Chapter 1: Excursion

Things were finally looking up.

Famous last words.

When Alex finally returned to school the day immediately after his release from hospital, he had purposely timed his arrival to coincide with the class bell, eliminating the possibility of being approached on sight. But even with the careful planning, there were a few people that made to talk to him whilst waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Those, Alex had managed to flare off, the exception being the class bully sitting in front of him. Michael Priston had opened his mouth to speak, with a sneer on his face, when the arrival of Mr Brown silenced him.

Following the teacher, a few paces behind, was someone Alex immediately recognised as a prison guard. Even if his uniform hadn't given him away so quickly, his posture certainly did. It practically screamed his profession if nothing else.

Mr Brown's eyes roamed around the room, silently taking the role, lingering slightly on Alex when he was spotted.

"Welcome back Alex," Mr Brown acknowledged him quietly.

"Thank-you sir," he replied just as softly.

Turning back to the class as a whole, Mr Brown began to speak.

"This is Officer Price, a prison guard," he introduced. "As you all know, we will be spending a day and night at a hight security prison the way a criminal would. Officer Price here is going to give us some insight."

Alex barely managed to restrain himself from groaning aloud. He really didn't need this. Just when he thought he wouldn't have to step into those places again…something had to come and ruin it. Alex resigned himself to the inevitable. He was going back to prison.

Alex tuned Officer Price out as he started the briefing, outlining the rules, the potential dangers, and the like. Alex was partially glad to be sitting at the back of the room, where the teachers wouldn't pay attention to him. No such luck.

"You there, back corner, close to window," the officer barked, startling Alex out of his musings. "Alex was it?"

At Alex's nod of confirmation, he continued.

"Pay attention! I'll only be telling you this once. If you are to survive – even a day – in prison, you will listen to my advice."

"Yes sir," Alex replied quietly, earning himself snickers from his fellow classmates.

The class was called back to attention, but not before Priston had turned around and sneered arrogantly at Alex.

Alex chose to ignore them, but forced himself to focus on Price's briefing.

The lecture ended when the bell sounded, signalling the end of the period, and the start of recess.

"Be at school seven-thirty sharp tomorrow," Mr Brown shouted at the retreating backs of his students. "Alex, please remain behind."

Alex allowed himself to fall back heavily into his seat.

Mr Brown and his guest approached the front of Alex's desk.

"I have some work for you," Mr Brown spoke. "If you'll drop by my office in two days time. That is, if you're at school."

"I don't plan on being absent," Alex replied calmly.

"You haven been involved with criminals have you?" Price interrogated with his eyes narrowed.

"I don't intend on getting involved," Alex responded, barely suppressing a laugh. Of course he had been involved n criminals. He was a spy (however reluctant) after all.

"Good," the officer nodded in approval after his careful scrutiny.

"What's this excursion about?" Alex asked, changing the subject after an uncomfortable silence.

"A humanities field trip," Mr Brown supplied. "We thought it would be a good idea to see some parts of the law at work."

"And to deter possible young criminals," Alex muttered, just loud enough for the adults to hear.

"Yes…that too," Mr Brown responded sheepishly.

"It would work on the majority," Price added.

"We had initially wanted to visit a spy agency," Mr Brown elaborated.

"But we were unable to. So this was the solution."

"Figures," Alex murmured under his breath.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Alex," Mr Brown continued, having missed Alex's last statement. "Mr Bray will be accompanying us."

Alex stood to leave with a short, "I'll see you" before walking out of the door.

"Watch yourself," the prison guard said to his retreating back.

At 7.30am, Alex's class had all been assembled in the classroom along with the supervising teachers. Officer Price had seen to it that the visitors were dressed appropriately as criminal prisoners.

Alex sighed, as he suited up, the horrible orange suits were back in play.

Everyone had a set of body chains on, restraining their movements.

It was a bunch of excited teenagers that Officer Price delivered to the prison that was due to be home the morning of the following day.

Little did they know that the trip for the male component of the class would proceed nothing like the plan, and be come one truly unforgettable adventure for the civilians.

Fortunately – or unfortunately, depending on how one looked at it – the females would be visiting an all women's juvenile high security prison.

Alex and Tom were sitting opposite the other, directly behind the teacher and head-teacher, secured to the bar running down both sides and the back of the transport vehicle, the front – separating driver from 'criminal' – was a metal mesh cage-like barrier.

"Hey Alex!" Tom called. "Where did you go?"

Alex turned around and faced his friend, flicking his eyes about, hoping that Tom would understand his indication of 'we're not alone'.

He needn't have worried because at that moment, Tom had inclined his head to sho his understanding.

"Tonsillitis," came Alex's simple answer.

"Alex!" Mr Bray exclaimed. "You really can't afford to miss any more school."

"It's not my fault," Alex retorted, clearly irritated.

"We can't blame yo for being sick," the teacher acknowledged. "But you weren't like this before. I don't understand what happened."

"My uncle's death was hard on me," Alex replied calmly. "Then my immune system was invaded by some virus, and it hasn't been the same since."

With no way to respond to that statement, they lapsed into silence for the remainder of the trip.

When the end of the one and a half hour journey cam by, the class were lead out to the main prison building. They had bypassed the distribution sector, and Officer Price showed them to their cells. Not unlike the last time Alex had been locked up, there were two to a cage. Alex had been fortunate enough to be landed with Tom, a real friend, this time 'round.

They were then guided down to the Mess Hall for breakfast.

Instinctively, the class clustered close together over two of the tables.

"Hey Alex!" Priston called to the next table. "You'd be used to this right?"

"No Michael, I'm not," Alex spoke mildly, lying through his teeth. "I've never been a prisoner before this. And I don't plan on it for the future."

"You just haven't been caught before," Priston shot back, trying unsuccessfully to rile up the spy.

"Nor have I every done anything to warrant being classified as a criminal," Alex drawled.

Priston opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off by one of the older prisoners approaching their tables, stopping where Alex was sitting – completely unfazed – and towering over the class.

"Look, a group of newbies," his voice carrying to the other inmates. "First time?"

The class just nodded feverishly, only Alex was completely unaffected – calmly continuing to eat his meal. After all, with everything he had been through, this was a joke.

Mr Brown stood up and walked to Alex's end of the table.

"Please leave us alone," he requested politely.

Alex sighed inwardly. They were surrounded by criminals, curtesy wouldn't work. In fact, it didn't have a place in their current location.

Sure enough, the inmate didn't respond to Mr Brown's demand. Instead he issued them with an order.

"Choose a person to face one of us in the Arena."

Alex almost groaned aloud.

"If we have to," Mr Bray acquiesced reluctantly as he stood up, knowing that there was no way out of it.

"Twelve o'clock sharp," the inmate snapped, then left.

"We have two hours," Mr Bray announced dejectedly.

At the same time, Officer Price reappeared after doing his rounds, to hear the head teacher's last words.

"You look grim," he observed. "What happened?"

"We have to choose a representative to fight one of them," Mr Bray inform the guard.

"Common practice," Price responded with a shrug. "You have to choose. I can't help you here."

"I'll do it," Priston stood up proudly.

Tom opened his mouth to speak, but his words were replaced by a gasp of pain. Alex had stood on his foot to shut him up.

"What d'you do that for Alex?" Tom murmured angrily.

"To stop you from saying what I think you were going to say," Alex hissed back.

"Would the two of you care to share what you were talking about?" Mr Bray asked before Tom could retort.

"Sorry sir," Alex replied quietly.

"This is important," came the impatient snap. "Pay attention."

"Yes sir," Alex repeated.

"Maybe Alex was saying that he could do better than me," Priston sneered. "After all, he had been to prison before."

"Is that the reason for your absences?" Mr Bray asked. "Prison?"

"I've been sick," Alex replied with exaggerated calm, he was getting sick of people disbelieving his claim, even if they were in the right.

"Yeah right!" Priston interrupted sceptically.

"I've never been arrested," Alex added in the same tone. "Besides, I don't even have a criminal record."

"Calm down," Mr Brown ordered then turned to Alex. "Have you truly been sick Alex?"

"My immune system hasn't been the same since my uncle's accident," Alex replied.

"The Medical certificates are legit," Mr Brown informed the audience.

"Thank-you Mr Brown," Mr Bray said at last. "Now, back to the matter at hand."

Mr Bray turned to Priston.

"What makes you the perfect candidate?"

"I do kick-boxing and sports. I'm not sickly, but most importantly. I'm no coward," Priston answered promptly, throwing Alex a significant look.

Alex met Priston's gaze with one of his own, allowing some of the horrors he had seen seep through and be exposed to his tormentor for a fleeting moment, all the while keeping a restraining hand on his friend beside him.

Priston had to suppress shivers that threatened to overcome his body, as he saw the flash of something else in Alex's otherwise nonplussed stare. He broke the contact after a minute.

"Any other volunteers?" Mr Bray asked, looking over at Alex, who was determined not to glance his way. Mr Bray had heard of the Malhead incident, but his questing was greeted with nothing but silence.

"It's decided then," Mr Bray announced at last. "Michael is our representative."

"Now that that's settled," Price added. "I'll give you a tour."

As the tour progressed, Alex was struck at how similar the prison layout was to Brenson.

The tour ended with Price leaving them in the exercise yard with the promise to be back on time to lead them to the 'Arena'. When Price got to the exit he turned around and watched them gravely for a minute.

"Good luck kiddos," he said softly, before turning on his heel. There was nothing he could do to help.

The class stuck together in the corner of the yard.

"Is this the usual everyday prison life?" Tom asked gloomily.

"I'd assume it's the typical first day," Mr Brown replied.

"It's terrible," one of the other students quietly complained.

They were already beginning to wish they hadn't come.