Author's Note: All I can really say is Eek! I'm quite nervous writing this, as it's my first fanfic. This is going to be a Kevin/Ben fic with a little bit of a one sided Kevin/Gwen relationship. Rated M for... future relations and language. Also I do not own Ben10 or the characters.

I have a tendency to jump from person to person. Every time you see that funky breaker I've changed people. Also I have written the characters thoughts in a crazy 3rd person way.

Time Alone...

Chapter One

Ben woke abruptly, his brown hair scrawling out over his pillow as he rolled over to escape the rays of light that blinded him, as Kevin climbed into his bedroom through the half open window.

"Your not up yet Tennyson?" Kevin asked miserably as Ben rolled over again. "She's leaving in an hour..."

Ben rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Gwen was leaving today. She graduated from school and decided she'd had enough of fighting aliens with Ben and Kevin.

"Figured you'd be up n ready to see her gone."

"I couldn't care less if she left earth. Kevin. It's not like she matters to me..." Ben grumbled as he sat up and scowled at the floor. He didn't mean a word of it really, he was just angry at her for telling him she was packing up to just leave him and Kevin alone, the night before her departure date. That wasn't the only reason he was so pissed off at her, she was pretty much the only thing holding the three friends together, when she left Kevin would probably just up and go too. Then who would he have? Julie? She left him when school ended. He'd be alone, and he hated the thought of missing them, especially Kevin.

Ben leant forward and grabbed a pair of jeans off of the floor. He pulled them on fast. He felt odd sitting there in front of Kevin in just his boxers.

"Lets get this stupid thing over with."


Kevin smirked as he spotted the cerulean rental car parked out front of Gwen's house, she was there shoving her bags into the boot. There was some girl standing with her, probably the reason for Gwen's sudden field trip around the country. She didn't tell him how long she'd be away, but from the way she told him, he figured it would be for quite awhile.

She swished her crimson hair over her shoulder. "It's going to be amazing Kevin, I've often just wanted some time to be a normal girl, and this is my chance!"

Great. Just perfect. Time to be normal. He never had time to be normal, he was never normal, why is she so keen on being normal? There's nothing that great about it.

He walked towards her slowly, dragging his feet along the bitumen as he sulked over to the car. Ben was a few paces in front, it didn't take him all to long to get dressed, he didn't seem to really care about what he threw on so most of what he wore was covered in dirt or filth. Kevin noticed how he just grabbed the clothes from the floor as if he was too upset to care about his appearance.

He was just as cut up about her leaving as Ben was, possibly more so. They were all he really had, and she was the closest thing he had to a serious relationship, though lately he didn't feel the same connection with her as they had when he first joined up with the alien fighting cousins. Lately... things were weird...

Kevin ran his hand through his charcoal black mane. Just the thought of everything made him irritated. This was definitely going to be an awkward goodbye.

Ben dropped himself down on the grass beside the driveway, a look of deep hurt plastered all over his face. Kevin wanted so much for him to jump up and joke around with Gwen before she left, it might have made things so much easier for them all. Instead he just sat there looking gloomy.


Gwen was the only one smiling out of the three; she wanted to just be out of there and in the car enjoying her time away from the boys. Just a few weeks away from them might clear up her head a little, she'd never be able to tell them herself but she was starting to feel as though her beloved Kevin was starting to care more about Ben then he did about her. She hoped it to be just some crazy kind of jealousy, and that's why she needed this trip away so badly. They wouldn't have any reason for being around each other if it weren't for her so when she got back she'd know that Kevin was really hers and that she was just being immature. Why would Kevin want Ben more then her anyway? All the stress from saving the world must be really getting to her.

"Guys, I'm ready to go now! Better hurry up and say goodbye or the traffic might get us." Gwen blurted excitedly at the gloomy looking boys as she ran up to Kevin and kissed him goodbye. It was a small kiss, a teasing kiss, to try to make Kevin miss her more, to make him unable to stop thinking about her while she was away.


Kevin really didn't care too much about kissing her goodbye; he was thinking about how quiet it was going to be without the Tennyson boy to liven things up. He was going to need one hell of an excuse to see him at all. He wasn't about to tell Ben that he really had no one else to be with while Gwen was away, and for all he knew Ben would be brightening up someone else's day with his presence. Why did he care where Ben was anyway? He turned it over in his head a few times until he gave up and decided that it must be because Ben reminded him of how Gwen and his relationship started. That must be it. He's just missing the connection they once had so much that he's turned to Ben.

He wrapped his large arms around her tiny shoulders and ran his fingers through her crimson locks. He whispered in her ear a little goodbye, all the while looking over her shoulder at the small brunet who was busy throwing small rocks across the driveway.

He wondered why Ben was so depressed about Gwen leaving anyway, probably just angry that she sprung it on him so suddenly. She did it to both of them, just shot it up in the middle of a conversation about aliens.


This was a brilliant idea; Gwen pondered her excellent plan over again in her mind, as she climbed into the passenger seat of the rental car. Leave for a few weeks, show Kevin how much he really needs her around, make him miss her so much and then she'd come running on back into his arms. It was perfect.

Ben refused to say goodbye to her, though just knowing he was there to see her off was all that she really needed. He'd miss her too, it was so obvious with the way he was acting he really would miss having her around to fight aliens with, and Kevin. The way he was sulking it was tearing her heart apart she didn't want to leave him but she knew she had to, for the sake of their relationship.

Gwen smiled sweetly and waved at them both as her friend reversed the little blue car out of the driveway. She watched, as Kevin slowly lifted his head and looked down at the depressed brunet, in the rear view mirror as they sped down the street and away for what would seem like an eternity.


End of Chapter One.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this story.

Thank you,
