Hello my lovely people, I'm here with a new fic, it's been floating around in my head for absolutely ages and know I've finally got the motivation to post it! I'd love for you to review with your opinions! Its not the usual thing i write, which is love triangles but hey theres a first for everything

Plus check out my other fics 'inevitable?' which is now completely, with nearly 500 reviews, trust me that shocked me. And the newly posted sequel 'Too Good to be true?'

If you want me to check out any of your fics, just leave me a review and i'll have a read at them, i love supporting other writers, so i will also be having chapter dedications throughout the fic.

Full summary:

They hated one another, have done since they were in 2nd grade, but what seemed harmless name calling escalates into a violent outburst leaving Mitchie in a heap on the floor. Can the hatred be put aside when she wakes up, not rembering or knowing a bloody thing about her life? The guilt gets too much as Shane makes it his personal mission to piece the last 17 years off her life together for her. Will the hate still be there? Will love bloom, but most importantly will she remember?


Hate's a strong word.

A word not to be said lightly.

A word to be said in only the most serious of cases, for instance; I hate broccoli, I hate poverty, I hate racism....I hate Mitchie Torres.

Surely I can only dislike her greatly? There's no way I can share such a vile feeling towards a human being?

Yes I can, I hate her.

Ever since 2nd grade, we've made it our main priority in life to make the other person's life as uncomfortable and awkward as possible, and why? Because she pulled down my underwear in front of the whole class, after I had...had an accident. She just stood there with a goofy smile spread across her six year old face and laughed. And even to this day the odd 'pee pee pants' is called in my direction

Petty I know, but as time progressed, hating each other became second nature, every little detail about her made my skin literally crawl, my blood boil, my hands to ball into a fist. I would have forgiven her, i knew i would have, but she never apologised to me, she just kept taunting and taunting me, making it near enough impossible for me to act civil towards her.

I lock the driver's side of my new SUV, before briskly making my way into school, pushing past the numerous groups of people, in no mood to be polite. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a bully, I didn't find it entertaining making the lives of others miserable, I was a friendly guy, I had my friends. I just had an enemy as well.

Ah, Speak of the Devil.

I look towards the end of the corridor, littered floor to ceiling with lockers, noticing that same petite, brown haired girl slumped against a locker grinning smugly at me.

I lift my chin up, taking a deep breath, rise above it Shane, push aside the urge to punch that pretty face of hers.

"Morning pee pee" she chimed, waving at me pathetically with her left hand.

I stopped dead in my tracks, facing her, my face plastered with a bored look , not wanting to give her the satisfaction that her words still hurt me.

"Oh Mitchie, you really need to get some new material, it's getting a little old, say 11 years."

"It's still funny. I mean every time I say it, it makes me want to piss myself" She paused "Oh wait, that's your job"

She looked triumphant as I narrowed my eyes at her, who the hell does she think she is?! It's universally known that Mitchie Torres is one of the nicest girls in school, whiter than white, top grades and wouldn't even hurt a fly.

What a load of fucking bull.

No one believed me when I explained our...interesting relationship...I was even called delusional. Me? Delusional? I think they're the delusional ones.

I inhaled a sharp breath, before pushing past her lightly, continuing my journey towards homeroom.

Ha, she lost.

Shane 1 Mitchie 0.


School is a bore, who ever invented it, should be shot. When in my adult life will I need to know the formula to correctly work out some geometry...never that's when. I stuffed my algebra book into my bag, seriously unimpressed at how slowly the day seemed to be going. Yet I suppose it was only to be expected, after all it is the last day before summer.

That's right, no school for 7 long weeks, that means 49 days without having to see her face.


I made my way to my locker, exchanging my books over and checking my phone for any recent messages from Nate or Jason- my two closest friends and also band mates, if you could call jamming in your basment being part of a band that is.

"OI GREY" my head jolted to attention from my locker as I heard my name being called, I turned around sharply to be faced with 4 of the schools most well known jocks


"We've heard that you've been making Mitchie Torres' life a misery" one of the guys edged closer to me, his hot and admittedly rancid breath, hitting my skin

"Yeah shes freakin hot" another one exclaimed in the background

"What?"i replied, genuinely confused, but then the realisatuion hit me, like a tonne of bricks.

Oh great, she's gone and fucking played the victim card.

He narrowed his eyes at me "If we ever hear that you've so much as talked to her, we'll make sure you can't walk for a very long time, got it?"

I nodded, not wanting to get into an argument which I knew I wouldn't win. The jocks weren't to be messed with, sure they had the combined intelligence of an ant, but they had the strength of about twenty body builders, and I'd like to stay in one piece, thanks

"Good, glad we got that sorted out, let's go guys"

They backed off leaving me standing in the middle of a crowded corridor, numerous people whispering and gossiping about the scene they had just witnessed, muttering several incoherent curses under their breath.

Fourth period went painstakingly slow as I sat through an agonisingly painful hour of British History, the topic of my apparently bullying still hot on the lips of several pupils. Just great. I was a bully. And not just that. I bully girls. Now that takes a special kind of man.

I marched up to her lunch table, fire burning in my eyes, saying that I was pissed off, was a complete understatement.

I grabbed her arm, pulling her from her chair with a confused and shocked expression on her face

"What the hell are you doing Shane?" she put on her best 'fake' voice, not wanting her friends to know just how conniving she actually was

"We need to talk, now." My tone was blunt as I continued to pull her away from her lunch and down the corridor

"Where the hell are you taking me?"

"Somewhere where we can talk." I stated the obvious before, taking her up a flight of stairs leading on to the unsheltered gardens on the first floor.

"What the fuck is your problem Mitchie? I mean honestly why the fuck did you go crying to some bunch of jocks saying that I bully you?" my voice was raised, yet still out of ear shot from anyone besides us.

She scoffed "Oh give it a rest Shane, you sound like a baby"

I edged nearer her, causing her to retreat her steps slightly "Why do it? Why do you hate me so fucking much that you want to see me being beaten to a pulp. Do you really hate me that much?"

I waited for an answer yet nothing.

"What's that now Mitchie? Cat got your tongue? I'm gunna tell you something Torres, and you're not going to like it." I inhaled deeply "You're a bitch. You go around acting like you're miss perfect, playing the victim when it suits you, but behind closed doors you hold this personal vendetta over me for no godforsaken reason. If anything it should be me hating you after humiliating me, but you must get some kick out of annoying the shit out of me. You're two faced, and if you're not careful you're going to end up alone with absolutely no one because of no one's fault but your own."

I finished my speech as I caught my breath. Her expression softened, much to my surprise, before intensifying again, she grabbed me by the collar, taking one step back, her distance from the top stair, getting smaller

"Do you really mean that?" she said quietly, her tone vulnerable, something which I've never heard from her before.

I nodded boldly before, she let are left arm leave her collar, raising it into the air, hitting me flat out in the cheek.

Shit that hurt.

I automatically jolted back, pushing her away from me, my hands flying to my face as she struggled to keep balance. She let out a small squeal, causing my eyes to dart up to her.

The next few seconds seemed to play out in slow motion, as her petite figure fell backwards, arching further back, before her feet losing contact with the ground all together.

I lunged forward, trying to grab her arm in the desperate attempt to stop her from falling, but it was too late. I was forced to endure the longest 10 seconds of my life, watching her helplessly fall down stair after stair before her head came into contact with the cold marble floor with a loud thud.

My heart rate became erratic, as the urge to vomit overwhelmed me. I took three cautious steps forward, now peering down the stair case, seeing her lying in a tangled heap, eyes closed, still.

Oh my fucking god.

What have I done?

So there you go , that's the first chapter, please tell me what you think, haaa! What will happen when she wakes up, will she wake up? Does Shane even feel sorry for what he has done?

You'll have to review to find out, I'd love 8 reviews before I assess whether or not I'm going to continue this
