Hey! Watsup? What! Me? Well you know I've just been doing the usual. LIVING A LIFE OF SERVITUDE… Bleh, Why is it that when the years of servitude that I endured to get my basic education is over, I now spend it fulfilling another life of servitude by joining the work place (O_-) heh…LOL

Anyway, I am very sorry I haven't written in three months. I blame JCPenney's where I worked.

I still don't own Naruto…

He saved her from a half life lived in pure darkness, the one she would have endured had he not shown her the way. Lit her path, and encouraged her to move onward.

He continuously gave her hope through his perseverance and determination to defy the expectations placed on him.

He had saved her from the bullies when she was three and a half and though the memory is old she remembers it perfectly. It was the first time she remembered really seeing him for who really was, not through the clouded eyes of her caretakers.

She had seen him at the park before; she had thought he looked out of place, that bright orange hair in a sea of brunets and black hair. Maybe that was the reason why he hung out with Sakura; she had pink hair that stood out too. But even Sakura's hair was mellow compared to the bright golden hair that lit up in the sun. He was always shouting at the others kids who would shrug it off and not listen, only making him shout even louder; her nanny always told her to speak only when spoken to and whispering is the only way for a lady to speak. He was always wearing his emotion plainly on his face, whether it was a smile or a scowl, he wasn't afraid to. Father told her it was weakness to show your emotions to people. So according to her superiors that boy was the personification of everything she should avoid.

So being the perfect child she strived to be, she didn't go near him. Instead of playing tag with all the other kids, she would go play in the sand box, making fortresses. She grouped the sand together and started with the walls, then the castle in the center and the details. But soon she saw a flash of yellow and turn to see the very person she thought she was avoiding.

"Hey! That's a nice castle you've built!" he said as he smiled as big as the Cheshire cat. "We ought to test it against some enemy ninja!" He grabbed a few twigs from the ground nearby and made a stick figure. She had never been so close to him before, 'He has eyes like the sky.' She thought to herself. Naruto continued "I am here to storm the castle! None shall keep me from the great city! Not even the mighty…" he stopped and whispered . "Hey, what's your name? Mines Uzumaki Naruto." He said proudly.

"My name is…" she started.

"Lady Hyuga, come, it's getting late your father will be expecting you." They would never let her talk very long with him.

"Oh…" he looked down his eyes were no longer the bright sky blue, she looked down too, her finger drew in the sand and she did her best to ignore her caretaker for the day.

"Now Miss Hyuga!" said the women. Hinata waited just a bit longer, her finger guiltily tracing in the sand. "Don't make me come get you Lady Hyuga." The woman said icily. Hinata got up, brushed off her clothes, and stood straight up. This was one of the first times she willingly defied her caregivers. It was odd knowing that she would not combust from disobeying them. She was about to commit the worst offence she could think of she would talk to HIM.

"Good bye" she said whisper quietly.

"Bye." she heard him say before she walked over to her nurse and got her behind swatted by the woman.

"What did I tell you about talking to him?"She hissed in Hinata's ear. "I turn my head for one second and there you are making nice with that… that! UGGGGHHH!"

She didn't understand why everyone hated him. No, not him …Naruto, that was his name. Naruto had told her his name today. In her moments of defiance she had drawn her first name 'Hinata' in the sand before she was called away. Her mom had taught her how to do it when she was two and a half. She had also drawn was it meant, just as her mother had taught her. In the sand was the kanji for Hinata and a sunflower.

Father did not take to well to her disobedience, training that day was especially strenuous. After she vomited her dinner, he had told her that she disgusted him and how he longed to just vomit her up. His words didn't bother her nearly as much as the look in his eyes did. She was use to harsh words, but none of her caretakers ever had that look of pure disgust that father had that day. She ran away crying, she didn't know where to run, into her mother's garden was the spot she wanted to run to but they always found her there. Where else could she run? Her blurred vision made it impossible to assess where she was so she just kept running, till she bumped into something and fell hard to the ground.

"Hey it's a Hyuga!" "Why haven't you apologized yet?" Apparently she ran into a person. "Hey it's a Hyuga!" "She's probably too snobby to apologize to someone as low as us" "all the Hyuga's are such snobs" "We should make her give us a proper apology!" "Yeah!" they all chorused.

She didn't understand, why would they care if she apologized or not? We would they care if vomit said something or not? Why did mom have to die? Why was Why was she so weak? Why did it matter? They weren't hurt. She still said she was sorry, why didn't they hear her? She was speaking her loudest! Why didn't anyone hear? Why did they care? Where was she?

"I am truly sorry" she said on her hands and knees in loudest voice, they didn't hear her.

"This Hyuga girl thinks she's better than us!"

More tears poured from her eyes "I'm sorry!" she cried out, they still didn't hear her.

"We had best teach the Hyuga brat a lesson" "Yeah! She needs to learn how to respect her superiors!" They were about to kick her.

He was the one who intervened.

He was the one who had taken her beating

And in return she had left him there to mend his own wounds.

She woke up in a cold sweat. It was one of her many night mares coming to haunt her. She had forgotten how bone chilling they were. Naruto usually…

"Naruto." she said as a sigh of longing escaped her. He had been gone for almost a week and wasn't due back for another few days. She wrapped her arms around herself and held her frail self together for a few more moments. When he was around she didn't have the nightmares, most of them had something to do with him. Naruto was comforting to have around.

She got up from the sanctuary of her bed, and went over to her window, grabbing the throw at the end of the bed as she went. Outside was windy and cold, bringing in the wet front from the north. It was depressing. And with all this rain, Naruto would surely have a harder mission than normal.

"Stupid October." She said coldly

'Wait! October did have a redeemable quality! It was when Naruto's birthday was!' She walked over to the desk and got out a piece of paper and started writing down possible gift ideas. 'His apartment is so small.' She thought, her pencil stopped lazily drawing 'and he has everything he needs. Right?... Yeah, so I can't get him something stupid to clutter his life.' She closed her eyes and focused, tapping the pencil on her forehead. 'Could I possibly replace something he already has?' She mentally mapped Naruto's apartment and searched for something that needed to be replaced… "Maybe some new towels?" she finished lamely. She looked at the clock on her desk. It was still early morning, best leave thought processing to coherent hours. She placed the pencil down on her desk and went to bed.

She slept in that morning. Kiba, Akamaru and Shino were probably already there at their normal training spot on the outmost outskirt of town. So she had to hurry to training with the guys.

"It's unlike Hinata to be late!" Kiba said as he looked anxiously around the training field.

Akamaru barked it agreement and began searching for her too.

"Perhaps she did not sleep well?" Shino quietly inquired.

"Why would you say that, Shino?" Kiba questioned.

"Because Naruto is not around." Silence followed as the statement sunk in.

"Oh yeah, I forgot 'bout that." He ran his hand through his hair and turned his gaze to the sky. "Suppose we should try to take her mind off of him for a couple of days." Hinata appeared in the distant corner of the training field.

"Agreed." Shino concurred. As their team mate bolted over to where they were, on the opposite side of the training field.

"Ruff!" Akamaru said being of the same mind as his owner. He started to run to where Hinata was and circled around her excitedly!

"Hey Akamaru!" She laughed out, trying to hide her fatigue but still excited to see the hound.

"Akamaru!" Kiba half heartedly scolded.

"Hey Guys!" She beamed, genuinely glad to see them. "Sorry I'm late."

After a grueling training session all four were tired, so they went to their normal hangout after missions. A mild river a ninety meters away from the training field. The fall colors finally showing and tingeing the trees a golden yellow. Shino was relaxing up against a tree in the shade, examining a leaf with bug bites etched across it. Kiba sat on a large rock in the middle of the rivers bend, petting Akamaru who was chest deep in cool water in front of Kiba. Hinata was on the sand bank with her only her feet in the water, looking up at the sky, a contemplating smile gracing her face.

"What are you smiling bout?" Kiba cheekily smiled back at her.

"Hmmm? Me?" her index finger pointing to herself.

"Well I DO NOT want to know Shino's thoughts!" He made her laugh at the memory of when they were first forming as a team and wondering what their silent counterpart was thinking. To sum it up, Shino's thoughts are deep, oppressive, scientific and reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's movies. Needless to say Kiba left with a head ache on the spot. Hinata would never look at rice the same way again and both had strange nightmares for a good week.

Still smiling she stated "Its October."

"A fine observation." Shino nodded.

"AAAAAANND?" Kiba egged her on.

"Well, um… Naruto's birthday is in October. We won't be able to come here anymore because it will be to cold. My kotastu isn't set up. Is it too early for nabe? Kiba is going to be craving sleep more now that winters here. Shino's bugs are going to be more reluctant to come out cause of the cold. I need to buy a new winter coat, what color do I want. I wonder if I should knit my dad something for his birthday or New Years or maybe even Christmas. Will this year's Night of Lights be at the Kage monument or at the graveyard? Should I start it now? And I wonder if Sakura will have hot chocolate at her house…and ummm."

"'And ummm' what? You've already given us a tour of your thoughts might as well finish it." Kiba said gruffly.

"…Naruto's birthday is in October."

"You have stated this for the second time in this conversation." Shino adjusted his glasses. "It must be a pressing matter to you."

"Yes! It is!" She said sheepishly. "But I don't know what to get him." Her fingers twirling together.

Kiba and Akamaru laughed at the statement, howling laughter that would rival hyenas any day. "You're so cute! Wonderin' what to get Naruto when everyone knows he only wants two things!"

"Two things?" She blushed out.

"Two things." He held up his fingers to count them. "First: Ramen. Second: You." He said like it was the plainest and most obvious of facts.

Her blush went from gracing her cheeks to exploding all over her face.


" Yes You!" Kiba and Shino shouted at her.

She looked down at her open palms and smiled slightly. 'Me.' she thought. It was affirming her love for him, knowing that he loved her. Her thoughts continued and she found another truth, it wasn't wrong for her to love him even more because He loved her back!

Soon after she left for Sakura's. Arriving with wind bitten, blushing cheeks and a deep ache for some warm, creamy, hot chocolate. Sakura welcomed her in and let her start making the desired hot chocolate.

"So… ano, What are your getting Naruto for his birthday?" She felt nervous talking to Sakura about her Naruto for obvious reasons.

"Eeh, the usual. A new ninja bag, another medical kit, and 300 hand-made soldier pills." She said casually. "What are planning on giving him?" She asked suggestively, raising her eyebrows.

Hinata blushed. "I don't know… I noticed he could use some more towels?" she suggested, trying to change the subject quickly.

"Booooring!" she said as she rolled her eyes. "You need to get something flashy! Something that claims him as your own! That way no one can doubt the fact that Naruto Uzumaki is Hinata Hyuga's!" She stood on the chair and table with her fist in the air.

Hinata giggled. Flashy wasn't her style, but it was nice to know Sakura was looking out for her. Conversation flowed between the two kunoichi after that.

The two had a great time, talking, planning and laughing together. As evening crept in the friends lost track of the time resulting in hasty goodbyes and plans to get together again soon.

She got home barely in time to dress for dinner "Lady Hinata! Where have you been? And why are you sun burnt?". And later retreated back to her room. Where she found her barely coherent drawings (from this morning). There was a pile of towels in the corner of the page with an X through them. A Floor plan of Naruto's home, then in the middle of the page was a sketch of her and Naruto with the perfect gift for him.

For Naruto's birthday everyone met at Ichiraku Ramen Stand. They got a permit and set up a larger tent out front to accommodate all of Naruto's friends. They surprised him with the party and with how many people had showed up. There were still some people who sneered at them as they celebrated on the day the Kyubii attacked, but TenTen provided these words of wisdom "The people who care don't matter, and the people who matter don't care." Everyone presented their gifts, most were ninja equipment and Ramen coupons. And as Konoha tradition when the sun set and it began to get dark, everyone sang and lit the tea light lanterns ( Ino, Sai, and Choji made the lanterns earlier that day), which sent individual messages to Naruto's family (and extended family) in heaven asking for Guidance and protection for this next year. The lanterns headed east, towards the sun, it was a good sign. The cake was served and everyone complimented its excellence (made by Hinata) in both taste and decorum (Temari decorated it). But before everyone could say goodbye to the birthday boy, Hinata and him had disappeared.

They had gone to their meadow. He was blind folded and had his hands on her shoulders. A wide smile upon his face as he said "I love surprises!"

He was so happy today! She bet he didn't expect so many people coming to celebrate his birthday. She smiled to. It was wonderful to be around him again! They were there, he could hear the sound of running water and the wind as it rushed past the trees. She positioned him, standing him at the best possible view point. And placed her hands in front of his eyes and slid off the blind fold.

She spoke gently in his ear. "Naruto…" her breath made the hairs on his neck stand up. "I… You… Your home doesn't need or want anything. The same could be said for your career. And I… I really couldn't figure out what to get you till… um… well… I realized what I want to be for you." She moved her hands to show him his present. A rock fountain flowed into a still pond, explaining the water sound. A bridge lead them from where they were to the other side. Next to the pond stood a massive tree, large enough to shade the entire pond and part of the land next to it..A double swing hung from one of the branches where there was solid ground. From another branch was a hammock loaded with pillows and blankets, closer to the trunk of the tree was a stone table and a fire pit with two benches close by.

It was like a home away from home. He turned to her and looked at her with amazement "Hinata? … When did you? Wha…"

She began her explanations "I wanted to make you a sanctuary." She blushed out. "This place has a tons of seals placed on it, so no one but you and I can get in here. And it also has food enough for a week and this water…" she indicated at the fountain. "has a switch that can make the water hot or cold." She used her chakra to move a rock that clogged the water from the hot underground and the water at the fountain began to steam, flooding the place with the warm swirls of air. "and we can always come here because it will always be warm in the winter and cool in the summer."

"Come on!" She led him lovingly over the bridge to the double swing where she sat him down and snuggled next to him.

"Hinata this is amazing! When did you find the time?"

"I used Sakura's solider pills and some shadow clones." She said as she swung back and forth making the swing do the same.

"You really shouldn't have gone to all this trouble Hinata!" Naruto said blushing like a mad man.

"But it wasn't any trouble Naruto!" she said fervently, looking him in the eyes.

He looked at her, questioning her response.

She blushed, looked down and smiled a bit. "Ok, Ok. But…" She looked into those beautiful blue eyes. "You are worth every ounce of trouble I could ever get myself into." Her voice loving and hopeful. He could feel how much love was said behind those beautiful words.

He then kissed her tenderly, sending warm electricity all the way down to her toes. The kiss was slow and meaningful; Naruto took his time expressing his gratitude, admiration and love in this kiss. And when they finally broke apart, he cradled her in his arms. He watched as his birthday lanterns floated across the sky. Humming to her lightly as he rocked the swing back and forth, slowly letting her fatigue and his gently coaxing take her to dream land. But before she got there though she again wished him a "Happy Birthday Naruto."

"All is right. All is good. All my love, my beloved Hinata." He sang to her as he sent her to her dreams with a kiss on her forehead.

Push her on the swing.

LOL so kinda not exactly on the money… but it's the journey, not the destination that counts.

Bad authors like me, who don't update regularly, do not deserve reviews.