Authors note at end.


"A month. That's all." The director told us, pulling out metal leg cuffs. My mouth dropped open in shock, this was bullshit! All because of a fight. We weren't the best people that got along, but come on! There are worst people out there...and I was not liking this.

I looked over to my side to see him. The one that got us in all of this. If this guy learned how to close his mouth, at least for a minute we could of been on better terms.

"Oh, and today does not count." He said, twirling keys on his fingers.

"Wait...that makes it," the guy that started this, counted on his fingers."...that makes it a...month, and a day." He said proud of himself.

"No shit sherlock!" I shouted at him, frustrated.

"Hey!" He shouted back at me, getting up from his chair. "If your going to yell at me, say my real name! Who the hell is sherlock anyway?"

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. His...stupidity, always made me want to slap him. The director watched us with fascination. Great...lord if your going to kill me, kill me now! I prayed. I wasn't going to survive through this anyway.

"I'm not happy about this." I said my voice muffled, from my hands. I heard him scoff.

"And you think I am." He muttered. I shook my head, feeling irational tears threatened to come out.

"No, I don't. This is pure matter what we do about it." I said, wiping the corners of my eyes.

"My god! Your crying!" He said with a sour tone, he was already sitting back down. Mr. Densy the directors name, still watched us. Waiting for how we reacted with each other.

"Yeah I am! And you wanna know why? Because for a month and a day I'm going to be stuck! Locked together with your horny, out of control, ass! And I don't want to! I have friends! I have a life! The only life you have is sex, sex, sex!" I shouted, I was loosing it.

This is how he made me feel, all the time. When ever we were around one another, I would get mad. It was just something about him...maybe it was the way he treated women. It's not like he was violent, I never seen him for one second see him even yell at the girls he was dating . It was just that, all the time it was sex.

Hundreds of times, I've seen girls cry behind the stalls. Everytime I asked, they would say his name. They would say how he was their first time, and then he moves to another virgin. Sad really.

"Yeah! I like sex! It feels good!" He folded his arms around his chest, huffing.

I started laughing. Soon, I was giggleing out of control. Then with the way he looked at me like I was mental, made me laugh more. I was clutching my stomach, fresh tears going down my cheek. Just something with the way he said that, it was funny.

"Of course it feels good!" I gasped out, my giggleing slowly stopping. I looked at him to see him have his lips pressed down, as if he was trying not to laugh himself. His body was shaking slightly, and to see him try to stop laughing made me laugh again.

He kept shaking his head. I stopped quickly this time, and felt more relaxed. He looked at me, a smile on his face. This was rare for us. When we would laugh...or be not yelling. Very rare. "Are you okay now?" He asked me, chuckling.

I giggled nodding. "I'm good. Sorry." I giggled again, and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, a month and a day. What are the rules." He aked Mr. Densy. He was smiling, placing the metal cuffs in front of us on the small table.

"You will each be given a pair of keys," he said placing the keys next to the cuffs. "There are certain things that will allow you able to be removed from your partner." His eyes looked up at me, then the lug next to me.

"When you need to take a shower, or go to the bathroom. Obviously being male and female, you would like your privacy-"

"Oh, she doesn't need that. I'm sure she still doesn't know the difference between us males and her females." He laughed, like a little boy.

I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder.

"Okay, so when we need to use the bathroom, and take a shower we can take the cuffs off. But what about when we sleep?"

"Eeewww." He complained, puckering out his lips a bit in disgust. He did a fake shudder, with a gag.

I groaned and shook my head.

"You guys will be sharing the same bed to sleep in. The track monitors will tell us if you follow the rules. So I wouldn't even try to fake out of this." Mr. Densy said looking serious.

"So theres like..tracking chips in the cuffs, that tells you were we're," he pointed a finger between us a couple of times. "located, in houses and buildings?"

Mr. Densy nodded, opening the cuffs. "Now, these metal cuffs will go around your ankles. Which brings another exception to when your changing clothes, go ahead and take it off. But if we note that it takes more than fifteen minutes to change your clothes..we'll investigate into that." He said, as I watched him pull the metal rings apart.

"A month...and a day." I whispered, scared now.

"Are you ready for this?" Mr. Densy asked us.

I gulped nodding, and he just nodded. This had become serious, and I was frightened. If we barely got along at school, how in the world would we survive this?

"Okay," Mr. Densy nodded. "Emmett", he looked at him, then looked at me. "Bella, welcome to Cuffed."


"Yeah shake that ass!" Emmett boomed from his seat. A new horny girl had entered this school, giving the all mighty Emmett Cullen a lap dance. I watched with disgust, feeling my food crawl back up my throat.

He spanked her, and she called out with delight. I then did start gagging on my food. Gross, hags. I couldn't eat any more, and got up from my seat, to throw my food away. Emmett watched me as I went loosing interest in the girl, that was busily trying to please him.

We locked eyes, and I rolled mine. He smiled, and took the girl off of him. I started walking out of the cafeteria, with Emmett running behind me catching up.

"Hey, Isabella." He knew how much I hated when people, said my full name, so he said it all the time. He was still the only one that did that.

"Hey Em C." I laughed. He earned that nickname back in the first grade. I remembered that day perfectly. The class had to do a report on something about the enviroment. And when Emmett gave his speech he rapped it out. He actualy did a whole rap verse on the crappy enviroment.

From there on he was called Em C. for a nickname. It has stuck with him ever since, and he hates it just as much as people call me by my whole name.

He gritted his teeth for a second. "Why are you leaving? Don't you want to see the new girl have fun? With Em C.?" He laughed, with a smile.

Why was he being nice? Something was out of place...

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked him, feeling shocked.

His eyes widened. "I'm not!" He spat, then groaned running his fingers through his hair. "Just leave me alone tramp." He muttered.

I gasped. He never called me that before. We teased eachother, said hurtful mean things. But he knew that I was never a tramp. I was still a virgin. He was acting so off today!

"You know what Emmett Cullen! I will gladly leave you alone! Watch as my tramp ass turns around!" I growled, exagerating the movement as I left.

"There taking us to be their 'subjects'" I heard him shout a few feet behind me. I turned around to glare at him. Tears brimming around my eyes.

"What crazy shit are you talking about now?" I asked.

"Theres this show...It's called Cuffed." He started to explain. "I'm sorry I called you a tramp Isabella." He said at the end, uncomfortable.

"No your not, so stop it. And what is Cuffed?" I said, not happy with him at the moment. God, when was I ever happy with him?

He sighed. "It's a new show on T.V. And they want us to be their 'species'," he did the air quotes with it, "For awhile. I already agreed have to go on with it." He said.

"Okay...what does the show want us to do? Like..?" I trailed off, ready for him to explain fully.

"We're going to be cuffed. We have to stay around each other for awhile. I'm not sure what the exact time is...but they need us to see if there going to do the show officialy."

"So we wouldn't be on actual television?" I checked.

"No! I wouldn't let that know with my reputation." He said, popping his jackets collar.

"Wooowww...okay then. So your saying that we have to be 'cuffed' together, and basically live with eachother?" I asked, feeling some odd feeling in me. Why would they choose us? And besides who were 'they'?

"Yeah. You see the objective of the show is to put people that hate eachother, and fight all the time together. Just to monitor them as they go through their lives with the person they hate the most at their sides." He explained with a slight nod to himself.

"Oh. Who brought this up to them anyway? I mean, I'm sure they didn't watch us while we're at school do they?" I said, having an uneasy feeling that they actualy did. That's creepy.

"The princible. He's seen us fight many times, so I guess he heard of the show and called them up."

"Damn him. But I'm not promising a thing. I'll check this out alright?"

Emmett smiled. "We get payed." He said.

"Oh, then I am so in!" I shouted. I needed money...real bad. With high school ending, and college coming up. I needed that money.

He laughed nodding his head. "Yeah, I thought so. The directions to the place is in your locker. We meet tomorrow, at five."

I nodded. "See you at Cuffed, Em C."

"Yeah, see you too Isabella."

*Flashback Ends*


Okay this is all I can give you for now. I said in my other storys with an authors note, that I'd be doing another here it is.

I gave a different summary...actually a whole different story idea. I will be doing THAT ONE later. I was getting stumped, and couldn't finish it. So I brought this one to fanfiction instead.

Please review. :)
