Disclaimer: I don't own La Corda D'oro

*EDITED* ~ 8/2/11

Chapter 1 – Where it all Began




A story of Hihara's first love…

It all started when a new student transferred into their Music Department. The scarlet-haired violinist…he just can't get enough of her music…

One the day of her arrival, he was excited to see this new girl, he first saw her in a music room. Her back was faced to him, he could see her perfect stance, and also beautiful music was produced by her violin as she played it.

Hihara was enchanted by this new girl.

But that wasn't where his first love started.





It was a bright Monday morning for Hihara as he was running up the stairs. He was very excited to practice his trumpet up the roof, like usual. But as he ran, he suddenly heard footsteps running down, and then something fell – a book, maybe.

Hihara slowed down and looked at the top of the stairs, and then saw her – Hino Kahoko.

Her face was flushed as she knelt on the floor, gathering the loose pages from her fallen clear book with one hand. She used the other hand to hug her violin case to her.

It was his first time to see her, but he guessed from the fast passed thumping of his heart, this is the said transfer student. He immediately walked up to where she was, and helped her gather her papers. After the mess was cleared they both stood up.

He stared at her, and she stared back.

Hihara felt his heart accelerate again. He didn't know why. Was it because of her golden eyes? Or maybe because of her beautiful face?

He wasn't sure how. But he knew, he had fallen in love.

"Um, hi?" Hihara half said and half asked. He internally scolded himself for the boring start.

Kahoko stared at him for little bit longer then smiled, "Thank you, and good morning, senpai. Excuse me," then she ran down the stairs.

Hihara felt himself blush. She was cute, heaven-sent, especially when she smiles. He smiled to himself, playing the sound of his over and over again inside his head.





"You seem happy." Yunoki commented all of a sudden, seeing his friend barely touching the ground as he walked.

He and Hihara were walking down the hallway towards the music room that afternoon right after their morning classes.

"Oh really?" said Hihara, humming happily to himself.

"Did you finally talk to that new girl?" asked Yunoki, raising an eyebrow. Since it was Hihara they were talking about after all, he knew his friend had a shallow transparent pool of happiness.

Hihara stop walking in surprise at his friend's guess, Yunoki chuckled as he continued walking. He left Hihara a few steps behind.

"I can read you clearly." Yunoki called over his shoulder, chuckling again.

Hihara chased after him, "Hey, it's our secret!" he exclaimed, blushing.

Yunoki laughed gently, "Of course. Would you mind telling me what happened?"

"Well, it was just by chance. I wouldn't say it was really a conversation, just a greeting. But her voice, it was sweet…" said Hihara dreamily.

Yunoki shook his head, seeing Hihara act like a high school girl, "You're in love," he said.

"Huh!" Hihara blushed a deeper shade.

"It's quite obvious. You're acting like one of them," said Yunoki as smiled to a few girls who just greeted him, and they sighed in admiration.

"Quit joking," said Hihara, though he lessened his 'obsessing'. Then a thought suddenly entered his mind. "Wait, how did she know I'm her senpai? Does she know me?" His mind raced with the possibility that she might also be interested in him.

"Silly, it's because of your tie's color." Yunoki said bluntly.

"Oh, yeah," Hihara said, clearly embarrassed.

Yunoki just laughed gently again, clearly, he can't pull his friend away from thoughts of the new girl.






Hihara laid on one of the benches in the rooftop. He stared at the sky, watching the clouds roll by slowly. It has been a week since he last saw Hino Kahoko, but her voice was still clear in his head. He wondered how come they haven't crossed paths yet, when she's also a fellow Music student.

As his mind was filled with thoughts of her again, he heard the door opening. He immediately sat up and looked at who it was, his eyes widen.

"Senpai," Kahoko said, clearly surprised at seeing him. She immediately bowed, afterwards, she closed the door behind her.

"Hi-Hino-chan? What are you doing here?" asked Hihara. He blushed when he realized he called her '-chan'.

"Eh? You know my name?" Kahoko was surprised. Because as far as she remembered, she hadn't formally introduce herself to the upperclassman yet.

"Ah! Because…" Hihara began to panic. He can't actually tell her that he'd been anticipating her arrival since the first time he heard of her existence.

Kahoko giggled, not noticing her senpai's speechlessness, "I guess I've been the center of topics when I first transferred here," said Kahoko, embarrassed at the fact of it.

"Well, yeah, that's it!" said Hihara, too relieved to find a valid excuse.

"Um," said Kahoko, then she looked at the bench where Hihara's sitting, she saw that beside him was his trumpet, "You play the trumpet…senpai?" she asked curiously.

"Yes." Said Hihara, then he held his trumpet, "Do you want to hear me play?"

"If that's alright with you," said Kahoko, genuinely happy.

Hihara blushed, the girl he likes wants to hear him play! He held his trumpet proudly and played a happy tune, Unter Dem Doppel Adler (under the double eagle).

Kahoko's eyes widen, wow, it's a lively tune…it does reflect senpai's personality…the way he plays…

When Hihara finished playing he looked at Kahoko, he saw her stunned face, he took the negative side of that.

"Sorry if it wasn't a good one," said Hihara, slightly frowning.

"Ah! No! It was great senpai! It made me want to hear more!" said Kahoko, smiling at him.

Hihara blushed, "U-uh, really? Thanks."

Kahoko smiled again, Hihara's heart leapt. Then he noticed her carrying her violin case. "Um, were you here to practice?" asked Hihara.

"Yes, but I might be disturbing you,"

"No, I was practicing anyway, and I better get going too," Hihara said, glancing at his watch. As much as he hates to leave already, he has to, if not, the orchestra which he's a member of, might kill him.

"Oh, okay." Kahoko said.

Hihara went to the door, he was about to open the door, but remembered something. He turned around again and said, "By the way, my name is Kazuki Hihara."

"Kahoko Hino," Kahoko said, bowing slightly again.

"Nice to meet you," Hihara grinned.

"See you soon, Hihara-senpai," said Kahoko. Giving him a small wave as he closed the door behind him.

As he went down the stairs, he had a huge smile on his face, Finally! I finally got to talk to her! She even called me 'Hihara-senpai'! Could this day get any better!

A/N: REVIEW please. So, I just edited a few lines here and there since this was an earlier work of mine. ^~^