Disclaimer: Don't own the Batman, nor am I making any profit

A/N: This is a sequel to "Why they Call it Falling" so, in order to understand exactly what any of this means, it's best to read that first.

Ellen looked out her window at the setting sun, the sat down on her bed and pulled Ethan's letter out from under her pillow where she kept it. She read it over again sighing heavily and wishing she didn't have to know how false the hope in those words actually was.

Ellen left her apartment and contacted Batman.

"Detective, is something wrong?" he asked

"I'm going to talk to Ethan again" she said "I just thought I'd talk to you first."

"Yin, we've tried that, it hasn't seemed to work." Batman sighed, understanding that she was hoping for something, anything, to bring the Ethan she cared about back.

"I have a new approach" she replied firmly, then headed for Arkham, she arrived and was allowed to speak to Clay Face.

"Ethan, I read your letter again… the flowers are gone, but my feelings aren't" she said

She left after a while, but her words stuck.

'Ellen, she… she still cares about me, even after what I did' Ethan thought 'maybe being Bennett has its rewards, her' he began to morph back to his human form 'Please wait just a little longer, Ellen'

Bruce gave a frustrated sigh as he looked over his test results again. There had to be something he was missing.

"Time to call in some backup" he thought aloud then looked up the name of a main that just might have the answers he sought Dr. Hank McCoy.

'Maybe he can find the cure for Ethan' Bruce thought then contacted Hank as Batman and requested a meeting.

Beast was more than willing to help Batman in his quest to help another in need.

Hank arrived at the Bat cave and they both went to work.

"Hank if you're wondering, the reason I called you is because I was hoping you could find something that I might have missed."

"And that, my friend was a good idea" Beast said, a smile evident on his features, "I have indeed discovered something that could be the key to giving this man his normal life back."

"Really" Batman asked slightly surprised

The days passed and Bruce made a crucial decision.

"Alfred, I've decided to let Ellen into the fold, after all she's done, she deserves to know, she trusted Batman with her secrets, now it's time for her to know who she really told those secrets." Bruce said

"Are you sure, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked

"As sure as I was about telling Ethan" Bruce replied

Bruce called Ellen and suggested that they met over coffee.

"I say we go for a game of one on one basketball"

"Didn't know you played," Bruce said in genuine surprise "east Gotham gym?"

"No, that place has some bad memories for me." She said "how about the park"


They went through the game, and Ellen won

"Now Ellen, about why I called you, there is a little secret I need to tell you

To be continued…