A/N: Hello my lovely readers, I'm terribly sorry for the late update. School just started, and you know that original story that I was working on? Well, it has been PUBLISHED (link on my profile), but it's here and I hope you all enjoy the epilogue of my story.

The Moments That Define Us


I've seen him once tonight, only once, and I'll never forgive myself if he dies, because I didn't say a word. We didn't even exchange a glance. I watched Oliver from across the Room of Requirement. As I chatted with Alicia and Angelina about the fight that was about to take place, he spoke with some aurors, and if he turned my way, I averted my eyes immediately, cringing as I imagined speaking to him again.

All I can remember is him and that blond Hufflepuff, chatting as he left me for the first time, him leaving me without a single glance back. He had no regrets.

How I cried myself to sleep the following nights, unable to forget the pain in his eyes as we said goodbye, and knowing that I was the reason for it.

Now, I'm fighting for my life against the cruelest wizards you could imagine, and those events seem so inconsequential. My wounds had healed long ago, and I had moved on, but it only took being in the same room with him for them to open again. I stun a death eater as I imagine him fighting on the grounds, him being pierced with the killing curse, and falling to the ground, dead. But, I can't focus on that now, I have to dodge the killing curse that is flying towards my chest, and send back a spell of my own, to save my life.

I can't worry about him now, but I can't help it.

He could be dead.

The thought floods my mind with fear, and I feel a rush of adrenaline course through my veins.

I shout a final "Stupefy" and leave the death eater that I'm dueling on the ground and immobile. I shudder as I recognize him as a Slytherin just a couple of years older than me, and I run down the corridor to help Angelina battle another one of You-Know-Who's supporters.

Together we manage to send this death eater flying across the hall, and knock his head against the stone wall, he crumples to the ground, unconscious, and Angelina and I rush towards the stairs that lead to the Entrance Hall, where the largest battle is raging.

"Where's Alicia?" I breathe as we sprint by the history of magic classroom.

"Helping professor Sprout with the Mandrakes, she- PROTEGO," Angelina answers, but is cut off when Marcus Flint steps in our way. He sneers at us, and sends my blood boiling.

"Where your little Captain now?" He taunts, remembering our quidditch rivalry from so long ago.

I duck to avoid his killing curse and reply, "fighting for the good side."

"Well, you mustn't have seen his body then," Flint remarks with a slash of his wand.

Angelina lets out a scream as a gash appears in her left arm, bleeding fiercely.

I almost don't notice, because a cold fear has taken a hold of me, I can barely muster up the stunning charm to hold Flint off before the cold voice of You-Know-Who penetrates the walls of the castle again.

His words are gibberish to me. All I can think about is Oliver and how he could be dead right now. Flint said that he was dead, not that I believe Flint, it's just that he could be dead.

I never even said goodbye.


I help Angelina get to the infirmary as soon as the death eaters retreat. She's in a lot of pain, and losing blood quickly. Mme. Pomfrey ushers her over to a bed immediately fussing over her. I stay with Angelina until she's healed, and then we part. She's searching for Fred, and I'm after Oliver, whether he be dead or alive. Of course, he needs to be alive, because I must tell him how I feel, just in case something happens. I can't live without him knowing.

I still love him, I never forgot about him, and I will never truly get over him. I've grown up, and met other people, but it's never been the same, and I need him more now then I ever have in my life. I've realized all this just now, and it may be too late.

There are bodies on the ground, a couple dozen dead wizards and witches. I gasp as I see my old DADA teacher, professor Lupin, among them. If a wizard as skilled as him could be killed, anybody could be, Oliver included. My eyes scan desperately over every body, and I almost miss the crowd of redheads, sobbing quietly into each others robes. My heart stops for a moment, and I feel the urge to go over to them, to find out which Weasley has been hit, but a glimpse of messy brown hair and the sound of a deep scottish brogue stops me in my tracks.

I turn around and see Oliver walking in carrying the body of a young blond boy, he looks no older than 16, and must have snuck in without his head of house knowing. I keep my eyes on Oliver as he places the boy tenderly down among the other diseased fighters, and finally he looks up, scanning the Great Hall with dark eyes. He has bruises and cuts all over his body, and his denims are covered in dry blood. From the multiple that cover his body, I can only deduce that he has clumsily healed himself, saving the infirmary for people who are more seriously injured.

Finally our eyes meet, and I feel a warm rush flood over me. He smiles at me, and I find myself running towards him with all my might, to make sure that he's really there, that he's not my imagination.

My arms wrap tightly around his neck as soon as I reach him, and I bury my head in his shoulder. I don't know whether to cry or laugh, because he's alive, and he's holding me in his arms once more. I feel so safe, despite the fact that we are in the middle of one of the biggest wizarding wars of all time.

"I've missed you so much," I tell him sincerely, never withdrawing from our embrace.

"I've missed you more," he answers, his voice as tender as I remember it.

"The last time I saw you I was fifteen," I note.

"The last time I saw you you were seventeen," he replies. This time I pull back, and study his eyes carefully.

"I visited you at St. Mungo's after you were cursed by the necklace," he elaborates.

"Your name was never in the guestbook," I retort, confused.

"Well, I figured you might still be angry with me for not keeping in contact, so I didn't sign," he replies.

"Oh," I struggle for something else to say, but my heart is alight, he visited me when I was ill. He may still have feelings for me.

"It's Fred," he suddenly says, and I'm puzzled for a moment before it dawns on me.

"I...but, he-" I stutter, unable to form a sentence.

Oliver just pulls me into another hug, his warm arms wrapping around my own.

This time I feel tears spilling from my eyes, and soaking into his ripped shirt. The danger of this battle is finally sinking, and I have this terrible feeling that I have one hour left where Oliver and I will be together.

"Thank you," I finally say.

"For what?" he murmurs, placing a kiss atop my head.

"For still caring, even when I was terrible to you."

"I've always cared, you know that."

"I've always cared too."

I finally gather the courage to look him straight into the eye, and I see a light in there that I've missed for so many years.

"I know."

Then, he leans down slightly, his eyes tentatively asking me thousands of questions each time he blinks, and finally his eyes flutter closed, and I close the gap. Our lips press against each other for a couple seconds, and I savour the moist warmth and comfort of being held by him again. I feel more safe than I have since that fateful june day, and when we pull apart, the light in his eyes has exploded into a burning fire.

"What's going to happen?" I ask, tentatively.

"We're going to fight 'till the death, being the true Gryffindor's that we are."


"We'll survive, I'm sure of it."

And I want to believe him, I want to so so much. I want to believe Oliver Wood now, more than I have in my entire life, more than when he first confessed that he loved me. Still, I can't help but question.

"What if we don't?"

He sighs, and a sad look overcomes his face. "Then, we'll die fighting for what we believe in, and Katie?"


"I don't know about you, but if I die tonight, I don't want to leave without telling you something that I've wanted to tell you since you were fifteen."

"and?" Hope engulfs this small word, because I'm almost positive that he feels the same as me.

"It was right for us to split up, but it was wrong to end our friendship. I still love you, and when we survive the war... I think we'll be ready again," he articulates slowly.

"I was ready the moment you left." I rush, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and hugging myself to him as tightly as possible.

Finally I whisper, "I love you too."

As soon as I mutter those crucial words, the loud and terrifying voice of You-Know-Who invades the castle again. But, there's a difference. This time, I'm in Oliver's arms.

I feel safe, I am loved, and most of all, I have hope.


This is my first finished multi-chapter fic, and I must say that I'm quite proud of it.

I'm still on the works for my second series of shorts, about James and Lily, but finishing this quick 8 chapters story has given me hope and proof that I'm slightly capable.

Anyways the last line was inspired by this excellent lyric from an Owl City song called "Tidal Wave". It goes like this, "I don't need a telescope to see that there's hope, and that makes me feel brave"

Like the last chapter this was bitter sweet, but I like it like this. I'm pretty sure that both Katie and Oliver survive the war, but I see this happening between them as they face this huge force, that at times, seems unbeatable.

Love inspires hope. For them at least. =)

PLEASE REVIEW to tell me what you think, even if you haven't reviewed for the other chapters, I'd love to hear your overall impression of my story. There are 20 people who have this story alerted, and I don't think I've heard the opinion of half of them! I REALLY want to know what you guys think, just take two seconds to tell me please.

