Hi! I'm called Leslie, which means joy. Leslie Darcy Burke is my full name.

My parents are Judy and Bill. They love music, gardening, and poltics. They're

both writers. Mum's written a series, 'Mixed Feelings' which was a bestseller

and recived postive reviews. Dad's written four stories, 'One Plus One, The

House on Hope Street, Outcast, and The Odd One out.' They did pretty well too.

Mum and Dad love writing, they dwell in it, sometimes I think they love it too

much. I know they love me to death, but I sometimes I feel invisible. Mum and

Dad are always so busy, so I'm often on my own. I didn't think they notice I

had no friends at school, but they did.

The reason I had no friends wasn't because I hadn't tried. Gosh, I had tried

like hell, but I was a black sheep, set apart from the crowd. So Mum and Dad,

full of concern, decied to

leave the city and head for a tiny town called Lark Creek in Virgina. They

thought a new start would help me make friends. I was friendly to everyone,

but no-one wanted to get to know 'the cave girl' the nickname given to me

because I didn't have a telvision. Excpet Jesse. He's the only one who made an

effort to know me. Like me, he's an outsider. All because he likes to draw

instead of playing football and goofing up in class. His family dosen't pay

him much attieon, and he always has to do the chores while his sisters lay

about lazily. I help out as often as I can. Besides being a brillant artist,

he is caring, shy, funny, brave, and aboustle everything to me. I have deep

feelings for Jesse, he's my soulmate, and if I ever lost him, I would truly

wish for death.

Did I mention, he's saved my life!? You see, the only way to get into our

secret kingdom Terabithia was to swing on a rope across a creek, and onto the

other bank. Jess didn't trust the rope but I did. Looking back, I can't think

why I trusted a thin, ratty piece of rope to enter Terabithia. Anyway, the

creek had risen, and I tried to reach the other bank, but due to my weight,

the rope broke, and I fell backwards in a sumersault and into the icy, rushing

waters. I knew how to swim, but I was knocked unconsious, and if Jess hadn't

refused Miss Edmunds's offer and ran after me..... It made me shiver.

As I lay in bed, thinking on this, Jesse walked into my room. I was suprised

but happy to see him. He said I looked cute in my bathrobe, and I blushed like

crazy. I invited him to have breakfast, and afterwards, we ran along the

winding path towards Terabithia. We had to build a entrance, and deafet the

Dark Master Once and for all. I love Jesse Oliver Aarons, he is part of my

heart and soul.