A/N: Okay it has been a while since I have actually written anything at all, so go easy on me PWEASE. This is a random idea that occurred to me whilst working and this chapter is somewhat based on an event that happened whilst working. Random muses or what? Also this is totally AU and there will more than likely be plenty of OOCness and eventual KakxIru So if you don't like yaoi don't read. I'm apologizing in advance. Anywho enjoy!

The Lady Smaell x

Ratings: M just to be safe, expect violence an lots of swearing and maybe some smut later on.

Human Nature.

Chapter 1: Encounter.

The night shift was always slow, it was the first thing commonly known about working in retail. It did however have it's perks, slowness generally equaled quiet and quiet time was something that Iruka Umino definitely enjoyed, especially after a long day at his other job. He loved his teaching but sometimes the kids just gave him a headache. The clock was nearing the 10 pm mark and Iruka sighed pulling out the keys to the door, praying that no one had suddenly decided that they need a box of cigarettes or god knows what else. The miscreants of Konoha were a varied bunch to say the least, but wasn't abnormality normal in the big city?

'Just four more steps and I'm home free'

Slowly he took one step, two and then the door opened in front of him almost smashing him right in the face.

'Damn, damn, DAMN!'

Iruka mentally cursed just about every deity known to man, getting ready to give whoever had entered the shop at this unlawful hour the most venomous glare he could muster. The more rational part of his mind then kicked in. After all this 'person' and he used the term lightly knowing the kind of scum that usually prowled around this time of night, was still a 'customer'. Damn he really hated being such a sap. Sighing, he put on a fake smile and looked upward at his customer.

"Hi there wel...com..e to......."

Iruka trailed off, for the first time actually looking at the person who had barged in. The man stood before him was a mess, messy silver hair stuck out in odd directions obscuring a mask covered face. The mans dark shirt and pants were torn to ribbons and if Iruka wasn't mistaken, there was blood, LOTS of blood staining the dark material.. How hadn't he noticed sooner? Over one shoulder there appeared to be a dark head bobbing unconsciously, wrapped in a dark coat. The man raised his head and bleary mismatched Grey and red eyes looked into his brown orbs, there was pain and desperation and fear.

"Help me, please..."

The man stumbled forward almost falling, Iruka quickly moved forward to catch the man and the boy (he assumed it to be a boy ) that he was carrying. They both fell to the floor was heavy thump. Iruka pulled his hand away, horrified to find it smeared in blood. He looked at the man who just gave what he thought was a twisted smirk, although he really couldn't tell.

"What can I do?" Iruka asked.

"Just hide us, just hide us until they go past"

"Whose they?"

"No time to explain... please, if they find him..." He nodded to the young man he was piggybacking "They'll kill him, please help.." his breath was labored and it seemed even talking was causing the man pain.

"Okay" Iruka couldn't believe what was happening here, it was surreal, beyond surreal. He slowly helped the silver haired man to his feet, who hissed in pain at the movement. Locking the door behind them they slowly made their way into the storeroom, Iruka was finding it difficult to support the weight of both man and child, but eventually they made it through the storeroom to the staff area. Iruka gently lay the child, who couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 on the couch and then dropped the man into a chair. He began rummaging through the cupboards looking for the first aid kit and upon finding it raced back to the bleeding man.

"Here let me help you.." Iruka took out a roll of bandages and went to bind the mans side to stop the bleeding. However a a hand sharply grasped his wrist and Iruka found himself staring into mismatched Grey and red eyes.

"No I'll sort myself out... you need.. you... need. Blood clean up.. blood." he gasped in pain.

It then hit Iruka, blood. Oh shit it was all over the shop floor, it would be so obvious that something or someone had happened upon the store. He quickly grabbed the mop and raced back out into the store and cleaned like he had never cleaned before. Not a moment to soon as well because just as he finished there was a pounding on the glass door and Iruka looked up to see two rather scary looking individuals peering in at him, malicious looks in their eyes.

Iruka walked over slowly to the door and mouthed 'we're closed' through the glass. The men didn't move still looking deadly serious.

"Open the door." Said the taller of the two, he seemed to be assessing Iruka and how much of a threat he was.

"I said we're closed." Iruka held his voice firm.

The taller man bristled visibly, apparently not liking to be defied. He clenched his fist in rage and Iruka suddenly had images of something very bad happening.

"Kisame stop that!" The smaller man had finally spoken up "We are not here to start a fight with some shop assistant. Forgive my friend he can be a tad impatient at times."

Iruka was struck dumb at the calmness of the words and he finally noticed the other man standing there. The man was young, no more than 14 or 15 and he was slim with dark hair and blood red eyes that Iruka could feel piercing his soul. Although the taller man, Kisame was it? Was far more aggressive, Iruka felt himself fearing the shorter more.


The one called Itachi cut across "No Kisame no excuses, we're not here to intimidate." He turned back to Iruka "My apologies assistant-san, we are looking for someone who may have passed this way. He is a thief who stole something of ours and we would gladly like to have it back. Have you seen him?" Itachi took a photo from his pocket and held it up against the glass of the door. Iruka was not surprised to see the man he currently had stashed in the back staring out from the photograph.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen that person, gentlemen."

Itachi simply shrugged "My apologies for disturbing you then. However if you do see him you can contact us."

Red eyes connected with brown and it took all of Iruka's being not to shudder. There was just something under lyingly creepy about the young man. Itachi bent down and slipped a small business card under the door.

"This man is dangerous assistant-san, be careful not to run into him." And with that he left, leaving a startled Kisame following behind.

Visibly slouching Iruka sighed with relief, that had been too close, too damn close. He thought about the man in the back, why on earth was he helping him? The emotional and logical sides of his brain began to argue.

'He was hurt!'

'He almost got YOU hurt'

'He needed help'

''From a bunch of psychos who were going to smash the door down.'

'He said they were going to kill the kid.'


Humanity won over logic and Iruka rushed into the back to look after his now self appointed charge.

~A few blocks away~

"Itachi what the HELL was that about?" fumed Kisame, glaring at his boss.

"None of your concern Kisame."

Kisame smiled wickedly "Oh you like him don't you? You know as well as I do we could of just stormed in there and took Hatake without any fuss."

Itachi glared this time "I thought things would be more fun this way, besides I admired his bravery. Not many people would stand up to you Kisame. They would have either fled or opened the door when you asked them and he didn't."

"So you're intrigued then?"

"I suppose that is an apt observation."

"Itachi, you are a very unnerving man. I suppose you want him followed?"

"No point, we can find everything we need back at HQ. I don't think Hatake is going anywhere at least for a few weeks."

"After what you did to him."

"True, come lets get back."


Iruka rushed into the staffroom eager to tell the silver haired stranger that he was safe at least for the moment. But after a moment of brief observation found him to be gone along with the young boy, his escape route having been through the back door.

"That f***ing bloody stupid idiot. He's in no condition to be moving." Iruka turned the air blue and then ran out the door after them. 'They couldn't have gotten far,' he reasoned ' I mean he was bleeding pretty badly and he couldn't have bandaged himself up that well in such a short space of time.' The brown haired man dashed into the alleyway and almost collided with a fist. He jumped back just in time, narrowly avoiding a heavy blow to the face.

"What in the name of Kami do you think you are doing!?!" Iruka screamed at the man.

"Oh it's you.." he just shrugged in reply.

Iruka could feel his temper flaring "What do you mean 'Oh it's you..' You wanker! You almost knocked me out cold.!"

"Maa... I thought you were our two friends at the door. Excuse me for being surprised that it was you."

Iruka bristled "And what's THAT supposed to mean?"

Another shrug "I just wasn't expecting you to be able to deal with them."

Iruka snapped "WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNABLE TO DEAL WITH THEM! I put my ass on the line to help you and that's all you can come up with you F***ing ungrateful, stupid haired..... HEY WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!?"

The man turned around and glared "Away." He started to walk away but stumbled a bit hissing and clutching his wounded side.

Iruka felt the anger wash away replaced with a deep routed concern.

"You're in no condition to be going anywhere. Your injuries need to be seen to properly."

"And where do you suggest I go. I can't go to the hospital, they 'll get us before I'm even seen to and I don't know anyone well enough to keep the boy safe! So if you can somehow think of a way out of this predicament that doesn't involve either of us being caught be my guest!" The silver haired man snarled each word looking at Iruka as though he was an idiot.

"I have an idea" Iruka spat back "Why don't you stay at mine for tonight! I mean lets face it, if I was going to turn you in I would have done so already and in the morning you can go on your merry way and out of my life." He gave the man a hard stare as if daring him to contradict him. After a moment of awkward silence the bleeding man spoke up.

"So where do you live?"

Iruka smiled victoriously "This way... er, sorry I haven't even asked your names yet."

The silver haired man just stared for a moment deciding whether or not to divulge the information, " I'm Kakashi Hatake and this little brat is Sasuke."

Iruka nodded politely "Iruka Umino, pleasure to meet you. Now let's get the pair of you out here and somewhere safe."

Kakashi seriously doubted that this brown haired man could provide somewhere safe, but a warm bed and food even for one night would be worth taking the risk. He needed his strength if he was going to escape from those thugs and especially if he was going to keep the boy safe. Right now Sasuke was the priority.

~Chapter 1 end~

Yay, finished a chapter. I know this is a bit weird at the moment but I promise I'll try and make it make some sense. If you like leave me a line.