Oh my god it's been an entire year since I updated and for that I am so fricking sorry! I hope this makes up for the wait. Although I personally think it's kind of crap. I PROMISE I'LL UPDATE WITHIN A WEEK. This was actually kind of fun to write, I've missed it.

"He...he...that git."

Hugo seemed to have lost the ability to speak properly since the hand holding had begun and had been mumbling random words such as 'Malfoy' 'idiot' 'twat-bag' for the past few minutes. James raised his eyebrows at his cousin and smirked in a way that would have made the first James Potter proud. It wasn't that he was particularly happy about Rose choosing the little ferret cub to be her boyfriend but he didn't see what getting angry was going to fix. Rose had inherited the stubbornness of the Weasley's along with the fiery temper of Hermione Granger and was certainly never going to take any orders from the rest of them. Plus Scorpius, despite his cocky attitude that had been more than once compared to the young Sirius Black, wasn't all that bad.

"Hugo. Shut up." Roxanne muttered, helping herself to some roast potatoes and shooting her cousin a frosty look. Hugo was definitely taking the news of Rose and Scorpius finally realising what the rest of the school had known for years the hardest although Albus was definitely a close runner up; which James totally didn't understand since a lot of the time Albus and Hugo were quite a lot like the young Malfoy.

"So," Fred, forever the talker of the family, was of course the one to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen. "Malfoy's and Weasley's. Ferret's and Weasel's. Coming together in holy matrimony and all of that. Having dinner to discuss the inevitable baby creat-"

"FRED." Angelina looked about ready to kill and Ron's face was growing redder as he stared down at the table cloth and imagined a Malfoy-Weasley child. "Shut UP."

George however looked very much like he was enjoying himself and winked at his son who grinned back.

"I'm just saying Mum! I personally think it's a good thing. I mean it was kind of inevitable."

Ron spluttered and Draco scowled.

"How so?"

Draco dragged his bored, grey eyes to his childhood enemy and sighed.

"Apparently because telling our kids not to do something means they'll definitely go and do it." He said coldly, shooting Scorpius a look. His son smirked and Rose looked torn between burying her face in her arms and screaming or laughing.

"What?" Ron responded, unable to keep the old coldness from his voice. Draco shrugged shortly.

"Oh Ronald." Hermione sighed, glaring at her husband. "Stop fishing for reasons and just embrace this as a good thing would you?"

"Yeah,' piped up Fred again, making his mother groan with frustration, "I mean it'd be like an experiment."

Everyone looked at the red headed prankster, waiting. He grinned wider.

"Think about it. Aunt Hermione clearly has an incredibly strong gene of, and forgive me for this," the charming teenager added to his aunt who just raised her eyebrows and nodded, "bushy as hell hair. Which she passed onto all of her children. And then we Weasley's all have well..." he gestured to his red hair and face, which was splattered with freckles, "except for Roxanne and Victoire but that must be the French in them. And then the Malfoy's all have the whole pointed nose," – "Hey!" Scorpius snapped, rubbing his nose, "platinum blonde hair thing. It'd be pretty interesting to see what kind of kid you make." He finished, looking at Scorpius and his girlfriend, who had gone a dark red and was glaring heatedly at her cousin.

"Can we please stop talking about being married and having babies? Please?" Rose begged and Ron nodded encouragingly.

There was silence for a few minutes, except for the clink of cutlery and loud, controlled breathing coming from Ron, Hugo and Albus. Fred suddenly grinned again.

"How about the wedding then? I mean we're all traditional," he did a sort of jig at the word, earning a glare from Rose, "and then the Malfoy's are all suave and modern," There was a collective groan, a whooshing sound and a spark from near the kitchen door. Victoire and Teddy Lupin stood in the doorway and Teddy's wand was raised, a smirk placed on his handsome face and suddenly Fred Weasley was unable to talk.

After dinner the teenagers were all dismissed while the adults, all of whom looked either incredibly tense, as was the case with Ron and Arthur, or suppressing the urge to burst out laughing, as was the case with George and Angelina.

Fred still couldn't speak and had taken to making kissing motions with his lips whenever Ron, Rose, Scorpius or Draco looked at him. Rose scowled at him before flying out of the back door, followed by her new boyfriend who still didn't look all that fussed about the fact that a lot of people in just one house wanted to murder him. Albus and Hugo were walking alongside one another, looking beyond peeved that the Malfoy seemed so at home. Teddy and Victoire walked hand in hand, wedding rings gleaming on the young couples fingers, stealing glances at one another like the teenagers in love they had once been, ignoring Fred's silent pleads to remove the Silencing charm on him. The rest of the Weasley's, Potter's and the two Scamander's followed in a pack. Rose pulled Scorpius down to the ground with her and focused on him, trying to shake away the stares of her cousins. He smiled, not smirked, at her and waited for the little rant he knew was coming. She sighed.

"I'm sorry you've been getting death glares and muttered insults for the past hour and I'm sorry my family is filled with...little ginger gits."

He chuckled.

"Red, you're ginger."

She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled, stopping almost immediately as she felt at least three more heads snap towards them. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Teddy laughing silently at the two of them, Victoire barely concealing a knowing smile.

"I wish they'd stop treating this like it has to be a big deal though." She admitted quietly, looking him straight in the eye, "It's like it has to fail and if it does it's got to be because you're a Malfoy and not because we're two teenagers who've run our course. It'll be blamed on what our surnames are and these stupid prejudices will be reinforced. And if they're not sitting there hoping we'll fail they're thinking about how we're definitely going to get married and definitely have little kids and it's just...ugh."

"A lot of pressure for two 16 year olds?" He finished for her, tilting his head a little. She nodded. "God I'm smart," he mused sitting back, his palms flat against the damp grass. She shoved him.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Oh how mature Malfoy."

"Back to surnames are we Weasley?"

"I suppose so you egotistical little twat."

He placed a hand on his heart and fell back, a look of mocking sadness on his face. Rose scowled.

"Oh how you wound me. I'll get over it. Weasel's never were my type."

Rose smirked, a smirk that would have made Draco Malfoy proud.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you want to go back to Melanie Zabini?"

Scorpius' eyes widened and his normally cool exterior cracked.

"How did you know about that?"

Rose giggled.

"News travels fast when it comes to you ferret shit. I found out the day after it happened. All the girls in Gryffindor were simultaneously puking from the thought of Melanie Zabini and going green with envy at the thought of you with her."

Scorpius grinned, his Malfoy confidence coming back up.

"Let me guess, you were practically crying from the injustice of me being with someone else."

Rose let out a cackle of laughter that wiped the smile straight off her boyfriend's face.

"As if you snooty git. I found out, started laughing hysterically at the thought of yours and Melanie's children and then went to breakfast. Chuckling my amazing butt all the way to the Great Hall. And then, oh my god, when I saw the marks on your neck. I nearly died."

Scorpius screwed up his face with annoyance and tried to remember that morning. He had been dying from shame at what his drunken self had done the night before at the Slytherin party, celebrating the end of the term, and had gone down the breakfast with a sense of foreboding at the comments that would be shot at him. He didn't generally care of the opinion of others but...Melanie Zabini? She was pretty, sure, with long curly hair and dark moody eyes but she was the school slut. To be another notch on her bedpost – not that they had... – was sickening. He remembered how he had vaguely worried about Rose, hoping the incident didn't mess up his already slim chance of being with her, but the thought of the remarks that would be thrown at him during that day had, for once, clouded over the thought of Rose Weasley's opinion of him. So she must be telling the truth, he thought, glaring at giggling girlfriend, she hadn't cared.

"So...you didn't care at all?"

She shook her head. He watched her carefully.

"At all?"

She shook her head again, a smile crossing her face.

"That's rubbish Weasley."

"No it isn't. I honestly did not give a damn that you and Melanie Zabini had some sort of Slytherin mating session."

He screwed up his eyes at her and her smile widened.

"Why do you care so much?" She asked. He shrugged, grabbing her hand once again. The rest of her family, and her extended family, were still not so subtly watching them and their eyes seemed to sharpen at this innocent action but he couldn't even begin to pretend he cared.

"Because!" He said, attempting to keep his voice cool and bored but failing, "Because I used to get jealous if you so much as lent a quill to someone who wasn't me Weasley! I nearly killed that Chang kid for chatting you up at Christmas dinner last year and when that rumour about you and that Finnigan kid went around, yes I know it wasn't true," he added as she opened her mouth, looking defensive, "I nearly had an aneurysm! Lily, your dear, incredibly nosy cousin, saw me eyeing him murderously and had to literally, and I mean literally, drag me from the library, using a collection of spells that no fourth year should have known."

He stopped to take a breath and probably would have continued on with his little rant about how much more insane he was to his girlfriend if she hadn't giggled and kissed him right there and then. At first he was unsure of what to do, despite being a Malfoy and being incredibly put together most of the time, he seemed to lose all of that coolness whenever Rose Weasley did anything vaguely unpredictable or amazing, which meant he was a general mess around her a lot of the time. After a few seconds his brain kicked in and he kissed her back, savouring the feeling of kissing someone he genuinely liked, possibly loved, which was still fairly new to him. He buried his hand in her wild, red curls as she smiled against his lips and wondered if it would always feel like this; like there was no one else in the entire world except the two of them every time they kissed.


Rose gasped and Scorpius cringed at the sudden uproar of noise.

And there was the reminder that they weren't alone at all. Scorpius turned slowly. This time there weren't just raised eyebrows. There were scowls and glares, clenched fists and muttered swears. Fred was no longer smirking and even Teddy Lupin looked ready to lose his normally calm attitude and pound the youngest Malfoy in the face and probably would if Victoire wasn't there holding his hand tightly. James was next to them, looking livid, turning his wand slowly in his hand, probably trying to decide which curse to use on the, for once, unsettled Malfoy. As for Albus and Hugo they were red in the face and coming swiftly towards the two teenagers, ignoring Lily who was trying to singlehandedly pull them back, who had scrambled up to their feet, looking sheepish and defensive.