Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, but at least I can now get my little imagination out on paper, or I guess I should say on the computer. Warning: I have a sick mind and unless you really enjoy Yoai don't read.

Animalistic Love

Seto P.O.V.

I was sitting in the classroom, checking my company's stocks. Ever since Dartz almost took over my company, I had been checking them more. If anyone tried buying too many, I would either buy out their company myself, or bankrupt the individual.

The sound of the teacher droning on was merely background noise that was easily ignored. There was no point in my listening to her, since there wasn't anything that she could teach this class that I didn't know. After all, it was a computer software class. I wrote more advanced software before I was even my younger brother, Mokuba's, age.

She then said something that excited the rest of the class. I was too busy to catch it, but, since it didn't have anything to do with me, I didn't care. Then I heard the door open and I vaguely noticed movement out of the corner of my eye coming from the door.

"New students," I thought and then went back to my laptop.

I would have just continued to work if I hadn't heard the gasp that everyone let out. I looked up curious and barely held in my own gasp.

Four new students walked through the door. To say that they were new to me would be a lie. To tell the truth, I hoped that I would never have to see them again. Them being there couldn't have meant anything good.

"These are the new students that I was telling you about. Please step forward one at a time and introduce yourselves." The teacher stumbled through his sentence and everyone waited for them to step forward and state their names.

The shortest was the first. He had spiking hair that had three colors. It was black with a red rim to it and jagged yellow bangs that framed his face and protruded up the spikes. He had menacing crimson eyes that held kindness and the wisdom that he gained through the millennia that he had lived. Everything about him exuded confidence.

"Hello, my name is Yami Atemu. It is a pleasure to join your class." He looked around the class, searching. He smiled as his eyes fell upon his smaller counter part.

Then a second person came forward. This one had astoundingly bright white hair that went half way down his back and was very unkempt. His eyes held malice and were narrow with what I assumed was agitation.

"My name is Bakura and if you bother me I will happily cause you bodily harm." Just as Yami did, this one looked around, searching for someone. I glanced back at Ryou's seat, figuring that he was the one that Bakura was searching for. His eyes were wide with terror and I could see him shaking in his seat. Bakura gave him a sadistic smile and another person stepped forward.

"What pathetic looking children aren't they," he mumbled under his breath and earned a small kick from a smaller look-a-like. "Whatever, my name is Marik." He glared around the room and the counterpart stepped forward and smiled warmly to the class.

"I am Malik Istar. I apologize for Marik's attitude. Please take care of us." Both Marik and Malik had platinum blonde hair that went just below their shoulders and pale violet eyes. Marik was bulky and Malik was much leaner, more boyish than the other. He also had calmer hair compared to Marik's, whose looked as though he had been electrocuted, sticking up in every direction.

"Well, Um," the teacher stuttered, trying to get over the fact that every single one of the new students had a mirror image of themselves in her class that seemed to not be related to each other. "Yami, let's have you sit next to Yugi. Bakura, sit in front of Ryou. Marik and Malik, sit in the two seats in the front."

The teacher, Yugi, Ryou, and several other students looked ready to faint. I couldn't blame them, though Yugi and Ryou were the only ones in the room that would have truly had good reason to. After all, they knew just how unusual it was for them to be in this Japanese classroom.

Yami, the five thousand year old Pharaoh that saved the world during his reign in Egypt had been freed from the millennium puzzle and his soul had been sent to the after life. Ryou and I had witnessed Yugi and the Pharaoh go through the ceremonial duel ourselves and were there when he said farewell to all of his friends.

Bakura had been sent to the shadow realm when the Pharaoh defeated Zork. The tomb robber had plagued Ryou and the others ever since he used the millennium ring to take over Ryou's body during Duelist Kingdom.

Marik had taken control of Malik's body and almost ruined my Battle City tournament and had already influenced him to do evil acts since he was little through the power of the millennium rod. He desired the power of the Pharaoh, trying to win the millennium puzzle and the Egyptian god cards to accomplish that goal.

Malik on the other hand was cast out of his own body. Because of Marik he even killed his own father when he was a child. His family had guarded the Pharaoh's tomb for all the millennia that he was sealed in the puzzle, waiting for the one destined to solve it and help him save the world again, A.K.A. Yugi. His sister had tried manipulating me to help her brother.

Why were these people here? How did they even get here? What was to happen now that they were there? All of these questions played out in my mind and I was going to get the answer to every single one of them. There was no way that I was going to continue to be left in the dark.

As he sat, I heard Yami say, "Hello, Aibou. I will explain everything later when the others are here too and we can have some privacy."

Yugi nodded and he looked at me as if to say, "You come too. I know that you desire answers also."

Knowing that I was going to get some answers, I turned and looked towards Ryou and Bakura. Ryou was still shaking and his eyes hadn't left him since he walked in the class. Bakura looked slightly worried, but it was so slight that I thought that I had imagined it.

"What's wrong Hikari?" he asked. "Are you afraid that I am going to take control of your body again?" Ryou nodded and Bakura looked very dissatisfied with that answer. "Stupid."

Not even wanting to now what was going on there, I looked towards Marik and Malik. They were walking together and Marik looked ready to kill someone.

"Behave Marik," Malik said. "Remember what happens if you step out of line. And what was with that weak little children thing earlier?"

"It was the truth. If you would please shut the hell up about that it would be greatly appreciated. You are getting exceedingly annoying." His annoyance was playing on his face, his anger a fire burning in his eyes.

I spent the rest of the time between then and lunch, trying to ignore them. That was completely impossible. The curiosity was burning in the back of my mind.

To tell the truth, it had been there ever since I was sent into ancient Egypt with them and could no longer deny that what they were talking about was real and that it wasn't all some magic trick. I had resented the idea that it had fascinated me, but I eventually beat down the urge to learn about it. Now that they were back, after a year I might add, I couldn't help but find my mind wandering to those many questions that I wanted answers to.

I assumed that their shadow magic still existed when I saw that each one of them had their millennium items still on them. Bakura and Yami had theirs around their necks and Marik kept his in a pocket in the inside of his school jacket.

The instant that I saw the millennium rod, it seemed to call out to me. I ignored this, knowing that Yugi and the others would claim that, since I, according to them, possessed it in a former life when I was the high priest serving the Pharaoh. Purely ridiculous.

At least, that's what I would have thought before. Now I was wondering if it still desired me as a master and I mentally kicked myself as it thought it. I had to admit that I was still in a little bit of denial.

I practically ran out of the classroom when the bell rang, signaling lunch. Immediately, I went to where I knew that Yugi and his friends always ate lunch.

It was in the shade of a cherry tree that resided in the back of the school. Thankfully it was well out of anyone else's view, so privacy would not be an issue.

I sat down just outside the group and waited for the ones that were missing to arrive.

Yami, Bakura, Marik, and Malik had already arrived and were sitting, also waiting. None of them had any lunch. I assumed that they weren't able to get anything from the cafeteria because they still weren't in the school's system.

"What the hell are you doing here you damn bastard?" an angry voice said from behind me. An annoyingly familiar voice that is.

I turned around and came face to face with Jonouchi Katsuya. He was Yugi's best friend and, for some unknown reason, preferred to be called "Jou". There was only a few inches height difference between us (obviously, I was taller.) and he was very lean, yet disproportionately strong. I was the only person that he ever really lost a fight to.

His head was covered with shaggy blonde hair and his eyes burned an unusually warm shade of honey. He always reminded me of a puppy. Both the way he constantly following his friends around and his appearance enhanced that persona. It was easy to imagine him with flapping ears and a tail. Especially when he ran to the lunch line.

"Is that any of your business?" I asked, scoffing at how oblivious he was. I wouldn't have been surprised if he mistook Yami for Yugi whenever it was that he would even notice that we weren't alone.

"Get lost!" he screamed indignantly.

"You first." Unlike him, I remained calm.

"Oh, hi Yug," he said when he finally glanced away from me for a second. I smirked as he proved me right.

Yami chuckled, leaving Jou with a confused look adorning his face.

"Wrong one you idiot." He glared at me and then looked at me as if I were stupid. What a fool.

"What…?" he stopped, his mouth falling open as he saw Yugi walking up to us with Ryou following behind.

"I think we left poor Jou in shock," Yami said as Jou stuttered something incomprehensible.

Then their other friend, Honda, showed up and had a reaction similar to Jou's. It took a few moments for them to calm down enough for the others to explain.

"Now that Jou and Honda have calmed down, I will explain what's going on." He glanced at everyone sitting with him and started the explanation. "Something is going to happen soon. I'm not sure what it is yet, but Anubis made a deal with me. I get to have a body of my own and I can stay here with you guys if I stop whatever it is that is coming."

"W-what about them," Ryou stuttered, pointing at Bakura and Marik. "W-why a-are they here? D-did he make d-deals with them too?"

"Yes. Their powers could be useful, not to mention that they would work their rears off to accomplish this mission. If they step out of line, they get a one way ticket to the shadow realm."

Bakura and Marik shuddered, probably thinking of the hell they went through in the shadow realm. I had never, personally been sent there, but, from what Ryou described of it, it was a terrible place that I wouldn't want to be trapped in.

"So, there's no chance that he's going to steal my body again, right," Ryou asked nervously, coming out of his hiding place behind Jou ever so slightly.

"I have a body of my own now, so where would the point be in that?" Bakura seemed to be becoming more irritated as the seconds passed. He got up and sat beside Ryou.

Jou, becoming uncomfortable, got up and, for some unfathomable reason, sat beside me. I gave him a glare that should have easily told him that I would happily rip his head off if he got so much as an inch closer to me.

"By the way, it seems that Bakura and I have no place to stay. Yugi, do you think that your grandfather would be kind enough to allow me stay with you?" Yugi smiled widely.

"I don't think that it would be a problem. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind."

"Now we have to find a place for Bakura to stay. Would any of you mind having him stay with you? That is, of course, if you could get permission." Again, Yami looked around, waiting for an answer.

After a moment, Ryou spoke up.

"He could stay with me. My father is always away, so there's plenty of room at my place."