This is just a random idea had for a crossover. The time for each sequence may be off but this way the story fit, so here it is, When Brian and Justin go to Oakdale.

Taking place after 513, Justin has gone to New York, become successful, come back and married Brian. And Nuke are as happy as they were the week of January 14th's make up episode. (ps BJ are in the loft, not Britin)

I swear I wasn't snooping around, really I wasn't. I was just looking for a pair of underwear in my drawer when I saw the travel information. Apparently Brian was planning a trip to Illinois. This took me by surprise seeing as I'm his husband and he had said nothing about this to me. So I asked him.

"Hey Brian!" I called from the bedroom. I had since gotten dressed so he didn't get the wrong ides about what we were talking about.

"Yeah Sunshine?" He asked when he reached the door. I held up the brochures and his face turned red.

"You weren't suppost to find those."

"And why the fuck not! What were you planning on doing with these! Are you leaving me?" I snapped back at him, more furious than I could ever remember being. And you know what he did? He laughed. He fucking laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world!

"Really? Justin you find travel brochures in our room and automatically assume that I'm leaving you?"

"Well if it is nothing then why were you hiding them?" I ask my tone softening a little from embarrassment.

"Maybe I was trying to surprise you with that get away we never got around to?" Brian explained stepping up the bedroom stairs and grabbed my hands. "

And I know we went on a honeymoon, but that Vermont trip has been eating at me for years."

Shit the dreaded Vermont trip.

"Oh, um…. this is awkward. Look I, I know you would never leave me, I don't know why I said that." I started to stare at my shoes for a while, until Brian lifted my chin and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"It's because I wasn't open about myself before we got married and you had reasons to be suspicious. I don't blame you for still having your doubts, even if you don't want to."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

Then he kissed me again, so softly and so lovingly I knew all was forgiven. But I was still curious. So after a few moments we broke for air and I spoke.

"So Illinois?"

"Illinois." He confirms.

"Um, lets see how do I put this, why?"

"Well I was going through your old things trying to find some adorable baby Justin pictures to torture you with….. when I came across one of your old yearbooks."

He bent down and fished my junior yearbook out from under the bed. We both sat upon it and he flipped to the autograph page and pointed to one that I swear I had totally forgotten about.

Dear Justin,

You do not know how much your friendship has meant to me this year. You were the only person who I could really be friends with and talk to like we have. You were the only one I could confide in about my… issue. I am sorry we can't spend our senior year together, but my dad is being transferred again. God I hate army relocation. So good luck and farewell friend.


Noah Meyer

P.S. Don't waste your time on Chris, he's an ass and you deserve better.

"I thought you only started to come out when we met?"

"Well I did, I completely forgot about Noah. He caught a glimpse of my sketches one time and put the pieces together. We never talked about it though all was just understood. The conversations he mentioned were about his oober strict army dad. He was only allowed to attend St. James because it was a private school. He says he's not gay but he is just a total closet case, so was I back then . Only, I was scared and he was in denial." There was a moment of silence before Brian spoke.

"So naturally after I read this I did a little digging. Turns out Noah finished high school on an army base, then he enrolled in Oakdale University. Now, you have a high school reunion coming up and.."

"And you know I wouldn't be caught dead attending that damn thing. But why the Noah research?"

"Because based on the comments in this book, Daphne and him were the only real friends you had in high school. The thing is Daphne and Glen are off on their honeymoon. And I thought for your reunion, you could spend it with a friend who gave a shit ABOUT you back then instead of giving it TO you."

"So we're going to Oakdale for a mini high school reunion, of the school I went to in Pittsburgh? Yeah that's not strange at all."

"Oh Sunshine nothing about us is normal." Brian replied smiling one of his devilish smiles I love so much.

"Very true Brian, very true. So, does Noah even know about this?"

"I spoke to his boyfriend and.."

"Hold up boyfriend? How'd that happen?! That guy was so far in the closet a miner couldn't find him."

"Well you can ask him and his boyfriend Luke all about it when we surprise him at his mystery party this weekend."

"Funny I didn't remember Noah being stupid enough to go along with a mystery party."

"He's not stupid, just very very trustworthy of Luke."

"So when's our flight?"

"Did you see a plane ticket in there blond boy? No sir, we're driving."

"To Illinois?"

"To Illinois."

"When do we leave?"

"Sixteen hours."

"And when were you going to tell me about this master plan?"

"When you woke up in the passenger's seat of the vet tomorrow asking me where the hell we were going."

I slapped him upside his head. "Smartass."

"I think I need to be spanked, you know for punishment."

"Funny I was just thinking the same thing."

Well what do you think? Should I keep going or toss it?