Playlist: The Cave (Mumford & Sons), Dog Days are Over (Florence + The Machine), Black Crow (Angus & Julia Stone), Marchin On (OneRepublic), and King and Lionheart (Of Monsters and Men).

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.

Henry David Thoreau

Seasons of a Lifetime

"Is he dead?"

"I think he died."

An energetic group of children gathered around an adult lying in the grass.

They hovered, but were too suspicious to get very close.

"Is he dead!?"

"He's sleeping."

"Shhh! He's sleeping."

"No…" Tentatively, they poked at him. "He's not sleeping."

They ushered the littlest girl to test and see how alive the man was.

She clambered onto his chest with no reaction.

"He's dead!"

The adult let out a snore and they all gasped. The little girl on his chest squeaked as she jumped off and ran into the arms of a bigger kid.

They watched his chest move up and down.

"He is asleep!"

A giggle rippled through the group and they watched him for a few seconds, unsure of what to do next.

A new boy approached, hands on his hips. "He's faking it."

They all met him with angry little faces, "Shhh!"

The boy cocked an eyebrow. He walked through the gathering and sighed loudly. "Stupid." He knelt down next to the man's face. "Watch," he commanded.

Their wide eyes were stuck on him like glue.

He reached with a cautious hand toward the man's face.

The kid swatted at the blond hair and his sharp eyes caught when the adult flinched.

The boy grinned.

He curled and uncurled his fingers excitedly, taking the meat of the man's cheeks in his hands and pinching them. He pulled, making a funny face with the putty skin. The children burst into laughter.

But the man didn't budge.

This guy was good.

The kid smirked at the challenge.

A strand of dark hair fell in the boy's face and he blew it away. The breeze brushed the man's nose and he twitched again.

This time everyone saw.

The boy was struck with a new idea. "He's ticklish."

The sleeping man grunted.

Just as their tiny hands dove in for the kill, the adult sat up, grabbing up the boy as his prisoner.

They burst into screams of joy and surprise.

"Naruto!" The boy struggled feebly. "Let me down!"

Naruto stood with the kid in his arms and the moment their eyes met, his smile grew twice as big. "No."

The other children tried to help to no avail. Then with a mad cackle, Naruto declared, "I've taken your comrade hostage! Catch me if you can!"

He leapt into the air, away from the kids, and ran across the park with the boy in his clutches, who kicked and hollered—embarrassed.

Naruto hid and when the little ones were out of sight, he stopped running.

He and his hostage glared at one another.

Then the boy let out an exasperated puff in Naruto's face and took hold of his cheeks again.

"You have wrinkles."

Naruto gasped, insulted. "No I don't."

"More than my daddy does." He hid his grin, knowing how much this stung. "My dad doesn't have any wrinkles."

"That just means he doesn't smile enough."

The kid shook his head. "Nuh uh."

"Uh huh! I got these from smiling all the time." He grinned, accentuating the lines around his mouth and eyes.

"My dad smiles."

"Not enough. I bet he's got one here." Naruto scrunched his eyebrows together so a line formed.

"Not true. He's got one right here." He released one of Naruto's cheeks to point to the corner of his own mouth where a smirk would form a small line.

Naruto had caught him. "So he does have one!"

"Just one, stupid." The boy smashed the man's face between his hands. "You look like a prune."

Naruto was about to retort, but the tiny voices had caught up to them.

"He's over here!"

"Found him!"

"We got you!"

The storm of little bodies gathered around Naruto. The tugged on him, trying to reach the hostage.

One of them looked back, calling someone, "Over here!"

"I'm coming!" A tender voice nudged the children on.

Naruto looked up to see a slender woman with long raven hair being tugged by tiny hands.

"He's got Shinsei!"

Hinata looked up at Naruto and her pale eyes softened. "Naruto."

Naruto grinned proudly. "You got me!"

"Are you causing trouble?"

"No, no. Not me."

The children chimed in unison, "Yes, he is!"

They tugged him down and freed Shinsei from his grip.

"Ugh, foiled again!" He groaned, crashing to the ground.

Gleeful in their victory, they ran off; roaring with excitement for what adventure awaited them.

Shinsei bent over Naruto.

Naruto snored again, making him jump.

Hinata laughed softly. "Come on, boys."

Naruto got up immediately at Hinata's request and they started walking together.

The boy was embarrassed when Hinata held his hand, but didn't let go.

"How is school, Shinsei?"

He mumbled, "It's okay…"

Naruto rubbed Shinsei's head. "He's first in his class."

He swatted Naruto away, blushing. "It's not like it's easy."

"I hope your dad's not working you too hard."

He corrected, still flushed. "I study on my own." Then he added, "I like studying…"

Naruto nudged him, "Got that from your mom, I suspect."

Shinsei tried to hide his ear to ear grin.

He perked up at someone in the distance and went running to the voice that greeted them.

"Sorry I took so long."

Shinsei leapt and Sasuke scooped him up.

Naruto watched Sasuke support his son with his one arm. Sasuke smirked, revealing his one wrinkle, and Shinsei buried himself in a hug around his dad's neck. Sasuke chuckled and sat him down again.

He spoke to Naruto, "Thanks for looking after him."

Naruto clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Anytime."

They said their goodbyes and Naruto watched the pair walk toward town.

Shinsei delicately held on to his father's fingers.

Sasuke's face might not show it to the untrained eye, but Naruto could see the peace and affection in his eyes. Unending, unyielding.

So many years had passed but Naruto could still remember the tormented, revenge driven darkness Sasuke once carried.

This man before him had been born out of that darkness; carved out by the pain and the joy along the way. Sasuke had been in a nightmarish life, fueled by hate for so long… there was a time Naruto never could have imagined such a future for his friend.

The children approached Hinata, asking about lunch-time. Naruto took her hand and they ambled together to the school grounds.

There, seated on the porch, were his teachers.

Iruka and Kakashi. There were children around them, waiting to be found by Iruka's kind gaze. Kakashi sat coolly to the side, watching—laughing at how the tables had turned. He was no longer the favorite of his students, though he still had his number of fans and followers. Naruto watched the two banter, resulting in roaring laughter from the kids.

The older ones—already well on their way to becoming young adults—came out from the building with lunch and were flocked by hungry mouths.

One of the older boys, already as tall as Kakashi, took a place beside the veteran. The admiration there was evident. One day, the boy wanted to become a man like Kakashi. A confident and revered leader, a teacher.

The orphans from war, the first dozen children he and Hinata had taken in, were older now. Their ambitions and dreams were just blossoming.

Time was moving.

This generation would never know hopelessness of war—the sense of obligation to fight and kill.

They would never grow accustomed to losing friends one by one to violent death.

Grief would not be shunned or viewed as weakness.

They could grow and die in a bright, open place.

The nightmares of the past would be silenced once and for all.

This waking world of peace was not theirs alone. It belonged to Naruto. It belonged to Sasuke.

It belonged to any who had suffered. It belonged to any who longed to put down their chains and burdens.

It belonged to Nagato. It belonged to Itachi.

It proved faith was better than any plan.

Naruto had finally, finally found his own answer.

As long as there is a person alive on this earth, people will continue to have faith in a better world and love for the one they're living in.

He watched these growing children with uneasiness. How would they find their way? How would the world they live in shape them? What if the trials they faced threatened to crush them? Would he be able to protect them? Was it his place to shelter them from hard times when they came?

Hinata squeezed his hand.

She wiped the corner of his eye and smiled. "It's going to be okay, Naruto."

Her back was straight, head held high. Visions of fire and death boiling inside of him were soothed by her gaze. Her voice filled him with strength.

He brushed the hair from her face. "As long as you're with me."

The bell above the door jingled when Shinsei entered.

The shop was overflowing with flowery fragrances. The skylights cast patterns across potted blooms.

At the counter, there was a woman propped up on her arm. She had long blond hair tied at the base of her neck and looped into a long bun. She was asleep.

In the corner of the shop there was a slender, pale man helping a customer.

"I'd pair the gerbera daisies with mimosa."

The older woman paired the soft yellow flowers with the daisies and nodded. "You're getting better at this, Sai."

"You're just picky."

The woman huffed at him and walked away, "You're manners are still lacking."

She tapped the bell at the counter and Ino snapped awake.

"Good afternoon!" She spotted the flowers in the woman's hands. "Oh! Did Sai pick those out?" She hollered across the shop, "You're getting better!"

Sai grumbled as he fiddled with a plant, "They're just flowers."

The seller put her hand on her hip and lifted a slender brow. "Says the one arranging them so artistically." She snickered when he started to pout.

"Alright, is that all for today?"

The customer took out her money and they exchanged polite goodbyes.

It was then that Ino spotted Sasuke.

"Good afternoon! I didn't see you there!"

Sai muttered, "If you didn't sleep so much on the job—"

Ino elbowed his rib in passing and trotted over to Sasuke.

"Where's Shin-chan?"

Shinsei snuck under the tables to avoid being seen.

Sasuke peered after him, but didn't give away his position to the eager blond.

Shinsei made his way to the counter. He was just tall enough to peer over the edge.

Sai spotted him and ducked down. They made their exchange at eye level.

"Have you come to buy some flowers too?"

Shinsei shook his head.

"I see. Just loitering, then."

Shinsei nodded, grinning.

Sai sighed and ruffled Shinsei's hair. "Make me a promise, Shinsei."

Shinsei quirked his head.

"Don't grow up to be like your father."

A pile of flowers landed between their faces and Sai shot up.

Shinse's nose was tickled by a bundle of small round amaranths in every shade, and budding peach colored everlastings. In his hand, Sasuke held onto the more delicate white chrysanthemums. The long thin pedals around the edges curled intricately beside his fingers.

Sai and Sasuke held eye contact as Ino walked around the counter.

"Come on, boys. No fighting."

Ino rang the flowers up and arranged the bubbling bouquet.

She winked at Sasuke. A gesture that had become almost a ritual between them. "Give Sakura my love."

As always, he rolled his eyes and avoided Sai's glare.

"I will." Sasuke took the bouquet from her and handed it to Shinsei.

"And come over for dinner again!" She rushed around the corner and half tackled Shinsei. "I don't see enough of my godson."

His face went red as she gave him a slobbery, exaggerated kiss.

"I know you loved the dango I made, Shin-chan!"

Sai griped, "It's the only thing you can make—"

Without missing a beat, Ino slammed her heel on his toes.

She bopped Shinsei's nose and giggled. "You'll come visit me, right?"

He blushed and looked at his feet. After a shy hesitation, he nodded and stuck out his pinky.

Delighted, she took his pinky with hers and kissed his forehead. "It's a promise, Shin-chan!"

Unable to bear any more, he escaped behind his father's legs and hid in the bouquet.

Sasuke chuckled. "Until next time, Ino." He gave a respectful nod to Sai.

Sai crossed his arms, but when Ino leaned into him he lightened up.

"See you around."

The bells chimed again as they left the shop.

It took them no time to reach the hospital.

As soon as Shinsei's feet hit the tile floors, he dashed.

Sasuke reached after him, but the boy was already gone around the corner.

He cradled the bouquet in his arms and panted lightly.

The maze of a hospital had been his playground from birth.

The nurses and doctors all knew him well. They called after him now, telling him not to run in the halls.

He skidded to a halt before a closed door.

Slowly he touched the handle. He hid the bouquet behind him and slid open the door.

There in the corner of the room was a pale woman.

The sunlight coming through the curtains made her skin glow.

Her hair, reaching well past her shoulders, was tied up laxly. Loose strands of white-pink cluttered around her neck. Her bangs fell around her face.

She propped up her head on the armrest of her well-loved desk chair. In her lap sat an open file. Her eyes were focused intensely on the papers. Feathery eyelashes dropped over her clear sea foam eyes.

Shinsei tiptoed to her side and whispered politely, "Mom."

Her wrists were thin.

To Shinsei the scars on her hand—the scars that covered her body—looked like smooth water. The ripples on them could have been caused by the touch of a petal.

He stood closer, "Mom?"

She blinked to attention and cracked a smile when she saw him.

"Hey, you." She moved the file.

He whipped out the flowers.

She lifted an inquiring brow, "What's the occasion?"

Shinsei peeked behind him, suddenly seeking the answer from his father, and realized Sasuke had yet to make an appearance. He looked back at Sakura, shrugged, and offered the flowers

She let out a happy sigh and took them.

"Thank you, sweetie."

She played with the chrysanthemums and she flushed at some memory. She curled a stray piece of hair behind her ear and sat the flowers down.

She patted her lap. "Come over here."

He padded to her side and she lifted him onto her legs. He scooted against her.

She stroked his fluffy hair. It was a very dark brown that could only be distinguished in the light.

She suddenly squeezed him.

She pretended to crush him with her body. "OH! I'm so tired! Can you be my pillow, Shinsei?"

He struggled, "No, NO!"

The little boy wailed and laughed uncontrollably as she spun the chair around, holding tightly onto him.

"Ooooh, but you're so squishy…" She rubbed her face against his.

She slowed to a stop, allowing him to escape.

She did her best impersonation of Ino, "Come here, Shin-chan! Come have some more dumplings!"

She leapt up and chased him around the office.

He cackled, "NO, NO!"

She dropped behind her desk and out of sight.

Shinsei stood in the middle of the room, ready for her to jump out at any moment.

He saw here wiggling her mad fingers from the side of the desk. Quickly he rolled the chair in front of him to serve as a shield.

Her fingers vanished. "It's okay, Shinsei…." In her scariest voice, she cooed. "Mommy's calmed down."

He shook his head fervently. "I am not going over there."

Then there was silence.

He waited.

Seconds passed and he curiously rolled the chair closer to the desk.

As soon as he poked his head around the corner, it was over.

She wrapped him in her tickle attack. This time, he managed to fight back. His little hands found her stomach and Sakura's maniacal laugh transformed into giggles.

Their battle died down until they were locked in an intense staring contest—mother and son, hands at the ready to strike again.

His hazel eyes were shining with a hazel green much darker than hers. Near the center she could swear there were flecks of red. His scowl was so familiar that a laugh rose in her throat. Her lip twitched as she blinked and the boy broke into a grin.

"I win!" He hollered triumphantly.

She let out an exasperated moan. "You've defeated me!"

He shot up and hugged her.

She hugged back and plopped down into the chair with him.

From the door, Sasuke made them jump. "Ready to go home?"

Both turned cherry red.

Shinsei scrambled off his mom's lap. Sakura stood, taking the flowers from the desk.

They both meekly walked toward the door and past Sasuke.

Sasuke caught Sakura around the waist before she could get through.

She looked up at him, her ears burning. She clutched the flowers closely to her chest.

"Do I get a birthday kiss?"

She hid in the chrysanthemums, "It's not your birthday yet."

After a moment, she briskly kissed him on the cheek and escaped to Shinsei's side. He reached for the flowers and she gave them. Sasuke took her free hand and the three of them walked out of the hospital together.

The sky was shifting to a glinting topaz as afternoon blended into evening.

The golden light revealed how tan Shinsei was. He was a sun baby. Born in the summer, born to warmth. A junebug. He pranced along beside them, examining the blooms, careful not to crush them. He was born in a time where things could be cherished. Friends and love didn't have to be kept a secret. He was raised by strong people who had grown through strife and trials that tested them beyond anything he could imagine. He was raised on stories of perseverance against all odds. He learned from them how strength could be silent. How hope could be found in any form.

How love could survive anything.

The cobble stone road led them toward the edge of the village.

They scaled a small hill and came upon a simple house sitting in the shelter of trees.

Shinsei scurried ahead of them and hopped onto the wooden deck. His feet echoed as he ran inside.

Sakura hooked her arm in Sasuke's and they stalled in the front yard.

She leaned into him and muttered hesitantly, "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Sasuke pressed his lips against the top of her head and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Are you afraid it will end?"

Her heart thudded like a drum as she nodded against him.

"So am I."

His voice, the uneasiness there he hid deep inside, sent a wave of comfort through her.

She wasn't alone.

Gingerly, he took her hand again.

She felt her uneven skin against his. The calluses on his palm had worn away.

There was no weapon on his side. There were no open wounds.

Only the scars remained.

They started walking again on the dirt path. It was just wide enough for two.

She let her hand drag along the tall grass and wild flowers.

After twelve long years, skin that was once been reddened and raw had turned to a milky peach. Her muscles had grown back. Her limbs were full and strong.

The scars flowed across her with distinction. They had become a mark of pride.

Life could not be remade.

Her hand would never return to what it was.

After all, there was nothing to return to. There was nothing to remake.

This was her hand. This was her body.

A body that had survived.

She had been broken and burned to the very edge of life. Bones to ash and back again, she healed moment to moment. Every breath was a triumph and a precious gift.

This was her life, made moment to moment.

Every inch of her was proof that the illusions were over.

Scars were a sign that they had not failed—the world would not be reborn into darkness. Scars could stitch the wounded together. Unite and change and give what was needed. Scars taught the world to keep going, live harder.

The answers Sakura searched for—then and now—would always exist in the spaces between the bonds she shared. When she was lost, when pain and blood stripped her of hope, they would call her back.

Sasuke and Naruto were her anchors.

Together they had journeyed through the unknown and into something more. They had risen—evolved—from every path that had been set before them.

She had no doubt that more struggles would come and go at their own pace. Fly or fall, all Sakura could do was be ready to jump.

Suffering would always be a part of life. Forming bonds that would tether her to reality.

Sasuke embraced her before they entered their home.

Sakura listened to his chest rise and fall, letting it calm her.

"Our happiness has just begun." Sasuke's voice was quiet, but clear. "We have the rest of our lives to shape it."

She could hear Shinsei's feet creaking on the wood inside the house. This was the life they had created. This was the home—the family they had built. All the people that had touched their lives would never be forgotten. Those legacies would be passed on.

One day, Sasuke and Sakura's story would be told.

Their legacy would in turn shape those to follow. Life was a cycle, born again and again from within. As long as people inhabit the world, it would be never-ending.

Sasuke's cool hand moved through Sakura's hair and she wrapped her arms around him.

Their love, their future was just beginning to unfold.

With a blissfully contented smile, she kissed him.

They would have all the seasons of their lives to make their world.


Eien no Kessoku: Gouka

Thank you so much for reading this fic! It wouldn't have been possible without your support. I literally grew up writing this story. I'm sad and proud to see it come to a close!

Thank you and goodbye,
