This is my disclaimer for my whole story: I do not own Edward and I am most definitely not Stephanie Meyer.


AM BELLA SWAN. I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me. I didn't even know that the vampire slave trade even existed until now. Well back to my story…I had felt an odd stiging sensation in the back of my neck and I heard someone wisper the word vampire. I woke up in a strange place with strange girls in it. I asked the girls where we were and they said go to the booth as if in a trance so I did.

" Excuse me sir? " ….. No reply …… " Excuse me?"

"Yes madam?"

"Um where am I? What the hell am I doing here? And how far is forks?"

"Well madam you have been kidnapped and if you want to get out of this place you will have to do three things one get a picture right there two fill out this survey and three put these cloths on"

"Fine" I managed to choke out. I went to the bathroom and put on the cloths the person had given me then I went to the photo booth and sat on the stool three pictures were taken. I cried in all three oh well. The person gave me the packet survey thing and I filled it out…..

NAME: Bella Swan

DATE:(please leave blank) .

Picture: I put the picture that I had taken there

Female / Male: female

Student(where): Forks High school Occupation: X

Address: 789 Wilkin Ave. Forks WA

Favorite foods (list 15 or more): Pizza, milk duds, Licorice, Cotton candy, Nachos, corn

beef, Sirloin Steak, macaroni and cheese, ravioli, tortellini, pasta, Salad, Grilled Cheese, hot pretzel, ice-cream, potatos

Least favorite foods (list 5): Cobbler, MC. Donald's, broccoli, green beans, gum

What are your favorite color? Purple and black

Who do you have a crush on? Jacob Black

Do you know why you are here? Yes I was kidnapped

end of survey please return to the person that gave it to you

I got up and felt another sting in the back of my neck god that is really annoying,

I woke up in a room with a mirror an door and a small mailbox on one end three sides of concrete A/N: I am modeling it after an interrogation room on tv the mirror is double sided.

I was scarred but I checked to see if the door was open it was not and the mailbox was locked from the other side.

My life sucks!


oh I get a new slave today this will be fun

this ones name is meyer….eric……swan…………………bella oh cool name the picture is cool to I think I will buy it

3456$ ok I have that much

I pay the casher

The person tells me that I get to return it if it is slow and if I kill it or turn it into a vamp they will contact the voltori.

I get the invisible chain and yank on it I watch as it jerks in surprise and looks around to see what made it move then over the speker I say "Hello Bella you are in the Slave Trade

You probably do not know what that means, that means you are my property you have no life except to serve me and you have an leash that makes you jerk like you just experienced walk forward and backward" I pushed the up button (and it unwillingly steped forward and down button it walked backward and sat down "this devise will also give you an electric shock when you do not do what I say or I want you to wake up. It can also make you paralized"


I hear a noise clink like a chain. Then I felt a tug and got up huh.

I look around what am I crazy?

"Hello Bella you are in the Slave Trade You probably do not know what that means, that means you are my property you have no life except to serve me and you have an leash that makes you jerk like you just experienced walk forward and backward" I unwillingly steped forward then walked backward and sat down "this devise will also give you an electric shock when you do not do what I say or I want you to wake up. It can also make you paralized"

during the middle of that little speech he had I started crying. I was so sad I am redused down to a slave? Tear.

I got up unwillingly and sat down on the floor. Then my captor came in and tugged on my leash I got up and followed him he walked me out to a big jeep and handcuffed my hands to the seat then he took out a knife oh shit what is he going to do with that. He then said "slave you have some rules to master one you are to call me master"

"yes Master" I said horrified of the knife.

"good two you are not to run away and you are not allowed to talk to anyone but me unless you are on an errand for me or are otherwise specificated. And three you kneel to me when I say got it?"

"Yes master"

"slave you better learn fast"

"yes master" he took the handcuffs off and held the leashish thing and we started driving again. We pulled up to a cosco and he held my leash in his pocket and said

"Slave you will act like my daughter in there and we will find a few uniforms and other clothes for you."

"follow me ok?"

"yes master" we walked into the store and he found me 10 pairs of jeans 8 crop tops 20 tanktops and told me to find 40 bras.

I went and found them and brought them back to him. He put it all in his cart and told me to find cloths that I liked.

He told me I would need 70 full outfits that just I liked so I found these items and met him back at the cart. Where is he getting all this money.

When I put the stuff in I noticed a dog leash and collar I really hope that is not for me.

He went with me to the furniture isle and he picked up a small cabinet and a mini fridge.

He also got a package of water bottles fruit cereal and a few dinners.

"Um if you want me to cook I am good at cooking and I could get a few pans pots stuff."

So I went to the cooking supplies aisle and got 10 cake mixes 30 pots and pans and rice corn vegetables and other foodstuffs.

I met up with my master and we checked out. Then he told me that he wanted to get something he forgot and that I was to go to the car so I did.

He came back from the store surprised that he did not have to find me. Then he said that I was a good slave.

He took the invisible leash off and once he did it was visible the collar was huge and the leash was really long. He put the dog collar on me ad told me to sit so I did. He told me to kneel at his feet and I did.

He took the dog leash and got a small lock he put it on the connection between the dog leash and collar so I could not get it off. Then he pulled a chair up for me and told me to sit down I did. Then he said

"Here are a few more rules when company is over you will be making food also you will wear the dog leash and you will walk four paces behind me. Also when I sit with company you will be kneeling right in back of my chair. Got it?"

"yes master"

"good now if I tell you this you must tell no one okay?"

"Okay Master"

"I am a vampire"

"I know master the person who took me said vampire and I just guessed you were one but do you drink human blood?"

"no Unluckily I am allergic"

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