A/N: Okay so this chapter is SUUUUUUUPER short, but I'm realizing that I'm starting to burn myself out on this story. So here's what's going to happen. The wedding will be next chapter and then the epilogue will happen, UNLESS someone wants to adopt this story. I can help out with the plot, it's all in my head, I'm just having trouble writing it. If you want to adopt it, just email/private message me. Otherwise, the next two chapters will be fairly short and simple. Thank you so much for sticking this out with me. Love you all. Also this chapter is just kind of your vice, to get you through the long pause I'm putting you through.


Chapter 18

I will love you until my dying day - Moulin Rouge

The King of Narnia had just proposed to me. It didn't seem real, but he was there, looking concerned and happy and maybe a little frustrated that I wasn't answering yet. Nevertheless, he was there, his family ring in the palm of my hand. He was here, offering his eternal devotion, his life, his love, everything and it was right here. Right here in my reach.

I glanced over at Susan, because she was originally the one that had shut down the idea of us getting married, but here she was, looking thrilled and her eyes were crinkled in the corner from her smiling. Lucy was clapping, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I can sing or something," Edmund muttered nervously, "To make it more romantic."

"No, no, please don't do that." I laughed. I looked down at the ring, before twisting it around my ring finger, the light shining off of it perfectly.

"Is that a yes?" Edmund whispered.

"It's a yes." I smiled. Laughing as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Thank Aslan. If you had said no, I don't know what I would have done. Maybe started another war in your honor or something." And then he was leaning in and kissing me and I was smiling. His weight pressed against me, still too weak to hold himself up, he smiled into the crook of my neck as he drew away from the smile to hug me, "I love you. Always."

I smiled. I didn't say anything back, but he knew. For once, he knew. I held him there, for a second, and there was nothing more beautiful than that moment.

When I pulled back, however, Susan took it as the opportune moment to start rambling, pushing Edmund back onto the bed and pacing the length of the tent. "We have so much to get done now! A wedding to plan! A coronation. And we can't forget the training! I mean you both need to learn proper etiquette if you're to rule alongside us."

"I'm sorry, but coronation?" I understood the point of a wedding of course.

"You really didn't put two and two together?" Susan threw back her head and laughed, "You're engaged to the King of Narnia, Peter. Once you marry him, you too will be King of Narnia, and your sister a Queen. That's what Aslan meant by two sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve."

I would be king!? Me!? I looked to Edmund and then to Lucy, who looked equally baffled by the whole revelation. Edmund grimaced and I'm sure it was not from the pain, "Does this change your answer?"

"I need to sit down." I whispered.

Edmund moved over on the table, allowing me room to sit beside him. He looked nervous, as if he was truly worried I would change my mind about marrying him. I wanted to tell him there was no chance in hell, but for some reason my brain had quit working after the whole 'You will be a King of Narnia' part.

"Peter, you can say no," his voice was defeated and I hated it, but still couldn't say anything, "I won't be offended or anything. I mean I know it's not like marrying anyone else. There's things that must change to marry me. You won't be just Peter anymore. I mean you will be to me, to Susan, to Lucy, but not to everyone else. You will be king and you must be okay with that if you are to marry me."

I opened my mouth to say something, not sure what, but just something.

"But if you do marry me, I promise to you I will love you. I will love you endlessly. I will take care of you. I will work everyday to make you happy, to make you feel normal and loved. We will rule together, bring Narnia to peace. I swear this to you."

I smiled. "You swear?" He nodded quickly, "Then, yeah, I'll marry you."

"And you'll become king?"

I nodded, because I couldn't say it just yet. Edmund understood though and leaned forward, his arms wrapping around me awkwardly since we were side-to-side, but I didn't mind. Susan was already talking animatedly to Lucy, her words moving so fast I could barely understand her.

Suddenly, she was in front of me, her words a blur, "We need to plan a wedding, figure out lessons for you, figure out the coronation. What songs do you want to play? What do you want to wear? You can wear anything you want really. And I have a whole list of songs we can play."

"Susan." Edmund had adopted his High King voice and Susan immediately sobered, "We still have a war to settle."

"The war is won. All there is left to do are the treaties and cleaning up."

"That takes time."

"I know that, brother," Her eyes narrowed, "I have been Queen just as long as you have been King. But I am saying that we can do all three. We'll just have to have a busy schedule for the next few weeks."

Edmund glanced at me, mouthed, 'I tried', and turned back to arguing with his sister.

I suddenly felt a hand tug on my shirt and glanced down to see Lucy, her eyes were wide, fearful. I immediately drew her into a hug, "What's wrong?"

"Are we really going to be King and Queen?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess we are."

"Then nothing is wrong. I'm just excited."

"I wish I was as brave as you, Lucy."

She looked up at me and for a second, she looked much older than she really was, "You are, Peter. Just in different ways."

I was excited too, yes. But mostly I was scared, so I didn't see how Lucy could think I was brave in different ways. I was afraid to age with the job. I saw how old Susan and Edmund looked, despite the fact that they were so horribly young. I didn't want that. But I wanted what Edmund had said, to be his husband and to rule along side him and to bring Narnia into peace. I did want those things.

"Peter." I looked up at the sound of my name to Susan, who was looking at me expectantly.


"I want you to come with me, to start about cleaning up the war. It's important you learn how to do it after all. Edmund can rest and when he's awake, we can travel back to Narnia."


And that is how I ended up outside, with everyone shaking my hand and clapping me on the back cause Susan had told them the news on the way out. A few people even bowed to me which was extremely strange and made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I helped Susan with finding the wounded and carrying them to the healer's tent. We stood to the side as the dead were loaded into a cart and sent back towards Narnia to be given a proper burial. The dead of the enemy was buried at the very fort, stones placed on tops to mark their grave.

At some point, it became obvious to me that Aslan was missing and I turned, concerned, to Susan.

"He's gone. He'll be back though. For the coronation." She said it as if he came and left quite often.

I had just finished helping one of the soldiers pack up the supplies of the camp – he kept calling me Prince Peter, which was strange – when I noticed Edmund standing talking to a faun, dressed in the same outfit he had fought in, had died in. I smiled at the soldier I had been helping and walked over to Edmund, who smiled as he noticed me, reaching his arms out to pull me into a kiss.

"Well, well, if it isn't my fiancé. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? I thought so."

I smiled. "I like it."

"Good." He turned, taking my hand, and I smiled because he had honestly never done that before, "So two things."

"Oh no."

"Shut up. Listen. What's your last name?"

"My last name?"

"Oh, come off of it. I know they do last names here in Narnia. I made sure of it."

"I don't know it. I don't remember it I mean. It's just, just Peter." I looked down, ashamed. How was I supposed to be king when I was so lowly that I didn't even have a last name?

"Wonderful, you can take mine then. Pevensie. Peter Pevensie. That sounds even better than fiancé. Second, how do you feel about being married this time next week?"

"Next week? That's so soon." I felt panic rise in my chest. "I'm not ready to be king yet."

Edmund deflated a little and I felt my heart drop. "No, I mean. It's alright. I want to marry you. I'll do it next week, I just need to be more prepared."

Edmund smiled, "You will be, not by me, of course. I'm not very good at pep talks. The last one I gave, someone cried. But wonderful, we'll get married then. Next week. And you'll be Peter Pevensie. Everything is falling together just perfectly."

"Yeah." I smiled.

A/N: Please, please, review! :) Love you all!