Goten ambled through the house his eyes half open as he ran a hand through the messy tumbles of black hair. He yawned plopping down heavily in the kitchen chair resting his arms on the table only to rest his head on them and close his eyes.

"Really Goten, come on now. Stop being so lazy." His mother chided as she walked through the door from the outside her arms loaded down with laundry. "I mean at least one thing I can't say about your father is that he's lazy but you..." She continued tossing the laundry down next to him on the table eyeing him closely. "I just don't know about you." Goten made no indication he had heard her as he sat and half listened to what his mother was harping about this particular morning. "Why are you so tired anyway? It's not like you aren't getting enough sleep or anything right? Maybe Trunks shouldn't come over this weekend if you can barely keep your head up during the week." Goten snapped his head up at the last comment.

"I'll go get dressed." He stated softly illiciting a smile from his mother as she folded clothes.

"I knew that would get your ass up and going." She replied. Goten remained quiet as he exited the room and made his way up the stairs. A sharp turn to his right and he was once again in his room and shut the door. He looked around the darkened room and sighed.

"No matter how much cologne I spray the room still reaks like Trunks." He stated aloud to himself. For the past six months the other demi had been going over to stay at the Son household on the weekends but it wasn't the same. Goten fell heavily on his bed and despite his efforts sighed again. 'It's not the same after we were off on our own for so long, just the two of us.' He thought. He was grateful for whatever time he could get with his friend but it just seemed as if it was never enough. There were always people around them for the most part. It was until after he heard his parents door shut that the two would get remotely comfortable to lay next to each other let alone exchange even the smallest of kisses. In the woods they had been free to do as they wanted, as much as they pleased and as loud as they wished. Goten felt his cheeks burn hot at the thought of the things they had done to each other on those days after a particularly intense sparing. Quickly he cleared his throat and stood walking over to grab his laptop.

"I need to vent this out before I explode." He muttered to himself sitting down at his desk turning the machine on. He logged into his account scanning his emails less than interested in most of them until one in particular caught his eye. He had mentioned earlier in the year to the drama coordinator at his school that he would be interested in performing in the spring play. His reply had been a little more than disheartening when he was informed that it was more than likely one of the programs to be cut because of budget issues was the arts. Despite this however out of what he assumed to have been an act of kindness she had him sign the audition roster. He remembered quickly jotting down his email and pleaded a bit to be the first to know of any auditions that may be held. He felt his heart skip beats in his chest at the prospect of trying out for a play even if it was just a school play. He read to the bottom of the page feeling his blood pressure rise. "Auditions are on sunday the fourth, shit thats tomorrow."

He stood suddenly feeling his steps light as happiness took him over. In the past year his mother, Chi-chi, had at long last received her drivers license. As a congratulatory present Bulma had given her the best hover car zeni could buy. There was no way he knew that Chi-Chi would let him take the car all the way to west city high himself but was fairly sure she wouldn't have an issue taking him there. He tracked her ki to the same spot he had left her at, the kitchen. He watched for a moment as she busied herself from one cabinet to the other taking out severel different seasonings and throwing them into her pot that boiled on the stove.

"Hey mom." He called out to her in the sweetest voice he could summon. She glanced over her shoulder at her youngest son only shaking her head.

"Still not dressed I see." She stated more to herself than to her son. Goten's smile became wider as he walked over to her to stand next to her. He rested his head on her shoulder looking down into the contents of the pot seeing some sort of meet cooking. The aroma hit his nostrils and it was all he could do to keep his mind focused on the audition and not his stomach.

"Mommy." He said cheesily grabbing her in a hug and kissing her cheek.

"Goten really, can't you see I'm busy here? What is it you want?" She asked becoming increasingly frustrated with him. Gotens arms fell down to his sides as he watched his mother while she stirred the concoction.

"Tomorrow at my school they're holding auditions for the school play." He started. "So I was wondering if I could go and try out."

"Auditions on a sunday? Thats a bit odd." She replied. Goten merely shrugged the comment off as he waited for her to answer. "Well do you have a ride there?"

"No not exactly. I was wondering if you could give me a ride." He said. Chi-Chi glanced over at him.

"Isn't Trunks coming over this weekend? Couldn't he take you? I mean after all we let him come over here like he owns the place. It's the least he could do." She replied. Goten felt his heart sink a little at the reminder as to why Trunks wasn't already there.

"No he had exams this week coming up. He told you last sunday when he left." Goten stated becoming a little irritated with his mothers lack of attentiveness when it came to certain things.

"Right well Goten I'm sorry but it just looks like you'll have to skip it." She said the tone of her voice taking on an air of means to end the conversation. Goten slumped somewhat where he stood.

"Mom, please. I have hounded the poor woman who runs this for the past four months. She held up her end of the bargain by letting me know if they were even going to be able to do a play this year. Please I really, really want to do this." He said cupping his hands together as he laced his fingers through. His mother only let out a sigh.

"Come on Goten. This whole acting thing is just like those drawings you used to do or those silly made up stories you write." She stated. Goten felt his stomach flip at the mention of his hobbies. His mother had never really been open to the idea of him just dawdling his time away on what she deemed a useless talent. He could spend his time doing more productive things like his brother had spent his entire life doing. Goten suppressed the shudder that shot down his spine at the thought of wasting his life away nose deep in a book only to go on in a few years and find some mediocre job that left his life feeling more than just a little empty. Despite his best efforts he felt his eyes fall from her to rest on the floor.

"Mom, please I really want to do this. I'm only a first year student so I probably won't get a good part this year but next year the seniors will be gone so I'll have a chance at something better." He felt his words choking in his throat as his voice stuck. Chi-Chi let out an irritated sigh and turned to face her youngest. She held the spoon she had been cooking with and wiggled it at him for emphasis.

"Listen Goten; you are not an actor. You never will be an actor. So just forget about this play thing." She said. She turned back to the pot on the stove leaving Goten feeling empty. He felt the tears burn hot in his eyes as his heart sped up to slam into his chest. The excitement he had been feeling all year had crumbled in the blink of an eye and the cause was the one person who was supposed to enable him. Weren't parents supposed to support their children? That's what Bulma had always said. That's what his mother did for his brother. So why not for him? He brought his gaze back up to her and swallowed back his anguish long enough to say the only words that would come to mind.

"Thanks mom." He managed to get out before walking past her quickly and up the stairs. He slammed the door shut to his room and locked the door. He sat back down in his desk chair causing it to creak angrily at him. He placed his hands over his face feeling his anger bubble up inside of him. It took every ounce of his will power not to burst into tears. He wiped his face his eyes falling on his laptop. He would have to email his teacher back and apologize for not being able to attend. He knew that by doing this it would blow any chance of him ever getting a lead part as long as he was in high school but it would be easier to write it down and send it as opposed to having to explain it come monday in person.

Goten sighed heavily and began to type. He kept it short and polite not allowing his anger or anguish to over take him. A small smile crept onto his lips as his fingers burned to release the raw emotion he felt in that moment. Nimbly his fingers jumped from one key to the next typing as fast as he possibly could to get the task over with so that the real writing could begin. A quick read through to make sure that it was satisfactory and a click on the mouse button the message was sent along with his small dream. He moved the mouse over to close out of the email window and brought up his writing program. A few years earlier Gohan had given him the laptop to do his homework on since he had taken his computer to his new house. At first the writing program hadn't really caught his eye. Why would it have with the unlimited internet access he could get at all hours of the day and night. It happened by chance that he found he had a knack for writing.

His father had bought him a drawing set to experiment with since Goten had a talent for it. It had been a beautiful set with pastel oil paints, colored pencils, oil crayons as well as wax ones. Charcoal to draw with and two canvas's as well as a sketchbook. He only used it once. It wasn't that he didn't want to it just simply dissapeared. He had left it on top of his bed and when he came home from school it was gone. He remembered asking his mother if she had seen it. The question had brought on a million reasons as to why he shouldn't waste his time with drawing and that was when Goten knew his mother had gotten rid of it. To say that he was upset was an understatement. Besides the fact that it had been a present from his father he had made plans for that set. He had looked forward to being able to let his creativity fly with no holds barred only to have his mother throw it away. That was the first time he felt his mother step on him and in a sense berate him for what she saw as a waste of time.

He had slammed the door to his room and grabbed his laptop. His intention was to go into his messenger and complain to anyone who would listen but he clicked on the wrong window and had brought up the writing tool instead. With out even thinking Goten had began to write. He wrote until his eyes ached and the tips of his fingers were numb. He was amazed that he had been able to sit still for nearly four hours just typing. Fifteen pages later he had come up with a story about a young girl falling in love with a seemingly untouchable prince. Goten mused at the memory as his eyes fell on the saved copy of the story.

"If only I knew then." He said as Trunks came to mind. His smile soon turned into a frown. It really was unfortunate that Trunks wouldn't be able to come over for the weekend. He supposed it was easier for the other to keep his emotions at bay since he was the submissive. Goten couldn't help but snicker at the thought. It still took him by surprise that he had been able to dominate Trunks that day. The pure raw emotion he had felt as he entered the other had been nearly overwhelming. If it hadn't been for all the training he had received in his life he would have filled the purple haired demi with his seed at the moment of entry. He hadn't wanted the moment to end but knew when he kissed Trunks on the lips that there would be much more to come at a future date and there had been. The two couldn't seem to get enough of each other. The endless nights of just kissing and petting had been pure ecstasy. They hadn't wanted it to ever end but knew it couldn't last that way.

It wasn't as bad as he had expected it to be. After all they did get to spend at least one night together. It did make it difficult though to only have one night to expell a weeks worth of frustration but for the time being it was all that they had so they took it.

"Or rather Trunks does." Goten mused to himself. It wasn't that he wouldn't be open to Trunks being the dominent one for a change but he wasn't sure if Trunks could now. The same way that Goten felt the urge to be in charge of their relationship, if thats what it could be called, Trunks probably felt the tug to take whatever Goten dished out to him. He glanced down at his fingers unaware that he had even been typing. He looked at the words he had jotted down while in thought and sighed.

"Another whymsical tale to piss mom off." He said aloud.

"Goten the phone!" Chi-Chi yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Nimbly he leapt from his chair to roll onto his bed grabbing the phone that sat on top of his night table.

"I got it mom!" He shouted waiting to hear the click indicating she had hung up before saying anything. "Hello?"

"Hey chibi, how's it hanging?" The familiar husky voice asked from the other end. Goten did all he could to surpress the urge to shout with joy.

"Well you should know, at least I would hope so by now." He stated. Trunks let out a chuckle at the remark.

"Oh trust me I do. Damn just thinking about it is getting me all bothered." He replied. Goten nodded.

"Yeah I know what you mean. It sucks that you can't come over here this weekend." Trunks let out a sigh at the remark.

"Yeah it is but we can make up for it this friday. My mom already invited you guys over for a barbeque so I'm sure we can sneak away somewhere that's not so crowded." He said. Goten felt his heart beat hard in his chest at the anticipation of going over to the Briefs.

"Did you have to me this now? When I have to wait all week to see you." He whined. Trunks only laughed.

"Damn right. I'm not the only one who's going to be in pain over this chibi." Goten let out a huff feeling the all to familiar ache that waiting caused.

"Fine but let me tell you this Trunks Brief; when I get you I don't know if I'll be able to let you go." He stated a smug smirk crossing his features.

"Yeah right! Like last time? How long did you last Goten, uh fifteen minutes, then slept for nearly fourteen hours." He laughed out. Goten narrowed his eyes at the remark.

"Hey it was your idea to have foreplay thrown in there for over an hour. I was so hard by the time I was able to actually fuck you it was like a bottle rocket going off." He said defensively trying his best to keep his voice down. Trunks continued to laugh.

"Take it easy chibi. I'm only teasing with you. I just grabbed the phone from my mom for a second to talk to you in between my study break." Trunks replied trying to control his laughter.

"So you have to get off soon then?" Goten asked feeling his heart sink.

"Yeah I do, I just wanted to see what you were up to today so I could get a better idea when I'm day dreaming about you." Trunks said. Goten rolled his eyes.

"Lame! I'm not doing anything just writing. I'm still a little pissed off though but whatever." He said.

"Oh?" The single word that Trunks uttered was enough for Goten to know that it was time to pour his heart out to his childhood friend.

"Do you remember how I told you that I was hounding the drama cooridnator at school?" He asked.

"Yeah, vaguely." Trunks replied.

"Alright, well they finally are holding auditions tomorrow at the school but my mom refuses to take me. I mean it's not like I ever ask her to do anything for me and she just pretty much told me to knock it off with the stupid dreams and come down to reality." He said in one long breath.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it like that." Trunks replied.

"Trust me, she did." Goten said gripping the reciever tightly.

"Well you know I would do it but I really have to study chibi. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you." Trunks stated softly using his sweet tone that simply made Goten melt into a puddle.

"I'm going to hold you to that one." He said. Trunks nodded his head once.

"I wouldn't expect any less. Okay my mom's starting to duck her head in and look pissed so I've got to go. I'll talk to you later on in the week. Give me a call if anything chibi."

"Yeah I will. Same to you Trunks-kun." Goten replied before both said a simple good-bye and hung up.

A/N: If I make chi-chi seem cruel and overbearing keep in mind my relationship with my mother growing up was never good. The part I wrote about acting and what chi-chi said to Goten my mother said to me once so...yeah...