
I laid there in my bunk listening to the sound of the small TV coming from the living room area of the bus, my puppy Oliver laid near my feet. I could hear the quite voices of my godfathers Siri and Sev, both talking of the upcoming tour and plans of where to go and what to visit. My Uncle Remy an Aunt Lily where asleep in their bunks, and my Dad as well as Tom were somewhere else on the bus.

Constant thoughts, of what happened earlier in the morning, plagued my mind. I wanted to know who they were talking about desperately; I was desperate to find out what they knew about my other father, something dad would tend to ignore every time I asked him. Or Tom would interrupt with something mean to say about him, or how he was my father now, now that him and dad where finally getting married something I was not happy about.

The sudden thump of someone falling broke me out of my thoughts, I sat up feeling my way around my bunk and slowly climbed out feeling my way to where I had heard the noise.

"Dad?" I called out quietly to make sure I did not wake up anyone else if they were still sleeping.

"He's sleeping." The sound of Tom's chilling voice sent shivers down my back.

"Than what was that noise?"

"Nothing to concern you about little one," I could hear the slight smirk and predatory undertone coming from the man's mouth, suddenly I could smell him as he stepped closer to me, the smell of his aftershave and the sense of foreboding that surrounded him.

"Dad" I called out louder trying desperately to get him to come to us, the sudden hand over my mouth had me squirming.

"Shh little one, daddy's not coming" I whimpered as he whispered this into my ear, something wasn't right not right at all. I felt myself picked up; the hand still covering my mouth, I could hear the pounding of my heart in my ears as I tried to struggle from the strong grip.

Suddenly I felt my back connect with something soft; the smell was that of me, it was my bed. I whimpered as the situation took a sudden turn as I felt him sit on the bed next to me.

"Shh shh little one, papa's gonna take good care of you." A silent sob left my small body as I felt his hand slide up my shirt, ghosting across my stomach.

With all my might I pushed him away, not enough to knock him down but enough for me to squirm out of his hold. I cried out for my daddy, Sev, anyone. I wanted anyone that wasn't Tom, I wanted them to take the monster away from me, I could hear myself crying but it was as if I was no longer there.

"Harry!" I could hear the voices of my godfathers, as they rushed to where we were at. Suddenly Tom was no longer there but I could hear his voice trying to soothe me.

"He had a nightmare," Tom's worried voice sounded false even to me, I felt his hand placed gently on my shoulder only for my breathe to come out in short pants, I didn't want him to touch any part of me, not even come near me.

"Tom why don't you go get James, we'll try and calm down Harry."

"I'm hear Siri" The tired voice of my dad floated to me, a whole wave of tears over powered me again.

"Daddy" I whimpered desperately I wanted him to hold me, and for Tom to just go away.

"Shh baby, you were having a nightmare that's all, shh I'm hear daddy's not leaving I promise"

"Oh but you are James, have you not told him" The cold undertone had my ungazing eyes fall to Tom. "Your daddy is pregnant…he doesn't need you anymore, your mine boy." The sound of the deep almost evil laugh had me gasping and crying out.


"Mine always be mine"

Suddenly I felt myself sitting up gasping for breath; I could feel tears falling down my face. The T.V was no longer on; the whole bus was completely quite. It was all a dream, yet it felt so real, so completely real.

"Daddy" I cried out as I gasped desperately for air. It felt as though the world was pressing down upon me, I could still hear the cackle of Tom's laugh as he told me over and over again that I was his.

"Baby…Harry!" The sudden frantic voice of my dad brought me out of my shock slightly as I started to sob harder while still trying to desperately to catch my breath.

"Oh my baby shhh daddy's hear, I promise." The feeling of his slightly calloused thumbs brushed away the tear that fell down my face. He started rocking me while he rubbed my back soothingly, something he hadn't done in a while.

Slowly I felt myself start to fall asleep, that is until he tried to put me down again, "don't leave me please daddy." Desperately I held onto the hem of his nightgown to make sure he would not leave me.

"Never sweetheart…never."

Neither of them noticed the hard pale green eyes watching the intently, as he stashed the slightly damped cloth in his baggage.

AN: I wasn't going to continue but I suddenly found my muse…go figure I will be updating the rest of my stories shortly sorry though for the long update. Was moving than I had no internet until quite recently, but again sorry for any mistakes. 