And from the bottom of my heart brother, thank you for being there for me." Goku then smiled.

"It was my pleasure, Vegeta." Goku replied. Then they shook hands, and then gave a friendly hug.

"You're my brother, Vegeta. I love you, man." Goku stated. Vegeta smiled.

"I love you too, brother." Vegeta replied. Then they broke the hug.

"Well, let's get back to the girls." stated Goku. Then Vegeta nodded and went back over to Chichi and Bulma. three hours later, Goku, Vegeta, Chichi, and Bulma were all sitting at the edge of the bank.

"What should we do now, everyone?" asked Chichi.

"I'm actually feeling kinda exhausted, from all that running. I'm going home now." explained Goku. Chichi then stood up.

"I'll go home with you. How bout you two?" Chichi asked. Bulma then smiled.

"I think I'll just stay a little while longer. Vegeta?" Bulma stated. Vegeta smiled.

"Yeah, the same as she says." Vegeta replied. Goku then laughed.

"OK then, we'll see you two later then." Goku said. The Goku shook Vegeta's hand, and gave a friendly hug.

"Later Vegeta. Love you bro." stated Goku.

"Love you too, man." replied Vegeta. Then Goku and Bulma hugged.

"See you later, Bulma." Goku said. Bulma smiled.

"See you later, Goku." Bulma replied. Chichi and Bulma then hugged just as Goku broke the hug.

"Bye bye, Bulma. You take care." Chichi said. Bulma smiled.

"Later Chichi. You take care also." Bulma replied. Then Chichi and Vegeta hugged.

"Take care, Vegeta. See you later." Vegeta then smiled.

"You too, Chichi. See you later." Then Chichi kissed Vegeta's cheek. Then after that, Goku held Chichi's hand, and walked their way back home.

Bulma was sitting on the edge of the bank, with her legs dangling. Vegeta was sitting behind her with his arms around her neck.

"My dream really did come true." stated Bulma with delight. Vegeta looked confused.

"And what dream is that, Bulma?" Vegeta asked. Bulma then smiled.

"I wanted to be in love with somebody before I graduated. And that person I wanted it to be was you. Ever since I've started. Ever since I've first met you." Bulma replied. Vegeta then smiled, and kissed Bulma's cheek softly.

"I've wanted you the first day you've arrived. I've never believed in love in the past. I never knew what love felt like. I had never experienced it. But when I saw you for the first time, all that in the past have changed. I know what love is, I know how it feels, and I know who I want to be with for the rest of my life. And that woman is you. The first woman I've ever fell in love with. I wouldn't want any other girl. You are the only woman I need in my life, to hold, to love, and to fill your heart with passionate love." Bulma was now going into tears of happiness.

Then she put her head close to Vegeta, with her lips puckered. Vegeta slowly drew near to Bulma, and placed his lips with hers. They broke the kiss, and then they hugged each other as tightly as they could.

"I love you, Vegeta. I love you so much, with all my heart." stated Bulma.

"I love you too, Bulma. I've loved you every second of my life with you. And I promise you, I will always be with you. I will always be by your side whenever you need somebody. I will spend the rest of my life with you, and only you." Then Bulma looked into Vegeta's eyes.

"I need you now, Vegeta. Kiss me, and don't stop until I give you the permission." Bulma said with a giggle. Vegeta giggled back.

"I love you so much, Bulma." Vegeta said.

"I love you so much too, Vegeta." Bulma replied. And then after that, Vegeta and Bulma gave yet another passionate nonstop kiss.

So there you have it. One knows nothing about love, until he actually found the one that opened the love in his heart. All it ever takes is a lot of faith.

And when you really are searching for something you don't know about inside, faith is all we need to find it. And when the time is right, you will meet the one.

The faith from your friends and family can also help you find that desire. And as the time goes by for Vegeta and Bulma, all they really need now is each other.

And here they both are, in each others arms, lips locked for the most passionate kiss you'll ever see, and more importantly, their love for each other continues to grow for each other as they meet.

And now we can all say for the young lovers, Vegeta and Bulma now lived happily ever after.

The End