To Turn an Ed, Part One

Eddy learned long ago that Edd's tutoring sessions wrapped faster when he didn't interrupt or fidget too obviously. He exhaled quietly and adjusted his perch on Edd's drafting chair for the fifth time in twenty minutes. Edd droned on at his chalkboard, oblivious. If he ducked down an inch or so, he could wile the time taking in whatever events went on beyond Edd's viewport.

The afternoon weather looked inviting. The first hints of renewal broke through the alternately wet and snowy season which dulled Peach Creek for the past five and a half months. Tree branches plumped with buds soon to burst with cherry, pear and apple blossoms. The birds were coming back as well. Robins hopped in the waking grass and Nazz visited with Kevin and Rolf, who looked as if they just finished playing basketball.

"Eddy?" Edd's voice sharpened. Eddy straightened up and pretended he'd been listening. "Your answer, please?"


Edd grimaced. "Eddy, the subject is Canadian History; specifically the implications of the British North America Act of 1867. Please try to stay with me. The quiz is on Monday."

"Ungh... C'mon, Double-D," Eddy groaned. "That's a whole five days away."

"I'd like to be outside wasting my unstructured time as well, but I have a responsibility to go over this material with you. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can have fun."

"Aren't you the least bit worried about Ed? You know things happen when he's alone."

"Sarah and Jimmy have Ed quite safely occupied, Eddy. Shall we get back to the subject?"

Eddy adjusted his position again and sighed. "Yeah, sure."

Edd resumed his lecture only to be interrupted by his mom. He promptly excused himself and responded to her call with an obedient, "Coming Mother!"

Unsupervised, Eddy looked around while relishing the opportunity for a prank. Edd rarely left Eddy alone in his room for that reason. There were so many things he could do. Switch labels, swap drawers, hide Edd's detestable bunny slippers, put things in his bed, rearrange shelves, commit unspeakable acts with reserve sock hats; the possibilities were plentiful.

"Hmm." Files of homework assignments near the drafting table caught Eddy's eye. Given a little time, he could do baaaad things in file cabinets. Eddy noiseless slid a drawer open and considered his options. Inside he found neatly alphabetized files containing algebra, biology and creative writing. "Well, looky here!" Eddy pulled out several items of fiction. Some stories looked consecutive, while others were one-shots. All were marked, 'DO NOT READ TO CLASS.' Eddy's curiosity was piqued. Why would such an overachiever want his stories kept quiet? Were they really that bad? Eddy went over the possibilities in his mind. He tried to skim one of the stories, but heard Edd making his way back. He hastily slipped a few into this backpack and closed the cabinet as subtly as possible.

Edd stopped just short of his doorway and peered along the door jam for booby traps. A hand then carefully traced along tracks in the air searching for trip lines. Eddy crossed his legs and leaned against the drafting table looking smug. Edd carefully poked his head past the doorway and studied his room for anything amiss. After a few moments, he carefully entered his room. Eddy continued looking at Edd smugly. Edd scratched his head while examining bookshelves, drawers, labels any other targets for Eddy's tomfoolery.

"Okay, Eddy. I give up. What did you do?"

"Yeah right! Like I'm gonna' tell you!"

"Eddy, please. Just tell me so we can be done with this."

"Two words, Double-D: No. Way."

Eddy chuckled as Edd frantically darted around trying to figure out what Eddy did. "Eddy, I know you did something! Tell me! I must know!"

Eddy continued his taunting grin and casually checked his watch. "My-my. Look at the time. I think our session's over, Double-D."


Eddy slung his backpack over his shoulder and strode toward the stairs. "Catch ya' later, Pal."



Eddy forgot about the papers in his backpack until almost bedtime, when his phone rang. An anguished Eddward was on the other end of the call. "Eddy, I've been over every square millimeter of this room twice. I've checked my sheets. I've looked under the bed. I've reshelved all of my books. I've checked all of my drawers. I've cleaned and recleaned my closet and I've counted every one of my ants. Pleeeeeeaaaaase, Eddy. I beg you. I beseech you. I ask you. What did you do?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out, Sockhead," Eddy taunted him with another chuckle. "Good luck!"

More of Edd's pleas issued from the phone before Eddy hung up and turned the ringer off. Eddy reclined on his bed and laughed some more as he imagined Eddward going insane trying to figure out what he did. He got up to slip something into his backpack when he ran across the stories. Eddy pulled them out and sat back on his bed. One title looked especially interesting, 'Pirates of Tortuga Bay.' Eddy skimmed the first couple of pages, then read with interest.

The story started off normally enough. An orphan boy is arrested for thievery and conscripted to the crew of a shipping barque departing in the dead of night. He is whipped for disobedience, but treated well for good behavior. Over the course of several voyages, he is trained in gentlemanly protocols, navigation and weaponry. He thrives while faithfully serving his captain. All goes well until the ship is attacked and boarded by the merciless crew of the Tortuga Belle. The brash young pirate, Captain Edwin, seeks a prize the captain stole from his father. The cabin boy is taken as a slave aboard the Tortuga Belle as the barque is pillaged and set aflame.

The servant mourns the loss of his captain and crewmates, but knows he must faithfully serve the dreaded pirate if he is to survive. As Edwin sails on in tireless search for treasure, the boy finds several aspects of his uncouth master fascinating. He has no trouble finding his flaws, but something about Captain Edwin keeps him wanting. Wishing for something. A word. A touch. Whether in ridicule or praise; any morsel of his master is a feast to the slave.

Eddy stopped reading and glanced at his clock. "2:40 AM! Holy cow!" Eddy gathered the stories he spread on his bed and put them in his desk. 'Pirates of Tortuga Bay' nested under his bed for further review. Even as he tried to sleep, Eddy found himself captivated by the strange story.


End of Part One.